I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 234 The Ceremony of Sacrifice

There is only a mirror standing on the lonely black rock. Not to mention the human figure, there are not even ruins.

So, the "doctor" who just talked to the fisherman...

Thinking of the contents in the drift bottle, Sean felt a chill running down his spine.

Do you want to take a look at that mirror?

This idea suddenly came to my mind.

However, the thought that just arose was quickly cut off by Sean.

His eyes looked surprised, and his steps stepped back a lot unconsciously.

As a bastard whose hobby is to play with people's hearts, Sean's control over himself has always been top-notch - if he can't even control his own emotions and thoughts, how can he control others?

Therefore, he immediately realized that the idea of ​​"taking a look in the mirror" that had just occurred to him came out of nowhere.

That thing is tempting me...

Sean left the reef and returned to the aircraft. When the fisherman squatted on the ground and held his head, he kept mumbling to himself, feeling extremely lost.

After the other party calmed down for a while, Sean asked: "What did you see?"

The fisherman lowered his head, with confusion in his voice: "I saw the doctor... That doctor is my elder, but he turned into a terrible look."

He sighed: "The doctor's head turned into a strange fish in the deep sea. His eyes seemed to be hollowed out, and his mouth was full of sharp teeth... I want to ask him if he has seen me. Wife, but he said he didn’t know me.”

Sean narrowed his eyes: "He has become like this, and you still know that the other person is the doctor you know?"

The fisherman froze on the spot and murmured: "Yes..."

He looked at Sean for confirmation: "But the first time I saw him, I thought he was a doctor... It's just that something terrible happened to the poor doctor, and he even pretended not to know me!"

Sean looked at each other and finally just smiled.

After getting on the aircraft again, under the fisherman's anxious eyes, he said casually: "Do you want to continue searching?"

The fisherman hesitated for a moment and then nodded firmly: "I must find my wife!"

Three days later.

"Please, tell me..."

The same thing happened again, and they found a black rock again.

This time, the fisherman met the old captain who once taught him how to fish.

Similarly, the old captain also turned into a terrifying appearance. According to the fisherman, he was a terrifying creature with octopus tentacles on his face and an eyeball on each tentacle's suction cup. The fishing boat next to him turned into a terrifying creature. It's a squid-like submarine. When the old captain gets impatient when asked, the squid submarine will spit out a lot of blood-red ink.

The fisherman still recognized the other party's identity at a glance, and still begged but could not get an answer.

But in Sean's eyes, it was still a lonely mirror, unable to see anything.

after one day.

This time, it was a postman who looked like an anglerfish. A long stick shaped like a fishing rod grew out of his forehead, and an envelope made of unknown skin hung from the top.

If the fisherman presses him in a hurry, he will make a show of tearing open the envelope and shout: "If you do this again, I will tear up all the most important letters, which contain all the treasure maps at sea over the years! "

However, all this was dictated by the fisherman, and Sean could still only see the mirror.

Half a day later, three hours later, half an hour later, five minutes later...

Sean did not go to the rocks for verification, because all he could see were tall black rocks.

He and the fishermen encountered rocks more and more frequently, until now, the front had turned into a sea of ​​black rocks.

The fisherman almost went crazy. He even shouted with joy.

"With so many rocks... there must be many, many people! There must be someone who can tell me, tell me, where my wife is!"

But how could the mirror tell him the answer?

The fisherman did not give up. He climbed onto the black rocks one after another, talked to acquaintances with all kinds of terrifying appearances, and then left in despair.

Sean has been watching from the side. His expression is calm and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

The fisherman returned disappointed again and again, and in the end he seemed to have lost all hope.

"Everyone says they don't know me! Everyone doesn't know where my wife is! But I can tell who you are at a glance! Why!" The usually timid fisherman shouted angrily for the first time, with eyes in his eyes. Full of gloom.

"Aren't you going to continue?" Sean walked to him and asked calmly.

The fisherman took a few breaths and continued walking forward.

Looking at the other person's back, Sean thought to himself.

"It was caused by pure obsession? But the fisherman didn't show any signs of death... He obviously lost all his power and looked like an ordinary person, but ordinary people don't have the strength to climb dozens of black rocks nearly a hundred meters high... Weird... "

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly there was an exclamation from the front.

Sean looked up and saw a figure falling straight down from the black reef.

He walked over. The fisherman fell to the ground and was stumbling to get up.

Just a little embarrassed, but no injuries.

Sean walked over and asked, "What happened?"

The fisherman looked angry: "It's the mayor! The mayor!"


The fisherman became sad again: "The mayor watched me grow up, and I regarded him as my father... He turned into a shark-headed monster! I just asked where my wife was, and he actually pushed me from above. Come down!"

"Push it down?" Sean's pupils narrowed.

Can a mirror... also push people?

The fisherman muttered something, patted the sand on his body, and headed towards another black reef.

After he left, Sean climbed onto the rock where the mayor was.

Sure enough, it is still bare. From this angle, you can see the surrounding reefs of different heights, all the same as here.

The only difference is that there are mirrors on other rocks, with different styles of mirrors, some big and some small, some high and some low. Only the fisherman said that the mayor's rock has only one fragment.

"The fisherman said the mayor pushed him down because the mirror here was broken?"

"No... Judging from the previous situation, the fisherman will only start talking after looking in the mirror... Can the person in the mirror push someone? Is it because he pushed someone that it broke..."

While thinking about it, Sean also noticed that this time, the thought that tempted people to look in the mirror did not appear.

After hesitating for a moment, Sean walked towards the pile of debris.

He walked in the direction of the fisherman and immediately discovered that there was only one person's footprints on the ground, and there were no messy traces after pushing.

It's not the man in the mirror who came out to attack...then my guess is correct...

When I walked to the fragments, the scattered mirror fragments were dim and could not illuminate anything.

After rummaging carefully for a while, Sean found something unusual.

Several of the fragments had vague words engraved on the back, which were barely put together and read "To the Mayor of Minsk."

Is the mayor's name Minsk?

Immediately afterwards, Sean found several different fragments, which were different from the previous ones. There were bloody blurry words on the front of these fragments. After trying to piece them together, Sean's pupils shrank violently.

"Child, run quickly, leave him..."

Is this a reminder to me?


The fisherman said that he regarded the mayor as his father since he was a child...

Is the mayor reminding the fishermen to leave here?

Who to leave?


Or something about the fisherman?

A feeling of horror filled his heart, and Sean even began to think about whether to run away directly.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, a fisherman’s cry came from not far away.

"Mr. Sean! Mr. Sean! Are you there?! Please help me!"

After hesitating for a moment, Sean grabbed the fragments and returned to the ground.

Walking towards the direction of the fisherman, he was standing on a small square.

This square has been so weathered that it is almost impossible to see its original appearance. Even the stone slabs under the feet are cracked and weathered. The only thing that can be identified is a stone tablet erected next to it.

"Haifeng Port...Kulda Town...is located..." Barely able to decipher the words above, the fisherman was shouting not far from the square.

Sean looked over and saw that the other party was standing on an old boat. He shouted excitedly: "Mr. Sean, look, this is my boat!"

"Your boat?" Sean walked over.

It was a dilapidated old fishing boat. The metal deck had almost been twisted together due to what kind of environment it had gone through.

The fisherman broke off the old plate armor on the boat and shouted: "This is my boat! My wife must know her too! She may live in it! I called her name, but she didn't answer me. ! All the entrances on the deck are blocked, only there is a gap here, please help me open this ship, please help me!"

Your wife lives in this damn place?

Sean shook his head, and finally summoned the black mist, opening the gap in the ship's deck.

A wind with a rotten smell blew out.

The fisherman didn't hesitate at all, he rushed in directly.

After trying to sense it with his deceitful heart, Sean, who found that there was no danger inside, also followed.

After just a few steps, the fisherman's cry and laughter could be heard.

"Krynina...Krynina...I finally found you, please, please, never leave me again..."

Krynina, that was the name of the fisherman's wife.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly and walked around the decaying hull.

The fisherman was inside. In the dim light, he was crying and laughing, hugging a skeleton, and kept shouting:


This absurd and horrifying scene sent chills down the spine. At the same time, Sean also noticed that there was a huge gaping hole in the deck just below the skeleton.

The skeleton is almost floating above the crack. If you look closely, you can see that it is not floating...

The hands of the skeleton showed a strange upward posture, but as time passed, the ropes on them were no longer visible.

The bones of his hands were almost glued to the deck.

Sean could almost imagine the scene before the woman was hanged.

No, to be precise...not hanging.

Looking down from the corner of his eye, he saw that the crack below the deck should be right in the center of the square.

He trembled unconsciously.

Inside, there are densely packed skeletons.

The knees of the skeletons seemed to be shackled to the ground. They were all kneeling, and each person's hands were pointed straight up to the sky, as if they were trying their best to free themselves before death.

Kneeling on a skeleton in the center, there is an almost weathered nameplate.


It's the mayor...

Sean's breathing was already quickening.

Next to him, the fisherman's voice became extremely sad again.

"Krynina, I miss you, I've been missing you... We finally meet, are you still unwilling to talk to me?"

This weird scene couldn't move Sean. What really made him stand on end was that at some point, a mirror rose up from the crack, facing the fisherman.

The fisherman slowly turned his head and showed a surprised smile: "Krinina!"

The skeleton he had been holding was released and fell to the ground, turning into powder.

"Krenina!" The fisherman shouted in surprise with a mirror between him and Sean.

As soon as Sean moved, he saw the fisherman suddenly changed his attitude.

He crossed his hands on his waist, with a strange and absurd gentle gesture on his old face, and his voice even softened.

"Bernard...why are you coming back?" He made a voice that sounded like a woman's.

Then, his voice and posture changed, and he became a fisherman again.

"Bernard..." he thought for a while, then cried and laughed, "I have even forgotten my name... You always remember my name! I, I always remember you!"

He became Krynina again.

"Leave here and forget all this..." 'Krenina' cried, using Bernard's face, looking terrible and pitiful, "At least you still remember us... If you are still here, we won't It will be forgotten...but if it continues, everything will be irreversible..."

Bernard became a fisherman again. He asked anxiously: "Why? I miss you very much, but everyone in the town says they don't know me and want me to leave. Why do you want me to leave even though you recognize me?" ?”

Sean looked at all this and knew that his guess had come true.

There were never any town residents.

The fisherman, that is, Bernard.

He was constantly talking to himself in the mirror.

The mirror seems to allow him to see something and make him possessed by the ghosts of those who died tragically.

But why do these people want Bernard to leave?

Sean knew very well that the strange scene now was definitely inseparable from the two rituals held by the fisherman.

The so-called Seducer Gao Zun may have seduced Bernard into performing the horrific ritual.

But if this is the case, the ceremony is over and there is no room for redemption...

Krinina seemed to be tired of this conversation, and she, Bernard, shouted sharply.

"Bernard, wake up!"

She cried: "Everyone died, but no one blamed you..."

Bernard came back, his face blank and frightened.

"It's dead...it's my fault..."

He turned into Krenina again: "The ceremony of pregnancy... That is the curse of the latent seducer Gaozun... He wants to use your hands to come to this world..."

She cried miserably: "All the townspeople were sacrificed... The child I am pregnant with is Gao Zun..."

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