I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 203 The treasury is full!

Miko opened her eyes dazedly, her amber pupils were clear and empty, and after a while, her spirit slowly focused, and she stared at the old ceiling for a while.

She didn't sleep well until Haruhara told her about Tobi last night.

The girl touched her chest, which was a little stuffy, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a dream.

She had a dream at night, and it was hard to say whether it was good or bad, but she didn't like it very much.

In the dream, her body finally recovered and she inherited the priesthood of the Iori family, but when she was working, she saw Asumi Sanae, wearing a white wedding gown, holding Higashino Yu's hand and coming to the shrine to worship.

They wanted her to preside over the wedding.

Until now, Miko can still feel her mood at that time, her heart was blocked and uncomfortable, and it made her want to cry.

She only had one human friend, Higashino Nissan, but Miss Asumi wanted to snatch him away. She was beautiful and a rich lady, so she must have no shortage of friends.

In the dream, Miko was a little angry, and she woke up after getting angry.

Fortunately, it was just a dream. Miko thought very thankfully, and then she was a little worried about the situation of a friend.

Ms. Yu hasn't appeared for a long time. Is there something wrong, or is she on vacation?

Miko thought so and decided to complain to the lady next time she saw her.

Ms. Yu was a dream-eating tapir. She had indeed met her many times. To be precise, she would fall asleep with this lady almost every night before she met Higashino Yu.

The first time she met her was in the room. She was still young at that time, only a few years old. When she was half asleep and half awake, she saw a long pink nose at the head of the bed in the moonlight.

It looked like an elephant's nose, but not that long. Behind the nose was a furry face with small, drooping eyes, giving people a feeling of lack of energy.

She was wearing a beautiful colorful kimono. Her hands looked like humans, but her legs were hooves.

"Who are you?" Miko asked with a blink of her eyes.

Seeing that Yuko didn't seem to be scared by him, the dream-eating tapir said gently, "縩."

After that, this monster came almost every night, so Yuko was not lonely when she was a child. She could chat with this lady and share some of her thoughts.

In the past two months, Ms. has appeared less frequently, and she hasn't appeared at all in the past few weeks. Yuko wanted to ask her some questions but didn't have the chance. She guessed that she must be tired .

After all, she has been with me every night for so many years, so it's inevitable that she will feel tired.

Why not just complain a little?

Yuko didn't want to bring her negative emotions to others.

Thinking of this, she turned over in bed. The soft and smooth silk quilt made her quite nostalgic, and even the temperature was just right, making her feel soft all over.

Why don't we sleep for a while?

An idea came to Yuko's mind, but when she thought that she might continue the dream of last night, she pursed her lips slightly and sat up from the bed with her hands.

I don't want to see that scene a second time.

At this time, the golden morning sun carefully peeked in through the gaps in the thick curtains. The warm light was like a ribbon, spreading through the gaps in the curtains, falling on Miko's small bed, and imprinted on the wall on the other side.

Miko reached out to touch the warmth. Today's atmosphere seemed particularly relaxed, and even the tiny dust in the air was lazily flying.

Oh, today is Saturday.

She remembered the date, glanced at the time on the small alarm clock, and found that it was still early, so she tidied up her nightgown, got out of bed barefoot, opened her hands, and staggered back and forth like a toddler, until fine beads of sweat oozed from her forehead, and then she picked up the cane.

This is something Miko has done every morning when she gets up these days. After taking the pills sent by Dongye Nissan, her left arm is basically the same as a normal person except that it is still a little bit slow, only her left leg is not very good.

Although she can barely walk, Miko not only feels tired, but also has a feeling of anxiety that she has the strength but cannot use it.

I went to the hospital for a checkup two days ago. The doctor who treated me was surprised at how I could recover to this extent after seeing the data from the instrument. He asked me for a long time, but my grandfather barely managed to evade the question.

The doctor didn't prescribe any medicine in the end, but only suggested walking more.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Miko felt that after walking more these days, she seemed to be walking more easily.

On Saturday, I will study with Higashino Nissan. What should I wear?

There are many clothes in Miko's closet, but most of them were bought by her father and mother when she was a child, and there are not many clothes that can be worn now.

Considering that the shrine doesn't make much money, and my grandparents don't have much savings, the family lives on some dividends from the shares left by their deceased parents. Although they are still rich, if my grandparents get sick one day, they may become stretched.

In addition, Miko didn't go out much before, so she didn't buy many clothes, and the style was very plain.

After choosing and choosing, considering today's weather, she chose a goose yellow floral skirt.

It seems that she wore this skirt when she went to Higashino Nissan's house before? He seemed to like it very much at that time.

After putting on the skirt, she looked at herself in front of the antique floor-length mirror in the room and nodded with satisfaction.

Pulling open the curtains, the morning light illuminated the room. The girl stretched and pushed open the shoji door, and walked to the corridor. Grandma was walking to the kitchen, probably to make breakfast.

"Grandma, I'll help you cook."

Miko followed Iori Tomoko into the kitchen with her cane and learned to make simple dishes such as tempura fried food.

After the meal was ready, she selected the tempura fried shrimp and chicken cutlet that Higashino Yu liked and put them in the small food box.

"Are you going to give it to Ayu?" Iori Tomoko asked with a smile.

Miko nodded slightly: "I'm going to play at Higashino Nissan's house today."

Iori Tomoko smiled: "He may not be free."

"Then I'll call him later to ask." Miko said softly, closing the lid of the food box.

While eating, grandpa walked in from the outer room with a lot of packages in his arms.

"Are they sent by your old friends?" Grandma was a little curious.

Grandpa shook his head: "Ayu sent them."

"Ayu?" Iori's grandmother smiled, "Why do you need to mail them when they are so close, this child."

"It seems that he sent them when he went to Inzai City. He probably didn't expect to come back so soon at that time."

Is it the clothes that Higashino Nissan mentioned before? Miko was looking forward to it.

Iori Tadamichi put the package on the floor, cut the tape with a knife, and opened the package. It was a box of exquisite lacquerware food boxes, which looked quite expensive.

He opened the lid of the food box, and there were several translucent cakes with crystal clear skin inside, and there was a white mist of cold air.

"Well, it's a snack, it's really well made, like it was made by a snack chef in Kyoto. Is there such a snack shop in Inzai?"

"And there's air conditioning."

Iori Tadamichi touched the box and studied it for a while, but didn't find the refrigeration device inside: "Is it some high-tech? Ayu, this kid, has a hard life, and he bought such an expensive thing. Before, I told him to forgive others, but he forgot it. The incident in Matsushige Convenience Store was probably caused by him."

He said with a scolding tone, but there was no meaning of blame in his words, and there was a little smile on his face.

"Maybe it's a spell. Higashino Nissan said he bought a lot of things in the monster market over there." Miko explained.

"Spells, I don't know if they are always there or will be invalid after a while. Well, there is a letter here."

Iori Tadamichi put down the lunch box, glanced at the envelope, and handed it to Miko with a smile: "It's for you, Miko."

Miko took the letter, and the envelope was only written with neat and elegant handwriting to Miko.

After dinner, Miko didn't rush to call Higashino Yu. She took the letter to the study and opened it. The bright sunshine couldn't wait to sprinkle on the white letter paper, so she didn't turn on the light and continued reading.

"Dear Miko,

After that day, I don't know if you ate and slept well, and how was the effect of the grass elixir? Do you feel better? I met a lot of monster friends in Taoxiang Town. The peach forest is beautiful and the hot spring is also very comfortable. If there is a chance, I want to bring you here to play. You will definitely like everything here."

Did Higashino Nissan experience so much in Taoxiang?

Miko's eyes traveled between the lines, and she felt a warm and soothing feeling in her heart. She also had many questions, and wanted to write a reply immediately.

It seemed unnecessary, but since Higashino Nissan wrote to her, she only replied with words, which inevitably seemed a little insincere.

Words are always light and cannot carry enough emotions like words.

But thinking that the breakfast in the lunch box might be cold, she gave up the idea and decided to write it tonight.

Thinking of this, Miko carefully put away the letter and the envelope, and took down a small box with various flowers painted in gold from the bookshelf. The box contained a lot of things, all of which were old things she cherished.

The window was open, and the sun had just come out not long ago. The sky that showed a hideous corner last night had disappeared today. The lead-black clouds were blown away by the wind, and the sky in Tokyo looked blue and clear.


The hot steam swirled to outline the shape of the morning breeze, and the water in the pink electric cooker on the small square table by the window boiled.

There were some chopped green onions and coriander on the chopping board, and on the tatami were seasonings such as oil, salt, vinegar, chicken essence, and half-eaten Lao Gandie chili sauce. A handful of old family-made egg noodles were placed aside in a state of readiness.

Dongye Yu was not in a hurry to cook noodles and eat. He took out a stack of Fukuzawa Yukichi from his backpack and box and prepared to start counting.

Xiuji stood aside, tilting his bird head, his eyes shining.

"My lord, is the treasury of Dongye City so full now?"

"If it were just for our lives, this money would be a lot, but for Sunshine Garden, it's just a drop in the bucket."

Dongye Yu was going to send money back to the orphanage today. When he left Sunshine Garden two months ago, the dishes in the orphanage cafeteria were already poor.

There were not many vegetables, just some cheap foods such as hamburger meat and pork chops. Although the children liked to eat them, they were not nutritious and eating too much was not good for the body.

Milk was also provided intermittently, and the drinks were all cheap. This couldn't go on.

I quickly counted the money, and the amount was about the same as before.

I saved nearly 900,000 yen from part-time work and the salary of Asumi Sanae. Yuanjun gave me four gold beans before, which counted as 200,000 yen. Takigawa Tadahiro gave me 100,000 yen as a thank you. I guess Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami will also send money in the next two days, but it’s hard to say how much money there is.

In other words, I now have about 1 million yen in cash, plus four gold beans worth 200,000 yen.

For a high school student, this is already a huge sum of money.

Dongye Yu put the money and gold beans on the floor and pondered for a while. He put 100,000 yen in cash into his pocket and prepared to put the remaining 900,000 yen and gold beans into the white envelope prepared in advance. He would go out to mail it after breakfast.

"So much money, all sent back?"

Xiuji lowered his head and picked up the feathers to count. He was surprised. Only 100,000 yen was left. Isn't this going back to the past in an instant?

"Don't worry, you won't starve." Dongye Yu glanced at him. The pigeon was walking back and forth on the floor with its wings on its back, quite like a landlord.

Xiuji said in a deep voice: "The eunuch is not stingy with money, but Dongye Castle is now in ruins. The lord should save more money for emergencies, and didn't you always say that you wanted to buy a human-made means of transportation?"

Dongye Yu sealed the envelope and said: "When I was in Taoxiang, I saved Miss Jinguji and exceeded the task of the Ministry of Religion and Culture. The funds allocated should be quite a lot, and the Jinguji family must give a thank you, right?"

Who is that? Another woman?

Xiuji looked at Dongye Yu in astonishment, feeling heavy. Will the Dongye shogunate inevitably experience a turmoil in the future?

At this time, the phone suddenly rang. I picked up the phone and took a look. It was a call from Miko, saying that she would bring some delicious food later, and asked if I was free in the morning and wanted to come over to play.

It seems that there is nothing to do in the morning except sending money, and the matter of being Yuanjun's tour guide will be put off until next week.

Dongye Yu thought about this and said, "There shouldn't be anything to do in the morning. I'm going to study. If you want to come over, Yuko, bring your homework and study together."

"Well, I'll come over now."

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, Nissan Dongye."

Yuko hung up the phone, and Dongye Yu put down the phone.

Since Yuko is going to bring delicious food, the noodles can wait a while.

Turn off the switch of the electric cooker, and the boiling water subsides, leaving only wisps of white steam.

Dongye Yu took out the cram school exercise book and notes that the class monitor lent him two days ago and started studying.

In fact, he has now mixed into the island country's demon hunter world. He just needs to go to the Ministry of Religion and Literature to get a legal demon hunter certificate. Even if he drops out of school, he can still do well.

The reason why he continues to study, in addition to his dream of studying at a world-class university in his previous life, is also the expectations that Dean Miyazaki of the orphanage has for him.

What's more, I have read books for two lifetimes, so there is nothing wrong with staying in my comfort zone. It is always good to learn more knowledge.

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