I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 19 Thank you [Academy] for its charitable feat for Paradise City

The plan was a success and Sean was in a happy mood.

After looking at the other trophies in the warehouse, he waved his hand: "Go back to the city."

Luo Xi's lips moved twice, but she didn't speak, she just stared at Sean.

Noticing the other person's expression, Sean shrugged: "I know what you are thinking, but I told you from the beginning, this thing can't take your people away."

"Why?" Luo Xi actually believed it, but she still had a glimmer of hope.

Sean, who was in a good mood, did not habitually tease Luo Xi. He explained patiently: "First of all, it's the distance. This place is too far from the Rainbow Nest. The [Academy] itself has never traveled far without this big guy."

"It's okay to encounter one or two flying-type crazy beasts, but what if you encounter a herd of beasts on the way? You can run, but the airship cannot."

"Secondly, what do you miss most about your hometown?"

Roxy blurted out: "Flowers and rainbows."

"By the way, rainbows -" Sean pointed upward, "You can see rainbows in your hometown, but have you seen them since you came down from the mountain?"

"Nothing...it's just an iron-green dome."

Sean nodded: "The altitude of your hometown is too high, so high that it exceeds the Evil Dome - and the Evil Dome, I know better than you do."

He pulled Luo Xi to the porthole, pointed to the evil dome outside and said almost directly above his head: "No one knows where this thing came from, but it disrupts all electromagnetic waves and emits toxicity."

"Paradise City has been using various prosthetics and modules decades ago, but until now, even [the company] has not been able to create remote communication equipment. To be precise, it cannot be used even if it is built. In addition, All electronic equipment will malfunction after entering the evil dome."

"This big guy will fall off within five minutes of entering it."

After a detailed explanation, Luo Xi already understood.

Her expression darkened visibly.

Sean chuckled: "I said it was cooperation. You completed the task very well, so of course I will help you."

"Now?" Luo Xi showed an expectant expression.

Sean shook his head: "Not now, I am not capable enough, powerful enough, and this Paradise City is not chaotic enough."

He hugged Luo Xi's shoulders carelessly: "Don't worry, you have verified it. I didn't lie to you."

Throwing his hand away in frustration, Luo Xi curled the hair in his hand: "Be careful with your paws... There really isn't a single good person in Paradise City."

"How do good people survive in Paradise City?" Sean smiled nonchalantly, "Go back -"

After walking out of the warehouse, Moza stepped forward and said, "Brother, what should we do with the [Academy] personnel on the airship?"

After looking at Moza and the other staff, Sean showed a serious smile.

He patted a guard member on the shoulder and said loudly: "The technicians will stay, and the other prisoners - hey, as a reward, each brother present will pick a prosthetic body that he likes, and then -"

The white hand waved casually: "Throw away all the people you picked."

The people who could be gathered together by Moza again were all his most loyal confidants, and they all burst out laughing.

"Thank you, brother!"

Moza shook his head expressionlessly.

As expected, the eldest brother is still ignorant...

Too merciful... Judging from the number, only half of the people were thrown down.

If you dare to take action, you should be prepared to pay the price, no matter who you are.

The steel giant in the sky began to slowly turn around, and during this period, small black dots fell from above.

The screams and pleas for mercy were torn apart by the howling wind.


Tall classical buildings, statues and fountains in huge squares, students walking in a hurry holding books, and a huge flag standing at the front with two abstract hands on the flag.

One hand outlines the energy veins, and the other hand outlines the metal circuit board.

This is the [Academy], where high-ranking students learn the most advanced superpower knowledge and the most high-end prosthetic transformations.

All ages can enroll, provided you can afford the tuition of 200,000 credits a year.

Working continuously for fourteen hours in the most dangerous suburban factory, the daily salary is as high as 200 credits.

Theoretically, you can work for a thousand days without eating or drinking, and then get a valuable admission ticket.

Of course, if you can't pay the tuition for the next year, you will have to pack up and leave.

In a huge building located deep in the [College], in the room marked as the dean's office, a friendly and intimate tea party was going on.

The man with a mustache sat at the main seat. He took a sip of black tea and showed an impeccable and elegant smile.

The other men and women were dressed in luxurious clothes, and they were also enjoying tea and snacks.

A gentleman with a copper crutch put down his tea cup and said with a smile: "It is a worthwhile trip to drink the black tea collected by Director Morgan. Of course, Mr. Henderson, please be sure to tell me that this new snack is in Where did you buy it?”

Director Morgan looked over with the same smile.

The gentleman known as Henderson laughed and said, "Hahaha, Mr. Director, you didn't expect it, did you? This is a new product from Barr's Cake Shop."

Mr. Director was surprised: "Barr? Isn't that near my home? Hahaha, this guy developed a new product and didn't notify me first. I'm going to find trouble with him."

"Haha, Barr is going to wet his pants at night. But, speaking of which, the prices at Barr's Cake Shop have increased recently -" Mr. Henderson pretended to complain.

The director's wife immediately asked: "Oh? What should I say?"

Mrs. Henderson continued her husband's words and complained: "They said they used some new type of animal milk, and a small cake costs 500 credits. If our family were to have afternoon tea by ourselves, we would be a little reluctant to part with it."

"Mrs. Henderson, you are too modest. Besides, good snacks can only be paired with Director Morgan's good tea."

"That's natural, Director Morgan. It makes you laugh."

The mustached man smiled and cut a small piece of cake into his mouth. After a moment, he showed an admiring look: "It's delicious. If I can taste one piece every day, it would be perfect."

"It's just a small matter. If Director Morgan wants it, I can ask Barr to make it fresh and deliver it to you every day."

"That's very kind of you, Mr. Henderson."

The host and guest enjoyed themselves, and the atmosphere in the house was harmonious.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and a student in uniform walked in and whispered a few words to Director Morgan.

He stood up and said, "Something happened temporarily. I'm really sorry."

Several gentlemen and their wives stood up and said, "Please go and do your work."

After walking out of the office, walking through several corridors, and entering a conference room, Morgan's brows immediately tightened.

"The airship didn't send a fixed contact signal?" he asked quickly.

"No," a technician shook his head. "The team sent out also did not send a signal."

"Have you sent someone to see it?"

"The Minister of Discipline has set off with his team. They should have left the city by now."

"Well, notify me immediately if there is any news."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

A panicked person ran over immediately after seeing Morgan: "Director Morgan, the airship... has entered the city..."

"Going into the city? There is no order from the [Academy]. What are they doing in the city? They are making nonsense!" Morgan subconsciously reprimanded, and then frowned, "Aren't those our people?"

"And... there is writing on the airship! It is currently flying towards the dirty streets in the west of the city!"

"What did you write?"

Faced with further questioning, the messenger showed a panicked expression.

Morgan's face turned cold: "Say."

"It, it says... thanks [the Academy] for its charitable feat for Paradise City."

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