I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 158 Peach Forest

As a senior, he should correct his attitude towards demons, but not now, because the relationship is not that close yet.

Jinguji Nobuaki originally tacitly agreed to let Higashino Yu follow him, but now that these demon hunters have said so, he naturally has to show his attitude.

So his eyes fell on Higashino Yu and he said with concern: "Higashino-kun, I heard about you from Hiiragi Kagami. But is your health really okay?"

Higashino Yu did not restrain his momentum at all. Looking at this decent-looking middle-aged man, he answered seriously: "Mr. Jinguji, I am a person who cherishes my life very much. I still have a lot of things to do. If the injury affects my strength even a little bit, I will apply to withdraw from this operation."

He is a very motivated young man.

Nobuaki Jinguji felt that his spirit and spiritual power were no less than some powerful monsters, and smiled at the demon hunters who came to advise him with good intentions: "Everyone must be responsible for their own actions. Since Dongye-kun said so, there must be no problem. Please get in the car."

The demon hunters observed Dongye Yu for a moment, their expressions did not change, but they were surprised in their hearts.

Once Dongye-kun released his momentum, he did not give people any feeling of weakness even if he was injured. His body's spirit was as vigorous as the ocean, as if you could hear the blood surging like waves, which was astonishing.

However, in terms of spiritual practice, he was not only much worse than the older generation, but even the eldest lady of the Jinguji family of the same generation seemed to be better than him.

This comforted many demon hunters, at least they were not killed by the Kansai people in all directions.

In the corner of the crowd, the young monk who had been silent, wearing a cassock and holding a double-ear iron ring staff, raised his head slightly.

This is a decent-looking monk, with a square face, regular features, thick and straight eyebrows, and a high nose bridge.

He is as tall as Dong Yeyu, with a strong body and knotted muscles, like a strong body that can kill cattle and horses with one punch. There is no scar on his head, and he always keeps his eyes closed.

He faces Dong Yeyu, but does not open his eyes, just muttering to himself: "The inside and outside are clear, although it can't be said that the body is like glass, pure and flawless, but it has returned to the innate, it is really a good practice."

Dong Yeyu was a little surprised to hear this evaluation. Don't the practitioners in the island country cultivate the spirit instead of the body?

When he looked at the person who spoke, he found that it was a monk, and he was thoughtful.

This monk's practice is not bad, his skin is a healthy bronze color, and under the bright sunshine, it is faintly glowing with golden light like an illusion. Although his energy is not as strong as his own, he can also be regarded as a skilled practitioner.

The Buddhism on the island country was all passed down from Shenzhou. Compared with the inheritance of demon hunters and priests, the inheritance of Buddhism is unique.

In addition, the Buddhist sects in the two places have often communicated from ancient times to the present, and it is estimated that there should be a way to obtain the great way.

Jinguji Nobuaki found that the two people were looking at each other across the crowd - two people over 1.8 meters tall were a bit too obvious among the demon hunters, like two pillars.

So he asked: "Are Higashino and that monk old acquaintances?"

"No, Mr. Jinguji, this is the first time we meet, but I see that his cultivation is not bad."

Just good?

Jinguji Nobuaki was a little surprised to hear this: "The monk's Dharma name is Renshu, and he is a proud disciple of the Rinzai sect Kinkakuji in Kyoto. He is quite famous among the younger generation. Higashino is from Kyoto, but I haven't heard of it?"

Kinkakuji? It's fate. Old lady Sakurada Wakako seems to have mentioned Kinkakuji. I didn't expect to meet him here.

Higashino Yu recalled and was sure that he had never seen this monk when he took his children to visit Kinkakuji Temple for free when he was a child with the help of Mr. Miyazaki.

So he shook his head: "No, when I lived in Kyoto, I was busy with training, studies and taking care of children in the orphanage, and I didn't have much contact with exorcists."

"Is that so." Jinguji Nobuaki nodded, without asking more, just smiled and said: "You are all the best of the younger generation, you can communicate more."

"That's right." Higashino Yu responded with a polite smile.

The exorcists in the parking lot quickly boarded the tourist bus. Jinguji Nobuaki did not move, and Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami and others naturally waited beside him.

Seeing this, Higashino Yu didn't want to go up and take a seat, but he was anxious when he saw the good seats on the bus being taken away.

When traveling by car, a good seat will bring a good mood most of the time.

"Let's go too." Jinguji Nobuaki smiled and boarded the bus.

When Higashino Yu and Jinguji Hiiragi got on the bus, they found that there were only two seats left.

They were in the back row, two seats next to the window, and Shiori Kaori sat next to them obediently.

Jinguji Hiiragi glanced at them, walked over calmly, and said coldly: "You sit in."

Shiori Kaori and Shiori pursed their lips a little aggrieved, but turned around and smiled with a successful plot.

After driving his two sisters to the seats inside, Jinguji Hiiragi walked to the third seat and sat down.

Seeing this, Higashino Yu sat in the middle of the back seat like an emperor, facing the corridor, with his hands on the edges of the seats on both sides, as if he was holding a dragon throne, and he was full of heroic spirit.

In my previous life, I liked this seat the most when I was a child, but unfortunately my parents didn't allow me to sit there most of the time, probably because they were afraid that the car would brake suddenly and I would fly out and hit my head, so I had it in this life.

Suddenly I felt a gaze, and turned around to find Jinguji Hiiragi looking at my hands holding the chair.

Dong Yeyu paused for a second and said seriously: "This is for safety."

But the expression on your face just now was not like what you said.

Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami recalled Higashino Yu's expression just now, pursed his lips slightly, and pondered helplessly. Could it be because he was too close to Sanae?

Beep beep~

The car started.

The direction of travel seemed to be towards Kasumiyama Hishizawa Shrine. The speed was not fast. The bright morning sun sprinkled golden light on everyone, and there was a kind of drowsy warmth. The gentle breeze blew across the face, bringing a faint smell of baked fertilizer in the fields.

"Can you hear it?"

The gentle voice of Uda Hideki came from the Bluetooth headset beside my ear, which felt like a spring outing in the countryside when I was a child.

Shiori and Kaori answered in a clear and sweet voice: "I can hear you!"

"Haha, the two Jinguji ladies are so cute. Then let's get back to the topic. I wonder if you have been to Momogo Town. In ancient times, Momogo Town could be said to be a place of good weather and good harvests, without war or natural disasters. It could be said to be a land of fish and rice. People lived and worked in peace and happiness, all thanks to the grace of Hishizawa and the previous generation of the Hishizawa Water God."

Previous generation? Higashino Yu pondered after hearing this and raised his hand to indicate that he had a question.

Uda Hideki smiled gently when he saw it: "Do you have any questions, Higashino-kun?"

"I would like to ask, has the Hishizawa Water God ever been replaced?"

"Yes, in the Meiji period, the previous generation of the Hishizawa Water God probably died in a disaster, and handed over many affairs to the current Hishizawa Water God, but this water god is not good at general affairs and is not doing a good job."

More than not good enough.

Many demon hunters present shook their heads. Demons were rampant in their jurisdiction, and many believers disappeared. This was a serious dereliction of duty. I don't know how Lord Okuninushi could manage it. He didn't even abolish this god?

After answering, Ueda Hideki continued.

"Hishizawa is a large lake near the Tone River, which is now the Kasumi Lake. The peach forest we are going to today is located in a large mountainous area northeast of the Kasumi Lake."

He first briefly introduced the customs and legends of Taoxiang Town like a tour guide, and answered everyone's questions.

Then he described in detail the specific experience of his demon hunter in the peach forest.

Finally, he looked at Higashino Yu: "I heard that Higashino-kun went to the Hishizawa Monster Market last night. I am also curious. After the monsters occupied the monster market, no demon hunters have set foot in it for many years. I wonder if you are willing to share your experience with everyone? The microphone power button is next to the headset."

Didn't the monsters in the monster market say that the demon hunters of the Ueda family appeared in the monster market not long ago?

Dongye Yu was puzzled at first, but then he thought of the time concept of monsters and felt relieved. For monsters, not long ago may refer to decades ago.

"Of course." Dongye Yu agreed, turned on the microphone switch next to the headset, considered his words, and began to tell the story.

"I had an important matter to go to Xiashan to find a friendly monster. I found a maze on the way. Out of curiosity, I walked all the way in and found the monster market."

Dongye Yu hid some secrets that could not be told, and just briefly introduced his experience and observations last night.

The demon hunters present now believed that he had fought with Jiashaxuan, so what was strange about entering the monster market, so they all listened carefully.

"So, there is more than one monster in the monster market?"

"I'm afraid this trip will have some twists and turns."

After hearing this, the demon hunters frowned. Judging from the information provided by Dongye Yu, Taoxiang Town is not a large place, but there are many monsters. Casualties on this monster hunting trip are probably inevitable.

However, the people present were used to seeing life and death, so they didn't seem too panicked. They were still calm. Only some young demon hunters were a little uneasy.

The bus drove into another forked road on the way to the shrine. This road was very flat. Looking back, you can see the not-so-high Kasumiyama and the temples and pavilions of the shrine on the top of the mountain.

On the way, Shiori and Kaori quarreled. Higashino Yu asked curiously and found out that they had agreed to sit by the window for a while in the morning.

As a result, Kaori stood in her position and didn't move. Shiori pulled her sister's hair in anger.

"We agreed to sit for a while each, you didn't keep your promise!"

"Sister should let sister!"

Kaori was not to be outdone. She stretched out her hand and grabbed her sister Shiori's braid. The two quarreled and gnashed their teeth, and neither of them was willing to let go.

Jinguji Hiiragi looked at them, and the two girls blamed each other: "It's all her fault!"

She didn't say anything, but just put her index finger and middle finger together, and the magic power surged around her. Shiori Kaori saw this as if she saw something terrible, screamed and let go of her hand, and sat down obediently.

Higashino Yu sat aside and was a little stunned. Was it a bit too much to use magic on a child?

The car drove for more than half an hour before arriving at the destination, and everyone got off one by one.

After arriving in the mountains, the temperature that had been a little hot in late spring became much gentler. The cool mountain breeze covered people's faces like a veil, and the surrounding spiritual energy was full, and they felt refreshed.

Some people stretched their waists and looked up, looking into the distance, and suddenly froze in place, and then gave a heartfelt admiration: "It's so beautiful."

In the distance, there was an extremely wide plain. Looking around, it was filled with pink until the end of the field of vision, and there was almost no end. It was the so-called spring full of flowers.

It is indeed better to write during the day. If I have nothing to do tomorrow, I should be able to write 6,000. Maybe I can write 6,000 a day stably in the future!

Thanks to my brother Meng for his monthly subscription and recommendation tickets (ω)

Please give me monthly tickets, subscriptions, and recommendation tickets (╰╯)

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