I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 153 I treat you as a friend, but you want me to be your dog?

Jinguji, please be careful with your attitude. In front of you is the head of Miyazaki Private Children's Welfare Institute, the sixth in the first grade of Tachibana High School in Tokyo, the great monster Shigureyue in Kyoto, the disciple of Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun who has never met, and the fox fairy who repays kindness.

The last monster who offended me has been beheaded!

Dongye Yu was sitting opposite the girl. Facing her questioning, he looked serious and intimidating without anger, and ate a steamed dumpling fiercely.

"Well! These dumplings are good, Jinguji, hurry up while they are hot!"

He picked up another pair of spare chopsticks and handed them to the girl. She was unmoved, just sitting there and looking at herself dignifiedly.

At this moment, I don't know if it was the aroma of food or because the girl ate very little last night.


Her stomach made a protesting sound, which seemed quite abrupt in the quiet room.

The delicate little face was unmoved, but the dark eyebrows trembled slightly, lowered the eyebrows, and said softly: "Excuse me."

"No, it must be because of me that Jinguji classmate didn't have time to eat breakfast. I'm very sorry."

Dongye Yu looked straight ahead, his expression was calm - if he laughed, all his efforts would be wasted.

"However, people have to eat when they are hungry. We have to go into the mountains later. Not eating breakfast may affect our actions. If we encounter a demon attack, we may be slow to react because of not eating breakfast, just like the country that was destroyed because of a horseshoe nail. Details determine success or failure, Jinguji classmate."

The girl's voice was cold: "That's just a fabricated story."

"But the truth is correct."

Dongye Yu said softly, with a serious look, and put the chopsticks in front of the girl. Seeing that she was just looking at him coldly, he smiled: "I'll tell you when we eat."

Jinguji Hiiragi Jing heard this, and was silent for two seconds. He picked up the chopsticks and put a dumpling in his mouth, chewing slowly and carefully, with a subtle sound.

After finishing her meal, she put down her chopsticks and said, "Go ahead."

"It's a long story, and it will probably take some time to explain the whole story. Let's talk about it while eating. This may be a bit rude, but it saves time, right? There's not much time left before departure, so we have to make decisions in a hurry."

Hitano Yu said as he picked up the tablet and started choosing: "Would you like porridge? Or do you like Japanese breakfast?"

".Millet porridge."

After ordering, Hitano Yu picked up a steamed bun and put it in his mouth, and said vaguely: "What do you think of monsters, Jinguji?"

Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami frowned slightly when he saw Hitano Yu talking while eating.

But he didn't say anything, just replied softly: "If it is a demon, kill it. Strong and innocent demons will be taken as Shikigami. Weak and harmless demons will be ignored."

"What if it is a kind and powerful demon?"

"Defeat it and take it as a Shikigami."

"What if you happen to be friends with it?"

Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami said seriously with a cold face: "I will not be friends with demons."

"I mean if, just in case, for example, the demon pretends to be a human and becomes friends with you."

Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami said softly with a calm expression: "Then it is a liar. It must have an intention to pretend to be a human and approach me. I will defeat it and then torture it for the reason for approaching me. If it has malicious intentions, suppress it. If it has no malicious intentions, take it as a Shikigami."

I feel that this woman is a bit extreme. She wants to take him as a dog even if he has no malicious intentions. Damn it.

Dongye Yu felt offended for some reason.

I treat you as a friend, and you actually want me to be your dog?

Silently swallowing the shaomai in his mouth, he felt a little unhappy. What's wrong with the monster? Did the monster eat your rice?

Dong Yeyu decided that he would stay away from this woman after repaying her kindness. Everyone has dreams and lives a wonderful life!

Otherwise, if she finds out that he is a monster, it would be annoying if she insists on fighting him.

Thinking of this, his tone of voice became colder and became more businesslike: "Does Jinguji know that there is a place called Hishizawa Monster Market in Taoxiang Town?"

Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami was a little surprised by Dong Yeyu's change of attitude, but he didn't care. He thought for a moment and nodded.

"I've heard that it is said that it is one of the residences of a Tianjin god, allowing some monsters and mortals to live in it. Later, after the god returned to Takamagahara, it seemed to have developed into a paradise for monsters."

As he said this, he seemed to have guessed something and looked at Dong Yeyu, waiting for his answer.

Dong Yeyu nodded slightly, and did not hide too much - there was nothing to hide. According to Qing Pan, there were occasionally demon hunters from the Uda family in the Hishizawa Demon Market.

"I broke through the barrier of cultivation not long ago. By chance, I traveled a hundred miles and visited the demon market in a trance. At that time, I was not very sober, and I almost bumped into the carriage of a god in the demon market. Fortunately, a demon stopped me in time and did not offend the god."

"Because it was almost dawn, I left in a hurry. After I came to my senses, I wanted to find the demon market again, but I forgot how I got there."

Traveling a hundred miles.

Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami fell silent after hearing this, and he was a little skeptical in his heart. This was something that only those with high cultivation among demon hunters could try.

It is said that during the Kamakura Shogunate, a gardening master was sleeping at home in the middle of the night. Suddenly, a monk friend came to visit. He warmly entertained the monk and the two drank tea and admired the flowers.

When it was almost dawn, the eminent monk asked the gardening master to come to his temple hundreds of miles away to build a garden in three months. After that, he said goodbye and turned into a fairy cloud and left, leaving behind only a cup of warm tea that had not been drunk.

Three months later, the gardening master went to the monk's temple as promised. The monk looked at him and smiled without saying anything. He asked about what happened that day, and the monk told him that he was visiting him with his spirit.

Now and then, there are rumors that the spirits of practitioners leave their bodies to visit friends far away, but they are all highly skilled people - such as his grandfather, Jinguji Tsuna.

He started practicing at the age of three, but now he can only let his spirit leave his body and walk in the courtyard at home, which is extremely mentally and spiritually exhausting.

And if he goes a little further, he will be lost in the wilderness and unable to return to his spirit.

Higashino's cultivation is indeed stronger than his, but it should not be at the level of those legendary masters. Maybe he is hiding something?

Jinguji Hiiragi Jing guessed in his heart, but did not interrupt, and listened quietly.

Higashino Yu continued.

"When I came here by Shinkansen this time, I suddenly found that the scenery on the road was familiar. I investigated all the way and found that the demon market I had been to was nearby, so I wanted to see if I could find the demon who saved me at that time to express my gratitude."

"Fortunately, I found the entrance to the demon market in the depths of the Xiashan Forest last night, and also found the demon who saved me."

"What's the matter with the wounds on Higashino's body and the demon blood on his clothes?"

Jinguji Hiiragi looked at the dirty and bloody tattered yukata thrown aside.

Hinguji Yu heard this and explained: "She was being coerced by a demon at the time, and I naturally couldn't allow a demon to hurt the demon. So I helped her, fought hard, and took the demon's head, but I was also slightly injured."

Hinguji Hiiragi heard this, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and her black jade-like eyes first carefully observed Higashino Yu, then looked at the sword on the bedding, revealing a thoughtful expression.

There is another chapter.

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