I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 53 My house is pretty big

After a while, Dong Yeyu held the two boys by their collars with one hand and carried them back like chickens.

"Let me go! Bastard!"

"I'm going to call the police, I'm going to tell my dad that you bully a minor!"

They screamed and struggled, and Dong Yeyu swung their collars hard like catching a struggling cat.


Before the few little bastards had time to worry about their clothes, they were shocked to find that the hands that had been holding their collars suddenly let go. They were enveloped in a sense of weightlessness, and they were greeted by the solid concrete floor.


Ishida Bunta was so painful that he shed tears, and several others hurriedly tried to stand up like stranded fish.

Dong Yeyu went up and kicked them to the ground one by one, saying coldly.


Ishida Bunta's mouth dropped, and he put his hands on the ground, knelt on the ground, and wanted to cry. When he looked up, he found that the confused and cute-looking Iori classmate was looking at him.

His face suddenly turned red, and he felt regretful, but he mumbled and didn't say a word.

Iori Miko looked a little surprised at the classmates kneeling in a row in front of her.

She was completely immersed in another world just now and didn't notice what was happening around her.

The girl's eyes widened and she looked at Higashikata Yu, "Higashino Nissan, what's wrong with them?"

Dong Yeyu was stunned for a second. You didn't hear anything going on around you just now, did you?

However, he was not prepared to let these little bastards in front of him go.

Bullies don't stop just because you ignore them.

In fact, because you don't fight back, they will view you as weak and can be bullied, and the bullying will get worse.

Higashino Yu explained to Iori Miko seriously: "They just said bad things about you and deliberately bullied you. This is a very despicable and shameless bullying behavior. I am asking them to apologize to you."

"That's it, um, okay, I forgive them."

Iori Miko said softly with a calm expression. She was actually not particularly angry at the behavior of these classmates.

Before, I just felt a little lonely and sad that I couldn't find friends, and the monsters sometimes couldn't understand my troubles.

But now that I have Tono Nissan, it doesn't matter that I can't be friends with these classmates.

Oh, and there is Kichizaemon Sui, but why does it always hide from me.

After she finished speaking, the few little bastards gritted their teeth and snorted, trying to stand up. Higashino Yu slapped Ishida Bunta on the head.

"Did I ask you to get up?"

Higashino Yu glanced at them, and then spoke to Iori Miko patiently.

"Miko, they haven't apologized yet. You have to wait until they finish apologizing before you can say whether you forgive them."

Iori Miko waved to Higashinoyu, pulled his sleeves and asked him to lower his body, and whispered in his ear.

"But if Tono Nissan does this, he might be arrested by the police."

"Don't be afraid. I'm also a minor. I'm still a month away from turning sixteen. And they all fell by themselves. I didn't beat them."

Dong Yeyu said not to worry.

I have spent more than ten years working hard to obtain a human identity that can be like a fish in modern society, so naturally I will not touch the law easily.

It was for this reason that I didn't choose to kill those gangsters before. There were always people who thought they could kill people without paying the price if they had some abilities.

The police and the exorcists are really just living off each other. It is stupid to place your own safety on others. This is the real stupidity.

After hearing this, a few little bastards knelt on the ground and gnashed their teeth. Occasionally they cast hateful looks at Dong Yeyu, and they refused to apologize even though they held their necks.

Dong Yeyu threatened expressionlessly.

"If you don't apologize, I will take a video of you kneeling here with my mobile phone, and then send it to your school or YouTube."

As he spoke, he pointed to the surveillance camera at the street not far away: "The surveillance camera over there also captured the entire process of your bullying of your female classmates."

This is the time when these middle school boys are rebellious and stubborn, but if they are rebellious again, they will basically give in as long as they threaten to publicize the scandal they have done to the school.

These people take their dignity very seriously, which is both their armor and their weakness.

Moreover, this approach is particularly offensive to islanders, especially now that island society abhors bullying.

No one cares about what is done in private, but once it is brought to the table, its nature changes.

Coupled with the spread of the Internet, editing and posting the video of these people bullying disabled girls on the Internet can basically be regarded as social death.

Of course, I was actually scaring them. The old phone didn't have a camera function.

The so-called monitoring was actually stopped before the line could even be connected.

But these little bastards obviously don't know these things.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, their expressions changed suddenly, they hesitated for a while, and then made the standard soil seat posture.

"I'm sorry, Iori-san."

Iori Miko looked at Higashinoyu, saw him nodding, and smiled: "Okay, I forgive you."

Higashino Yu looked at the four people sitting in the soil seat and said admonishingly: "Bullying the weak is a very shameful behavior. If you are like this in the future, you are destined to live a failed life. Get out."

But actually this is not a warning;

Dong Yeyu couldn't see such evil young men becoming prosperous. Even if the gods did not open their eyes and allowed them to prosper, he would take action to let these boys know what it means to make one mistake lead to eternal hatred.

The island country is such a big place, so it’s so easy to find someone.

Hearing this, they felt as if they had been granted amnesty. The young man who had suffered the worst fall stood up with bared teeth, his face covered with snot and tears, and he walked towards his home crying while wiping his nose. The other three also ran away sobbing.

"Miko, aren't you angry?"

Higashino Yu felt a little strange about Iori Miko's attitude. If he was the one who was being bullied, he would have punched her.

Even the Clay Bodhisattva still has three points of fire energy.

"I'm not angry, I just feel it's a pity that they can't see the scenery I've seen."

Iori Miko said softly, her crystal clear eyes first looked at the window on the third floor of the apartment for a while, and in a daze she saw a bird's head retracting quickly.

She pursed her lips slightly, said nothing, and then looked at Dong Yeyu.

"Nissan Higashino, grandpa said you are coming to teach me on weekends. Do you want to go to my house to play now? The shrine is very big and fun."

"Grandma's dinner is delicious. There's also hot fried tofu."

Can you still have a meal? Higashino Yu agreed cheerfully, originally planning to go to the shrine to ask for leave from Iori Chumichi.

"Okay, but today I can only study with Yuzi for one afternoon. I have something to do in the evening."

Dong Yeyu said, going home first and taking his schoolbag with him.

It contains some study supplies and my own exercise books, textbooks, etc. I plan to teach Miko to study while also doing exercises myself - it is impossible to practice in a shrine anyway.

That would be too insulting to the gods.

The two walked to the shrine while chatting together, and soon they came to the vermilion torii gate under the approach of Inari Shrine.

Two stone statues of foxes as tall as one person squatted at the entrance to the shrine, scrutinizing everyone who passed by.

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