I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 138 Tanuki Momofu

"It's probably them, the tanuki youkai who wants to hire a big youkai."

The horned ghost is quite tall, at 2.5 meters tall. It is not the tallest among the monsters that come and go in the market, but it is still quite imposing.

At this time, he was holding the wine jar, using one hand to put his feet on the pergola, looking into the distance, and muttered.

Looking back, he found Qingpan's huge head facing him expressionlessly, smiling coquettishly, then shut up and stopped talking.

Dong Yeyu ignored the two monsters behind him and observed them for a few seconds. When he didn't notice the little raccoon cat at that time, he stopped restraining his momentum, split his tail into two, and walked over.

The advantage of practicing the Shangqing Lingbaodong Xuanzhen Sutra step by step is that not only does the mana bar have a long and solid foundation, there is no threshold, but also the momentum is very strong even if the cultivation level is actually just a new Yin Shen.

In addition, I had worn the Inari Divine Artifact before and had a Shinto aura, so it was enough to bluff the monsters.

In fact, it's not a bluff. Even if he is in a Yin Shen state and cannot display his combat power, the spells he learned at Iori's house are enough to deal with these little monsters.

"This sir is so strange. Have you seen him before?"

"I haven't seen it before. But there is the aura of a god on him, maybe it's a divine envoy. But when the divine envoy comes to Hisishawa Demon City, why doesn't he change his form?"

"It is said that some great monsters believe that their original form is the most powerful and perfect, and they disdain to transform into humans."

"It directly negates our practice, really."

"Everyone has his own way. Now that humans have the upper hand, the big monsters may remain independent in their own caves, or they may seek refuge with the gods and be worshiped by mortals. We little monsters have to find our own way to survive. Anyway, I think it is more convenient to transform. some."

The monsters on the street observed Higashino Yu from the corner of their eyes and talked about it. At the same time, they did not dare to block the road. The slightly crowded market forced a separate road.

Strange heads protruded from the windows of shops and izakayas on both sides of the street, seemingly watching the excitement.

on the other side,

"Only ten godly coins? This amount of money makes me work hard for my life. Are you kidding me?"

The tall, red-skinned ghost with a double-horned head and a ferocious face snorted coldly.

"Get away!"

He kicked the middle-aged man kneeling in front of him away, and when he saw that he didn't hide, he just received his kick.


While cursing secretly in my heart, I also regretted that I was a little too reckless.

He looked up at the sky with some fear, and found that there was no movement, so he felt relieved and walked into Youkuofang in a swagger.

The middle-aged man hit the wall surrounding Youkuofang and groaned, "Bang!" A burst of white smoke rose up and turned into a fat civet cat, lying on the ground.

But he didn't seem to be hurt at all, and he turned over nimbly and stood up as soon as he landed.

Several other civet cat monsters who were traveling with him quickly ran over and surrounded him, "Uncle Wulang, is it okay?"

"It's okay. The monster is restraining his strength. He doesn't dare to kill me, otherwise the gods will punish me."

The fat raccoon cat known as Goro chuckled and wiped the dirt on his clothes with a handkerchief. He didn't look very angry, but he looked a little distressed at the footprints on his clothes.

He was wearing an old Wufu made of burlap, with dandelion patterns embroidered on it with delicate stitching, like the clothes worn by farmers in the Edo period.

The clothes were washed, faded, patched, and even a little dirty. If someone wore them to beg on the street, they might gain some mercy and money.

But it would look slightly funny on a fat tanuki, and it might get you a job at the circus.

"That ghost is too arrogant! It's fine if he doesn't accept the offering, but he actually gets into a fight. It's really abominable!"

A thin young man stared at the departing ghost and said through gritted teeth.

"Big monsters are all like this. Their personalities are unpredictable and uncertain. They are like unpredictable storms on the sea. They don't know when they will stir up violent winds and waves."

Tanukigoro told the younger generations about the experience of the old tanuki. He had seen this kind of big monster many times, so he was not surprised, as if he was used to it.

"Okay, let's continue the search. The master said that if you want to kill the monsters that have caused trouble in Taoxiang, you must worship at least ten big monsters. We have to work harder, there are four left."

He comforted everyone, picked up the green leaves that fell on the ground, and put them on his head.


The smoke rose up and dissipated in an instant, and he transformed into the middle-aged man he had been before.

"Goro, yes, there is a big monster coming towards us!"

An old man with messy gray hair pointed in one direction and ran over shouting. He also wore a leaf on his head and looked about fifty years old.

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowded crowd in the market dispersed, and the noise became much quieter, leaving only a few buzzing whispers.

Not far away, a spirit fox with a Shinto aura appeared in the field of vision. It looked like the size of an ordinary fox.

However, the hair all over his body is slender and white, like the heavenly clothes of the legendary gods, fluttering even in the absence of wind, and there are two tails like clouds behind him. Even though he is petite, the aura he exudes is as deep as the sea and as high as the mountain, making the monster unable to stop. Dare to underestimate.

Behind him were a monk carrying the shamisen and a one-horned ghost carrying a wine jar. It was a strange combination.

Seeing this, several young people holding leaves gathered around Tanigoro with some caution.

"Don't be afraid. This gentleman seems to have some relationship with the gods. Unlike the ghost just now, he should not have any malicious intentions."

Tanuki Goro smiled and patted their shoulders. He stood in front and knelt on the bluestone road of the monster market, touching his forehead to the stone slab, with an extremely humble attitude.

"Sir, Tanuki Goro has something to ask for."

The tanuki cat who was traveling with him also got down from his seat after seeing this.

Dong Yeyu did not rush to agree, but described the characteristics of the little tanuki that the system had captured, and then asked: "Have you seen this little tanuki?"

The tanuki monsters kneeling on the ground looked at each other, and most of them had expressions of fear on their faces facing the ground, and shook their heads: "I haven't seen it, I don't know it."

Don't know it?

Dong Yeyu frowned slightly, thought about it, and said: "That little tanuki saved me once, I'm here to repay him."

"How is it possible?!"

The young tanuki lying on the ground couldn't hold back his breath and exclaimed in a low voice. Tanuki Goro looked at him helplessly and had to apologize to Dong Yeyu.

"We civet cats are naturally timid and have low cultivation. We lied that we didn't know her because we were worried that our family would get into trouble. Please forgive me, sir."

"From your description, it should be that girl Taodong. Not long ago, she ran to Youkuofang without permission and left a letter saying that she was going to find a big monster inside. She really makes people worry. I am also asking people to find her. Sorry to make you laugh."

Sure enough, she is the companion of this group of civet cats, but it's actually a female civet cat?

I didn't look closely before, and her transformation was not complete, so I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. I just felt a pain in my chest and thought it was a teenager.

Something delayed my writing tonight, so I started writing at 10 o'clock. I will post a chapter of 2,000 words first, and there will be another chapter later. I will see if I can write another chapter tomorrow morning. Brother Meng, please vote for me. If I don't have 1,000 monthly votes, I will feel so bad if I can't draw a prize.

Thanks to my brother Meng for his monthly subscription and recommendation tickets (ω)

Please give me monthly tickets, subscriptions and recommendation tickets (╰╯)

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