I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 107 Meeting again

Looking at Rocket's back as he staggered away, Mio Shisan bit her lip, and bright red blood spread down.

If I hadn't fallen into the trap that night...

If his ability hadn't been revealed...

How could he and the Rockets end up where they are now?

Don't die...

Her eyes became completely cold, and then they merged into the gray mist and disappeared in another direction.

On the flying board, Mo Jiajia shouted: "It's moving again, but this time the speed is much slower."

Sean shook his head regretfully: "I just thought of splitting up now. I have to use all my cards. Incompetent persistence is stupid... Tsk, what a touching companionship."

"It's a pity that there is one person who cannot see this scene."


Sure enough, I was caught up...

Rocket, who was attacked by Sherrill again, even felt a little lucky in his heart.

In this way, at least Mio Thirteen will not be hunted down again.

Although he is reckless and impulsive, he attaches great importance to his companions.

Because of this, Zhu Zhu's betrayal made him extremely resentful, but he would never vent his anger on Mio Thirteen, who had a good relationship with Zhu Zhu.

In his heart, Mio Thirteen was still the leader who saved him.

Just remember to avenge me...

Rocket barely escaped another pursuit, and this time, half of his body was cut off by Sherrill.

After breaking out of the siege, the flesh-and-blood monster with only half his body kept running away, squeezing the last of his life force.

Finally, Rocket lost all his strength and fell in a dark corner.

That’s it for now…

Rocket looked into the distance with his remaining eye.

After delaying it for such a period of time, Thirteen should be able to escape...

He waited quietly on the spot, waiting for the enemy to pursue him.

However, what surprised Rocket was that after he lay here for more than ten minutes and even regained a bit of vitality, the other party still didn't find him.

Are you still using me as bait?

Impossible. During the last breakout, Thirteen had already gone away, and they should have seen that I was alone.

Could it be that……

Rocket's eyes lit up.

The half of his body that was cut off by Sherrill contained a tracking device. Now the only part of his body is gone?

It's very possible...otherwise I would have lost my value as a bait long ago with this appearance.

They didn't find me...

While thinking, he heard vague footsteps not far away, accompanied by shouts.

"That guy only had a little strength left in the end. He must be nearby. Search for me!"


The desire to survive burned again, and Rocket was sure that by some mistake, the other party had lost track of him.

He squirmed as hard as he could, sucking back into his body all the blood and minced meat that had flowed out of him nearby.

After looking around, he found a sewer entrance.

Opening the manhole cover, he flowed in like a ball of rotten meat.

"As long as I don't die... I will definitely take revenge, Zhu Zhu... Thirteen, escape... wait for me..."

With only one last strong thought left in his mind, the meat ball soaked in the sewage gradually lost consciousness.

After squeezing her hand that had become whole again, Mo Jiajia pushed up her glasses: "I actually let him run away."

She looked at Sean, who was standing on the flyboard, blowing the night breeze lazily, as if he didn't care.

Mo Jiajia, who smelled a conspiracy, wrinkled her nose suspiciously: "Although Brother Sherrill looks reckless and violent, he is actually very careful... Ah! Sean, you did it on purpose!"

Sean squinted his eyes and smiled. He took one last look at the brightly lit buildings in the distance and waved: "Let's go, it's time to go see my favorite show."


There were no more pursuers to attack, and Mio Shisan's face became increasingly ugly as he walked away.

Rocket was indeed tracked... He helped me lure away the pursuers.

Running alone under the night, Mio Shisan's eyes flashed with sadness.

When she came to Paradise City, she was accompanied by six companions.

Red was shot in the head, Yan Leng's head was blown to pieces, Xiliu escaped but was torn into pieces in the end, and Rocket was caught in a heavy pursuit by the enemy, with almost no chance of survival.

Jiang Wen was arrested, and Zhu Zhu...

Mio Thirteen's eyes showed pain.

Zhu Zhu, why...why was it you who betrayed me?

It hasn't been long since they joined the Walkers, and their partners are slowly gathering around them.

However, during this period of time, their group never failed.

In addition to her teammates being all good players, her biggest reliance is her and Zhu Zhu's weird abilities.

Even if one person is absent, the other person can still escape with his companions in trouble.

Because of this, everyone else in the team agreed not to disclose all the details of their abilities to their companions.

Only the two of them truly know all the details of their respective abilities.

No one knows except Zhu Zhu...

Only through betrayal would they end up in this situation.

But if you're tired of living as a walker, why don't you tell me...

Mio Thirteen had mixed feelings in her heart, and she just ran as hard as she could toward the outside of the city.

This matter will not end like this. When the large army of walkers arrives in Paradise City, all their dead companions will be accounted for.

Gray mist passed over the city wall, and Mio Shisan decided that she would not stay in the city any longer before the arrival of the walker army.

There are still many ruins of the old world in the wasteland. Although they have long been dilapidated, they are still suitable for people to live in for a while.

Thinking of a place in her mind, she walked away quickly.

Finally, the destination has arrived.

This should have been a park a long time ago. Of course, all the facilities and buildings are in dilapidated condition, and the crooked benches are covered with moss.

There is a fountain in the center, and only the base of the sculpture of a child holding a jar is left.

Perhaps because it had just rained before, there were some puddles accumulated in the fountain.

Looking at the pool of water in trance, Mio Shisan sat on the crooked bench and was alone in trance.

Suddenly, a light came on.

Mio Thirteen immediately looked at the light source warily. She did not hear the sound of the flying board whizzing in. Could it be that the other party was chasing from the ground?

No one appeared, only the light reflected in the puddles of the fountain, which looked dark and sad.

Mio Shisan frowned and glanced around, and immediately decided to leave here.

However, after she noticed the puddle of water with her peripheral vision, she could no longer look away.

The water seemed still.

"Zhu Zhu..." Mio Thirteen felt like he was struck by lightning.

On the still water, the red-haired girl slowly walked out.

"When I passed by here, I took a few more glances. At that time, I thought that you would come here if I had the chance... Sure enough." Zhu Zhu's face was extremely calm.

Indescribable emotions surfaced, and Mio Thirteen clenched her fists.

"Why are you doing this..."

Zhu Zhu seemed to have heard a big joke: "Are you questioning me?"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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