I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 160 I like to pedal other people’s bicycles hard

The atmosphere in the dilapidated box suddenly felt a little strange.

Sister Li looked at the two of them carefully, wondering what had happened between them.


Why would someone who wants to get married come to my place...

Brother Sean's old friend?

What's worse, in Paradise City now, anyone who has anything to do with Sean must be treated with caution...

If the other party has such a relationship, if it can be proven, Sister Li will never let the other party enter Taiwan, and it is not difficult to lend the other party a large number of credit points.

The girl trembled, her body slightly unsteady.

Sean slowly crossed his legs - but the feeling of crossing his legs while naked felt a bit weird.

He smiled and picked up a glass of wine as a gesture of toast: "I'm also going to attend your wedding."

The girl's face was extremely pale, and her chest heaved violently, causing the spring light on her side to sway.

Sister Li cautiously came closer and asked in a low voice: "Do you know this?"

Sean's smile became brighter: "Of course we know each other, we are old acquaintances."

Sister Li's heart skipped a beat, and she moved a little uneasily: "Brother Sean, I didn't know about this before..."

Sean waved his hand: "It has nothing to do with you, don't worry, Sister Li."

As he spoke, he grabbed Sister Li's chest with a smile.

Sister Li gave a cooperative cry, feeling relieved, but secretly wondering what was going on with these two people.

Sean said leisurely: "Sister Li, tell me, what would you do if you had a beautiful brand-new bicycle?"

Sister Li didn't know why, but she still replied: "Maybe, just take good care of it and ride it occasionally?"

Ignoring the girl who could barely stand, Sean laughed: "Someone locked the bicycle in a beautiful garage and took care of it with fear every day. He couldn't even touch it."

Sister Li gradually tasted a little bit of the taste, and she said along the way: "Isn't that a waste?"

"Isn't that true? However, everyone has their own ideas - but no one knows about the bicycle. Maybe the bicycle also wants to be driven on the street to enjoy the air?" Sean's eyes were filled with smiles, but his peripheral vision remained. Pay attention to the movement on the watch.

The tears on the girl's face fell heavily, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed.


Sister Li, who had been thinking about it, suddenly remembered something.

Before [Company] was destroyed, [Golden Ghost]'s momentum was not at the same level as it is now.

The boss Jin Kui didn't show up for a long time, and finally a young man was introduced and became the second in command.

That’s Sean who just ‘debuted’.

At that time, Sean was not as famous as he is now. Although it was not a positive reputation, in Paradise City at that time, Sean's reputation was more of a lustful and incompetent one.

However, this guy's appearance is outstanding and his skills with his mouth are very good. He can easily deceive the ignorant little girl.

At that time, there was a rumor that basically only circulated among the upper-class circles of Paradise City. However, neither of the two parties involved came forward to confirm it, and in the end it was dropped.

It is rumored that the fiancée of a certain [company] executive was cheated on by Sean...

Because we don’t know who the person involved is, and it’s impossible to go to Sean for verification. This matter has only been circulated in the circle for a while, and no one knows who the heroine is.

However, the situation in front of me... This girl's family had been in contact with the [Company] before, but before the [Company] was destroyed, something happened to her family...


Women are always eager to gossip. Sister Li blinked secretly, and then asked in a different way: "Brother Sean, if it were you, what would you do to that bicycle?"

The corners of Sean's mouth raised in an evil way: "Me? I don't like to maintain my own bicycles. I like to take over bicycles that others are reluctant to ride and pedal them as hard as I can."

Every time his voice fell, the girl in the sweater turned pale, until there was no trace of blood on her face.

Seeing this, Sister Li has completely understood.

This girl turned out to be the bicycle that was kicked off...

Sean patted the sofa next to him and calmly ordered: "Come here."

The girl turned pale and shook her head, even wanting to leave the box directly.

Sean's expression did not change, he just sneered: "Aren't you all here to make money? Am I not qualified?"

Sister Li immediately said sternly: "Brother Sean is our most distinguished guest here. Don't be ungrateful, otherwise..."

Her face was gloomy, and the threat in her words almost overflowed.

There is no need to be afraid of a rich lady whose family is in decline. What's more, even the [Company] has been wiped out and only the remnants are left. You, a person who has been abandoned by the [Company], have no right to choose. .

The girl was trembling. She never thought that she would meet Sean again in this situation.

An unimaginable feeling of shame came over her, and she wanted to turn around and run away.

However, Sister Li regained her sense for her. If she ran away... her family would really have nothing...

She sat next to Sean with a pale face and crossed her arms, as if the cold here was making her shiver.

Sean glanced at his watch again out of the corner of his eye, and then hugged the girl over.

His tone was gentle: "Why don't you come to me when you have trouble? Tsk, after all, we are so familiar."

After communicating at a distance all night, the two of them were indeed very familiar with each other.

The girl buried her head and let her tears flow, not even daring to resist Sean's free hand.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Sean's smile grew wider: "By the way, I have some good news, do you want to hear it?"

When the other party didn't reply, Sean said to himself: "Your fiancé is not dead. As the only executive left behind in [the company], he was one of the few who escaped - tsk, what an outstanding young man. Even I admire him.”

"In my impression, it seems that your brother met him first? Then, your brother introduced you to him? By the way, how is your brother now?"

The girl closed her eyes in pain.

At this time, the flashing pattern of light spots on Sean's watch suddenly changed.

Sean didn't do anything strange, he just pulled the girl over and sat on his lap.

"Hey, I suddenly became curious...Has your escaped fiancé contacted you?"

The girl shook her head in panic. She finally spoke: "No, no! Really not! Please, let my family go!"

Sean sneered: "I won't do anything to your family. We are just meeting old friends."

The girl sobbed: "Sean...I...I..."

Sean blinked: "You agree with me, we don't owe each other, why should I cause trouble for your family for no reason?"

As he was speaking, he saw the girl's expression suddenly change and her sweater slipping down.

It's a little late, sorry everyone

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