I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 80 Xiuji: My Lord, you!

Superintendent Mitani? How could he know.

Ryouma Irino was a little stunned.

It's like you are fighting fiercely on the front line of the battlefield, and suddenly you get a call from the head of state, asking you to move the machine gun five meters to the right.

How could such a big shot come to take care of trivial public security incidents?

Is it someone called by Iori Miyaji?

I haven't heard that he has any relationship with Superintendent Mitani. It's better to say that Iori Miyaji has never shown any connection with powerful people in these years.

He suddenly remembered the phone call that Higashino Yu made when he entered the room just now. Iori Tadamichi came just after the call.

This is obviously unreasonable, and the tone of his speech in the inner room just now doesn't sound like talking to an old man.

What about the witch lady, it's more like a strange conversation between young people.

If it wasn't for Iori Miyaji, who would it be?

He thought about it, and didn't have any clues, but he was very clear.

No matter who it is, it is likely that he can't afford to offend him.

Irino Ryouma suddenly felt that things were not going well for his family and career recently, and the number of missing children in the area had increased.

It was okay that his son had his brain stuck in the door and went to bully the Iori family's Miko, after all, there were no serious consequences.

It was easy to solve the problem by buying some expensive gifts and apologizing sincerely. Iori priests have always been tolerant.

How could there be problems in dealing with an outsider?

Originally, I just saw that the other party was a poor boy from Kansai, and I wanted to vent my son's anger, and by the way, help a few parents mediate and improve my reputation in the local area.

The result was like this.

He was silent for a while, walked back, and looked at everyone: "I now think that only one party is wrong in this matter."

Irino Ryoma looked at the parents standing in the corridor and said in a serious voice: "Mr. Uchiyama, Mrs. Tsuruoka, let your children apologize to Miko. Bullying is a very bad behavior!"

"If you don't want to, I won't force you. You can solve it yourself, or find other police to mediate, but I don't think the result will be any different."

Then he ignored the stunned people, looked at the son who was pointing at his classmates and laughing and gloating, and kicked him a little harder.

"What are you laughing at? Go kneel down and apologize to Miko!"

Irino Keita looked at his father, and the smile froze on his face. Didn't I apologize?

Irino Ryoma bowed 90 degrees to Iori Tadamichi: "Prince Iori, I failed to teach my son well, and I am really sorry that he committed such a bad act!"

Then he apologized to Higashino Yu: "Higashino-kun, there were many non-compliance in my law enforcement process, please forgive me!"

Iori Tadamichi saw that he had just gone over and said something incoherent, and when he came back, his attitude changed. He probably knew the reason in his heart, and he also knew that this person was not really apologizing, so he just said "hmm".

Higashino Yu smiled and said, "I forgive you."

With such high efficiency, it seems that Miss Moon Witch has a good relationship. I will say something good to him when the time comes.

This policeman will probably pack up and leave when he returns, or at least have no hope of career, and he may even be demoted.

It took him nearly 20 years to become a patrol chief, and he was probably promoted to the position of patrol chief. He had the hope of retiring as a police inspector before retirement, but he was suddenly demoted to a roadside patrolman.

I am not angry with you anymore.


After apologizing, Ryouma Irino saw that his son did not move, so he glared and put his hand on his belt buckle.

Keita Irino was shocked at that time. When he passed by Higashino Yu, he lowered his head and did not dare to look at him. He went to the entrance to apologize to Miko obediently.

Miko Iori, who was sitting obediently at the small square table, felt a little strange, "Irino-san, why did you apologize twice?"

Keita Irino lowered his head: "My father asked me to do it. I'm sorry, Iori-san."

Miko Iori was a little distressed. She glanced at Higashino Yu and saw that he just smiled at her. She pursed her lips helplessly.

"Okay, then I'll forgive you again."

For these people she didn't care about, she didn't care what they said, and naturally she didn't care whether they apologized for their behavior.

In the corridor, Uchiyama Daisuke saw Ryouma Irino slide down to his knees and was a little angry.

"My son has already apologized!"

He was slapped just now and lost face in front of his wife and children. For a while, he was a little upset.

He left with his son and wife, leaving these harsh words. Before leaving, his wife looked back at Higashino Yu, but she didn't have time to hand over the business card in her hand.

Tsuruoka Yumi looked at the departing Uchiyama Daisuke family, and then looked at Irino Ryoma.

After hesitating for a while, he bowed to Iori Tadamichi and Higashino Yu to apologize, and then pushed his son and whispered, "Go apologize."

So the matter ended somewhat anticlimactically.

A group of people came to the door for no reason to ask for punishment, not only did they fail to achieve their desired goals, but they also apologized again, and left in embarrassment.

Higashino Yu looked at those who left and once again realized the importance of relationships in human society.

If you want to integrate into human society, you have to act according to the rules of human society before you have the strength to overturn the table.

Otherwise, you can only flee back to the forest in embarrassment and become the Sword God of Shilipo.

Today's incident is an example.

If Iori Tadamichi and Asumi Sanae hadn't helped, he would have to fight with these people for a long time. In addition, the policeman had a bit of revenge, and he might end up in disgrace.

A great immortal was troubled by worldly affairs, which would make people laugh if they told others about it.

Maybe he will be used as a typical negative example by all the great ascetics.

Do you know why the fox is still troubled by worldly affairs despite his cultivation? It is because he does not learn magic.

This is probably the limitation of wild paths. Even if he obtains the method of becoming an immortal, he does not have the matching magic to learn.

I can only say that I hope that next time I repay you, you can give me some more versatile magic.

For example, illusion is very useful. It is not very lethal, but it can be like a fish in water in the world.

Dongye Yu prayed to the system immortal in his heart, and then bowed slightly to Iori Tadamichi: "I really trouble you this time, Mr. Iori."

"No, I should thank you."

Iori Tadamichi stretched out his broad-knuckled, wrinkled hand and patted Dongye Yu's shoulder.

"Thank you for protecting her."

As he said this, he looked at Iori Miko who was leaning against the window in the room and looking out.

The girl leaned against the window frame, squinting her eyes slightly, as if waiting for something. Her chubby little face rested on her fair and slender arms, and her slightly curly black-brown-red hair danced in the warm breeze of the afternoon.

Iori Tadamichi's eyes were filled with deep pity: "She always seems to be so carefree. But Miko is actually a child with a tragic fate."

Higashino Yu saw that the old man had started talking, so he began to act like a loyal listener.

This is how a fox who repays a favor should be, otherwise how can he develop a benefactor?

"With elders like you and Iori's grandmother loving her, how can she be said to have a bad fate?"

Iori Tadamichi was silent for a few seconds and sighed: "In fact, Miko's parents died many years ago for some reasons. It has always been me and her grandmother who have been taking care of this child."

"She has some unique talents and can see things that ordinary people can't see, that is, the legendary monsters."

"Miko can talk to them, but others can't see those things."

"Even I can only barely see their shadows."

Iori Tadamichi said here, his expression was a little regretful. As a clergyman, his talent is extremely poor.

He looked at Higashino Yu: "I heard from Miko that Higashino-kun, you also have this talent?"

Almost - I am what you said that ordinary people can't see.

Higashino Yu nodded slightly: "Yes."

"Then Higashino-kun should understand why Miko is alienated?"

"People always instinctively reject people and things that they cannot understand."

"They don't understand Miko, so they reject her, and when she is isolated alone, she will appear to be easy to bully."

Higashino Yu said this, thinking of his childhood experience, and sighed: "In fact, the communication between children is more real and direct than that between adults."

Iori Tadamichi nodded: "Indeed, Higashino-kun, you are very smart and know how to hide yourself."

If I didn't know how to hide myself, I would have been skinned and made into a fox coat. Higashino Yu sighed in his heart.

Iori Tadamichi turned his head, put his hand on the outer wall of the corridor, and looked at Tokyo, which was brightly illuminated by the sun.

"Although Miko is intelligent, she is too aloof. After being excluded, she immersed herself in a world mixed with monsters and humans."

"For this reason, Miko has been isolated since elementary school, and the situation has become worse in junior high school."

"Her grandmother and I are anxious when we see this, but what can we do if other children isolate Miko?"

He said helplessly. The ancestors of the Iori family were a noble family, but now they have long been in decline, with only a shrine left.

There are some connections, most of which are left by his son. Whether they are effective or not is another matter, after all, people leave and tea is cold.

Fortunately, there are gods in this world, and the arrangements of the priests depend on the will of the gods, otherwise the Inari Shrine would not have been named Iori long ago.

"In fact, you don't have to worry. Miko has many friends in another world. As for the real world--"

Hitano Yu promised seriously: "I will protect her."

He planned to let Xiuji protect Miko when he was in Tokyo.

Anyway, the rats in Higashino Castle won't come, so there's no need to sit and guard. I carry hundreds of thousands of yen with me, so I can just steal tables, chairs, and small appliances.

Iori Tadamichi said so much just waiting for this sentence, and immediately smiled and patted Higashino Yu's shoulder: "With you taking care of Miko, I can really feel more at ease."

"Masato has taught many good children, and you are the best one among them."

Higashino-kun is indeed experienced in human relations.

He is no longer worried that Higashino Yu will not be able to adapt to Tokyo - he is good at studying, has a very good appearance, knows how to advance and retreat, knows etiquette, hates evil and knows the severity of his actions.

This kind of person is born to make changes in a big city like Tokyo.

It's a pity that Miko is in poor health, the Iori family's family background is not prominent enough, and Higashino-kun is too outstanding, otherwise he could be recruited into the Iori family to take over his job.

Iori Tadamichi thought with a little regret in his heart, turned around and walked away in his clogs.

No, you don't want your granddaughter anymore?

Dongye Yu was stunned for a second, and asked quickly: "Where are you going? Miko is still here."

The old man solved his worries, and was in a good mood. He waved to Dongye Yu with a smile.

"I'm going to the izakaya downstairs to drink. I'll trouble Dongye-kun to take care of Miko for me. Let's go back to the shrine to eat in the evening-don't tell Miko's grandmother that I drank."

Jiu Mengzi, right? You are really not afraid of high blood pressure.

Dongye Yu looked at the old man walking quickly into the izakaya in the alley in his wooden clogs, and complained in his heart.

Turning back to the house, the weather in Tokyo is getting hotter now, and it is the rainy season, so there is no need to even close the door, otherwise it will feel a bit stuffy.

"Are you waiting for Xiuji? It went to Kyoto and hasn't come back yet."

Hitano Yu looked at the girl lying on the window frame in a daze, took off his shoes and walked over, smiling.

Iori Miko, who squinted like a cat, suddenly straightened up, and looked at Hitano Yu with misty eyes like Dongquan, a little stunned.

"Its name is Xiu Jizaemon."

She corrected subconsciously in a soft voice, then reacted and blinked her eyes: "Has Higashino Nissan found it?"

"Not really - it's actually my Shikigami."

"I didn't tell you before because I had all kinds of concerns. After all, I'm not a regular demon hunter, and didn't Xiu Jizaemon steal Miko's snacks?"

Higashino Yu walked to Iori Miko and sat cross-legged, smiling: "After he knew you were looking for him, he often felt scared and couldn't sleep or eat."

In fact, it didn't. The dead bird never remembered what bad things it had done. After stealing Miko's snacks, it came back and ate and slept.

It even laughed three times when it heard that she was looking for him, and was dismissive.

"Is that so? I just wanted to chat with him. Haruhara said he's not a bad monster and he looks like he's been to many places."

Iori Miko pursed her lips slightly, adjusted her goose yellow floral skirt, and hid her feet with lace white socks, graceful arches and delicate ankles under her skirt.

She felt a little regretful: "If Xiu Jizaemon is afraid of me, Dono Nissan should not force him."

"It's okay, I'll explain it to you. He's a pretty good bird and will feel Miko's kindness. And I plan to let him protect you at school."

"Why?" Iori Miko was a little confused.

"I'm very grateful to your grandfather for helping me so much. This is just a small reward. Besides, we are friends, right?"

Dongye Yu smiled, and the bright afternoon sun shone in from the window lattice, adding a faint glow to the handsome side of the boy's face, making people feel as if they could feel the temperature and touch of the light, as if it dripped on the skin and melted in the air.

Friend? Iori Miko stared at Higashino Yu, her crystal eyes sparkling, her eyelashes slightly lower, and her delicate earlobes glowing with a faint pink.

The atmosphere fell silent, and Higashino Yu looked around the somewhat simple house and took out the only electronic device - the TV remote control.

"Miko, do you want to watch TV?"

Before Iori Miko answered, Higashino Yu turned on the TV enthusiastically, but there were no programs suitable for children to watch at this time in the afternoon.

It looked like Miko was indeed not interested.

So she turned off the TV and rummaged through the junk box again, and found some old comics given to her by children from the orphanage, all of which were about demon kings and witches in another world.

"How about the comics?"

It is expected to be put on the shelves next Wednesday, and the manuscripts are being saved. By then, the guaranteed minimum is 20,000. When it is put on the shelves, the update will be increased to 6,000 per day, which should be much better.

Some readers say that I will be a eunuch, which is just a mouthful. I have never cut a book so far. Iluwei Otter is a lazy dog ​​who writes a book and lies for a year, and then writes again when the money is spent. So my wallet has been on the line, and I don't support cutting the book. I will die if I dare to cut it. You know, so you can rest assured that I will only think about how to write this book well, and I won't cut the book. After all, cutting the book will starve me to death.

It's just a bit numb. I write about daily life and small plots. It seems that I am not suitable for writing this kind of urban small plot. I will put more ink on daily life and monsters in the future (but this will feel too bland and hard to grasp)

Thanks to the book friends for the reward, monthly ticket, and recommendation ticket (ω)

Please give me a monthly ticket, please read and recommend (╰╯)

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