I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 151 I am a professional demon hunter

The location of Hishizawa Monster City is not far from Xiaoli Hot Spring Hotel. It only took Dongye Yu twenty minutes to run all the way here.

At this time, there is still about an hour before the departure time announced by Jinguji Nobuaki last night, so there is no need to rush like when he came.

Of course, if he goes back earlier, he may catch up with breakfast.

Therefore, although Dongye Yu did not run, his pace was not slow. He walked back while observing the scenery in the forest.

At this time, the morning mist in the forest had almost dissipated. The morning sun rose, and the warm sunlight sprinkled in the gaps between the treetops, and the tilted light beams fell sporadically.

The golden spots of light shone on the wet rotten leaves, and the bright and delicious mushrooms grew wildly. There was a rustling sound under the carpet of dead branches and leaves. The shadows of woodlice and centipedes flashed by, and the tiny dust danced leisurely in the light beam. The air was filled with freshness and a little smell of rotten leaves.

This is a forest full of vitality.

Not only that, the spiritual energy here is much more abundant than in Tokyo, and practicing here will definitely be much faster than in Tokyo.

No wonder the island country is also popular in the mountains for practicing. There are more than ten Buddhist temples on various small hills near the primeval forest of the nature reserve in Inzai City, such as Guanyin Temple, Guanghua Temple, etc.

Shrines are everywhere. There are basically one or two small shrines in each village, and the names are all well-known, all of which are XX gods.

However, if you look closely, you will find that most of them are obscene temples built by local people, and the gods enshrined are all unknown wild gods-the only righteous god in this area is indeed the Hishizawa Water God.

If I can have my own mountain villa in the future, I will probably find such a mountain forest to build it, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and full of comfort.

Dong Yeyu imagined that scene, and sighed with satisfaction as if he already had it.

If I don’t have money to buy a house, can’t I allow people to dream?

The path made by the beasts in the mountains quickly disappeared, replaced by soft dead branches and leaves and weeds that were almost as high as a person's chest.

Fortunately, a road that could barely pass through had been cleared when he came here, but walking in it, the hem of his clothes stained with dark red blood was still wet by the grass full of morning dew, which was quite annoying.

Dong Yeyu wanted to change back to his original form several times and leave this wild forest quickly.

But this place is far away from the maze around the demon market, just a pure mountain forest, and gradually approaching the world of mortals, and he is worried about encountering the shikigami and talisman paper people sent by the demon exorcists to investigate in advance.

He had to patiently drill in the grass.

About twenty minutes later, Dong Yeyu came to a slope covered with pine and cypress. Standing here and looking down, he could see a winding asphalt road not far away from the gaps between the dense pine and cypress leaves.

The edge of the road was covered with moss, leading to a small semi-abandoned parking lot. On the way, there was a bluestone road covered with fallen leaves leading to the top of the mountain.

A stone torii gate like a big archway stands on the bluestone road, and the mottled and dilapidated plaque reads the four characters "Hishizawa Great God".

This is the approach to Hishizawa Shrine.

The road was probably built by the local government for the tourism industry. It goes up to the small parking lot of the shrine and down to the large parking lot of Taoxiang Town. There are many hotels, hot spring hotels and souvenir shops along the way.

However, now that the disappearance of tourists has become more and more serious on the Internet, the tourism industry has suffered a fatal blow, and many shops and hotels have closed down.

The bamboo forest is quite conspicuous on the hillside of Xiashan Mountain - although bamboo is a symbol of a gentleman in Shenzhou, it is actually a very domineering plant.

It is difficult to see other types of trees in the bamboo forest, and there are even few shrubs.

Dongye Yu walked down the hillside and walked for a while, and he was relieved until his clogs stepped on the flat and solid road.

Looking down, the hem of the yukata soaked in blood had already been soaked, and the wet and cold clothes stuck to the skin, making people feel depressed.

His shirt was tattered, as if several blood-soaked strips of cloth were hung on his body, vaguely revealing the claw marks on his upper body, barely covering up his shame.

If someone who didn't know him saw him, they might think he was wearing a yukata to shoot a wilderness survival program in the primeval forest and fought with wild beasts.

Although he did fight a fierce battle with wild beasts.

If a demon hunter asked him about it when he got back, how would he explain it?

Dong Yeyu walked down the winding mountain road, thinking about what to say in his heart.

"Young man! What's wrong with you?"

"You look unfamiliar, not like a young man from the town, are you a tourist? Really, didn't I say that you can't go into the mountains recently!"

"Did you meet a bear?"

"What a joke!"

Looking up, I saw a few old men walking up the road with backpacks and baseball caps not far away. They were shocked to see him like this.

They all came over, one handed a towel, one handed clean water, and another saw the hideous bloodstains on Dong Yeyu's back that were scabby and rolled up, and hurriedly took out his phone to call the emergency number.

Do you need to go to the hospital for this injury? I'm afraid that the ambulance has not yet sent me to the hospital, and my injury is almost healed.

Dong Yeyu didn't want to go back and forth, and he had to go into the mountains with the team later, so he hurriedly stopped him.

"Old man, there's no need to call the emergency number. I'm fine. I just encountered a beast in the mountains by chance and suffered some flesh wounds."

As a great monster, he has also completed his foundation. Although he has not specialized in physical training, his essence is full, and his physique and strength are far superior to ordinary people.

Although the wounds from the cassock were deep, they did not hurt his internal organs and bones, and now it does not affect his movements.

It is estimated that he will be fully recovered in one or two hours.

"Young man, don't be stubborn!" The old man was stunned for a second, and said seriously, the wound is almost cut through the stomach, and you are still okay?

The other old men also had a stern face and grabbed Dong Yeyu's arm. If you don't give an explanation today, you will be in the hospital.

Dong Yeyu wanted to break free and run away directly, but he was afraid of hurting these old men. Many elderly people died after falling down. They were really fragile.

After thinking for a moment, he took out a paper man made of white talismans from his arms and threw it out.

The paper man swayed in the air, and then suddenly seemed to be alive, shuttling between the old people, and finally suspended in front of Dong Yeyu.

"I am a demon exorcist, a professional. So please don't worry, I know my body myself, I'm really fine."

The way the Ministry of Religion, Culture, Science and Technology prevents civilians from knowing about the existence of monsters, gods and other extraordinary beings is mainly through controlling the media, which is accurate to the demon exorcists themselves, but there is no such strict decree as the Ministry of Magic in Harry Potter.

The old men had lived for so long, and naturally they had heard all kinds of legends in the town, and even encountered some strange things that were difficult to explain, but this was the first time they had seen it in broad daylight.

They looked at this scene, staring at the paper man for a long time, but they were still skeptical. Some people even wanted to reach out and touch it, as if they wanted to see if there was any fishing line or something on it.

It was not until Dong Yeyu used the demon-slaying skill to turn the paper man into a steel body and smashed a dead tree covered with moss that they were convinced.

One of the old men looked at the paper man with a complicated expression.

The others were excited, probably wanting to ask something, but Dong Yeyu took the initiative and questioned them.

"The old gentlemen just said that people are forbidden to enter the mountains now, so how dare you come here?"

"Well, Hishizawa Shrine is not considered a mountain."

The old men scratched their heads and looked at each other, feeling a little guilty.

There is another chapter.

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