I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 87: The Lord of the Name of the Mikagumi

Dong Yeyu calmly came to his seat to tidy up the books on the desk, and the clear sound of conversation came to his ears.

"Speaking of it, I've been really unlucky recently. I didn't do well in the academic test, and my ranking is expected to drop by many places. My boyfriend is still distant from me."

"Why don't you go to Sensoji Temple to pay your respects? It is said that it can help you to have good fortune."

"Really or not, does Sumino-chan actually believe this?!"

"Shrines and temples in some places are indeed very efficacious. For example, there is a very efficacious shrine in Hachioji."

"Is it Mina Shrine?"

"Have you heard of it, Nao?"

"Hmm, the God of Relief Kagome, who is enshrined in the shrine, has become very famous on the Internet in the past year. Many people go to worship. Even many tourists in Tokyo will go to Tokyo to pay homage to this god. I used to I also want to go, but Hachioji is too far away.”

"It's pretty fast if you take the Shinkansen. How about we go together next week?"

"Okay! Will Aiko come too? Maybe things will turn around!"

The name of the rescuer?

Dong Yeyu thought about it and realized it was the name of a god he had never heard of.

The island country claims to have eight million gods, and there are shrines everywhere. Some of the gods are very powerful, such as Suzhanmingzun and Amaterasu.

Inari-Okami has many followers, so I guess it’s not bad either.

Of course, it’s hard to say what the actual situation will be—because there are too many Inari gods.

In his previous life, Higashino Yu usually learned about island country myths through games or dramas.

After learning more about this life, I found that the legends on the island country were different from what I imagined.

Sometimes, there are multiple gods in the same deity, the most typical one is Inari God.

After learning about this life, Higashino Yu discovered that there were several gods called Inari Gods existing at the same time.

Yuejin, Tazoniten, Tanaka-Okami, etc., as well as Inari-Okami enshrined by Iori Miko's family.

These gods are all called Inari gods, but they seem to have little relationship with each other.

Some even come from other faiths and are not the same deity.

Generally speaking, the religious atmosphere here in the island country is relatively strong, the shrines and temples are prosperous, and there should still be many powerful gods.

After all, the Heizawa Water God whom Yin Shen met before when he left his body was at least a golden elixir, and he was only one step away from the Earth Immortal.

Not to mention the well-known gods.

Of course, with the so-called eight million, the vast majority are still fishing in troubled waters.

All the wild gods, Mao Gods, claim to be gods. Maybe some Mao Gods are not even as strong as themselves.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a strange god suddenly appears.

Not long after Higashino Yu sat down, Imagawa Kashiwagi walked in. After the two smiled and said hello to each other, he sat down in his seat.

After putting away the schoolbags and textbooks, there was still some time before class, so Imagawa Kashiwagi talked to Higashinoyu about Nekomata.

Last night, he saw Asami Sanae posting an investigation report about Nekomata in the community chat group of Line.

Zhongzhong Yeyu appears almost throughout the report, and judging from the description, he seems to be able to do magic. However, judging from the president's severe chuunibyou, it is probably not credible.

Imagawa Kashiwagi first wondered why Higashinoyu went even though he knew the danger, but then he understood after a little thought.

Higashino-kun went with him because he had a special relationship with the president, and he probably had to go because he was afraid that the president would be in danger.

What a responsible man.

Imagawa Kashiwagi instantly imagined some fragments about their youth, love, monsters and moonlit nights in his mind, and sighed with a smile on his face.

How nice.

He is not worried about Higashino Yu and Tomorrow Mi Sanae being in danger - now that they are going to school as usual, it seems that they are not in danger.

However, I am very curious about their detailed experiences. Although Sanae Tomorrow's investigation report is detailed, it seems to have no beginning or end.

Higashikata: Nonsense, if she could write from beginning to end, wouldn’t I be exposed?

Imagawa Kashiwagi said politely: "Higashino-kun, can I ask you something?"


"Okay, what's the matter?"

As Dong Yeyu spoke, he opened the window, and the refreshing morning breeze with a faint fragrance blew by. You could see the cherry blossoms swaying in the wind in the garden below, and the morning sun pulled golden strips on the desks.

"I saw the Nekomata investigation report sent by the president, and I'm curious about some of the details. Can you tell me about it?"

"As for the details, let's start with when we arrived at Sakurada's house. Mrs. Sakurada was going through the cycle of death when we arrived."

Dong Yeyu concealed the part about himself turning into a fox and simply told what happened.

After hearing this, Imagawa Kashiwagi looked blank for a while, and finally became a little sentimental, sighing rather sadly.

"I didn't expect that the original source was Luffy's party. It seems that sometimes, human hearts are really scarier than monsters."

He was about to ask about Higashino Yu reciting sutras to save the old lady Sakurada, when Arima Norimune ran in from the corridor full of energy, carrying a wooden sword bag in his hand.

"Haha, Uncle Arima is here!"

Imagawa Kashiwagi and Higashino Yu looked at each other, and they were both a little surprised. This kid had been jade for several days last week, but why was he suddenly resurrected with full health this week.

"Is there any happy event? Arima-kun." Imagawa Kashiwagi asked with a smile.

"What a happy event!"

Arima Norimune grinned brightly, put the book and sword bag away, sat on the chair, faced Higashino Yu and Imagawa Kashiwagi, and rubbed his hands.

"In a few days, I will challenge the second-year student Sugaya Tetsuya. What's that expression on your face, Imagawa? It's a challenge, a kendo match, not a fight. How about you all go and cheer me on?"

"Let those people see my family's swordsmanship, the Wu family's great expedition swordsmanship, and the sky blue sword style!"

After saying that, without waiting for the two to respond, Arima Norimune added with a chuckle: "Don't worry, the reward is not small. I will treat you two to lunch at noon today."

Free lunch at Tachibana Cafeteria? I'll go.

Higashino Yu went to the modern school cafeteria on the first day of school. He wanted to eat at that time, but was scared away by the price that could buy five boxes of discounted bento.

Although his savings are enough for him to indulge himself a little, it would be better if someone treats him.

He smiled and stretched out his fist: "Come on!"

"Hitachi, just wait and see. I will definitely chop that kid's head off."

Arima Norimune looked confident and bumped fists with Higashino Yu.

Imagawa Kashiwagi pondered for a second and frowned: "Arima-kun, you challenged seniors right after joining the club. Aren't you afraid of being hostile and targeted by other seniors?"

Arima Norimune heard this and snorted unhappily: "He targeted me first!"

He briefly recounted his experience after joining the club that day. Higashino Yu listened and summarized it in his mind.

It was probably that this kid saw a big-breasted senior sister who was a kendo JK with a good figure and appearance when he just joined the club. He approached her with his small head and big head to get close to her.

Then, this senior sister's boyfriend, Sugaya Tetsuya, dragged her to the ring and severely humiliated her in the name of showing the charm of kendo to freshmen.

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