I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 115 The Imperial Princess

The slate produced by Shelter is a wonderful product that can draw the owner into the same world of thinking.

Because it's still in the design stages, Sean doesn't know who the other people with the slabs will be.

But what Sean knows very well is that anyone who has the opportunity to own the slate must be the chosen one.

Otherwise, how could he deserve to sit with the protagonist of the game?

After all, Paradise City is only the main city during the game's internal beta period, and in this world with limited information, it is obviously very important for people who have more contact with the outside world to know more secret information.

More importantly, in this hall of thinking that requires gradual exploration to become clear, Sean is the real guide.

However, he really didn't expect that the first person to be called would be like this...

But that's okay, it doesn't affect what Sean is going to do.

The artificial consciousness of this thinking hall will be led by the first person to enter, the so-called saint.

Sean leaned back in his chair leisurely, and his voice became magnificent and deep with the blessing of artificial consciousness.

"Don't panic, this is just a projection of your thinking and vision."


Bai Ye subconsciously glanced at her whole body. It was no different from her body in her memory. Even her senses were real.

She lowered her head in embarrassment: "Then, please...can you let me put on clothes?"

Bai Ying chuckled softly: "I thought you might be able to research some uses for it... Just concentrate and use your memory to outline it."

According to the other party's words, Bai Ye concentrated her mind, and finally, the clothes came back to her body.

Finally there was no need to cover up anymore, Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

The shame was suppressed, and she also noticed the special words in the other party's words.


She glanced at the round table. There were eleven seats around it, and the position where the white shadow was located should be the third one in order of seating...

What the other party means is that he is not the only one summoned to project here?

Also, what is the purpose?

He said I hadn’t developed a use for something…

Suddenly, Bai Ye thought of his childhood experience.

She was playing in the Imperial Treasure House when she accidentally knocked over a shelf and a pale silver slate fell on her.

The stone slab blended into the space between her forehead in a strange way.

She was still young at the time and was afraid of being scolded by her strict father, so she did not dare to tell him about the incident.

After the stone slab was integrated into her body, she could often see a small room in a dark space in her sleep.

Other than that, the slate had no effect on her.

Including the awakening of supernatural powers, the palace doctor has also diagnosed her genes, and her genes have not been deliberately suppressed by anything.

This matter has been concealed until now.

Thinking of this, she said in surprise: "Is it that stone slab?"

The mysterious white figure smiled and nodded.

"Then, what was that? Where am I now, Your Excellency?"

While I was shocked, my curiosity also arose. However, Bai Ye still maintained the sanity of a princess. She only asked questions and did not reveal any information about her identity.

Pretty cautious...

But Sean just smiled slightly and said calmly:

"That stone slab is a token, and you were chosen."

Am I chosen?

Bai Ye felt some absurdity in his heart.

She had only heard this kind of rhetoric from those members of the religious sect.

In the wasteland where it is difficult to see tomorrow, there is always a lack of belief in various gods, but Baiye himself is a firm atheist.

At least, she would never admit the existence of gods until they appeared.

And here... Bai Ye looked around subconsciously. Those giant mecha warriors with strange shapes seemed to have nothing to do with the religious order...

But when facing the powerful unknown, one should maintain respect. Bai Ye, who knew this well, bowed slightly: "Your Excellency, I don't quite understand."

The ordinary bow and the most standard accent did not reveal any useful information. This girl is much more cautious than I thought...

Sean continued without changing his expression: "Have you really seen this world?"

"See? The world?"

Sean leisurely said: "Before I fall asleep, the end is coming... It is a huge catastrophe that will affect the entire world..."

Bai Ye's pupils shrank sharply.

end? Is the other party a survivor of the old world before the end? !

Moreover, what he means is that he also knows the source of the doomsday?

This is a secret that countless people are digging for, and it involves the source of the crazy beast! And it also most likely includes the origin of the evil dome!

The Mad Beast and the Evil Dome are the two key factors that hinder human development.

Once someone masters the method of cleansing these two once and for all, then...

Thinking of this, Bai Ye pricked up his ears involuntarily.

To her disappointment, the other party didn't seem to be willing to explain in depth.

Of course Sean knew what the other person wanted to hear, but the problem was that he didn't know it either.

This is just a background setting. There is no need to dig deeper until the later stages of the game. Do you want to see the folder you just created?

Of course, this does not prevent Sean from continuing to cheat.

"That catastrophe was a complete doomsday, and it was difficult to see hope..."

"No one knows whether humans can survive this crisis. In order to preserve the fire, I fell into a deep sleep with this place."

"When I woke up, the world was turned upside down..." Sean paused, and his tone became a little more solemn involuntarily, "I thought I no longer needed my presence, but the world has not escaped from despair... …”

Bai Ye felt itchy and unbearable. When he saw the other party paused for a while, he couldn't help but ask: "Are you referring to Mad Beast and Evil Dome?"

Sean just chuckled: "Kid, that's just the surface... The danger and despair hidden in this world are deeper than you think."

Are Mad Beast and Evil Dome just the surface? Bai Ye couldn't imagine what he just heard.

These two have taken away countless lives, and the development of human civilization has also been seriously hindered.

But, underneath this, is there something even more terrifying?

She asked in disbelief: "What is that?"

But Sean just smiled calmly: "It depends on your own choice."

choose? Bai Ye immediately realized that the other party was asking her if she wanted to join this mysterious organization.

She hesitated for a moment and asked carefully: "But why was I chosen?"

"This is the Creation Slate's choice, you should ask it." Sean laughed.

The Creation Slate?

Such a big name frightened Bai Ye all of a sudden, mainly because she still couldn't understand what was happening.

Thought projection is a term that has never been heard of in imperial archaeological materials.

The man in front of me...should be a man, right?

Although he couldn't see clearly, it was certain that the other party must be an older and stronger man.

Moreover, he showed no ill will toward me... Although I was considered noble in the imperial capital, when I came here, I was just an ordinary person who hadn't even awakened my powers...

Of course, we can't rule out that this is some kind of trap by the enemy, who wants to get the empire's intelligence from me.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye asked cautiously: "Suppose...I'm just assuming, Your Excellency. What if I want to leave?"

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