I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 66 (Come in and talk about something) The wishes of mortals

Higashi Yeyu squatted on the spot with mixed emotions, watching with his own eyes the fox fire on Nekomata's body gradually extinguished.

Then I started running back - my clothes were still at the Kosuge vegetable market.

Soon he returned to Xiaosuge Vegetable Market, changed back into his human form, and put on the clothes neatly stacked in the corner of the side door of the entrance.

He looked back at the fire that had gradually extinguished in the corridor. The raging sea of ​​​​fire a few minutes ago now only had scattered remnants of fire dancing in the corners.

The surrounding environment did not seem to have experienced the flames. The floors, walls and even the rolling shutter doors of the store remained intact without any change.

Only cat corpses and human corpses in hideous and miserable shapes on the ground silently told what happened here.

This is related to the characteristics of fox fire.

Dong Yeyu can use two kinds of fox fire, one is blue fox fire, which uses demon energy and spiritual energy as fuel, and also burns the soul.

Once entangled with the opponent, the tarsal bones will corrode the heart, and it will not be extinguished automatically until its demonic energy and spiritual energy are burned out.

Most demons who are burned will feel heartbreaking pain, but the actual temperature of fox fire is not much higher than human body temperature.

Therefore, some exorcists believe that fox fire only burns evil spirits and cannot burn ordinary things, which is not unreasonable.

The other is orange fox fire, which uses its own spiritual energy as fuel and has a higher temperature than ordinary flames.

But probably because of his own cultivation limitations, its temperature is not high enough to melt iron into bones.

Moreover, this kind of flame can easily cause big fires, and most of the enemies he faces are monsters, so he rarely uses it.

In terms of practicality, this high-temperature fox fire is far less useful than the previous one.

After a brief inspection, Dong Yeyu confirmed that all the living corpse cats had died again and would not harm innocent people. He had no intention of packing up the corpses or cleaning up the traces, but was preparing to leave here.

First, there were too many traces and it was impossible to clean them up.

Secondly, Inari God also said that the demon slayer can't see through his own transformation, so what else is there to be afraid of?

What does the monster conflagration and the violent death of the prisoner have to do with me, Dong Yeyu, of the Qing Dynasty?

Just as he was about to go back to Sakurada's house, a grateful voice suddenly came from behind him.

"You must be the messenger of Lord Inari! I, Satoshi Hiratsuka, thank you for killing the monster and saving me from its control. I am deeply grateful for such a great favor!"

Dong Yeyu looked back and saw a middle-aged man in a police uniform, who looked to be in his thirties, bowing to him to thank him.

It seems that the police rank is two levels higher than that of ordinary people of the same age. It is incomparable with the professional group of the police department, but it should also be entered through the national examination of the police system.

If it develops normally, it should be able to accomplish something.

It's a pity that under the evil disaster, everything turned out to be like a dream.

Dong Yeyu felt complicated and shook his head slightly: "I am not the messenger of Inari God, I am just a mountain monster."

"The killing of Nekomata this time was also entrusted by the deceased Mrs. Sakurada. It is just a matter of course to let you out of Nekomata's control. It is enough to accept your worship. There is no need to remember it too much."

"It may be a convenient move for you, but it is a great kindness to me." Hiratsuka Satoshi bowed again with a grateful expression.

"There is nothing I can do to repay you in this life. If I am destined to do so in the next life, I will definitely repay you!"

Do you also want to be reincarnated as a fox to repay your kindness?

Sorry, I don’t accept repayment from a male fox.

Seeing him finish speaking, Dong Yeyu looked at the other three corpses: "Why can't you see the souls of the three of them?"

"When you were chasing Nekomata just now, the three of them were captured by the underworld messenger who was passing by."

"Then why are you still here?"

Hiratsuka Satoshi scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"I feel ashamed to say that although I am a policeman, I am almost middle-aged. But I have lived for twenty-eight years, but I have never left Tokyo for too long. I was born, grew up, studied, worked, got married and had children here. City."

Wait, you are twenty-eight?

Dong Yeyu looked at the policeman in front of him in surprise. He looked a little anxious.

Hiratsuka Satoshi strolled to the side exit of Kosuge Vegetable Market, and the bright moonlight gently shined through his translucent body.

He stood there, stretching his head and looking at the city, his expression full of nostalgia and reluctance.

"I thought I would probably watch my daughter grow up in the future, watch her find her own happiness, and then grow old with my wife by my side."

"But now it seems that such a simple wish has become a luxury."

Hiratsuka Satoshi choked up when he said this, and turned back to look at Higashino Yu.

His ordinary-looking face had many premature aging wrinkles, his hair was gray, and his thin cheeks had deep bags and dark circles under his eyes.

He must have worked very hard during his lifetime.

The stubble-covered man, who was nearly middle-aged, had tears in his eyes.

"People cannot be resurrected, and I am about to travel far away. Now I just hope to see my wife, children, and parents for the last time. Otherwise, I will leave like this. I really feel uneasy."

"So I lost all dignity in front of the messenger of hell, knelt on the ground, cried and begged, hoping that he would grant me a few days of grace. I didn't expect that he would grant me three days."

He cried and leaned on the exit, slowly kneeling on the ground as if he had no strength. Then he wiped his eyes with his sleeves and laughed again.

"Good deeds are rewarded, don't you think?"


It's probably because this policeman did a lot of good things during his lifetime, otherwise the underworld messenger wouldn't be so easy to talk to.

Dong Yeyu hummed, and felt it carefully again, and indeed found that there was a dead breath remaining in the corridor that he had never felt before.

"I'm going home now, please take care of yourself." Hiratsuka Satoshi stood up, bowed again, turned around and left.

"Wait." Dong Yeyu stopped him, "If you are willing, I can save you."

The policeman in front of him was well-mannered, repaid his kindness (at least verbally), and he was most likely a good person during his lifetime. As a disciple of Taiyi, the Lord of Suffering, it was only right that he should be saved.

Since there is no reward for good people, at least let yourself give them a ride on the road to hell.

Hiratsuka Satoshi stood there blankly, looking a little confused, not understanding what he meant.

When I was young, it seemed to be popular here to refer to salvation as becoming a Buddha. Dong Yeyu thought of this and explained: "It means chanting sutras can make you become a Buddha."

"Although I am a monster, I practice the righteous Dharma and have the scriptures with me. If I personally save you, the road to hell should be smoother."

"If you want, come see me in three days."

"If you don't want to, don't force it. If you die in the line of duty as a police officer, there should be monks who can chant sutras for you and save you."

He actually knows how to chant sutras to overcome ghosts and become a Buddha? You also said that you are not the envoy of Inari God?

Hiratsuka Chi was overjoyed. A mortal monk chanted sutras for salvation, and a fairy fox chanted sutras for salvation in person. Did he still have to choose?

Hesitating for even a second is a fool.

He quickly knelt down and gave a great gift.

"My Lord God's kindness will never be forgotten. Even on the road to hell, I will wish you to become a god soon."

Something seems to be happening, probably a good thing.

This feeling was so weak that people thought it was an illusion, so Dong Yeyu didn't pay too much attention to it, but just warned: "Don't tell anyone about me."

"Go ahead."

Hiratsuka Satoshi bowed down again and disappeared into the night with three turns.

Brother Meng, today's reading is particularly important, because it involves the recommendation of whether you can get a small speaker, so I hope that brothers can temporarily read it today. Thank you Iluvita here.

There will be another chapter later, which will wrap up Nekomata's plot.

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