Chen Lang carried Tang Xiaofu and drove out of the school gate, the supercar engine roared angrily, driving by on the street and its wind.

The handsome men and women in the sports car are all wearing sunglasses, and the street is full of turnarounds.

Tang Xiaofu thought that Chen Lang was picking her up to his house, but when she drove it, she found that it was not the way to the villa.

“Where are we going?”

Chen Lang pushed his sunglasses and said mysteriously,

“You’ll know when you get to the place!”


Tang Xiaofu looked at the scenery outside the car window, and a thought suddenly popped up in her mind.

It was a few days ago, when Chen Lang drove himself out of school, he was photographed and posted on the Internet.

The result is equivalent to filling a bundle of firewood when the fire is in full bloom, and the scandal about her and Chen Lang on the Internet is even more hot.

The photo on the Internet is equivalent to hammering the rumor that she and Chen Lang are dating.

But that time was actually to celebrate Chen Shihan’s birthday.

What about today?

Tang Xiaofu couldn’t help but think crankily, only her and Chen Lang, and they didn’t go to his house, did Chen Lang think that he was finished, so he had no worries and really took himself to a date?

Would you go to the kind of cottage that closes the curtains? Tang Xiaofu’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she quietly took a deep breath to try to calm herself down.

Unexpectedly, Chen Lang took her to an office building.

When I entered the building, I found that it was a record company.

Tang Xiaofu: “This is….”

Chen Lang asked: “Do you mind, everyone can hear your songs on the music software?” ”

Tang Xiaofu shook his head blankly,

“Don’t mind, it’s still a little dream of mine.”

“Great! Xiaofu, do me a favor. ”

Chen Lang explained,

“This record company was opened by my friend, but there have been no good works, and the business is a bit miserable.”

“So if you want you to help them make an album, just record a few random covers.”

“Count it as using your popularity to help them increase their popularity.”

“You just have to sing a few songs, don’t worry, and there won’t be any other trouble.”

Tang Xiaofu listened blankly, it’s like this, it turned out that he didn’t want to date himself, Tang Xiaofu breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was inevitably a little empty.

When he thought of his cranky thoughts just now, he blushed slightly.

“Uh-oh, okay.”

“Then let’s go over here… Why is your face a little red from Xiaofu? Did you get motion sickness just now? ”

Tang Xiaofu waved his hand,

“No wow, I’m in good shape right now, well! Let’s go record the song! ”

Tang Xiaofu looked full of energy.

In the recording studio, in front of the microphone, Tang Xiaofu gently opened her voice, and her stirring singing voice echoed throughout the room.

Sure enough, as Chen Lang expected, Tang Xiaofu was helping him when he heard it, and he was more serious than his own affairs.

Because it was to make up the length of an album, using the popular daughter love on the Internet as the title song, and then Tang Xiaofu covered a few more songs, which he was better at.

Although Tang Xiaofu is a member of the NTU Music Association, after all, he is not a professional music department, and after many times of recording, Chen Lang feels that it has been very perfect and very good.

But Tang Xiaofu would still choose to re-record because of a flaw in some detail, basically singing each song about six or seven times, and then choosing the best one of them.

In the afternoon, the two stayed in the studio to record songs, and after all the songs were recorded, Tang Xiaofu’s voice was already a little dumb.

When I came out, it was almost evening.

Tang Xiaofu stood at the door of the building waiting for Chen Lang, and Chen Lang took advantage of the gap between going to the toilet to take pictures of the songs recorded by Tang Xiaofu and send them to the housekeeper Xiao Zhang.

Tell him to buy the cover rights to these songs.


I heard that Chen Shihan injured his shoulder, because there was no class tomorrow morning, Tang Xiaofu sat Chen Langchao and came to the Imperial Palace Villa.

to accompany Chen Shihan.

Seeing the two enter the door, Chen Shihan, who was still chasing the drama on the sofa, immediately waved the arm that was not injured and beckoned Tang Xiaofu to come over.

After the two girls got together, Chen Shihan gave her crazy Amway to chase this drama by herself.

But after hearing Tang Xiaofu’s words, he was suddenly stunned, and looked at her suspiciously,

“Xiaofu, why are you dumb?”

Then thought of something, suddenly startled, turned to look at Chen Lang, Chen Lang this guy, went out at noon, but only came back with Tang Xiaofu at night, so long in between, why did he and Xiaofu go?

And now, Xiaofu’s voice is dumb?!

This guy, he won’t really have any scruples because of Xiaofu’s death, right? Tang Xiaofu rubbed the position of his throat,

“Singing, Chen Lang took me to record songs in the afternoon!”

Chen Shihan: “Eh?? ”

Tang Xiaofu talked about going to record in the afternoon.

Looking at Chen Shihan’s stunned appearance,

“What’s wrong, Shihan?”

Chen Shihan was a little embarrassed, scratched his head, it seems that his brain is too big, thinking too much,

“Nothing! I have lozenges for my throat, I’ll get them for you!” ”

Saying that, Chen Shihan jumped off the sofa and went to find medicine.

Not only Tang Xiaofu’s voice was dumb.

This night, in Ye Chen’s villa, Xianglan’s voice was also dumb.

Xiao Hei stood outside Ye Chen’s bedroom, listening to the fierce exchange of fire from inside the door.

I shook my head, it was just unbearable!

He felt that Ye Chen had changed, and he was no longer the same Satan who led them to fight in all directions.

I don’t know if it’s because of these months of security career, Satan’s edges have been worn away.

Especially today, Chen Lang’s guy made them so embarrassed, if according to the original Ye Chen, he would definitely find a way to find the field for the first time.

As a result, after they returned to the villa, Ye Chen didn’t think about how to find the field.

Instead, he spent the first time with Xianglan, as if he wanted to seek comfort from Xianglan and forget about today’s unpleasantness.

And Xiao Hei also feels inexplicably, Xianglan this woman is a little wrong, always feel that in addition to purity, there are other breaths mixed with her.

Xiao Hei observed that there were times when Ye Chen was not by her side,……


Her look and temperament were different from when she was next to Ye Chen.

It just feels, it’s a little weird.

However, Xiao Hei also knew that it was useless for him to tell Ye Chen this, Ye Chen had been completely fascinated by Xianglan and would not listen.

Moreover, the new car with three million full equipment, it is true that because he did not get, Ye Chen is still angry with him, and Ye Chen will not listen to what he says.

Xiao Hei sighed, shook his head and left.

After Jiang Mengyao’s preparation for a long time, the Jiang family released an explosive news in the entire high society! The Jiang family has been completely transformed, and the previous industry will be sold off, and resources will be integrated to establish a new company dedicated to the women’s skin care and beauty industry.

The company establishment press conference was set and invited all colleagues from the Nanjiang business community to attend.

And it was also released in advance that at the press conference, there will be a mysterious major shareholder appearance.

After several days of information dissemination, there were indeed many business colleagues present on the day of the press conference.

Xiao Mingyue and Bai Luobing all sat in the audience, ready to see what big moves the Jiang family would make.

Inside the venue, many commercial media have already arrived, ready to witness the transformation of the Jiang family.

Jiang Mengyao is still wearing a black, heroic black lady’s suit.

The face is a more formal makeup, the whole person looks, between the eyebrows, full of attack, the temperament of the underground queen of the Nanjiang River, and the stability of the pinch.

First, he answered the reporter’s question appropriately, and then threw out a short video introducing the company’s business.

After the hot spot, it finally arrived, the mysterious shareholder appeared in the link.

In the click of a camera flash, Chen Lang walked from the backstage to the front of the stage in a handsome suit, sunglasses, chewing gum.

Sit down next to Jiang Mengyao.

Just sat down and looked up, just looked at Xiao Mingyue in the audience.

His action of chewing gum froze, and Xiao Mingyue’s hand instantly shook.

The main thing is that they have been in the cold war recently, and they have not had much contact, and they don’t even know that the other party will attend this press conference.

The whole press conference, as Jiang Mengyao said, she is responsible for making money to support her family, and Chen Lang only needs to be beautiful as a flower.

Chen Lang just came to show his face, after all, his face was the Jiang family’s “talisman”.

Jiang Mengyao has a strong ability to control the field, and she is dealing with reporters all over the audience, and Chen Lang is just wearing sunglasses and sitting on the stage in a daze.

Play as a quiet beautiful man.

Jiang Mengyao finally announced that the company will fully carry out the research and development of product formulas, and hopes that the products developed by the company can meet everyone as soon as possible.

After the press conference, Chen Lang wanted to take Xiao Mingyue back, but Xiao Mingyue had already left first.

The news of the Jiang family’s press conference quickly spread throughout the Nanjiang business community.

In addition to the business community, many pairs of eyes from above are also staring at this conference.

And in their eyes, everything about makeup and beauty companies is secondary.

The most important thing is the news revealed by the Jiang family this time, they have found a backer, the backer surnamed Chen, the Chen spoon of the Chen family in the capital…

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