I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 102 You will no longer have a future

"I," Nagamasa Kusaka stared at Nobuhide Kusaka for a second, and had a bad feeling in his heart, and hurriedly explained.

"Third uncle, listen to me, this fox must be Higashino Yu's magic, you were deceived by him-"

"Is it a messenger of God? Do you know better than me?"

Nobuhide Kusaka stared at this distant nephew and warned with a cold face.

"Tell me the truth about your mistakes, and I can help you see if there is any room for change. If you are stubborn, then I can't do anything."

To put it bluntly, the two families have been separated for more than a hundred years. Although they have always had exchanges, they are only ceremonial exchanges during festivals and holidays to maintain the relationship.

When encountering such a matter of being punished by the gods, if it is just a minor fault, then I will help to explain it, which is considered to be the face of the friendship of more than a hundred years.

If it is a serious blasphemy, let alone Nagamasa Kusaka is only the fourth son of the family, even if the head of their family comes, it will be useless.

Nobuhide Kusaka thought he didn't have the guts to save people in front of the gods.

And to be honest, the gods sent messengers to arrest and question people. Not to mention Nobuhide Kusaka, even his father had rarely seen one.

The gods haven't directly punished people like this for many years. Even if they want to punish people, they just curse mortals to be plagued by bad luck.

The most typical example is probably Akechi Mitsuhide, who burned down the temple and then had bad luck all the way to death.

Kusaka Nagamasa sweated on his forehead. Damn it, why don't you believe me? !

Now Nobuhide Kusaka was frightened by Higashino Yu. He had a hunch that if he didn't confess in the next sentence, Nobuhide Kusaka would probably hand him over on the spot.

What to do?

If he ran away immediately, it would be confirmed that he had offended the gods. This was the stupidest thing to do. This branch of the Kusaka family would not help him.

But if he told the truth, based on what he had done, they would most likely hand him over to Higashino Yu who pretended to be a god.

Kusaka Nagamasa was extremely anxious and cursed in his heart, saying that these demon hunters, who claimed to be smart, were blind and could be deceived by a high school student.

But now only they can help him. If he can't persuade these distant relatives, he will die.

Kusaka Nagamasa realized that he had come to a life-and-death situation. He was silent for a while and said.

"I didn't blaspheme the gods or offend the gods. I just asked the child of the priest of Inari Shrine to stay with me for a few days. She has a good relationship with Higashino Yu."

"I didn't want to hurt her. I just asked her to talk to that Higashino Yu so that he couldn't retaliate against me. Uncle San, I just want to protect myself."

His expression was serious and his tone was sincere, but even Kusaka Maki couldn't be fooled by such words.

So she avoided Kusaka Nagamasa's hopeful eyes and secretly looked at the fox god in the sky.

The fox god's chariot was really big, with auspicious clouds protecting him, auspicious light shining everywhere, and even a crown. A god with such a grand ceremony would not be an ordinary mountain god.

A fox? Could it be the Inari god? Or a fox Inari god.

Kusaka Maki guessed in her heart that there were several Inari gods in the island country, all of whom were great gods, so it was indeed not easy to guess.

Other people in the courtyard, Kusaka Maki's uncles and uncles, etc., shook their heads secretly after listening to Kusaka Nagamasa's self-narration.

He who brings trouble upon himself will suffer.

They ignored this distant relative and turned their eyes to the fox god in the night sky.

However, no one was as bold as Kusaka Maki to look directly at the god, and they were satisfied with just glancing at him occasionally.

This opportunity to observe the gods up close with their own eyes is quite rare. It is said that practitioners with high comprehension may get some inspiration for their practice from the gods.

But quite a number of demon hunters have never seen a serious god in their lives, and it is already good to have a good relationship with one or two minor gods or gods' messengers.

Now it is extremely lucky for demon hunters to see the divine ceremony up close.

Everyone is going to go back and have two more glasses of wine, so that demon hunters can brag about it in the future.

How do you know that I saw the Inari god's ceremony with my own eyes?

As for the life and death of Kusaka Nagamasa?

Let alone the demon hunters themselves are used to life and death.

The key is who are you, Kusaka Nagamasa?

They are distant relatives of the fifth generation, and they are almost strangers. They suddenly come to visit because they have done something bad and want to seek refuge.

Now that the gods have come to their door to ask for punishment, they are afraid that their family will be implicated by this person.

Kusaka Nobuhide was stunned after hearing this, and his eyes fell on Kusaka Nagamasa and re-examined him.

He originally thought that Kusaka Nagamasa was polite, quick-witted, and had outstanding learning talent. After he was admitted to the University of Tokyo, he would be a rare talent and might achieve something in the future.

But he had no future.

He saw through what this kid was up to at a glance - what good goods could a merchant have if that branch of the Kusaka family did business?

It was just something that would eat at the same table with a son-in-law in ancient times.

If mortals wanted to deal with a demon hunter, they would either ask another demon hunter or start with the demon hunter's relatives and friends - of course, not all demon hunters are very powerful, and a considerable number of them actually only know some magic and have some magic power.

As a demon hunter, Kusaka Nobuhide hated this kind of despicable means even more.

"You can take care of yourself, I can't control this matter. Uncle, let everyone in the family go back to the house."

Kusaka Nagamasa panicked immediately after hearing this, pulling Kusaka Nobuhide's sleeve and begging in panic.

"Third uncle, third uncle, save me. He is really not a god. He is Dong Yeyu. I can hear his voice. I know I was wrong. Save-"

Kusaka Nobuhide impatiently rolled up his sleeves and turned around, raised his head and glanced at Higashino Yu, then bowed down and said, "God's envoy, this matter has nothing to do with our Kusaka family, please be aware of it."

"As for Kusaka Nagamasa, he is just a guest who came to visit my house. Since he has committed a serious crime, our Kusaka family will naturally not protect him. But we do not have the power to deal with him, so please ask the divine envoy to talk to him alone. ”

"Good." Dong Yeyu nodded slightly, his heavenly clothes were fluttering, his hair was flowing with golden light, his expression was majestic, and his whole body was filled with a pure and sacred aura, which really gave him a divine aura.

"Just step back. What happens next has nothing to do with you."

Kusaka Nobuhide bowed again, and everyone in the Kusaka family followed suit.

After getting up, Kusaka Nobuhide said to the shikigami who was kneeling on the ground: "Yin, go tell Lu and the others not to go near the courtyard and not to spy."

"As commanded."

After receiving the master's order, the shikigami stood up, but did not dare to look up. He bowed his head and walked backwards with small steps. He did not turn around and turned into a demonic cloud until he had retreated a certain distance and left.

After the Shikigami left, everyone in the Kusaka family also left the courtyard.

"Maki, is a god really coming?"

"What does it look like? Let me see!"

Young people of Kusaka Maki's generation heard about it and ran over from the other side of the house and got into the Japanese-style room near the courtyard. They wanted to peek through the cracks in the window, but Kusaka Nobuhide took him away.

He asked the shikigami to patrol back and forth on the long corridor near the courtyard to ensure that no one at home peeked at the scene of the god's interrogation.

Kusaka Nobuhide actually felt a little unbelievable in his heart. This was the first time he discovered that God would actually ask the guilty personally.

After all, it is not that no priests or priests' family members have been killed in recent years, for various reasons.

Murders, demon disasters, etc., but I have never heard of any god personally taking action to punish the perpetrators.

But now that the divine messenger has indeed arrived, Kusaka Nobuhide does not want to offend the gods for a distant relative with a low moral character, so even the doubts are suppressed in his heart.

As for whether this god will be held accountable by Gao Tianyuan for rashly interfering in the mortal world, that is a matter for other gods and has nothing to do with him.

After everyone in the Kusaka family left, the courtyard instantly became empty, leaving only Kusaka Nagamasa standing there alone.

He looked up at the fox god in the sky, swallowed, and said in a dry voice: "Dong Yeyu, I know it's you. You can fool Third Uncle and the others, but you can't fool me."

Higashino Yu just looked at him coldly, then Kusaka Nagamasa said quickly.

"Everything I said on the phone just now counts. As long as you let me go, money? Luxury houses? Luxury cars? I promise you everything. I will never see Sanae again tomorrow. I can drop out of school. I, ah! No!" "

Before he finished speaking, he noticed several blazing flames floating around Dong Yeyu. These flames cut through the void as if they were sentient, trailing the tail of the flames and making a strange roar as they crashed towards him.

Kusaka Nagamasa immediately ran away, but within a few steps he was hit in the back by a fire like a meteor.


In just an instant, orange-red, blazing fire enveloped Kusaka Nagamasa's body.

He could clearly feel that his skin and flesh were exploding in the blazing flames, the blood in his veins began to boil, and his eyeballs exploded in the high temperature.

Unable to control himself, he rolled all over the ground in the dry landscape courtyard made of sand and gravel in an attempt to extinguish the flames.

The unbearable pain made him unable to suppress his voice and let out the most degrading and embarrassing wailing since he was born.


After a while, his vocal cords were probably burned out, and he could only make strange sounds. As his struggling movements gradually slowed down, Kusaka Nagamasa, covered in flames, lay motionless on the ground.

Dong Yeyu was floating in the air, looking at him being burned to death. He slowly lowered his cloud head and approached him.

The soul of Kusaka Nagamasa stood up from the corpse and began to walk in a direction in confusion.

But after walking a few steps, he was suddenly awakened by Dong Yeyu's breath. He first looked at his translucent hands and his own body lying quietly burning on the ground.

Am I already dead?

Kusaka Nagamasa's expression was complicated, a little unwilling, but thinking of the pain before his death, he shuddered, and finally felt a little regretful.

I should have known better than to provoke him.

At this time, Kusaka Nagamasa spotted Higashinoyu grinning not far away, looking at those angry fox eyes with a look of astonishment.

Then, he thought of something, took a few steps back in fear, and murmured.

"What are you going to do? I'm already dead and you still won't let me go? I'm already dead!"

"For most people, death is the end, and all sins and grievances are wiped out at this moment. Throwing yourself into reincarnation, you may make the same mistakes again, or you may find a new path. Maybe you are lucky enough to be able to practice practice and recall the past. "

"In this way, death will not be so scary. Since there is a future of reincarnation, there is always hope."

Higashino Yu spoke softly, looked at Kusaka Nagamasa, and said seriously: "But you will no longer have such hope. I will kill you completely and deprive you of the chance to come back again. You will disappear completely, just like you never did. Never appeared."

Dong Yeyu originally wanted to ask him why he did this, but after thinking about it, he felt it was unnecessary.

This kind of people are born bad, selfish and arrogant. They may not regard ordinary people as the same as themselves.

They may think that they are a higher existence, so they can make decisions to deprive others of their lives without any psychological burden.

Kusaka Nagamasa is a smart man. Naturally, he can understand what Dong Yeyu means. For a moment, an unimaginable fear surged in his heart.

He stared blankly at Dong Yeyu, looking at the bright and sacred halo, the auspicious clouds and auspicious light around him. All this should have been reassuring, but at this moment, it seemed more frightening than the legendary god of death.

"No, no."

Kusaka Nagamasa shook his head and wanted to escape, but after a few steps, a gust of wind came from behind, and an irresistible force pressed down.

He was thrown to the ground, and looked back in horror, seeing a huge fox mouth full of sharp teeth. He wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move.

He wanted to say something, but his brain was blank, and he just wailed out of control. His sharp tongue and quick thinking in the past were all dissipated in the face of divine power and complete death.

Kusaka Nagamasa watched with his own eyes as the fox mouth full of sharp teeth tore his spirit into pieces, his soul dimmed, and even his screams became weak.

But when he found that he was only torn into pieces, but still alive, he was relieved again.

But then, the dark blue flames burning in the void made Kusaka Nagamasa, who was left with only a rag-like body, feel completely cold.

He didn't know what it was, but he felt fear all over his body and began to tremble. Kusaka Nagamasa saw his end from the jumping quiet flames.

He struggled to escape, and the dark blue flames floated silently.


The stars of the fire gradually extinguished along with the disappearing wailing. Seeing Kusaka Nagamasa's soul being burned to nothingness, Dong Ye Yu turned around and turned into light mist and left, followed by auspicious clouds.

Click, click.

Nobuhide Kusaka stepped into the courtyard in wooden clogs. He first looked at the auspicious clouds that were quickly moving away in the night sky, then looked down at the body of Nagamasa Kusaka that was burned to charcoal and the spirit that had dissipated, and sighed.

Even if Nagamasa Kusaka was just a distant relative with no relationship, and even a person of low character and not a good person, it was inevitable to feel a little sad when he saw him being burned to death.

This is real death, which can be called the cruelest punishment in the world - even if you atone for your sins in the underworld, you still have the opportunity to reincarnate.

After sighing, Nobuhide Kusaka felt a little unlucky again, and told his family to call the police - fire.

Let someone come to put out the fire and collect the body. Anyway, there is a surveillance camera at home. Although the gods cannot be photographed, it can be seen that Nagamasa Kusaka suddenly caught fire and burned himself to death.

At that time, I can call the police station to explain the situation.

As for why this god used fox fire to execute, and even burned Kusaka Nagamasa to death.

He didn't dare to say, he didn't dare to ask, what if he just had a weird temper?

It's over.

Dongye Yu turned into light mist and rushed in the clouds, listening to the whistling wind in his ears, looking up at the bright moon above the clouds, the silver-gray moonlight fell, making the quiet sea of ​​clouds in the distance seem real.

Shuttling through it, feeling the scene that only appears in dreams, Dongye Yu felt unprecedented joy in his heart, and there was a feeling of feeling the vastness of the world in an instant.

When watching Spider-Man in his previous life, Maguire said after revenge: "I wanted him to die, and I did it. My anger was released, but my sadness remained."

Fortunately, he sent Xiuji to protect Miko in advance, otherwise his mood now should be similar to Peter Parker.

I don't know how Miko is. Dongye Yu was worried about what impact this incident would have on her psychology, so he thought about going to the restaurant to find his body first, and then returning to the shrine.

Wait, how about practicing for a night first?

Dong Yeyu looked up at the hairpin above his head, and felt a little moved.

There is still one chapter to be posted in the evening. If I can write more, there may be two chapters in the evening (the other chapter will be regarded as paying off the debt.) I wrote too much on the day of the release, and I felt that I disrupted Iluwei's work and rest. Otherwise, I will update on a deadline in the future. The day I owe is 6,000 words. I will add a little every day to pay it back slowly. The typing speed is too slow, it's really bad.

Thank you brother Meng for the reward, subscription, monthly ticket and recommendation ticket (ω)

Please give me a monthly ticket, subscription, and recommendation ticket (╰╯)

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