I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 108 Five seconds? Five minutes!


As Xiuji said, he glanced at Dong Yeyu with his bird's eyes, spread his wings flatteringly and bowed down.

"The minister wants to use my master's smartphone to watch the missed episodes of the Legend of Famous Emperor."

He knew that Higashino Yu treasured this newly acquired mobile phone very much, so he didn't even dare to mention the idea of ​​watching other Dahe dramas. He only said that he wanted to watch the complete story of Gongfa Taikoden.

This drama started airing in early March, but it was at the end of March that Suiji met Higashino Yu.

In addition, he spent a few days moving and went to Kyoto every week for inspections, so he missed several episodes, which he often felt regretful about.

Watching a drama?

Dong Yeyu glanced at Xiuji, and the bird chuckled.

The data charges in the island country are rubbish and expensive compared to those in China, but some packages of some operators are still barely usable - unlike in China, there are many operators.

The mobile phone card sent by Miss Moon Witch was used to apply for a monthly unlimited data package from a large operator under the Asami Group.

Eight thousand yen a month is much more expensive than domestic monthly broadband.

I don’t know why Miss Moon Witch didn’t get a year-round free package when she applied for it with her operator, or asked someone to get a super discounted large-volume package.

Dong Yeyu thought for a moment and realized that Xiuji had worked hard this time, and he asked him what he wanted, looking generous.

If you are reluctant to give up even a piece of traffic, you will break your trust and lose your respect as the lord at the same time——

Thinking of this, he twitched his lips. Damn it, Lord, why do you feel like you have been led astray by Xiuji?

Dong Yeyu then agreed to Xiuji's request, but asked a question: "Can you use a mobile phone with your paws?"

When smartphones came out ten years ago, there was a trend of touch screen pens. If Xiuji caught up with it, he could still hold the touch screen pen in his beak to play with the phone.

But by then that design craze had faded.

Xiuji was stunned for a second, glanced at his sharp claws and beak, and was stunned, "Probably, okay."

After saying that, he stopped talking. Even if Dong Yeyu really gave him the phone, he probably wouldn't dare to scratch it with his paws.

I thought to myself, my lord finally has a smart phone. If it gets scratched, tomorrow’s dinner might be pigeon stewed with mushrooms.

"It's okay. If you don't practice well, you can't play with your phone now, right?"

Dong Yeyu took this opportunity to teach and urge him.

"I have wanted to equip you with a mobile phone for communication before, but your cultivation is not enough, your body is still limited to a bird, and it is difficult to control a leaf with your spiritual consciousness, so this idea has never been realized."

In fact, a considerable part of the reason was because there was no money at the time.

Is this happening?

Hearing this, Xiuji felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His black bird eyes widened and his beak opened slightly.

He was stunned for a while, with a sad look on his face, wailing at the top of his lungs, and reciting a waka he didn't know where he came from in a weird accent.

"When the flowers and leaves fall, the water flows eastward and never returns. It's too late to regret embroidering good luck!"

If I had practiced hard from the beginning, wouldn't I have been able to achieve mobile phone freedom long ago?

When Xiuji thought of this, he felt his heart bleed, and he admitted his mistake with a sad face: "Xiuji knows that I was wrong, and I will practice harder in the future!"

"It's just, what should I do now?" He was still thinking about the first few episodes of The Legend of Fame.

Dong Yeyu thought for a while, took out toilet paper and tape and started tinkering with it. Seeing this, Xiuji looked closer with hopeful eyes.

Toilet paper and tape were quickly made into a muzzle that fit the size of Ji Ji's beak - inspired by a sand sculpture video I saw online in my previous life.

It seems to be testing the screen sensitivity of fruit mobile phones.

It looks a little weird, but I don’t know what the principle is, but it works unexpectedly.

"Such a treasure!"

Xiuji watched in amazement as Higashino Yu tried out the paper muzzle on the phone screen, while flattering him with a smile on his face.

"My lord is really talented in uncanny craftsmanship. Not to mention Kong Ming, even Gongshu Ban would be ashamed of himself while he was still alive!"

This dead bird actually knows about the Prime Minister and Gongshu Ban?

Wait, who am I sending this to? Is it worthy of competing with Kong Ming and Gongshu Ban?

Praise for killing, right? !

Dong Yeyu twitched the corner of his mouth and was too lazy to pay attention to him. Then he remembered that he heard Yuzi say that she met a monster at school tonight and mentioned it.

"Xiuji, Miko said that she met a monster in school. Do you know about this?"

Xiuji was hurriedly trying to put on his muzzle when he heard the words and quickly bowed to answer.

"Replying to my lord, that is a four-hundred-year-old plum blossom tree that has grown into a spirit. It doesn't look bad. Every day after sending Miss Iori to school, the minister rests and waits on the branch of the plum blossom tree demon."

"Yesterday, he was the one who said that Miss Iori would be in danger and asked his ministers to report to the lord."

"Is that so? After you send Miko to school tomorrow, remember to thank him on my behalf and tell him that I will visit in the evening with gifts."

"Xiuji remembers it."

Dong Yeyu flipped through his benefactor's photo album and did see a photo of a plum blossom tree that appeared at some point.

However, the image is illusory and is probably only enough to repay the favor once.

After thinking for a moment, to be on the safe side, I decided to go to Yuzi School after school tomorrow and get to know the tree demon.

Thinking of this, Dong Yeyu sighed.

There are many benefactors in my benefactor album who can no longer find their place due to one reason or another. From now on, I can only repay the favor depending on fate.

It would be great if all the benefactors could be like this tree demon and stay still for hundreds of years.

Later, Dong Yeyu told Xiuji the screen lock password of his mobile phone, who had been thinking about it for a long time, and then gave a warning.

"There's not a lot of traffic, so use it sparingly."

Although this traffic is unlimited, there is a threshold - if it exceeds 7GB, the network speed will drop significantly.

If 7GB is used to watch dramas, it should be barely enough. I usually don’t watch those tiktak short videos from the island country.

There are far more brain-twisting videos on tiktak abroad than in China.

Moreover, many bosozokus, delinquents, and kid brothers and sisters like to post those kind of dirty dog ​​videos.

"Xiuji noted it down, thank you Lord for the reward!"

Xiuji was about to crawl on the ground. After thanking him in an old and serious voice, he put on his muzzle and ran to the side to tinker with his mobile phone enthusiastically.

The scene was quite strange for a while.

He turned on the silent mode, but the room was very quiet, except for the occasional sound of cars passing by on the Ayasezaka Highway not far outside the window.

In addition, Higashino Yu's hearing is really sensitive, and he could still hear the sound of his beak touching the screen at first.

Later, when the drama series started to play, he squatted there like a hen hatching eggs, looking at the screen blankly with a pair of bird eyes, muttering silently to himself.

Probably he is imitating the words and deeds of those Dahe operas again.

Dong Yeyu was anxious to learn the spell, so he just glanced at it and ignored it, and couldn't wait to sit on the bed.

Meditate and concentrate, and call up the panel of the gratitude system in your heart.

Receive gratitude rewards.

A roll of jade slips appeared in his hand. Its appearance was not much different from the previous Taoist scriptures, and it was tied with a brocade silk ribbon.

It certainly looks luxurious compared to ordinary people, but it is too simple for the world of immortality.

The evaluation is that there are no special effects.

But maybe Tianzun likes this kind of simplicity?

Dong Yeyu was just complaining, but he didn’t really dislike it.

Most people who have wandered are pragmatists. As long as they can learn spells, even a spell book made of tree bark is a top treasure.

His spiritual consciousness probed out, refining the green lotus mark on the jade slip, and the knowledge about slaying demons appeared in his mind like an enlightenment.

Dong Yeyu closed his eyes, spent his energy classifying the knowledge into categories, and then read and comprehended them one by one.

This realization occurred one night, when the moon was setting in the west and the stars were twinkling.

When it was almost dawn, Dong Yeyu opened his eyes, his eyes as pure as the dark night, full of energy.

It was dark outside the window before dawn. The lights in the room were turned off and it was pitch black. Only the cell phone had light, illuminating Xiuji's bird face.

He seemed to notice something, and looked at Dong Yeyu who was watching him for a second, swallowed, and closed his eyes quickly.

He just fell straight down on the floor and started snoring.

This dead bird just vowed to practice hard last night, and his words sound like farts. Dong Yeyu was speechless.

Although I knew that Xiuji would stay up late to watch dramas, I didn't expect that he would stay up all night.

Is this okay?

No, I have to limit my time in the future, otherwise I will be addicted to the Internet and waste my practice, which may cause things to go wrong.

Dong Yeyu made a decision, put the phone back, turned on the light, and gently kicked the pigeon lying on the ground, which was bigger than a raven.

"If you haven't slept, get up and practice as soon as possible."

Seeing that he couldn't pretend any longer, Xiuji opened his eyes, stood up, and greeted Dongyeyu politely.

"Good morning, my lord."

Seeing him just humming, I thought he was angry and anxious.

"This is the first time that a minister used a human magic weapon such as a smartphone. He was accidentally bewitched by it and became addicted to it. He really deserves death."

"A crime worthy of death?" Dong Yeyu shook his head.

"No, but since you know you are guilty. So, from now on, you must practice seven hours a day before you can play with your phone for two hours."

Then he went into the toilet to wash up.


Xiuji stood there blankly, as if he had been struck by lightning again. He wished he could give his beak wings and chased Dongyeyu to the toilet.

"Lord, you can't do it, you absolutely can't do it! The minister knows his mistake——"

Dong Yeyu just glanced at him, and he closed his mouth and shrank his neck.

"Eight hours, you must complete eight hours every day, and then double it."

Eight hours, my lord, you might as well just kill me.

Xiuji was confused at the time and complained in his mind, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. He just walked out of the toilet with a sad face and a dejected look on his face.

"Xiuji knows."

This kind of lazy dog ​​should be hung with bait and whipped with a whip before he is willing to move.

After washing up, Dong Yeyu took out a small pink pot and started boiling water over low heat, preparing to cook noodles later. At the same time, he sat at the small square table to sort out what he had learned last night.

After learning spells for a whole night, I now have some experience in slaying demons.

It is not appropriate to call this spell enchantment in general. Enchantment is just one of its uses.

When you don't have a weapon at hand, just pick up an object, even a chair.

When magic power is attached to it, it has the properties of being indestructible and capable of slaying demons.

It is said to kill monsters, but in fact it is also useful for gods.

However, the disadvantage is that mana is consumed very quickly, and pouring mana roughly into it will damage the internal structure of the object and make it fragile.

Another use is to use mana to refine your own weapons.

Gradually understand every inch of the structure of the weapon, infiltrate the magic power into it, and reach the point of being connected with each other.

Using the demon slaying on this refined weapon will not damage the weapon, and the effect is stronger.

Dongye Yu is still unclear about the specifics, and he doesn't dare to test it directly on the Chengming Ichimonji Changguang.

So he tore off a piece of toilet paper first, and a faint spiritual light attached to it, and the soft toilet paper instantly became as hard as fine steel.

He used all his strength to break it, but it didn't break, and he couldn't even bend it, but the speed of the mana loss became much faster.

He gently smashed it on the small square table a few times,

chop chop chop,

It felt like a blunt kitchen knife.

After retracting the mana, Dongye Yu observed the toilet paper.

He found that this piece of paper, which was just bought not long ago and had a tough texture, became like an old paper that had been placed for decades.

It became brittle and broke into pieces with a slight pinch.

Maybe it was because of the material?

Then his eyes patrolled the empty house, looking for the next test product, and finally fell on the schoolbag, wanting to take out a pen to test.

After thinking about it, he felt reluctant to part with it. After all, it had been with him for such a long time. Even if it was out of ink, it would be fine to leave it like this.

Dong Yeyu was a nostalgic person.

After thinking for a while, Dong Yeyu went to the trash can downstairs and rummaged through it. He found one of the legs of the iron chair from the sorted garbage.

Swinging it in the air a few times, it had a bit of the flavor of a physics holy sword. Because it was hollow, it was definitely far less strong.

With the power running, a hazy aura enveloped the entire chair leg. Dong Yeyu weighed it in his hand. It was too light and not suitable as a weapon.

But now it was just an experiment, so it didn't matter.

He held it tightly in his hand, tightened his arm muscles, and chopped hard at the electric pole.


The chair leg swung in the air with a whistling sound, and hit the electric pole, and suddenly a few small pieces of concrete collapsed, and some cracks began to spread.

Clang clang clang!

Dong Yeyu did not stop for a moment, holding the chair leg tightly and swinging rapidly, the white stick shadows were connected into one piece, concrete blocks kept splashing on the electric pole, and dust was spreading.

After such a high-intensity slashing attack for a while, Dong Yeyu held back his strength, so as not to cause substantial damage to the electric pole - this kind of electric pole has high-strength steel bars inside, which cannot be damaged by human power.

At the same time, he estimated the mana consumption of using non-refined weapons to slay demons.

If he continued to fight with swords at such a high intensity, would his current mana be enough for about five minutes?

This is because he is a demon, and his blue bar is much longer than that of mortals. If it were an ordinary demon hunter, it would feel that he would not be able to last even five seconds.

Dong Yeyu, who was focused on feeling the effect of the spell, automatically blocked the information from his sensitive senses, and only felt something was wrong when he exited this state of concentration.

Turning his head, he found a young man who was delivering newspapers on a bicycle under the stars and moon standing not far away.

He found Dong Yeyu looking at him and bowed to apologize.

"Yes, sorry."

He bowed and turned the car around, then hurriedly turned in another direction and rode away.

Dongye Yu looked at his embarrassed back, a little embarrassed, pretending to be nothing and walking away. At the same time, he also sighed that it was not easy to be a worker. You know, it was only a little after five o'clock.

Withdrawing his magic power, the hollow chair legs made of steel in his hand immediately became like rusted for many years, and turned into iron filings with a light pinch.

It seems that it is not a material problem. If it is a non-refined item, it will probably only be used once to kill the demon before it breaks.

Seeing that it was about to dawn, Dongye Yu ran to the rooftop quickly, without wasting today's purple air.

Although the progress of refining qi in this way is slow, it is better because the foundation is solid and down-to-earth. Every time you finish practicing, you will feel a sense of joy of harvest.

After completing today's morning practice, Dongye Yu returned to the apartment and finished breakfast.

He also reminded Xiuji not to fall asleep and remember to send Yuzi and tell the plum tree demon that he was going to visit today.

After changing into school uniform, he stared at the Nagamitsu of Ichimonji on the bed for a moment.

He was a little worried that a thief or a monster would pry open the door and steal the knife while he and Xiuji were not at home.

This kind of exquisite and spiritual ancient knife is not only favored by thieves, but also quite liked by some monsters.

So he simply carried his schoolbag and took it out - COSPLAY is popular these days, I don't know if he can get away with it.

Dongye Yu is going to buy a sword bag to put it in and carry it with him. If such a valuable item is lost, he will be so angry that he can't eat for three days.

Brother Meng, I only updated less than 4,500 today. I will get up tomorrow morning to write the remaining 2,000. I'm going to sleep first. If I stay up late to write, I will die (ω)

Thank you for your reward, subscription, monthly ticket and recommendation ticket (ω)

Please give me a monthly ticket, subscription, and recommendation ticket (╰╯)

Brother Meng, if you have free time, you can give your favorite characters a little heart!

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