I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 177 Before Departure

I sorted out the cakes and spirit wine I bought. The cakes were all placed in exquisite lacquerware food boxes. They were produced by the monster workshop and the workmanship was not inferior to that of humans.

They were all sealed with beeswax, so there was no smell at all. There was also a spell to cool and preserve them, so they could be stored for a longer time.

The spirit wine was placed in a jade-colored ceramic wine bottle, plugged with a wooden cork and covered with a red cloth.

There were a total of 22 food boxes, three for Asumimi Sanae, three for the Iori family, one each for Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami, Kaori, and Shiori, three for my family, and ten for the orphanage.

The pastry shop in the monster market was called Menghua. It was said that the owner went to Shenzhou to learn art during the Song Dynasty, that is, the Heian period, and he was already a pastry master when he came back.

He once opened a pastry shop in Jingzhao Monster Market around Heian-kyō. It stands to reason that opening a shop in the capital must be better than this small place in the mountains, but I don’t know how he ran to this place to live in seclusion.

Although he didn't know whether it was authentic, he just listened to it.

The snacks included Shenzhou-style glass fruit, lotus cake, osmanthus cake, etc., as well as classic Japanese fruit and daifuku. The ingredients were all spiritual fruits and flowers, and the price was not cheap.

However, the spiritual fruits that can be used to make snacks are not of high quality, and they can't cure all diseases like Cao Huandan. It can only be said that it can strengthen people's foundation and nourish their essence, which is better than nothing, but it tastes very good.

Dong Yeyu is not poor in the monster world now. He tasted it all the way and bought some of the ones he thought were delicious.

The types of cakes in the food box were written in neat small characters. Dong Yeyu sorted them and put them away, then took out a stack of postcards given by the hot spring hotel from the drawer of the Japanese-style room, and casually drew a signature pen on the table of the Japanese-style room.

First, there were three boxes for Asumimi Sanae. What should I write?

Dong Yeyu sat cross-legged on the tatami with a pen and pondered for two seconds.

"Dear Miss Moon Witch,

It has only been four days since we last saw each other, but I often think of you. A lot of things have happened in the past few days. Even now, I am sitting in the room of the hot spring hotel writing this letter to you and still feel as if I am in another world. I will tell you the details when I return to Tokyo. When I came back, I found some delicious cakes in a market for monsters. I thought Miss Witch might like them, so I bought some and sent them back to you.

Respectfully sent by Higashino Yu."

Then -

"Dear Miko,

I wonder if you have eaten and slept well since that day, and how is the effect of the grass elixir? Do you feel better? I have met many monster friends in Taoxiang Town. The peach forest is beautiful and it is very comfortable to take a hot spring bath. If there is a chance, I want to bring you here to play, you will definitely like everything here.

Dongye Yu wrote down his inner thoughts seriously, and occasionally a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth when he thought of something.

The warm yellow light in the Japanese-style room was scattered on the ink that was still a little wet after writing, and there was a golden glow sinking in it.

The corridor outside the room was very quiet. There was the sound of wind passing by in the courtyard, the leaves rustled, and the soft moonlight like a veil quietly fell through the glass shoji door, casting a silver frost on the floor.

It's not that there is no mobile phone or contact information. Of course, I can call or email them at any time.

It's just that I feel that some things written on paper are more weighty and more real than the light words on the phone. some.

After writing postcards to everyone, Dong Yeyu prepared to start practicing magic and send all the gifts tomorrow.

Ding Dong.

The sound of a mobile phone rang in the backpack, and Dong Yeyu remembered that since he left the fairyland and came back, he has been immersed in practicing new magic. He has been staying in the room, occasionally dealing with Yuanjun who came to the door, and has never turned on his mobile phone.

No one came to disturb.

There were many casualties in this operation. The demon hunters either contacted their families to transport the bodies of their tribesmen back to their hometowns, or lay in the hospital. There were also people like Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami whose elders were seriously injured in the hospital, so she had to go with them.

Most demon hunters are very busy.

Only a few demon hunters are lucky enough to have a safe journey and come back to simply tell their families After this experience, I started to travel.

It was not until tonight that Higashino Yu suddenly remembered that he had to go back to Tokyo tomorrow, and then he left the room to go to the demon market.

I can only say that the consequences of not using a smartphone for more than 20 years have begun to show, and I am no longer like a modern young man.

When I opened my phone, the screen was full of messages, and it was already full.

Most of them were messages from Asumi Sanae, with some inquiries from Arima Norimune and Imagawa Kashiwagi, and some messages from Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami.

Asumi Sanae's message perfectly illustrates a person's complete transformation from calm to impatient.

"My loyal knight, through the curtain of light and shadow, I saw you in trouble from the mirror moon. Do you need my help?"

"The light of the mirror moon ripples over Taoxiang. As long as you call my honorable name, knight, you can be saved."

"Why don't you reply to my message? Why don't you reply to my message? Why don't you reply to my message? "

She was probably anxious, so she sent a lot of emoticons and even made a phone call.

Dong Yeyu opened it and saw dozens of missed calls. Thinking that he had been practicing for the past few days and forgot to check his phone, he fell silent.

If he confessed, she would definitely be angry, so he had to change his mind.

Hesitated for two seconds,

"Good evening, Miss Moon Witch, I have experienced too many dangers these days. Your knight is already exhausted both physically and mentally. He has been recuperating and regulating his breath, so he did not have time to reply to you. I would like to express my most sincere apologies to you."

After that, I took out the torn yukata from when I killed Kasaya Xuan, took a photo and sent it.

The next second, the chat dialog box shows that the other party has sent a chat invitation.

Are you staying by your phone?

Dong Yeyu imagined the girl lying on the bed in a daze with her mobile phone, couldn't help but smile, and agreed to the invitation.

There was silence for a few seconds, and then a familiar girl's voice came. Her voice was cold and calm, and she asked very seriously: "My loyal knight, please pray seriously, and I will send a healer from the Mirror Moon to you."

No, is it so easy to deceive? Do you really believe it?

Dong Yeyu originally just wanted to excuse her, but seeing her so dumbfounded, he suddenly felt guilty and explained.

"It's okay, Your Highness. I am a cultivator. Unlike ordinary mortals, I can recover quickly even if I am injured."

"Please do not force yourself, Sir Knight."

"It's not forced at all. Don't you think the tone I speak now doesn't sound like I'm seriously injured? Your Highness."

"Then why are there blood on your clothes?"

"The presence of blood does not mean that I am seriously injured, Your Highness. I only need to recover for two days."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, "What happened to Judge Jinguji? She didn't pray to the Mirror Moon either."

Jinguji Hiiragi also did it, right?

Dong Yeyu suddenly felt that Miss Moon Witch was a little pitiful, as if when she was a child, children didn't take her to play with her.

"Miss Jinguji is fine, but her uncle and aunt were seriously injured in the demon eradication operation, and they are probably still in the hospital in Inzai City, so she took the Jinguji family to the city. It should be dealing with the follow-up of this demon elimination operation."

"what happened?"

Higashi Yeyu pondered for two seconds: "It's a long story. I'll tell you the details in person when I go back, Your Highness. I can only say that it's the right thing not to let you come here. The danger here in Taoxiang Town exceeds everyone's. Imagine, a lot of exorcists died.”

"Then when will you come back? You're not in Tokyo these days, so I can't go investigate the monsters, but I've collected a lot of interesting information."

The girl on the other end of the phone spoke softly, her tone unchanged, but it gave the impression that she was very lost and wanted to share her discovery with others.

Dong Yeyu then subconsciously lowered his tone.

"Come back tomorrow, Your Highness. I bought you some gifts at a monster market and plan to send them back to Tokyo tomorrow. Please send me your home address. If you use Black Cat Delivery, it should be delivered the next day. Remember to check it out when the time comes.”

"Well, I will tell you the address of Mirror Moon's palace in the Kingdom of Night later. My loyal knight, may the light of the moon guide you back."

"I will not lose my way, my dear lord."

It was easy to cope with seeing Sanae tomorrow, just when Higashino Yu was about to start tonight's practice.

The bushes in the courtyard made a rustling sound, and a big, fluffy raccoon came out of the bushes alone. He walked to the glass shoji door of Dong Yeyu's room and knocked lightly.

"Master Higashino, I am Santaro Tanuki, please open the door."

Dong Yeyu opened the door and took a look. The big raccoon cat that had transformed into its prototype bowed first, then raised its head, looking at Dong Yeyu with a pair of small dark eyes, full of reverence.

"Santaro Tanuki has met you, sir. You killed the evil god and all the demons that day. It was so majestic!"

Dong Yeyu smiled: "I won't be able to get free food after accepting your offerings. It's my job. After all, what do you want from me?"

Santaro Tanuki scratched his head.

"Sir, it's like this. Lixiang is planning to hold a celebration reception tonight, and will hand over the agreed thirty gold offerings to all of you. Lord Shuzo and the others are already here. I'm here to invite Lord Higashino to attend the meeting. "

Higashino Yu looked around, and it seemed that he was the only civet cat here today. Several other civet cats, such as the bean raccoon dog and the rice raccoon dog who had always acted like the Santaro raccoon dog, were all gone.

After a moment of silence, he nodded: "Okay, let's go now."

With that said, he opened the door and walked into the courtyard - the courtyard of Xiaoli Hot Spring Hotel leads directly to the back mountain, with only a simple bamboo fence as a barrier.

"Hey! I'm here to lead the way. Mr. Higashino, it is said that the gods want to recruit you as the envoy of the gods. Will you come? It would be great if you were here in Taoxiang. All the monsters and monsters will definitely run away when they hear your name. Momodong will definitely be very happy. She has taken care of the hot spring hotel at home in the past two days, saying that she will continue to open the store according to her father and brother's wishes."

Santaro Tanuki was walking in front, talking quite excitedly and garbled words, looking back at Higashino Yu from time to time.

Dong Yeyu was not annoyed, and followed him leisurely on his wooden clogs, leaving the brightly lit courtyard of the hot spring hotel and going deep behind Xia Mountain. The light dimmed, and the cold moonlight sprinkled silver frost on the ground through the gaps between the leaves.

Click! Click! Click!

There were constant sounds of branches breaking. Santaro Tanuki looked back and saw a white fox that was as big as a tourist bus passing him and running towards the peach forest.

He then sped up and followed behind with his paws flying.

A fox and a fox wandered through the mountains and forests for a short time before they came to the outside of the peach forest.

The scars on the dead sacred tree are still shocking. There are no longer those bugs trying to devour it around, but there are no signs of getting better. It seems that it was left here to wait for decay.

According to Yuanjun, after the death of the grass spirits, their cultivation and magic power will be dispersed and returned to the entire forest. This is probably the last wish of the sacred tree.

At the entrance of the peach forest, there is a sign built by the local government of Taoxiang Town and an archway made of creeping plants, with island language written on it.

Next to it is a dusty mascot statue, which is a little boy with a delicate figure followed by a chicken, a white dog and a monkey.


Dongye Yu was a little embarrassed when he saw the statue. He could only say that the Taoxiang Town government would take advantage of it. This peach forest and Momotaro cannot be said to have no relationship, at least it can be said that they are not related at all.

It can't be because there is peach in the name, right?

There are many raccoon cats in kimonos standing beside Momotaro, looking and waiting. When they saw Dongye Yu coming, they hurried over and bowed.

"Hello, Lord Dongye, please follow us."

The raccoon cat monsters led Dongye Yu into the peach forest and to an open space surrounded by peach trees.

An old raccoon dressed as a priest was waiting there. When the demons came over, his eyes fell on Dong Yeyu, who was huge and had flowing fox fur. He stood up and saluted, then carefully took out a glass mirror to reflect the moonlight.

The hazy moonlight illuminated the open space in front of him, like ripples on the water, and a small Kagura Hall slowly emerged.

The old raccoon jumped onto the Kagura Hall, picked up a folding fan, put on a mask and began to dance a strange Kagura dance, while other raccoons conjured up various musical instruments and began to play a Kagura tune that sounded like mourning music.

Dong Yeyu squatted beside him and watched. He could feel the awe of the gods from the old raccoon's weirdness and funnyness.

But Yuanjun was a dragon from Shenzhou, so he probably wouldn't like this kind of Kagura and dance.

Gradually, white mist covered the surrounding peach forest, sky and moonlight. The raccoons stopped dancing and playing music to please the gods, picked up the red lanterns beside them, and led Dong Yeyu into the white mist.

This time there was no demon attack. With the light of the red lanterns, I could see a bluestone road under my feet, and red stone lanterns on both sides of the road.

Not long after walking, I got out of the white fog and Dong Yeyu entered the fairyland again, but this time there were no thousands of miles of peach blossoms - after being submerged by Lingze, the peach blossoms had all withered.

Now looking back, the fairyland sky was hazy like a dreamy moonlight, with only a lush forest, and the flames of the stone lanterns on both sides of the road were quietly jumping.

It stands to reason that it would only take a moment for the peach blossoms in the fairyland belonging to the gods to grow back, but Yuanjun's peachland seemed unable to recover its original appearance for a while.

Maybe it was because the peachland was struck by lightning?

From morning to now, I have been writing for a while and playing for a while. I am really convinced. This is an electronic succubus.

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