I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 182 Latiya steps into the crimson

The scene was a bit embarrassing, at least for Bai Ye.

Sean's arrogance exceeded her expectations, and for the first time, the princess felt an unprecedented sense of embarrassment and humiliation.

Different from the previous accident, this was a naked attempt to overwhelm others with force.

She took a deep breath, and instead of looking at Lewis who was knocked out, she said in a deep voice:

"I have no choice but to do it... My original intention was to save Paradise City..." She was actually still trying to make amends for herself.

Sean found that he began to dislike this princess a little.

Shameless, despicable, sinister...it doesn't matter.

But if it is too incompetent, it will be a bit unpleasant.

In Sean's future plans, the princess Bai Ye is an important chess piece, but the courage and ability shown by the opponent now do not seem to match his requirements.

Otherwise, think differently?

Let’s put the identity of the collaborators aside for now…

Shawn interrupted rudely, his brow furrowing with anger on his face.

A stretcher was brought over, and on it was a man who was barely breathing.

Bai Ye choked, it was when he sent people to snatch the artificial breeding device, the [Golden Ghost] personnel on the scene seemed to be Sean's cronies.

But...the other party's life and death are unclear...

Sean's voice was full of suppressed anger, and his face was full of gloom: "I [Golden Ghost] am not an unreasonable person. Some things are common enough to make a living in this wasteland... However, I [Golden Ghost] Jin Gui] I had no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges with you recently, but you hurt my best brother like this?"

"Bai Ye, are you going too far?"

Bai Ye looked over and saw that Endeli's face was pale, his chest was a little sunken in pain, and the ups and downs on it were almost invisible.

This is not an injury at all, this is like a few days left to live.

Shadow's voice whispered into Bai Ye's ears: "The breath doesn't seem to be fake. The injury should be very serious. The key point is that his physique is very poor... Lewis may not have paid attention to propriety..."

Bai Ye stiffened, feeling annoyed.

Lewis has always looked down on Paradise City. Even if he ordered it, it would be normal for him to do it lightly or not...

This time, it wasn't just about grabbing an artificial cultivation device.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I won't make excuses. This is indeed my fault... Mr. Sean, I am willing to compensate you for all losses, including the pain your brother may suffer... whether it is replacing a prosthetic body or a top-level one." I am willing to undertake the treatment plan.”

Sean snorted coldly and looked at Endeli with eyes full of anger and apology: "My brother has been in poor health since he was a child... Oh, Endeli, I am sorry for you..."

Bai Ye secretly sighed in his heart, how could this look like he was sorry?

I'm going to bleed heavily...

On the other side, Lewis climbed up from the ruins. He did not dare to use his own strength to fight, but Sean was also a king-level strongman after all, and his slaps and fists used no less strength.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he hid the resentment in his eyes and whispered:

"I used skill when I threw him out. He couldn't have been hurt so badly."

Before Sean could speak, Bai Ye took the lead and yelled over: "Still quibbling?! Lewis, come here and apologize!"

Sean's eyes lit up slightly, yo, I feel a little awakened now.

Lewis dragged his body, the dark pressure still not disappearing, he took a few deep breaths, his voice was like a mosquito.

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Without saying a word, Sean kicked him again: "Are you still being stubborn? Where are you for wronging your mother? It's my brother who is being bullied. Why the hell are you unwilling to accept the wrong? I'm giving you face?"

Lewis groaned after being kicked, and the resentment in his eyes almost overflowed.

However, he did not dare to take action.

But Sean wasn't done yet. He didn't have the magnanimity of those gangsters at all. Instead, he looked like a reckless man who came to seek justice for his family.

When one kick was not enough, another one came, and he punched and kicked Lewis directly.

Even though Lewis was crimson, he didn't dare to use strength to resist, and Sean's king-level strength really didn't waste a single point.

Even though Bai Ye shouted to stop, Sean turned a deaf ear and beat Lewis to the ground.

Looking at his mangled body, Sean took the handkerchief Moza handed over and wiped off the sweat on his forehead and then the blood on his knuckles.

Crimson is so damn resistant to beating...

After doing all this, Sean kicked Lewis away, like kicking garbage on the side of the road.

He looked at Bai Ye, whose expression was no longer right, and said with anger: "I will definitely get back the humiliation my brother and I suffered today."

Bai Ye: "..."


Lewis, who didn't make any sound even after being beaten violently, couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

You... you're even trying to steal my lines? !

he thought sadly.

Bai Ye took a deep breath: "Mr. Sean, are you angry? This is indeed my fault, but why do I have to do it to this extent?"

She was ready to take the loss, but the royal family's arrogance still made her nodded faintly.

Sean Quan didn't hear it. He knew that he couldn't really touch Bai Ye. Firstly, it was meaningless, and secondly, there would be too many troubles in the future.

Today, he was here to slap and rob someone, but he couldn't directly touch the opponent's bottom line.

Anyway, Endeli wasn't injured... Lewis did use skill. Endeli's biggest injury was a broken piece of skin.

But under Sean's deceitful arrangement, Endeli lying on a stretcher was really sad to see and shed tears to hear.

Looking at the sky, Latiya flew to nowhere, and Sean shook his brows.

"If you really want to compensate, can you afford it? Your Highness Princess."

Bai Ye raised his head slightly: "You don't need to worry about this, Mr. Sean."

Sean laughed secretly in his heart. Bai Ye's biggest obstacle was the royal arrogance in her body.

You're going to lose money, and you still look like this?

Are you afraid that I don’t know how many good things you have?

He pursed his lips and frowned tightly.

"Oh, Endeli is my [Golden Ghost]'s number one engineer. Without him, the development of all our mechanical devices will come to a standstill - Your Royal Highness, if the engineering minister of your royal family loses the ability to work, will you open your mouth? Just expose the matter?"

Bai Ye said subconsciously: "The empire will not rely on the talent of just one person...and I am not prepared to expose the matter. Mr. Xiaon, I will be prepared to compensate [Golden Ghost]."

This damn sense of arrogance, I wonder if you can still be so proud if you have a pair of ponytails used as a steering wheel.

Sean curled his lips: "Today's matter..."

Before the words were spoken, everyone noticed something strange.

Those dead, roaring, irrational humanoid beasts seemed to have collectively pressed a certain button.

They raised their heads uncontrollably and let out inhuman roars of torture.

It was as if there was an invisible black hole sucking their life force in the sky.

Seeing this, Bai Ye and Sean were overjoyed at the same time.

It's Latiya!

The situation in the city was caused by the spread of value-added pollution, and Edith was originally prepared to use this chaotic city to complete her step into the crimson.

Edith is dead, and the first dean of the [College] has no chance of resurrection.

There is only one person left who can take advantage of the pollution in Paradise City, Latiya.

As a product of artificial breeding, Latiya's genes came from Edith. In a sense, she was the first Edith.

Moreover, Latiya once stepped into Crimson, she has relevant experience.

The hell that Edith created in Paradise City is now the paradise where Latiya was promoted to Crimson.

Bai Ye was secretly happy, as long as Latiya completed her promotion, she would have more confidence.

Although he wouldn't be able to suppress Sean right away, at least he wouldn't have to be so timid.

Crimson who was promoted in this way is definitely not comparable to people of Lewis's level, and Latiya has Crimson's experience, she can definitely absorb and digest it quickly.

At that time, no matter whether the strong man in the dark is Jin Kui or not, the other party will never dare to intimidate him like he suppressed Lewis.

With the two crimsons in my hand, plus Latiya, who is far stronger than the ordinary crimson lower layer, the situation is different.

Bai Ye glanced at Sean. Of course she wouldn't be stupid enough to fall out immediately after having Latiya, but at least she had a lot of confidence.

The other party should also be able to detect it, but he can't stop Latiya...

Although he thought so in his heart, Bai Ye found that the expression on Sean's face was not urgent. On the contrary, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

This discovery gave her some bad feelings.

Of course Sean was happy, he had nothing to worry about.

Sean knew exactly what Bai Ye was thinking, but it would be better if she thought more about it.

If the revived Latiya will oppose him, can Sean let all this go?

Latiya was originally the chess piece that Sean used to deal with the pollution left by Edith. Of course, this was thanks to Bai Ye, the wasteland king Yuyan, who planned all the steps when he was in the thinking hall.

As for Latiya gaining memories and not being able to control them?

The body Latiya is currently using, the physical part was artificially cultivated from Endeli's setup, and the mechanical part came from the 'archaeological' products collected by Baiye.

Among them, the most important is that the spinal structure and nerve channels came from different archaeological dealers.

In order to avoid Bai Ye's suspicion, the two archeology dealers were not even Sean's people, but Sean went through many channels and made the two archeology dealers 'accidentally' discover good things.

That thing was originally a product of the [Academy]. To be precise, it was a product of the [Academy] before the big crack appeared.

This thing is of course suitable for Latiya.

The two of them had their own thoughts, and Bai Ye, who was not about to fall out, said in a deep voice: "Mr. Sean, I said, this is to get Paradise City back on track - after all, if all the people here become crazy beasts, , even if you can completely control Paradise City, it will be of no use, right?"

Sean raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

After those humanoid crazy beasts died, something like a red thread slowly came out of their mouths.

The thing that didn't know whether it was blood or something floated up and gathered in a certain direction in the air.

The entire Paradise City seemed to be immersed in blood. Countless humanoid crazy beasts opened their mouths wide and their eyes were blank. One after another red threads converged from their mouths to the sky.

The commotion finally stopped. After the humanoid crazy beasts contributed their contaminated blood, they fell to the ground exhausted and quickly lost their voices.

There were no other strange phenomena when he was promoted to crimson. The dense red lines sank into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

"Ha..." There was a long sigh.

Later, Latiya, dressed in white, appeared in front of everyone.

Her face was calm, but there was a touch of sadness in her eyes.

Bai Ye looked over expectantly, and after getting Latiya's nod, she felt much relieved.

Sean narrowed his eyes: "Dean..."

There was obvious doubt in Latiya's eyes: "Sir, who are you?"

Bai Ye felt more and more happy. It had been a long time since Latiya had appeared to be arrogant. In other words, she didn't know Sean at all.

Then it won't be this guy's turn to lie...

Sean smiled: "My name is Sean. As for my identity, someone will tell you."

"Latiya..." Bai Ye just started to speak, but he heard a woman let out a disgusted exclamation.

She turned around and saw where Lewis was, a beautiful woman with blue hair looking panicked.

Lewis's expression was gloomy, and the frost condensed in his hands was about to come out.

"Go away, this is no place for you to set foot."

I can't bully people like [Golden Ghost], so I can't bully you, an unrelated person?

However, what's a little strange is that why does this girl show such an expression when she clearly didn't do anything?

Qiong Ying clutched her chest. She seemed not to want to get entangled with Lewis anymore, so she just exposed her body forcefully and looked at Latiya.


Latiya's eyes slowly lit up.


Bai Ye's face froze again.

Before Lewis could react, countless huge arms stretched out from the shadows. He was thrown out with almost no resistance and smashed directly into the streets outside.


"Qiong Ying...are you Qiong Ying?" Latiya looked at the girl running over in disbelief. Her chest rose and fell slightly, and finally she hugged her hard.

"I remembered... you are Qiong Ying... Qiong Ying... my student..." Latiya hugged Qiong Ying, feeling emotional.

It's always a bit weird for the environment here to become a family recognition scene, but for the newly powerful Crimson, no one would blame her.

Bai Ye was furious, Latiya clearly knew him...

Why did Lewis, that idiot, bully other students again? !

She understood very well that Latiya's memory was slowly returning, and that girl named Qiong Ying must have occupied a considerable place in her heart.

Sean smiled secretly in his heart, that's right...

It is not realistic to directly control Latiya, and it must be clear that the dean Sean has known from the beginning is Edith.

In other words, the current Latiya is actually like a new baby.

Of course, Sean also made slight changes to the information such as 'loyal to the [Academy]' implanted in the artificial breeding device.

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