I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 123 Yuzi, it's time to take medicine

Tadamichi Iori invited Higashino Yu into his yard, turned off the light at the entrance of the yard, and walked in front to lead the way.

"I heard Higashino-kun just said that he came to visit on something important?"

"Yes, it has something to do with Miko."

Dong Yeyu said and followed him up the corridor, on the waxed wooden floor.

"Oh?" Iori Tadashi frowned and looked back at Higashino Yu, "Is it what happened two days ago?"

"No, that's over."

Dong Yeyu said with a smile, and then explained: "This junior has recently obtained a magical elixir, which has the effect of strengthening the body, prolonging life, and making up for congenital deficiencies. It is just right for Yuzi's condition."

"Because I received a commission to go to Inzai City to eliminate demons tomorrow, I guess I won't be able to return to Tokyo for the next two days. I thought that Miko's health was not good, and if I could take the elixir earlier, I would feel better one day earlier, so I came to visit late at night."


Hearing this, Iori Tadamichi walked a few more steps in silence, his pace gradually slowed down, and then stood in front, with his back to Higashino Yu. The dim lights in the corridor shone on him, casting a desolate shadow.

As Miko's grandfather, he naturally wanted this kind of elixir, but the Iori family already owed too many favors to the young man in front of them.

He said in a low voice: "I have only seen this kind of elixir in ancient books at home. It must be extremely precious, but the Iori family has nothing to repay you, Higashino-kun."

After Miko's parents passed away, they left a lot of inheritance, including some shares in companies such as Rentendo and Sanleng.

It's not much, but the annual income is enough for the Iori family to live a well-off life.

It's just that if there is a pill that can make up for congenital deficiencies, it may not be something you can buy with a lot of money.

Hearing this, Higashino Yu replied seriously: "Mr. Iori, I have said before that I regard Miko as my younger sister. She is born with deficiencies, is prone to illness, and is implicitly rejected by her classmates in school. I see it all."

"Now that we have the opportunity to restore her health, do we still need to hesitate and consider the gains and losses?"

"What's more, this junior has been taken care of by you during this time in Tokyo. Yesterday you gave the Iori family a famous sword. Is the relationship between us still the kind of outsider relationship that requires etiquette?"

"Please don't be too polite. Yuzi's health is much more important than a mere magic pill."

After hearing these words, Iori Tadamichi turned around and looked at Higashino Yu. The young man's eyes, as pure as the night, were full of sincerity and sparkling, making people understand him just by looking at him. mind.

These words indeed came from the heart. Iori Tadashi felt sad for a moment and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although this girl Miko has congenital defects and her parents died young, she is still loved by the gods, so that she can meet such a young man.

He looked at Dong Yeyu and nodded slowly, "Can I call you Ayu? That's what Masato called you in the letter."

"Of course, Grandpa Iori."

Iori Tadamichi smiled, turned around and continued to lead the way. At the same time, the courtesy in his tone became much less formal, and he asked like a family member chatting.

"Ayu, you just said that you are going to Yinxi City to slay demons tomorrow? Is it dangerous?"

Hearing this, Higashino Yu said with a smile: "The danger should not be great. It was invited by a junior classmate. It is said that the exorcist from the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Science led the team. The junior went to join us and make some money."

"By the way, let's see if we can get to know some well-known demon slayers, see how they slay demons, and gain some experience so that we can avoid trouble caused by lack of experience when slaying demons alone in the future."

"There may have been some twists and turns before, but with the help of Cheng Ming, it will definitely be smooth."

"Is this so"

Iori Tadamichi's expression was a little serious. He wanted to say that if it was just money, the Iori family would still have it, but then he said that he would follow to gain experience. His thoughts were racing in his mind. After thinking about it, he couldn't persuade him anymore.

If Higashino Yu said this, it is indeed a good training opportunity - being a demon exterminator is a job that requires a lot of experience and knowledge.

But the last sentence is pure nonsense. How can I not know what my own knife looks like?

When the scabbard was broken and the sword spirit collapsed, there was nothing magical about it anymore.

Even if it has been enshrined in front of the emperor for more than ten years, it still has no color. It is difficult to use it to kill small monsters. When it encounters a big monster, its original shape will be revealed on the spot.

But now that Dong Yeyu was about to leave, it was hard to say something unlucky, so he just said it.

"Still can't take it lightly. After talking about the classics passed down in the family two days ago, I have sorted them out for you and put them in Yuzi's study. Will you take some back to read?"

"This junior has no inheritance. To put it bluntly, he is a wild child. The inheritance of the Iori family can indeed solve the current predicament, so it would be disrespectful to reject it."

Dong Yeyu rubbed his hands, eager to get into Yuzi's study.

Seeing that he could help Higashino Yu, Iori Tadamichi felt a lot better and took him to the tea room.

Dong Yeyu was sitting down and asked: "Has Yuzi fallen asleep? I still need to trouble you to wake her up."

"She usually goes to bed around eight o'clock. I asked her grandma to call her. Ayu will wait in the tea room."

Iori Tadamichi first went to the bedroom to briefly talk to his wife and asked her to bring Miko to the tea room.

When I came back, I saw a small jade bottle with a yellow charm on the table in front of Dong Yeyu.

"Is this the elixir that Ayu just mentioned?"

He walked over and sat down, looking at the jade bottle.

Although this jade bottle is simple, it is integrated. Even the simple arc gives people an indescribable and strange beauty. It is not the level that human craftsmen can achieve. It can be called a work of art beyond human skill.

The warm yellow light of the lamp flows on the surface of the warm jade. It is as clear as glass and translucent. You can vaguely see a pill in it.

The jade is good jade, and the talisman paper is also extraordinary. Even if I am slow to perceive the spiritual power of heaven and earth, I can clearly perceive the power contained in it.

"Yes, the elixir of this elixir can make people energetic. In order to prevent the loss of the effect, it is sealed in the jade bottle."

Iori Tadamichi nodded thoughtfully. He had seen similar treasures in his own ancient books.

However, they were owned by those big figures. The ancestors of the Iori family probably stood like minions and heard from others.

The two chatted for a while, and there were very light footsteps outside, and the crutches made a slightly dull sound on the floor.

Wearing a thin white pleated nightgown and a black hooded jacket, Miko Iori came to the tea room with a cane.

The girl looked sleepy, her glass-like eyes were a little empty, and she looked sleepy. Her thick brown-red curly hair, like a little lion, was a little messy and scattered behind her.

She looked around the tea room with her eyes drooping. She greeted her grandfather first, then looked at Higashino Yu and blinked: "Higashino Nissan, evening--"

She yawned slowly with her little hand covering her mouth: "Good~"

"Good evening, Miko." Higashino Yu smiled and greeted.

Iori's grandmother standing behind her smiled at Higashino Yu, gently pushed Miko, let her enter the tea room, bowed slightly to Higashino Yu and Iori Tadamichi, and then disappeared behind the door.


The shoji door of the tea room was closed, and the sound of her footsteps gradually receded in the corridor.

"Isn't Grandma Iori coming in?" Higashino Yu was a little confused, and then waved to Miko, asking her to sit next to him.

Iori Tadamichi glanced at the shoji door, feeling a little helpless.

"I have already explained the whole story to Tomoko. She is happy for Miko, so she feels that she can't treat you badly. She is unwilling to abandon the etiquette she has kept for a lifetime. I guess she is making tea now."

She looked very kind before, but I didn't expect her to be a stubborn old man.

Higashino Yu smiled and didn't comment. At this moment, Iori Miko, who sat next to her, pulled the corner of her clothes.

"Higashino Nissan, Xiu Jizaemon talked to me today. He seems to like eating bread crumbs." She said softly.

The girl's off-line made Higashino Yu stunned for a second. Usually, wouldn't she ask what she came to see her for?

Then Higashino Yu reacted.

This dead bird, I told him again and again not to talk casually outside, but he ignored me!

If he dares to break the law for bread crumbs today, he will dare to run around the world for dock fries tomorrow. I dare not imagine what he will do the day after tomorrow!

Dongye Yu was a little angry and decided to punish him by not watching TV or playing with his mobile phone for half a month after returning.

Iori Miko was observing Dongye Yu's expression from the side, with a sly smile in the corner of her eyes, but after thinking about it, she added another sentence.

"He only chats with me when there is no one around."

"It's okay, as long as no one finds out. Xiuji is Miko's protector, it doesn't matter if he chats."

If that's the case, then change the punishment to three days, and chat as a punishment.

Dongye Yu said hypocritically, and at the same time changed his sentence on Xiuji in his heart, and then pushed the small jade bottle towards Miko.

"Dongye Nissan, what is this?" Miko leaned forward slightly, a little curious.

"It's a medicine called Cao Huan Dan."

Dong Ye Yu introduced Cao Huan Dan while gently peeling off the yellow talisman, fearing that it would be torn.

If he could understand this talisman, he might be able to use it in his daily life.

After peeling off the yellow talisman, he wove a thin layer of magic power to seal the bottle mouth, and then put the jade bottle in Miko's hand.

"Miko, eat the pill inside. Although I don't know if it can make up for your congenital defects, it should make you much healthier."

Iori Miko's eyes were filled with curiosity, and there was no expression on her delicate and fair face. She just realized that this might have some effect, pursed her lips slightly, and her breathing became a little faster.

She took the jade bottle, looked at it with some curiosity, and then looked at Dong Ye Yu: "Is it okay?"

"This is prepared for you, eat it quickly."

Iori Miko and Dong Ye Yu looked at each other for a few seconds, and Dong Quan's misty eyes drooped slightly. I don't know what she was thinking, and then she put the mouth of the jade bottle to her mouth, without any hesitation, and swallowed it with her head tilted back.

She completely believed in Higashino Yu.


The pill slid down the jade bottle, and the fresh pill air entered her mouth first. Iori Miko's eyes widened a little, and her spirits looked much better.

Then her throat moved, and she felt that the thumb-sized pill melted as soon as it touched her saliva.

The peaceful and warm fragrance of plants and trees flowed down, and after swallowing it into her stomach, her whole body began to warm up, and there was a gentle air flowing through her limbs. The slight chill from getting up at night just now disappeared like snow under the spring sun.

Not only that, there was also a feeling of relief, as if she had been carrying shackles made of ice for the past ten years, and now these shackles are gradually melting in the warmth.

"Higashino Nissan, I'm so sleepy."

As the warmth gradually drives away the old diseases hidden in the body, as if being wrapped in warm water at the most comfortable temperature of the human body, sleep hits Iori Miko's will like a tsunami.

She could barely open her eyes and sat on the floor, her thin body swaying.

"Go to sleep, Yuzi, you'll be fine when you wake up tomorrow morning." Dong Yeyu said softly.

Hearing this, Iori Miko said softly "Hmm", then naturally lay on his lap, found the most comfortable position, curled up, and fell asleep like a kitten.

Why does it feel like it's a bit contrary to Tiangang? In ordinary light novels, shouldn't my and Miko's roles be reversed?

Dong Yeyu was stunned, but did not push her away or shake her awake.

In fact, during these years in the orphanage, I was considered the king of children. I had many younger brothers and sisters, most of whom had done this.

Some children will even get into their own bed in groups, play for a while, and then fall asleep with their backs stretched out.

It was indeed a warm time.

However, in recent years, the orphanage has had too few sources of income, and government subsidies have been continuously reduced and delayed. Almost all children with good health and sound minds have been adopted or sent to other orphanages.

Most of the children left behind were in poor health, and the number was not large.

After going to Inzai City this time, I will leave the money necessary for living when I come back, and send the rest back to the orphanage.

Thinking like this, as Iori Miko fell into a deep sleep, not long after, the whole tea room began to be filled with a rather mysterious fragrance of vegetation, making people feel relaxed and salivating, and Higashino Yu's face gradually became serious.

It is indeed a divine thing!

Tadamichi Iori felt the vision in front of him, saw that Miko Iori's face had improved visibly, and realized that his granddaughter might really have hope of recovering to health.

For a moment, the old man felt a mixture of emotions.

He quietly looked at Iori Miko's peaceful sleeping face. While he felt relieved and at ease in his heart, he was also inexplicably panicked, and the corners of his wrinkled eyes trembled and overflowed with tears.

But as time went by, Iori Tadamichi discovered something was wrong, and the expression he looked at Miko gradually changed, as if she had turned into some kind of fairy fruit.

He swallowed subconsciously, then woke up, stood up in a panic and took a few steps back, looking at Dong Yeyu with a stunned expression.

"Ayu, this is-"

"The effect of the elixir."

Dong Yeyu said softly that he had already considered the occurrence of this situation, but he did not expect that there would be some strange phenomena.

"This is the reason why this junior has come in person. The creator of this elixir can be called a god. While the effect is excellent, it will also arouse the desire for vitality in the hearts of all mortal beings."

"In short, before Yuzi has completely digested the elixir, eating Yuzi can also absorb part of the effect of the elixir."

"So before Miko completely absorbs the elixir, you cannot let her leave the shrine, otherwise it will cause disasters from monsters, or of course, man-made disasters."

Cao Huan Dan is not that attractive to mortals, and normal people only need to spend a little effort to get rid of the temptation.

But it cannot be ruled out that some people have extremely low psychological limits and poor willpower. This is not uncommon in island countries.

"Wonderful, weird."

Iori Tadashi sighed softly. He held his breath and concentrated for a while, and his expression became normal. However, he did not dare to look at his granddaughter, only looking at Higashino Yu.

"Then I'll ask you, Ayu, to take care of Yuzi tonight. I'll get the bedding."

He originally wanted to accompany Dong Yeyu, but now he changed his mind. The urge to swallow Yu Zisheng just now made people feel scared and extremely self-doubt.

Iori Tadashi was afraid that he would go crazy if he stayed for too long, so he was about to leave. Seeing this, Higashino Yu quickly added.

"Please also bring me some books on spells and spells, please."

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