I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

$ Chapter 11 Tachibana Private High School

After doing the exercises for about an hour, the time came to about 11 o'clock in the evening. The rain outside gradually stopped, the dark clouds in the night sky began to disperse, and the bright moonlight shrouded the city like a veil.

Dong Yeyu packed up his books, opened the window, found the most comfortable position, lay down, and started his daily evening practice.

Seeing this, Xiuji immediately turned off the TV and flew back to the pigeon nest made of boxes prepared by Dong Yeyu to start practicing.

When Dong Yeyu practices, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this room will become more abundant, which is of great benefit to its practice. It can be regarded as a mini version of a blessed place.

Regarding Xiuji's behavior, he acquiesced.

This bird's cultivation is shallow, and it has no method. It just relies on instinct to absorb the wisdom of the world. It is as efficient as a turtle crawling, and it basically does not affect its own cultivation.

What's more, if it cultivates higher in the future, it can also do more things for itself.

Early the next morning, Higashi Yeyu absorbed the purple energy when the sun rose and practiced on the rooftop for a while before getting ready to go to school.

Xiuji yawned in the bird's nest and woke up. Seeing Dong Yeyu carrying his schoolbag and getting ready to go out, he quickly picked up an umbrella and handed it over.

As the saying goes, if you carry an umbrella when the weather is sunny, you will carry dry food when you are full.

It often rains suddenly here in Tokyo, and Higashino Yu doesn't want to be turned into a drowned fox by the sudden shower.

So I put this paradise umbrella I found in Chinatown into my bag - it was indeed found in the trash can.

"My lord, please go to school with peace of mind. I will defend the city to the death to prevent Xiaoxiao from committing any crimes!" Zuoyoshi Saheibei spread his wings and knelt down to say his words.

A city that covers an area of ​​less than 20 square meters, right?

Higashino Yu twitched the corner of his lips and once again told it not to fly around Tokyo. It was not allowed to reveal its identity as a monster, and it was not allowed to snatch snacks from children, lest it be killed by a passing demon slayer.

Xiu Jilian said he didn't dare.

Seeing this, Dong Yeyu went out to school with peace of mind.

It had rained last night and the road was still a little damp. The blooming cherry blossoms were covered with morning dew, and the gaps between the pink petals shone with the golden light of the rising sun.

The air is moist and cool, and has a special smell, like the fragrance of some sweet and sour wild fruit after being crushed.

Occasionally, a gust of cold morning breeze carries this fragrant fragrance, which is quite refreshing and pleasant.

Most of the students were walking on this road. On the opposite side of the road, senior social workers in formal suits who were waiting on the bus stop all cast their eyes over to this side. Their eyes fell on JK, who was smiling and full of youthful vitality. His expression was complicated and complicated. With some longing and reminiscence.

Then they strangely discovered that the girls' eyes were all on a young man walking under the cherry blossom tree.

The young man was quite tall and strong, more than eight feet tall, and the outline of his muscles was faintly exposed under the white school uniform, which made people dare not underestimate him.

It's not a block of meat that's technologically advanced and offensive in bodybuilding competitions, but something that's just right and natural, like Michelangelo's David.

If it was in ancient times, this must be a beautiful general like King Lanling, and he might be famous in history!

But unfortunately, personal power is not worth mentioning in modern times, and most of them are reduced to thugs and other unattractive roles.

To actually develop such a figure in high school, I'm afraid he is not a good person.

When the high-ranking social workers from prestigious schools saw this, they thought of faces with yellow hair and ferocious faces. They were thrown into the unclean realm of the underworld, and their eyes also brought a bit of contempt and scrutiny.

It's just a condition of underdeveloped limbs. Those girls are afraid of——

But as his eyes moved up subconsciously, when he saw the boy's profile and the emblem on his school uniform, the bad impression in his heart was instantly shattered.

Are you a student from that middle school? !


The senior social animals realized something and took several breaths of cold air. A feeling of chaos, yet natural harmony came to their minds.

This combination of power and beauty was so breathtaking that they didn't know how to describe it in words.

Just a moment later, everyone gnashed their teeth again.

I don’t know how many young girls will be harmed. Damn, I’m so envious.

Curse you for being middle-aged and unemployed, working in sales and failing to achieve results, and being scolded by your boss every day!

The social beasts uttered vicious curses and quickly looked away, looking down at their phones or closing their eyes to avoid being regarded as idiots.

Dong Yeyu has long been accustomed to these overt or covert looks from his previous life to this life.

When I was a junior high school student in Kyoto, there were many girls who came to talk to me. After I came to Tokyo to study, the number of such looks increased day by day, but the number of people who came up to talk to me was much less.

Although Tokyo is quite open - according to statistics, 41% of Tokyo high school girls have had sexual intercourse, and 5% did not answer.

But the girls in Tachibana Middle School are either top students who are obsessed with studying, or they are young ladies from rich families who are accustomed to being admired by stars, and few people come to talk to them.

Dong Yeyu also enjoyed his leisure time.

Tachibana Junior High School is the school I currently attend. Its full name is Tachibana Private High School, located in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo.

This is a very famous private high school. It was built by the Tachibana family of the Chinese island nation in the 1950s and was later bought by Asumi Co., Ltd.

Although the historical background is inferior to that of schools that existed in modern times, the facilities and architectural style of the school are top-notch, and the teaching staff is also extremely strong.

The deviation value has reached an appalling 79. Every year, more than half of the students are admitted to the University of Tokyo and are called Imperial University Reserves.

Speaking of which, I was able to study in this high school thanks to the help of the orphanage director Junpei Miyazaki and the priest Tadamichi Iori.

Otherwise, even if I was exempted from tuition because of my excellent entrance test scores, I would not be able to settle down in Tokyo because of poverty.

Because the orphanage is a private orphanage, social donations have been decreasing in recent years, and the fiscal deficit is serious. It is all supported by the director Junpei Miyazaki selling his property.

So Higashino Yu rejected his plan to send money to him, and only accepted some subsidies from the island government for orphans.

This money is not much, and it only adds up to tens of thousands of yen. After paying tuition and miscellaneous fees, it is not enough for the rent next month.

Fortunately, the moon witch generously donated 50,000 yen last night, so for the time being, the financial pressure is not so great that it is urgent.

But if I don’t go to work and earn money right away, I will have to starve to death after paying the rent next month. Unless I turn into a fox to beg for food or become a gigolo, I will be at risk of bankruptcy at any time.

Dong Yeyu had thought about helping people exorcise demons and making a profit.

But the problem was that the only magic he knew was fox fire. If he was caught by a demon exorcist, he would most likely be discovered.

Who would use fox fire to exorcise demons?

It would be fine if he could beat them. He could kill them all and then set them on fire. If he handled it well and had some luck, he might be able to get away with it.

Although Dong Yeyu was born under the red flag, he had died once. If he encountered something that might endanger his life again, he would not be bound by past education and morality.

Kill them all if he said so.

In the final analysis, he was a demon now.

But what if he couldn't beat them?

Not only would all his efforts to integrate into human society for more than ten years go down the drain, but he might even be in danger of his life. The risk was too great.

Therefore, before learning normal magic, Dong Yeyu was not going to make money as a demon exorcist.

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