I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 136 Yongle Tongbao?

"Thank you, my king, for your generosity. A monster can hold a boat in its stomach. In the future, it will surely be able to reach the sky and ascend to the path of the gods."

There are no police and laws in the monster world. The only outcome of offending such a big monster is usually to be eaten.

At the moment, he is considered to have saved his life, so he is naturally grateful and auspicious words are thrown out as if they are free.

Dong Yeyu ignored him and his eyes fell on the copper coins strung together with a small piece of golden string in front of him.

These copper coins are much better than those scattered copper coins with copper rust on the corner ghost. Each copper coin is well maintained and shiny.

There are some signs of wear on the edge, and a little golden light is reflected under the dim red light of the archway lantern. A rough count shows that there are about 20 to 30 coins.

There are Chinese characters written on these copper coins, which seem to be from Shenzhou. Dong Yeyu took a curious look.

Are you, Yongle Tongbao?

I heard before that the ancient island country had the habit of using Shenzhou copper coins as currency, but I didn't expect that the monster world is also like this.

But it's the 21st century, humans are developing AI, why are you still using copper coins?

Dongye Yu found the monsters' slowness a little funny. It's not like humans have already stepped into the starry sky, and monsters are still playing with copper coins here.

Of course, these copper coins are used as currency by monsters, and they are naturally different from ordinary antique copper coins. They are filled with the smell of incense offerings.

The number of incense is limited, and it is reasonable for monsters to regard the limited number of copper coins as a general equivalent.

However, incense is a special item of gods, how can monsters touch it?

Dong Yeyu asked: "These copper coins are different from ordinary copper coins. Where did they come from?"

"I would like to teach you that these divine coins are obtained by the big monsters who placed copper coins in front of the gods as offerings."

"Because bartering is too troublesome, the big monsters like to use this kind of divine coins when trading."

"Small monsters usually pick and plant spiritual herbs for money. Some are appreciated by big monsters and become their subordinates. When they are rewarded, they will get this kind of divine money. Some monsters make money by trading, making weapons, being prostitutes, musicians, etc."

This is like a looser human society.

"Why not just use Yongle Tongbao? It is said that this kind of money is quite limited now, and it also has a lot of value in the mortal world."

Dong Yeyu was a little curious. It should cost a lot to offer divine money to those big monsters.

Qing Pan explained: "In the past, people used copper coins directly, but later it was discovered that many monsters collected these copper coins and minted a large number of counterfeit coins. So people no longer accepted ordinary copper coins, but only the coins offered to the gods."

Dongye Yu was speechless. It turned out that minting counterfeit coins was not just a traditional art of humans.

As long as civilization develops to a certain period, monsters will find a way to get rich.

After sighing, Dongye Yu asked about the mortals who disappeared in the forest.

"Recently, it is said that many mortals have disappeared in this area. Do you know who did it?"

Jiaogui shook his head: "I don't know. I have been brewing wine at home these days. Occasionally, I go to Qingpan to drink and have fun, or come to the market to sell wine. I have never heard of this. Have you heard of Qingpan?"

Qingpan pondered for a few seconds, "I have heard a little bit. Not long ago, it was said that there were some changes in the Hishizawa Shrine. After the priestess died of old age, the shrine had no new priests."

Hang Yeyu's eyes twitched when he heard this, "Not long ago, how long ago do you mean?"

"About ten years ago." Qingpan said naturally.

Hang Yeyu was silent for a second, hesitating to speak, and finally sighed: "Forget it, continue."

Qingpan didn't understand why Dong Yeyu was entangled here, hesitated for a second, and continued.

"After the shrine was abandoned, mortals began to disappear. Some monsters speculated that the water god of Hishizawa was angry, and some monsters said it was related to the Peach Blossom Fairyland. However, I have never been to the fairyland. I only heard that there is a raccoon village in it."

Speaking of this, Qing Pan clasped his hands together and bowed: "Most of these are heard from guests, and they may not be true. Just say it casually, just listen to it casually."

Fairyland, raccoon cat. Dong Yeyu pondered for a moment, feeling like there was a vague line connecting these nouns.

I wonder if the raccoon cat monster has anything to do with these things.

Dong Yeyu did not stop there and kept guessing. There was no point in guessing. It would be clear when he found someone to ask.

He asked the two monsters if they knew the little raccoon cat he was looking for. After getting a negative answer, he turned and walked towards the market, saying at the same time.

"Take the money and follow me. I want to find a monster in the monster market. I will let you go after I find it." The tone was very light, but it could not be refuted.

Qing Pan glanced at Jiao Gui, who bowed quickly.

"Good brother, come save me and come with me. I'll give you half of the good wine hidden in my house."

Qing Pan sighed, looking at him as if he really couldn't do anything to you.


Jiao Gui was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what his friend meant. He said with a bitter face: "All for you, all for you."

He didn't play nice either. He knew very well that Qing Pan must be very painful to lose dozens of big coins for nothing, and his own wine collection was not enough to exchange for that money.

The two followed Dong Yeyu. Jiao Gui carried the wine jar and made a creaking sound. He whispered to his friend.

"Qing Pan, why weren't you scared just now? My God, when this king stood up, it was like an earthquake in front of me."

Qing Pan looked at him, smiled mysteriously, said nothing, and walked slowly behind the corner ghost.

The passing monster looked at the monk's wet robes on his back and looked up at the sky in surprise.

It's not raining.

The lights in the market are bright, and the streets and alleys are hung with bright lanterns.

The architectural style is similar to the Edo period. There are wine shops, tours, teahouses, izakayas, and shops selling all kinds of goods. It's almost like a complete reproduction of a market in the Edo period.

The ordinary monster market in the past, but tonight there is a strange sight.

A fox monster who seems to have not learned to transform asks for someone in each shop.

Behind the fox is a monk monster carrying a shamisen, and a one-eyed monster carrying two jars of fine wine, which attracts the attention of many monsters.

The three monsters walked into a ready-made clothing store called Zhi.

"Excuse me, boss lady, have you seen a monster? Not tall, about this tall, wearing a shabby green Wufu, not yet completely transformed, with a furry head that still looks like a raccoon."

"Male or female?"

"Uh, probably a male?"

"Is he tall or short?"

"Didn't I say before, not tall."

"What kind of Wufu? What pattern is embroidered on it? Is it as good-looking as mine?"

Dong Yeyu took a deep look at the monster boss, without restraining her momentum at all.

But she seemed unmoved, silent for a few seconds, and had to take a deep breath, "Not as good-looking as yours."

There is one more chapter, I will fight tonight, and the pace will also speed up, brothers, give me a monthly ticket, ball ball

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