I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 193 I ascended to the throne directly!

"Come with me."

Dong Yeyu glanced over there, put the knife into his sword bag, put his money, mobile phone, etc. close to his body, and prepared to go out.

"My lord, the ministers are also going to fight?" Xiuji stood stunned on the window frame.

"Nonsense, if it's a monster like an animal, I can handle it by myself, but not the bird monster. When the time comes, you go and entangle him, and I'll finish it off."

Xiuji: Huh? I?

Xiuji had been defeated three times in three battles, and he already had a psychological shadow on the crow monster. At this time, he suddenly thought of those eyes in the dark night, like light reflecting on ice crystals into a dazzling glare, and his legs trembled.

He squatted down directly, his feathers covering his trembling legs, and his old voice was calm and solemn, like an old military advisor holding a feather fan in one hand making suggestions.

"My lord, why don't you guard Dongye City with your servants? To avoid falling into the monster's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain?"

What kind of timid pigeon?

Raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while, Dong Yeyu didn't like him and said angrily.

"Don't come here. I have all my money and valuables with me. All I have left behind are old items that even second-hand stores don't want. They have no meaning other than commemorative value."

"If it were normal, I would have agreed, but this time it's a bird monster. If it sees that the situation is bad and wants to run away, you have to stop it. It doesn't take long, it only takes a few seconds."

Bird monsters have strong and weak combat capabilities, but they all have one characteristic - they are not very easy to kill.

Firstly, they are much more alert than ordinary monsters. Secondly, compared to other monsters, they are born with a talent for flying. After practicing, they become even more powerful. When they reach the stage of great monsters, they can easily break the sound barrier.

In fact, even Xiuji, if he only wants to escape, ordinary demon slayers will have no choice but to do so - unless there are traps or restraints and other formations.

However, this type of formation needs to be set up in advance, similar to a trap used by a hunter to catch a bird, laying out bait and waiting for it to come to your door.

But if the monster doesn't take the bait, there's nothing you can do.

Dong Yeyu doesn't like trouble and strives to accomplish everything in one battle, so he must bring Xiuji with him this time.

If the bird monster escapes, I'm afraid it will be very annoying later, crows are very vindictive in nature.

Speaking of which, it would be great if he were a cat demon. The cat would pounce on the bird and pinch it with his hands.

"My master's old and prudent plan is really clever. That guy is arrogant and has no ambition. He is bound to fall into the trap. His defeat is doomed. It's time for her to think about her death poem."

Xiu Ji is very good at observing people's words. Hearing Dong Yeyu's tone, he knew that he was definitely going to be caught this time, and he immediately started to praise him.

It was about his own status in the future, and his dark eyes rolled around, remembering the plot of the military generals on the TV when they went to war, it was like a sudden enlightenment, and he asked for battle in a deep voice with an old and melodious voice.

"Last time, I was taken advantage of by her sneak attack. She had the right time, place and people, so I lost the opportunity. Although I fought hard, there was nothing I could do. This time, the lord is suppressing the battle. I will capture that guy alive and present him to the lord's throne!"

Dong Yeyu put on his shoes, looked back at him, and couldn't help but smile.

Xiuji was anxious: "My lord, you don't trust your ministers?"

Is this a question of belief or not? The key is that you have been defeated in a row. Do you have the ability to capture someone alive?

Dong Yeyu felt a little funny, and promised with a serious look: "If you can hold it off for five seconds, I will count it as a great achievement for you."

Five, five seconds? How long is five seconds?

Xiuji plucked his feathers and began to think deeply before he could figure it out.


After the door was closed, Dong Yeyu quickly went downstairs with a knife in hand, stepped out of the dim corridor, identified the direction and ran towards the direction Xiuji had pointed before.

"Lord, wait for me, General!"

Xiuji stretched out his bird head and called out from the third floor. He descended from the third floor quickly, making a cooing dove call. His body, which was larger than a raven, perfectly interpreted the aerodynamics and drew a beautiful arc. With a slight flutter of wings, it flew a long distance.

Oda Saburo was coming out of the store with his waist bent, holding a can of beer in his hand, probably for some fresh air.

Seeing Dong Yeyu running by with a sword bag, he asked: "Hey, Dong Yejun, are you going for a night run to exercise at this late hour?"

Dong Yeyu didn't stop, just waved in response.

Young people are full of energy.

Saburo Oda smiled and shook his head. At this time, a gray shadow rushed past, bringing up a strong wind. He subconsciously took two steps back before realizing it, and then took a closer look with some curiosity.

"What a big bird."

The convenience store is some distance away from the apartment, and it took about seven or eight minutes to get there.

This is a convenience store chain called 7-11. It is considered the largest convenience store on the island, with 20,000 stores open all over the island.

However, Higashino Yu, who claims to be the king of convenience store rush-buying battles, rarely comes here.

The main reason is that this convenience store is quite far away from the apartment, and its price and quality control are not much better than the summer convenience store I often go to - their discounted bento boxes are only 50 to 60% off at the lowest.

When we arrived here, it was close to 10:30 in the evening. The street lights were dim and far apart, making the street seem darker.

The convenience store's simple design of red, green and orange signs shines with bright white light. The store is very transparent and bright, but there are very few people shopping. There are only a few fat houses facing the shelves with their chests and chins in their hands, showing that the aerospace giant is grinding his spacecraft. Part focus.

Occasionally, his fat and trembling hands would calmly pick up a bag of potato chips, and the critical look in his eyes meant that this potato chip contestant regretted not being selected.

This is the perfect moment for the all-nighter. You must not be careless in choosing your fighting partners, otherwise you will ruin your good night by eating snacks you don’t like in the middle of the night.

There are no monsters, just the usual sights you experience every day in a city convenience store at night.

"Hiding?" Dong Yeyu glanced twice and asked.

"My lord, she just attacked the minister secretly, and she shouldn't have left now. That guy is a habitual thief, and his purpose for coming here must be impure. We only need to wait a moment."

Xiuji stood on the telephone pole, stretched his neck and looked around alertly, while lowering his voice and whispering.

Dong Yeyu frowned slightly, held his breath and concentrated for a moment, quietly released the restraint on his nose, and sniffed gently, and various smells came one after another.

Higashino Yu usually suppresses his sense of smell to the level of ordinary mortals - otherwise, the result of having an overly sensitive sense of smell is that all smells will penetrate into his nose.

If you get along well with beautiful girls, if you walk on the street, not to mention other people's body odor and foot odor, the smell of the sewer alone is enough to make you drink a bottle.

If his sense of smell is always fully activated, Dong Yeyu feels that one of his noses and himself must be sent first.

The smell lingering on the tip of the nose is difficult to evaluate at this time. It is a bit like the stench emitted by the garbage that has been stifled in a humid environment for several months in a garbage dump and then exposed to the sun.

If I hadn't been so determined, I might have rolled my eyes on the spot.

"Found you."

The demonic energy was as conspicuous as a bright light among these smells. Dongye Yu frowned and quickly found the smell that seemed to be that of the crow monster, and looked in the direction in which the smell was diffused.

In a convenience store?

Dong Yeyu pondered for two seconds and then told Xiuji: "Xiuji, you are guarding outside. If the monster escapes, try your best to stop it."

"Kichizaemon Sui is here to guard, please don't worry, my lord! If that guy dares to come, the servants will kill him!"

Xiuji held his head high and looked ambitious.

"Okay, very energetic!"

Dong Yeyu felt a little funny and praised him, then stepped into the convenience store alone.

Watching his lord enter the convenience store, Xiuji's high-spirited attitude suddenly collapsed. He stretched his neck to look around, occasionally flapping his wings so that he could ride away alone at any time.


The convenience store clerk standing at the checkout counter bowed solemnly. In the deli area, a tall and sturdy convenience store clerk was pouring radish into the oden pot. He was a little unskilled, causing a lot of soup to splash out.

There are a few clerks on the shelves looking around as if sorting out the goods.

It's so late, so there seem to be too many store clerks, right?

Dong Yeyu has been working in various convenience stores for many years. When he entered the door, he felt something was wrong, but he just thought that a large chain supermarket like 711 was different from a small supermarket.

It was important to get rid of the demon, so Dong Yeyu didn't waste any time. He held the sword bag in one hand and pushed the shopping cart to follow the smell of the demon.

The fat man who had been picking out snacks for a long time hummed a tune and passed by Dong Yeyu. His eyes swept over his face, he immediately curled his lips and quickly paid and left.

Not long after, I saw two slightly familiar figures in the fresh food area.

It seems that I saw them in Boss Oda's shop yesterday. Are they those two brothers and sisters?

The boy's hair was long but very clean. It seemed that it had just been washed and blow-dried. At this time, it exploded like a hedgehog.

The clothes he wore were still the same ones that were obviously several sizes too big, a blue denim jacket with a white vest underneath, and long overalls.

The girl has not changed much. She is still wearing the rustic black dress. She is thin and has yellow hair. She is timid and somewhat silent.

However, there was a middle-aged man with a bald head next to them. He had a single eyelid and looked like he had not woken up. He was wearing old clothes and was holding a cane as if he had injured his leg. He seemed to be their guardian.

The three of them gathered in the fresh food area and talked quietly for a while, and seemed to be ready to leave without choosing any products.

The source of the evil spirit is that girl.

The moment Dong Yeyu saw the girl, his expression became solemn - the aura of this girl was far more powerful than Kasaya Xuan.

Judging from the aura, it is much worse than Shuzo, but it is stronger than Shichiro, Badger Chiyo and other big monsters.

As expected of a youkai who dares to come to Tokyo and run wild, with such a level, no wonder he dares to say those words.

However, although her aura is stronger than Kasaya Xuan, Qilang and Badger Chiyo, her fighting ability is hard to say.

The world of monsters does not all depend on cultivation. Unless it is a complete cross-realm cultivation, most of the time the race of birth has a greater impact on fighting ability.

For example, if a deer demon and a bear demon, who are both in the realm of great monsters, fight, no matter how they fight, the bear demon will definitely win.

As a big monster, Kasaya Xuan was not killed by his sword mainly because of his large size and thick flesh. Cheng Mingyiji's long sword slashed him with one stroke, and even the hilt of the sword could not cut off his bones.

But this monster is different. Birds have specialized their bodies for the talent of flying and have given up their defense. Even if they become monsters, they are limited by their talent and can only choose to continue on the path of speed.

If I had to use a metaphor, it would be the crispy flying coffin Zero from World War II.

As long as he kills the demon with one sword, he will be seriously injured.

Dong Yeyu suppressed his aura, gave full play to the fox's latent attack talent, naturally controlled his body, and quietly approached while pushing the shopping cart.

The convenience store clerk didn't know when he closed the store door.

The female clerk at the cashier pressed her ear and whispered: "Secretary-general, what should I do? It's leaving. There are still three people in the store."

"We can't wait any longer. Just be careful not to hurt those people."

Tadahiro Takigawa, who was sitting in a van not far from the convenience store, heard the answer, then glanced at the operations specialist beside him, and pressed the hidden Bluetooth headset next to his ear: "Do it!"

As soon as the door was pushed open, seven or eight well-trained people got out of the van and ran towards the convenience store.

The scabbards on their waists made a clanging sound. Some people held pistols in their hands, while others held net rope guns. There were also white talismans with unknown functions attached to their clothes.

People from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Liberal Arts?

Dong Yeyu in the store heard all these sounds in his ears. Thinking of the strange behavior of the previous clerks, he suddenly understood.

It seems that this monster has already been targeted by the demon exterminators from the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Science.

So they gave up the plan of sudden attack and prepared to wait and see what happens.

If these demon slayers can deal with him, there is no need to take action. If not, they can also restrain him a little, and he can directly climb onto the dragon while the monster is not paying attention!

However, Fei Yi also heard the sound. Although she didn't know what happened, her intuition was warning her wildly.

I also saw the obviously abnormal behavior of the clerks, and I didn't know that I was in a trap.

Without saying anything else, she immediately transformed into a crow with a wingspan of several meters, grabbing the frightened boy and middle-aged man with her sharp claws. A strong wind swept through, blowing the convenience store products everywhere, as if she wanted to force her way in. go out.

The clerk wearing a baseball cap in the deli area took out the talisman with a talisman on it from the cabinet. The clerk behind the counter suddenly pressed the button, and huge talismans suddenly fell on the clear windows around the store. At the same time, there were golden talismans on the floor of the store. Mantras emerge.

The giant crow was illuminated by this light and froze in place.

Xiuji saw this formation on a telephone pole and danced excitedly on it at that time, "Haha, you guys are also here today! We were so rampant in the past, did we ever think of our defeat today?"

He laughed three times, and Tadahiro Takigawa, who was approaching quickly, seemed to hear something. When he looked up, Suiji immediately shrunk and hid on the telephone pole.

"Quick, restrain it!"

The clerks in the convenience store tore off their disguises and instantly turned into well-trained demon slayers. They did not rush to attack the giant crow, but stood on the formation nodes on the floor in a special formation, outputting output together. Mana, trying to trap the giant crow.

You hateful humans!

Anger rose in Fei Yi's heart, he screamed, broke through the golden light, and flew away the two shop assistants with his giant sword-like iron wings. Then he flapped his wings violently, and the strong wind smashed the talisman and the shop window together.

"Stop him!" Tadahiro Takigawa shouted outside the store, but all the demon slayers around him were overturned by the strong wind.

Seeing that the giant crow was about to escape, Dong Yeyu poked his head out from under the collapsed shelf, took out Chengming Yiji's long light from his sword bag, and jumped to draw the sword. The sword's light was as bright as liquid silver.

Katori Shinto style, climb the dragon!

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