I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 190 Dean, I’ll let you drink enough next time

Unlike the mutated three-eyed ox and six-legged horse used by most caravans, this caravan's transportation alone is eye-catching.

They were dozens of mutant rhinos that were more than three meters tall and five meters long. Each of these mutant rhinos weighed more than five tons, and the cargo box dragged behind them could carry twice the weight of cargo.

The smell of gasoline and the roar of the engine will drive the crazy beast crazy, and the new silent tool cannot replenish energy or electricity on the way. This kind of rhino trailer is almost the top long-distance transportation tool in the wasteland.

"Lord Viscount, Paradise City has arrived."

The housekeeper hunched over and knocked gently on the carriage door.

This carriage is much more gorgeous and sturdy than other cargo boxes, and the rhinos it pulls are two stronger mutants.

There is a emblem engraved on the carriage door, and above the white rose, abstract prosthetics and fire elements are intertwined.

Within the empire, this badge is the best pass, and no one dares to despise it.

The sliding window on the carriage was opened, and the delicate laughter of several women came from inside. However, the housekeeper's expression did not change, and he was obviously used to it.

A fair and strong arm was put on the window sill, and a man with long hair poked out a handsome face. His face was delicate but not feminine, and his smile was pleasant.

However, the lipstick marks all over his face and the strawberries on his neck make him look a bit slutty.

"It's pretty fast..." The man looked back and pinched the woman next to him, causing a series of cooings.

He looked at the tall gate of Paradise City, and curiosity flashed across his face.

Pulling up the car window, the melodious sound started to sound again, accompanied by the sound of a man squealing.

"Come into the city, uncle, the beauties of Paradise City are still waiting for me."

"Yes, Lord Viscount."

The mighty mutant rhino convoy headed towards Paradise City.

"White Rose has arrived."

There was no deliberate concealment, everyone received the news of Bai Qiangwei's arrival.

Ai Youqian was the one with the most pain in his head. He held his forehead and stared at his son with hatred: "Are you happy now?"

Aihua shrank his head: "Who knows..."

Ai Youqian reached out and wanted to slap his son a few times, but reluctantly put it down after a moment.

This one son was so stupid that he was hopeless.

Ai Youqian doesn't take the White Rose Caravan seriously in terms of name and size, but the White Rose badge itself means power.

The emperor established the country by force and conquered countless lands. In the process, only three grand dukes were granted the title.

The other two grand dukes are in their respective territories, but this grand duke lives in the imperial capital and does not even need to be notified when he enters the palace to meet the current emperor.

Under the emperor, all other princes and princesses must stop and greet each other respectfully.

Over the years, if the White Night Caravan with a royal background can be considered unhindered in the imperial capital, then the White Rose Caravan under the Grand Duke can be said to be domineering.

Within the imperial capital, half of the extremely profitable prosthetic parts business is controlled by the White Rose Caravan.

The most unreasonable thing about this caravan is that they also work part-time as the empire’s mopping up force.

Every member of the caravan is a veto or a weakling. They have done a lot of work in cleaning up the crazy beasts and opening up territories. Many places with special products have become White Rose's own channels under their raids.

Ai Youqian's caravan is known as the best caravan in the imperial capital, the White Night Caravan with a royal background is known as the most respectable caravan, and the White Rose Caravan is known as the most unreasonable. .

Knowing what his father was worried about, Ai Hua shrank his head and muttered: "This place is far away from the imperial capital... Bai Qiangwei didn't dare to really do anything to our caravan. In the end, it was not up to Sean to make a decision... Is it possible for them to return the favor?" Do you dare to directly sweep Paradise City like you did against small forces?"

"Is this the key?" Ai Youqian glared at his son, "They came here just for the chaotic magnetic traction device. They account for more than half of the business of prosthetic parts. This is their own territory."

"Now there is a more cost-effective parts business in other places, but that place is exactly where we stay. Even if we are not prepared to do this kind of business, do they believe it?"

"Their goal here is very simple. If they can grab our business, it's the best. If they can't grab it, they will ruin it for us. Do you understand?"

Ai Huagan couldn't help but retorted: "Then, at worst, I'll give this business to them."

Ai Youqian became even more angry: "If you don't make money when doing business, why do you let others make money?! The specialties of Paradise City have exceeded our expectations. This place is still in desperate need of development. Do you know why I am so... Cooperate? Isn’t it just for other more business?”

"Sean and we are not friends, but partners. It is only natural for him to find someone to raise the price, but you are stupid to fall for it!"

"As long as we can absorb one-third of the entire Paradise City business, I won't have to be restricted everywhere in the Imperial Capital!"

"Bai Qiangwei's people have come to Paradise City. Will they not understand this? Now, even if it is not for their own interests, but just to suppress me, it will be even more difficult to get this business!"

Ai Huagan muttered: "If you don't do business, you say you can't make money, and if we do business, you complain... You just want to take it out on me..."

Ai Youqian glared at his son: "What else?"

Ai Huagan: "..."

On the other side, Bai Ye also received news that the Bai Qiangwei caravan had entered the city, and her reaction was not much better than Ai Youqian.

She has been checking the information during this period of time and has already got some clues.

Sean's power is very special. He may need something, something that only the royal family of the empire has!

He was pulling, he wanted to handle me more, and because of the special nature of that thing and his powers, he didn't want others to notice his true goal.

Bai Ye, who thought he had found Sean's weakness, was thinking about how to deal with it, but unexpectedly he learned the news.

"Why did the White Rose Caravan come here..." Bai Ye's expression was very bad.

White Rose is the family emblem of the Grand Duke, and Grand Duke Wen Zhen, who was granted territory but lived in the Imperial Capital all year round, has a powerful influence in the Imperial Capital.

But the most important thing is that his relationship with Grand Duke Wen Cheng is not a good one.

The emperor's physical condition was deteriorating, and the princes would naturally have various thoughts.

Bai Ye can be regarded as a good helper. After all, she is not married yet, and Bai Ye has always been relatively average in Shuiduan, except for the third prince.

Her relationship with the third prince was a bit stiff, and Grand Duke Wen Cheng was the third prince's most powerful supporter.

Not only that, there is also some rift between Bai Ye and the Bai Qiangwei family.

She once publicly rejected the marriage contract made by her father, and the other party to the marriage contract was the eldest son of Grand Duke Wen Kun...

At that time, there were some rumors that reached the ears of Grand Duke Wen Zhen. He probably didn't care about it himself, but his children didn't like Bai Ye very much.

"Why did Bai Qiangwei come here...is it Ai Youqian's caravan again?"

After calling Gregory, Bai Ye said in a deep voice.

Gregory shook his head: "I don't know... It was a bit strange for Ai Youqian's caravan to appear in Paradise City, but we followed your instructions and did not delve into this point. Now it seems that maybe Paradise City is really Is there any specialty product with high profit, and the White Rose Caravan also smells the credit points."

"Who is Bai Qiangwei leading the team?"

"It's not clear yet, but there is a carriage with a family crest on it and a different shape... There may be a direct descendant of Grand Duke Wen Kun in it."

Bai Ye's expression became even worse, hoping that that idiot wouldn't come over...

Finally, she said in a deep voice: "Let the people in our caravan move carefully. In addition, make sure that the news about me in Paradise City is not revealed."

Gregory nodded, and then showed an embarrassed look: "Our people can guarantee it, but..."

Bai Ye knew who the other party was talking about, and that person would most likely reveal his information...

Sean, it's him again!

Why am I so unlucky as soon as I meet him? All coincidences happen to me!

While Bai Ye was gritting his teeth, Sean, who had created a series of coincidences, was checking Qiong Ying's body.

During this period of time, Qiong Ying has been almost occupied by Latiya. On the surface, Latiya is Qiong Ying's teacher. In fact, Latiya has regarded Qiong Ying as her only support.

And with various hints from being a good apprentice, Sean's status with Latiya has also increased.

The only drawback is that he and Qiong Ying have almost no chance to be alone.

Like now.

"Qiong Ying, we should go back to eat." Latiya's voice sounded outside the house.

Here, Qiong Ying, who was checking Sean's internal condition, stood up in a panic.

She looked at Sean a little aggrieved and helpless.

And Sean sighed: "What a sin, didn't you tell her that I was your boyfriend? How fresh..."

Qiong Ying took a trash can and spit it in. She wiped her mouth and said helplessly: "The teacher has been pestering me recently. She seems to be particularly afraid that I will lose it... Later I found out that it was because of Lewis that she had been worried Lewis will secretly be detrimental to me... I’m afraid that if the other party doesn’t leave, she will have to stick to me all the time.”

Sean rolled his eyes. Latiya's cub-protecting mentality was stronger than he thought...

Speaking of which, this situation was created by him...

I really can’t live for my own sins...

Qiong Ying comforted: "It should be much better after Lewis leaves. By then the [college] will also start to rebuild, and the teacher will still have to be busy as the dean... Moreover, during this period of time, the teacher has almost dismissed you. Think of it as the second student.”

She patted her chest: "Don't worry, the teacher will be firmly on your side from now on."

After learning that Latiya had been impersonated before, Qiong Ying's original hatred for Latiya disappeared.

But the difference from before is that she no longer regards the [Academy] as a belief, and she no longer trusts Latiya unconditionally.

Now, to Qiong Ying, Sean is everything to her.

Therefore, when Sean euphemistically expressed that he wanted Qiong Ying to 'brainwash' Latiya, the latter readily accepted the task.

Sean is everything to me, and the teacher...the teacher is also important, but not that important.

Moreover, as long as the teacher is completely on Sean's side, then you no longer have to worry about conflicts between the two people, right?

Qiong Ying feels that this is a win-win situation, for Latiya and Sean, and for herself.

Seeing this, Sean could only sigh and scratched Qiong Ying's palm.

"When this is over, let's go on a date."

Qiong Ying blushed and nodded, her eyes full of anticipation.

Whether it is during the date or after the date, she is looking forward to it and is ready...

On the other side, Latiya knocked on the door again without getting an answer.

"Qiongying, it's time for us to go home."

The door was opened, and after seeing her beloved student, Latiya subconsciously smiled.

"Teacher, let's go, Sean has finished checking the prosthetic body for me." When she said this, Qiong Ying's face turned slightly red.

Latiya nodded, looked at Sean and smiled: "Thank you for your hard work, Sean."

"Why are you being polite to me? We are all our own, Dean." Sean said while buckling his belt.

"Then let's go first... Hey, Qiongying, what is this? Did you drink milk?"

Qiong Ying's face panicked, and she hurriedly stretched out her tongue to lick the remaining bit in, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes..."

Sean blinked: "When checking the prosthetic body, drinking some milk will help stabilize the nerve channels."

Latiya suddenly realized it and said with a smile: "Then I will drink some next time. I haven't tried it yet."

Sean snapped his fingers: "Dean, I promise to let you drink enough."

Qiong Ying turned around and glared at Xiao En helplessly, then pulled her teacher away.

After waving at the backs of the two people, Sean walked to the conference room on the other side.

"Is it done?" Moza glanced casually.

Next to him was Mo Jiajia, who came to study. The little carrot head imitated his brother and pushed up his glasses.

"Impossible. Sean must be very strong. He seems to be unhappy at first glance. Latiya came over to urge him."

Sean went over and gave each of the siblings a kick without ceremony.

"Mo Jiajia, can you fucking learn how to kill people and set fires? It's useless to learn this?"

"And you, Moza, teach Jiajia these things, right? And what's the matter with your expression? You haven't peeled your skin during this time and it's itchy, right?"

Moza dusted himself off calmly, while Mo Jiajia, a little loli with facial paralysis, quickly got up and shook her butt.

"I do..."

She was kicked to the ground by her brother again. Moza said calmly: "Watch your words, you are still young."

"Hey, sir, you're pretentious." Mo Jiajia pursed her lips.

No longer wreaking havoc with the two siblings, Sean asked, "Is the person here?"

"We're here. Our spy saw that there should be an important person in Bai Qiangwei's caravan. A man who looks like a butler calls him Lord Viscount."

Sean touched his chin: "Viscount? That should be the son born after the Grand Duke was granted the title... Judging from the title, he should be quite capable."

"They stayed in the courtyard after settling in the city. They should be looking for someone to find out the news now."

Sean narrowed his eyes: "Help the Viscount and let him get familiar with Paradise City as soon as possible."


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