I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 176 Let’s go to hell together (two chapters in one)


A dry, hoarse roar sounded in the dark room.

Someone passing by stood on tiptoe and took a look from the only high window.

This doesn't sound like a good thing. Maybe the homeowner fainted from the dirty snow? It would be better if you died...

With this idea in mind, passers-by stepped on their feet and looked inside.

The room was a little dark, but no one was seen.

"It's strange. Where did the person go? There was still a sound just now..."

He stretched his head and looked inside, trying to see his master fainted on the floor.

After a moment, he was about to take his head back - he didn't see anyone, and if he wasn't dead, I would have caused trouble for nothing if I broke in. It wasn't worth it.

Just as he was about to turn around, there was the sound of limbs rubbing against the wall.

He looked over again curiously.

The twisted claws quickly enlarged and pierced his eye socket.

The iron house, which was not very strong, was broken through, and a humanoid monster rushed out from inside.

He let out a hoarse roar, his eyes red.

The sudden appearance of the strange monster made the crowd busy in looting pause. Then, some people screamed and ran away, while some tough men picked up the things around them and smashed them away.

The monster looked ferocious, but it was not powerful. After several people took turns beating it, it fell down with a mournful cry and lost its voice.

"What the hell..." The leading man wiped the sweat from his forehead, "A mutated rat coming out of a pipe? Such a big guy..."

"Brother! Brother! Your hands!" The people around him suddenly made a panicked voice.

The man lowered his head in confusion, and saw that the hand he had just wiped his forehead was twisting strangely.

"I..." Before the curse word could come out, the man's body trembled strangely.

With a hoarse roar, he transformed into exactly the same thing as the monster before, only stronger and more ferocious in front of everyone's horrified eyes.

He completely lost his mind and pounced on the nearest person.

Soon, wailing sounds began.

Then, more and more hoarse roars echoed.

People immersed in the robbery were horrified to find that the people around them had turned into complete monsters at some point.

The monsters are like crazy beasts, targeting the nearest prey.

Suddenly, the city was filled with blood.

But the number of monsters has not decreased. On the contrary, more and more people have turned into irrational beasts - just like those crazy beasts, who only know how to hunt all the creatures around them.

Finally, a survivor discovered the source of this terrible disaster.

"Snow! It's because of the snow!"

Amid the piercing screams, people looked up in horror.

They discovered that the dirty snow had turned completely disgusting dark red at some point.

And those who become monsters are also the ones who have been exposed to the most snow before!

This blood-red snow is more terrifying than the slowly eroding dirty snow. It will turn people into monsters like crazy beasts!

Paradise City was completely plunged into chaos, with bright red blood and dazzling snowflakes mixed together. People who ran outdoors because of the robbery either turned into monsters, or had nowhere to hide and lost their lives.

This is a huge disaster.

Sean calmly watched everything happening in front of him. Under his feet, there were people who had turned into monsters, hunting and killing them.

"Ha..." After a moment, he raised a mocking smile.

I was really taught by that woman, and even carried it forward...

Using the same principle to blast open the evil dome, the airship that was supposed to be disturbed finally benefited from this and ascended to the real sky above the evil dome.

Not to mention that the [Academy] still has some technical skills. Sean only understood the dean's thoughts when he saw the huge hole underneath.

She never thought about confronting the [Golden Ghost] head-on.

The opponent also understands that Jin Kui can crush him in terms of high-end combat power, and in terms of strategy, it is easy for him to step into Sean's trap.

Dean is smarter than Sean thought, but her mental state is completely unstable.

It can be seen from those mechanical latiyas that the dean should have separated his personality and abilities in some way to facilitate those mechanical latiyas to obtain abilities - Endeli has just checked it out.

Electronic signals and biological signals will indeed be interfered with, but supernatural signals will not.

The dean's shadow was transmitted into the receiver in this way, and the many mechanical Latiya became her 'remote controls' for controlling those people.

However, the dean does not need to completely control those people. There is only one thing she does, and that is to cause complete chaos in Paradise City.

The mechanical giant, the dual powers of light and darkness, the tit-for-tat flirtation with Sean... what she did was ultimately to attract Sean's attention.

So that her real plan can be implemented.

With the help of the exploded evil dome and airship, the dean transported things to the real sky.

Thinking about it, all the proliferations of the crimson powerhouse from [Academy] were transported outside the city early through that dark passage. When the explosion started, those proliferations boarded the airship and came to the sky.

"Tsk, this snow..."

Sean opened his palms and let the bright red snowflakes fall into his palms.

Although it was weak, he could still feel that it was pollution.

A pollution that only the crimson level powerhouse possesses.

Sean suspected that the teacher the dean mentioned was the crimson-level expert.

Only such a strong person can have a long life... and a huge increase in pollution.

Luo Xi stood beside Sean, his expression extremely solemn.

"It's all pollution... Latiya somehow mixed the pollution into the snowflakes..."

Sean shrugged: "What a filial child... I guess she praised all her teachers."

Otherwise, this snow will not cover the entire Paradise City.

Even with Sean's current strength, he cannot look directly at the proliferation of crimson-level pollution, otherwise he will run the risk of being contaminated.

Now, these pollutions have been diluted many times, making it difficult to affect a strong person like Sean. However, most of the people living in Paradise City are not even the most ordinary weaklings or vetoes. They are just the most common people. Just ordinary people.

The entire Paradise City has become a paradise for crazy humanoid beasts.

Luo Xi looked at her feet. In the past, she would show a look of intolerance, but for some reason, as long as she stayed with Sean for a long time, this scene made it increasingly difficult for her to feel the fluctuations in her heart.

Maybe I am really heading in the direction he said...

Thinking about this, Luo Xi asked: "Let the city continue to be in such chaos? This is just the beginning. Next, more and more people will turn into humanoid crazy beasts, even if the [Golden Ghost] completely takes over It’s useless here.”

Sean looked down at the roaring beast below, his expression extremely indifferent.

“Paradise City’s biggest advantage is its population, and its biggest disadvantage is also its population.”

He brushed off the red snowflakes on his shoulders and straightened his collar.

"Ninety-nine percent of the poor provide for the one percent of gentlemen. There are enough people to make this city self-sufficient. What a wonderful consumable this is?"

Sean gave a mocking smile.

"However, a huge population has also led to more problems, chaos and disorder... With the help of the gentlemen, various phenomena have become more serious..."

"The development speed of such a huge city-state cannot even keep up with the nearby small port cities..."

"And the gentlemen are getting richer and richer, and they have controlled all the channels for upward growth... As long as the offspring of cows and horses continue to be cows and horses."

Sean whistled: "Even if [Golden Ghost] is unable to make this patient named Paradise City recover, haha, even if it randomly hangs people on street lamps, there are still many people secretly obstructing us. "

"There's one thing Latiya does a lot of, and this happened to be my first testing ground."

The expression on Sean's face grew wilder.

"Let's try to rebuild this beautiful city."

Luo Xi looked at Sean in silence. After he took her to see a more real world, she gradually understood what he wanted to do.

He clearly guessed something, but he just ordered Moza to stay and observe the situation. Otherwise, given his character, he would just detain the other party unreasonably...

He had a vague feeling, so...he was helping Latiya...

Luo Xi's chest heaved twice. She didn't know whether Sean's approach was right, but she had no other choice to make.

It's not bad... Luo Xi smiled slightly.

At worst, we can go to hell together from now on.

Below, Sherrill's loud voice rang out: "Brother, I found what you were looking for."

Sean raised his eyebrows. He looked over and saw a complete artificial cultivation device.

The sharp cone formed by the condensation of gray mist has not dissipated, and the dean's blood is still hanging on it.

"Let Endeli start." Sean raised his lips.

"Then, be louder and let our dear friends see this."

"Crazy, they are all crazy... This is the pollution caused by proliferation, and now they are humanoid crazy beasts!"

Inside the hotel, Bai Ye's eyes widened.

As the wasteland king Yuyan, she had no power to restrain a chicken, but she had a lot of knowledge. She could tell at a glance that the roaring humanoid beasts on the street were contaminated by blood-red snowflakes.

She is protected from harm, but it is foreseeable that the city will fall into complete disaster!

Just when Bai Ye frowned deeply, a white light flashed in front of her eyes.

She was not surprised but overjoyed that she had been summoned by the Hall of Thought again.

Leaving the guards nearby to keep watch, she calmly sat down and closed her eyes.

After a while, Bai Ye opened his eyes, his eyes full of shock.

"The dean actually did such a thing... However, the Third Saint is more powerful than I thought. He actually learned the truth of the matter so quickly... The situation in Paradise City is not my turn. Come and take care of it, but this is an opportunity for me and Latiya!"

The princess's eyes lit up.

Snowflakes were still falling, and Sean had already arrived at the [Academy] warehouse where the explosion occurred outside the city.

Dean will not die, she will definitely come back, and she will bring some of Sean’s ‘acquaintances’ with her...

As if in response to Sean's words, the airship returned.

It was crooked, with frost everywhere, and from time to time there would be an explosion somewhere.

It seems that even without the interference of the evil dome, the sky is not a good place to be.

As the airship slowly descended, the red snowflakes surrounding it became more and more crazy.

No one showed up, and only the door of the airship stood open alone.

The hollowed-out floor was covered in flesh and blood, which made one feel irritated just by looking at it.

Apparently, those are the 'remains' of the dean.

Sean snapped his fingers, and a group of people came over pushing several huge rocket launchers.

He was not prepared to rush into the huge airship to fight hand-to-hand with possible powerful enemies. That would be a bad idea.

The truth is within the caliber range - not to mention, I am using explosives developed by your [college].

With a lazy wave of his hand, several huge plumes of smoke went straight to the airship.

The energy field only made the tail smoke tremble a few times, and the warhead quickly penetrated into the blue barrier.

Immediately, a white light lit up.

The rockets that were launched trembled on the ground, then lost power and fell to the ground.

"Sean, I'm surprised you weren't affected at all."

Dean Latiya's voice sounded hollow and indifferent, like a god who looked down upon all living beings.

Sean grinned: "I thought you could come up with something fancy - Tsk, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you tell me, maybe I can help you improve your plan, right?"

"It seems that our goals have been agreed upon."

Sean nuzzled: "That's right, I like to see the blood flowing like a river."

"Then do you like seeing your own blood flowing out?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several small hatches opened at the same time, and Director Morgan and his team, who had previously been hiding in the airship, rushed towards them.

They have been contaminated and turned into bloodthirsty humanoid beasts.

It seemed that the dean had not spared anyone around him.

Led by Morgan, they were severely contaminated, and this seemed to be a disguised outbreak.

A huge burst of supernatural power attacked, and its power almost reached the peak of king level.

What greeted him was a sharp light of energy.

The huge energy ball condensed by Director Morgan was unfolded by Luo Xi with a knife, the white hair fell down, and the girl's eyes were extremely sharp.

"As expected, you betrayed [the academy] first." The dean sighed.

Luo Xi didn't speak, just snorted coldly, and went straight to Director Morgan.

White light flashed, and several Latiyas wearing white clothes and plain expressions appeared behind them.

The energy spears of two colors, white and black, condensed and stabbed at the people of [Golden Ghost].

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Instead, Sean was left alone.

However, he was not idle either. After smiling slightly, Sean's body suddenly disappeared from where he was.

Since he has the absolute life-saving ability that Mio Thirteen gave him, it's not Sean's style not to do something.

The twin rings help Sean blend into the shadows.

The deans in white clothes all said "Hey".

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