I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 200 The Great Conspirator in the Wasteland

"What's the name of dad's dad? Dad's dad is called grandpa~ What's the name of dad's mom? Dad's mom is called grandma~"

The sharp female voice of the rocking car echoed, but the childlike music made everyone feel cold.

Sean was vomiting blood and riding on the rocking car with a happy smile on his face.

"Seeking death!" The eyes of the old man surnamed Mo were bloodshot, and a gray tornado with the roar of a wild beast rose from the ground.

However, Sean's smile did not change. He took out a bottle of wine and drank a few gulps, then poured it into the cargo box under him.

The flames are gradually spreading.

The extremely terrifying tornado suddenly dissipated, and the old man surnamed Mo let out an inhuman and tragic roar.

Blood-red mist filled the air, and everyone present felt as if something was about to burst out of their bodies.

Pollution, extreme pollution!

Rhode's eyes widened. He saw that strange fleshy sprouts had appeared on Uncle Mo's body, and the tops of the fleshy sprouts were squirming. The animal shape flashed past, and was replaced by his own face, and that face It actually squirmed again and turned into Lewis’s face.

He backed away with his heart beating wildly.

Uncle Mo's pollution is completely out of control.

Proliferation is another body of the Crimson Powerhouse, and when Uncle Mo reestablished contact with proliferation, for some reason, he got connected with the proliferation of other Crimson Powerhouses!

This is a complete conflict, and the already contaminated Crimson Powerhouse will be completely trapped in a more terrifying situation.

He will become a sewn-up mad beast...

What on earth did that guy do... Rhodes looked at Sean with fear in his eyes.

"You...you're looking for death...I'm going to kill you..." Uncle Mo's voice carried a dull beastly roar, and his reason could not hold on for even a minute.

Sean, who was sitting on the rocking car, clapped his hands happily: "Old man, it's a small thing to admit that your father is wrong. How about you call me grandpa and I will help you find your biological father?"


The old man's figure was distorting, and his face had become inhuman.

Sean's smile became more cheerful.

The safest backup plan is to bring enough power.

There may be a stronger person behind Rhodes, this is within the scope of Sean's guess.

The stronger crimson is bound to face the problem of proliferation. Obviously, those huge warehouses are perfect for concealment.

The tablets obtained from Edith were invested in multiplication, which itself was part of the Crimson.

Sean directly led the opponent into the area where animality can be eliminated in the hall of thinking. If the opponent can defeat the projection there, he can even complete the purification here.

However, Sean was kind enough to throw the other beast shadows left in the hall of thinking in one go.

He had a conflict with Proliferation, but he failed to defeat the beastliness brought about by Proliferation. In order to maintain the power of Crimson, the first thing the opponent did after breaking free must be to re-establish contact with Proliferation.

If Sean wants to use this to deceive, he will pay an extremely terrible price, and he may not even succeed.

However, with a little manipulation, the price will be reduced.

I didn't let you contact your multiplication, I just let you contact another multiplication.

[Academy] The remains of Crimson, the active contamination remaining in Lewis's corpse, and the proliferation fragments stuffed into the corpse... Sean briefly combined these three to create the illusion of Crimson's middle layer of proliferation.

Then, he only needs to deceive the person the old man contacted.

Once you get in touch, nothing will happen to me.

It's just that... it's connected to the proliferation of a non-original body, or the proliferation of near-death.

What will such a conflict bring?

The roaring old man made Sean laugh happily.

Although the price he had to pay was not small, and he had even been contaminated again.

The entire battlefield was shrouded in the twisted pollution aura of the old man, and the uncontrollable power of a crimson middle-level peak kept roaring.

Rhodes clenched his teeth and backed away: "Sean, you are going to kill everyone here!"

Uncle Mo will turn into an indescribable monster! Everyone here will become prey!

As soon as he finished speaking, a scarlet wind swept in. Rhodes, who had retreated far away, only had a short resistance before he was completely overturned.

The old man went completely crazy.

"Run!" Rhodes' butler roared.

He could feel that because of this loss of control, Uncle Mo completely turned into a crazy beast, and his strength even reached the upper level of Crimson!

That lunatic...he actually did such a thing in order to stop Uncle Mo!

The housekeeper glanced at Sean from a distance, and the chill in his heart could no longer be stopped.

The sudden change caused chaos on the battlefield, and the new humanoid mad beast roared and exploded with all its power.

He seems to still have the last trace of consciousness, the person who plotted against him!

The unprovoked hurricane roared towards Sean like a giant beast carrying sand and dust!

"That's... my... multiplication... and you... are going to die!"

The beast is approaching.

Sean snapped his fingers.

The proliferating cargo box beneath him and Lewis's corpse, which was also beginning to twist next to him, were replaced by a huge fire.

"Boom -" the explosion sounded!

Not only here, but on the other side, Uncle Mo's real breeding container was also swallowed up by the explosion!

The man with the fiery red ball hair had burnt black liquid flowing from his palm, and the unattended cargo boxes were completely blown up into the sky.

It's Sekirei!

Sean jumped up in the light of the fire. The funny clown's head on the rocking car was blown to pieces. The springs were connected to the broken skull. Only the corners of the mouth made of plastic were still raised high.

"What's dad's dad's name... called... what's his name... called grandpa..."

The broken electronic sound was particularly harsh amid the explosion.

Sean flew high on the rocker, and the monster composed of sand, dust and wind collapsed in front of him.

The old man let out a tragic roar, and his twisted body continued to disintegrate.

Proliferation is a part of him, and all the proliferations present have met with disaster.

"You...you..." He seemed to have regained a little sense before dying.

Then, a rapidly enlarging foot covered all his vision.

"What? What are you looking for? Grandpa can help you find it?" Sean held the rocker to the ground and stepped on Uncle Mo's head.

Lifting up the boots, red and white splashed all over the soles.

Looking at the mud on the soles of his feet, Sean laughed.

"Can't find it?"

He arrived here with a commanding attitude, and even climbed to the upper level of Crimson at the last moment.

But such a strong man was crushed in the head by a king-level person!

Seeing this scene, everyone present breathed heavily.

This guy... is a pure lunatic... and the purest conspirator!

Sean whistled and looked at everyone on Rhodes' side.

"Kill them all." He laughed evilly.

There was no room for resistance anymore.

After Ai Youqian's crimson warriors joined, Sean's top combat power has taken the lead.

The crimson who used energy was killed by Luo Xi. The eagle was not sure whether he was alive or dead under Sean's plan. The most powerful Uncle Mo even had his head trampled directly under the serial plan.

Even though he was crimson, Rhodes knew that he no longer had any ability to resist.

The deathly armored man's roar before his death was so harsh that Rhodes didn't hesitate and kept running away dragging his seriously injured body.

"Lord Viscount, run!" The housekeeper resisted a powerful attack for him, but he was held back.

If you are held back, you lose the possibility of escaping.

Rhodes gritted his teeth and did not dare to slow down.

After all, he is Crimson, and the only person qualified to pursue him is Crimson!

As long as I can run away...

Suddenly, a human-shaped shadow emerged from the ruins ahead.

Rhodes' eyes widened as a potion entered his body again.

The light blue telekinesis controlled the shadow, but more shadows jumped out.

Rhodes roared: "Shadow, do you know who I am?!"

The shadow's body emerged, and he said indifferently: "You dare to attack Her Royal Highness, Viscount Rhodes, you did something you shouldn't have done."

"Shut up!" Rhodes shook his arm fiercely, and his telekinesis roared away.

However, he was casually attacked by Uncle Mo before he died, and now he was covered in scars. The slippery shadow did not fight him head-on, but used his own powers to keep circling around, waiting for the pursuers to join up behind him.

Seeing that the pursuers were coming, Rhodes roared angrily, and a small square box was thrown out.

The square box quickly combined into a skinny robot.

With a suppressed roar, Rhodes dug open the right side of his heart, revealing a mechanical heart, which was then sucked into the energy capsule on the back of the robot.

After doing all this, Rhodes's face turned as pale as an evil ghost, and the robot buzzed, and a telepathic outline similar to Rhodes' superpower appeared around him.


The robot rushed towards the shadow without a word, and Rhodes ran away again.

The robot dragged the shadow, and Rhodes' speed further accelerated.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with resentment.

The trump card is revealed... The robot driven by his mechanical heart is extremely expensive to build, and it requires mechanical energy adapted to his powers to be driven.

Twenty years... He has endured the conflict between his mechanical heart and his body for twenty years. This was supposed to be his back-up in battle, but now it was used for escape.

"Damn it!" Rhodes couldn't bear it anymore and cursed angrily.

It was supposed to be a safe move, but it was all because of Sean who used his conspiracy to kill Uncle Mo...

Deathly Armored Man, Eagle, Uncle Butler... all of them are also because of that Sean!

"Just wait for me..." Rhodes almost broke his teeth.

"Hey, how did you know I was waiting for you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Rhodes retreated tens of meters like a frightened bird.

He raised his malicious eyes and saw the figure standing on the ruins in front of him.

The dim moonlight struggled through the clouds and cast a ray of bright color, which just illuminated the curve of the corner of Sean's mouth.


"The Viscount has come all the way, and I haven't entertained you properly yet. Are you ready to leave now?" Sean said with a smile.

Rhodes looked at her coldly, and the resentment in his voice almost overflowed: "This time, I was the one who got into trouble... Sean, what did Bai Ye give you to make you help her like this?"

As he spoke, his telekinesis began to squirm slightly under his feet.

Sean didn't seem to notice. He looked up at the sky where the moon could not be seen.

Something seemed to light up.

Sean showed a smile: "I can't help it, Your Majesty, it's so smooth."

Rhodes narrowed his eyes: "You and her... haha, no wonder."

Sean nodded cheerfully and said it very bluntly: "The taste of the princess... is really good."

"Ha, bitches and wild dogs..." Rhodes licked his lips, "But are you too arrogant?!"

The telekinesis roared out and emerged from the ruins at Sean's feet!

However, Sean just made a defensive posture, but did not drive his own power.

A ray of moonlight fell strangely.

Rhodes' telekinesis instantly dissolved like butter on a hot knife.

The viscount finally opened his eyes in fear.


A white dress fell on the ruins. Bai Ye did not stand beside Sean. She just looked at Rhodes coldly.

"Viscount Rhodes, what is the crime of deliberately killing the imperial princess?"

Rhodes' eyes kept changing, and finally he stood up straight and sneered: "I can't afford such a big crime, but for some petty gains, our princess..."

He glanced at Sean, and his smile became more mocking: "It's really rare to see someone who is willing to sell his body."

Bai Ye's expression turned cold for a moment.

Rhodes didn't notice what he was saying. He cut his neck and let the blood flow.

The man opened his hands and said displeasedly: "These are nothing... I don't want to disappoint my father, but there is no way..."

The blood formed a human shape, and then a pair of eyes opened.

Sean's heart beat violently, and then he quickly disappeared into the gray mist and disappeared in place.

Looking at Sean who was absconding, Rhodes sneered.

Assuming you run fast...

The humanoid made of blood looked around and looked at Rhodes who was kneeling on one knee.

"Rhode, have you failed?"

"I disappoint you, Father -" He spread his hands helplessly, "Your Highness the Princess must kill me, there is no other way..."

His tone was relaxed, and it was obvious that he felt that if the bloody man appeared, he would no longer have to worry about his life.

And his father himself is... Grand Duke Wen Cheng!

Grand Duke Wen Cheng turned to look at Bai Ye, but the bloody man didn't even make a gesture of greeting.

"Your Highness, this matter is Rhodes' fault. You should go back."

Grand Duke Wen Cheng's voice was extremely calm.

Bai Ye almost laughed. She suppressed her anger: "Does Grand Duke Wen Cheng know what happened?"

Grand Duke Wen Cheng said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. Now, Rhodes is not dead, and you are not dead either, so just pretend that nothing happened."

There is no respect for the princess at all, this Grand Duke Wen Cheng is extremely overbearing!

The sneer on Rhodes' face also proved that he had long been accustomed to his father's domineering attitude.

He never needs to worry about the danger of his life because he is the second son of the White Rose family.

It's a pity that in the end, I was desperate and called my father for help. Deducting points was not a good thing in his father's eyes...

However, I will get it back... He glanced coldly at Bai Ye, and of course, that coward Sean.

After saying this, Grand Duke Wen Cheng waved his hand, turned around, and seemed ready to get into Rhodes' body again.

However, Bai Ye's voice was full of murderous intent.

"Grand Duke Wen Cheng, are you planning to commit treason?"

Grand Duke Wen Cheng frowned: "Nonsense, Bai Ye, do children still fight to such an extent? Your father will not want to see you do this."

However, the light of supernatural power lit up.

The white leaves are shrouded in the moonlight.

"I said, I want him to die!"

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