I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 155 We need reform and change!

The name Jiuzhuan Bintie looks very simple, like old iron from a corner, or a randomly named material in a fantasy novel.

Compared with the name of jade steel, it seems to be stained with dust.

But in fact, Jiuzhuan Bintie is the raw material of the golden hoop stick. It is said that "the stick is made of Jiuzhuan Bintie, and Laojun forged it in the furnace by himself."

If ordinary people only know its origin, they will definitely cheer in surprise, saying that I am better than the golden hoop stick, I am so rich!

But the problem is, it is only one or two taels.

The 13,500 jin of the golden hoop stick is the same as 108,000 li. It is an imaginary number used in ancient times to refer to a very large number, not just that much weight.

How can a few tons of weight be the stator of the river and the sea?

This is the same as the Taoist practice of lead and mercury. Lead and mercury are image descriptions used to represent the body and mind. In the final analysis, it means refining the essence and spirit.

Instead of really taking the heavy metal pills made of lead and mercury.

Otherwise, if you practice to be crane-shaped, you won't be afraid of being strangled by the palace maids, right?

In this case, with the density of the golden hoop, one or two.

Dong Yeyu was also a little curious, so he prepared himself mentally, spread his palm, and took out the nine-turn iron material from the system space.

A thin light spot flashed by, and he felt a little more weight on his hand. After getting closer and taking a closer look, he opened his eyesight to the limit and saw the dark little dot quietly staying in the palm of his hand.

This is it?

He was disappointed and sat by the window. He observed carefully in the bright morning sunshine. Sure enough, he saw the metal reflection like stars in his palm.

Even gravel is bigger than it. If you want to see it clearly, you need a microscope.

Dong Yeyu sat silently by the window, spread his palm in a daze. The sunlight through the glass floor-to-ceiling window fell quietly, but only avoided his body. The spread palm cast a trembling shadow.

There was a strong wind in the courtyard, and the trimmed bushes made a rustling sound. There was another frustrated fox in the world.

After a long time, he sighed and put the materials into the system space.

Let's put it aside for now, just as a way to enrich the treasure house of Dongye City.

I don't have the ability to make anything with this nine-turn iron now. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will go to the master to try.

According to the description in Journey to the West, this kind of material is basically used to make magic weapons. The material of Zhu Bajie's Baoqin Gold Rake is also this kind, and it must be refined with divine fire.

If there is no Liuding Liujia divine fire, there must be Samadhi True Fire, right?

I hope that there will be this kind of material in the rewards later. Accumulating it can make a handy weapon.

Although slaying demons is powerful, it also has an upper limit.

Don't you hear that Sun Wukong, who is proficient in the 72 transformations of the Earthly Evil, also has to go to the Dragon Palace to ask for weapons and armor?

As for the issue of gratitude scoring, Dongye Yu no longer wants to think about it.

Only C is on the top. This system is probably broken, or it is racial discrimination. If the object of gratitude is not a human, the gratitude score will be maliciously lowered.

I was so angry. Can this world be better? How should we monsters live to satisfy you?

This is oppression, bloody oppression. We must reform and change the law!

I complained about the system's different treatment in my heart. I looked at the time and heard the sound of many people passing by in the corridor outside the room. I quietly closed the curtains and took off my yukata.

I will go into the mountains later. If there is an emergency, it is not very convenient to wear a yukata.

Dongye Yu took out Dongye City's treasure from his backpack-a black and white large plaid programmer's battle suit, a classic blue jeans that was naturally worn out, and changed his shoes to sneakers bought from a street stall.

The clothes given by Miss Moon Witch are too expensive. If they are damaged when wearing them to exorcise monsters, the reward may not be as expensive as the clothes.

People will not become upper class just because they wear good clothes. That's enough. What kind of family is it? Wearing formal clothes to work in the fields?

After changing clothes, I put the fruit mobile phone and the formal clothes given by Miss Moon Witch together, and untied the white rope wrapped around Chengming Ichimonji Nagamitsu.

This kind of rope is called the lower thread, which is usually only available for katana. It has many uses. It is usually used to tie the scabbard around the waist, and can also be used as a climbing rope when necessary.

Put it through the belt hole of jeans and tie it up, tie a slipknot, and it is considered to be equipped with a sword.

When I walked out of the door, there were many demon hunters walking together in the corridor, both men and women, young and old. There were not many people wearing swords, and they were basically adults who had achieved success in practice.

They were not dressed like in movies and animations, wearing retro kimonos like swordsmen to cut monsters, but changed into casual clothes that were easy to move.

Some people even dressed like photographers, with a small vest on their body, with pockets from top to bottom.

When these demon hunters saw Dong Yeyu, their expressions were different. The more polite ones nodded and greeted with a decent smile, while others just glanced at them and simply ignored them.

Higashino Yu didn't care, just politely responded to the demon hunters who greeted him and followed them to the front yard.

He found that there were already many demon hunters waiting here. Jinguji Nobuaki, who was dressed like a fisherman, was laughing and talking about some interesting stories with the people around him.

These people sat behind Uda Jingzheng yesterday. Their cultivation was not bad. They were probably the backbone of the Uda family and were sent to assist the island government's special envoys in investigating demons.

Jinguji Rinko stood quietly beside her husband, dressed like a lady going on a trip, wearing a beige sun hat with a large brim, with a smile on her face. She saw Higashino Yu from a distance, her eyes like autumn water lit up, and she nodded at him.

Higashino Yu bowed slightly in response.

She smiled and looked at Jinguji Hiiragi standing behind her, whispering something with her face covered by a small folding fan.

"Even in such ordinary clothes, Higashino-kun is really handsome, much better looking than your uncle when he was young, what do you think, Hiiragi?"

Jinguji Hiiragi looked cold and ignored her aunt.

After she left in the morning, she changed into a black Nike sportswear, with the Kunimitsu Nyudo Isshin hanging around her waist and a sports backpack on her back.

Standing beside her were two girls, Shiori and Kaori, also dressed in sportswear, with their hair combed into left and right buns to distinguish their identities. They looked cute and lovely. They were talking to each other in a low voice. When they saw Higashino Yu, they smiled and waved to him.

"Come here, Higashino Nissan!"

Higashino Yu heard their voices, hesitated for a second, and walked over.

A beautiful woman dressed as an assistant was distributing earphones to the exorcists. When she saw Higashino Yu coming, she also gave him one.

"Please wear it on your ears for easy communication."

"Thank you."

Higashino Yu took the headset from the assistant and put it on his ear. He walked towards Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami and the others while observing the demon hunters present.

After looking around, I found that there were not as many demon hunters present as yesterday. I guess some of the more skilled and courageous demon hunters have already gone into the mountains.

The demon hunters in various casual clothes wore headsets and talked to each other with smiles. If some of them did not have knives hanging on their waists, they did not look like demon hunters going into the mountains to kill demons.

On the contrary, it looked like a tour guide was leading a group of tourists to travel into the mountains.

There is one more chapter.

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