I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 238 Don’t worry, I’m just trying out the newly learned ritual on you, so you can cooperate.

"Do you want to tell me something heartbreaking?"

An absurd and weird drama is going on, and the man who walks over is like an old friend.

The middle-level king who dug out his own heart wriggled his lips twice with difficulty, and the warm heart in his hand was still beating.

The man suddenly understood and thoughtfully helped him put his heart back into his bleeding chest.

"Devil... you are a demon..." The king-level middle-level man left his last words in horror, and then fell heavily to the ground, making no sound again.

Sean shook his head, and finally squatted down helplessly, and enthusiastically helped the other person close his eyes that were still frightened: "Generally speaking, others call me a villain, how can I be a devil?"

He stood up, opened his hands to everyone, and showed a big smile.

"Did anyone miss me?"

As the words fell, the imperial soldiers who were frantically killing each other all showed horrified expressions. Countless worms seemed to be crawling under everyone's skin.

They screamed wildly and ran around in terror, but their strength continued to lose. Finally, everyone stopped stiffly.

Probably because the way he appeared was so shocking, Luo Xi and the others were unable to speak.

Blinking innocently, Sean confirmed again: "Is it true that no one misses me?"

A hand stretched out from a smooth spot on the outer deck of the aircraft, and an orange fur ball head poked out.

Xiao Ci bravely raised his hand: "I...I think about it."

As if she thought this was not enough, she added: "I really want to."

Sean laughed loudly: "I don't hurt you in vain - but we have to go to class."

He blinked at Xiao Ci: "As long as you are sure that you are an enemy, don't show any mercy."

This scene was too scary for any child, but Xiao Ci's expression was so calm that it was terrifying, and he just nodded seriously towards his brother.

Sean clapped his hands with satisfaction: "As expected of my sister, okay, get out of class is over."

When the applause fell, those people who were frozen in place like puppets began to squirm like bombs.

They opened their mouths, but no words came out.


There were nearly silent, dull explosions, like balloons bursting under water.

Rain of blood fell, and the Empire's most elite Red River Squad exploded into fireworks of blood and flesh.

The terrifying scene made the powerful non-commissioned officers of the Red River Team widen their eyes.

Cook's eyes suddenly shrank.

Who is this guy...can't see clearly his strength...

A power that has a certain mental control effect and can also attack in a large area?

Even though I am just on the edge, I can still feel a surge of madness in my heart... And I have clearly not stepped into the crimson yet, so why is there pollution stirring in my body...

The other party is crimson?

All of his men have been trained by the empire's mental pollution department, and it is impossible for them to kill each other and then blow themselves up with ordinary abilities...

No...not crimson.

Crimson can directly crush me violently, but the guy opposite is deliberately creating a scary atmosphere, trying to weaken my fighting spirit!

His thoughts flashed wildly, and Cook roared.

The gems inlaid on the double-edged ax glowed, and then they all gathered in the center. A red gem that seemed to be alive gave off a terrible smell.

In a huge empire, there will always be some mad scientists who deliberately study terrible materials.

Some people tried to inject the characteristics of the mad beast and the veto into the energy core for the activities of the prosthetic body, but ultimately failed.

The accident that was covered up by the authorities turned an area of ​​the city into a purgatory, and the river in the city that passed through it was dyed blood red.

Although the losses were heavy, it was not without gains - the Red River Team was named after the 'trophies' of that accident!

Gemstones that can accommodate various technological means. If all the gems are combined together, it will be a red river gem that can directly stimulate the user's crazy burst of superpowers.

And he, Cook, has a tolerance for red river gems that ranks among the top ten in the entire imperial capital!

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

The crimson gem was trembling, and Cook's body suddenly expanded several times.

The double-edged battle ax struck like a discharged cannonball, even leaving a light red trail in the air.

"Not mediocre, quite smart." Sean curled his lips.

If the other party flees in panic, death is not far away.


Sean took a deep breath of the rusty air and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Tell me that...that gem isn't even your power?"

Sean's words made Cook, who had almost lost his mind, feel a chill in his heart. However, the arrow was on the string and he had to fire it. He adjusted his posture in the air contrary to common sense, and the ax blade made an ear-piercing scream.

"It has huge energy in itself, and can greatly stimulate the user's superpowers. The empire has a lot of good things." Sean smiled, not even making a move to dodge.

The ax blade broke through the space barrier in an instant, and Cook's eyes flashed.

Even if you are a veto of the space system, this distance will not allow you to activate your abilities!


Amidst the sound of a violent brake, the ax suddenly stopped in mid-air. To be precise, the Red River Gem stopped moving!

Cook was caught off guard and was kicked back by the huge reaction force. Even his peak king-level body could not withstand such force, and his hands were unexpectedly broken!

"How is that possible!" Cook, whose arms were exposed with white bone stubble, flew sideways heavily, and the blood spit from his mouth dyed the marks he plowed dark red.

The other party controls the Red River Gem? !

This is impossible!

Before he could break free from the shock, the murderous intent behind him came in an instant.

How could Luo Xi let go of such an excellent opportunity!

"Keep a hand--" Sean's voice came.

Luo Xi frowned and deflected the energy blade slightly.

A blue light flashed, and Cook, who had suppressed Roche and Sherrill by himself just a few minutes ago, had his legs cut off.

Luo Xi still felt that it was not safe, and Cook's arms fell down again.

Sean gave a thumbs up: "He is indeed the first prize winner of the Hongchao clan's corpse decomposition competition."

He turned around and looked at the remaining people, spreading his hands: "Aren't you going to run away?"

The remaining king-level peaks and upper-level kings were so frightened that they forced Moza and Sherrill away with a few moves and ran away.

However, after they turned around, the corners of Sean's lips raised.

Those kings hadn't run very far when they suddenly stopped on the spot and screamed miserably. Their eyes widened one by one, and there were unknown things swimming under their skin, just like the Red River team that blew themselves up just now. member.

Sean snapped his fingers: "Leave it to you."

Suddenly, screams broke out.

Sean walked slowly to Cook's side, and when he moved his face closer, the latter's eyes suddenly changed into a resentful face.

"Who are you...do you know who I am?!"

Sean blinked: "Look at my handsome eyes, do they look like they are blind? Can I still not see such a big white crescent on your shoulders?"

"How dare you attack the Imperial Army! The Imperial Iron Army will crush you and everyone around you!"

Sean dug his ears: "Your Princess Bai Ye also said some cruel words when she asked me to pull it out. She was almost the same as you - do the imperial people share the vocabulary?"

Cook couldn't believe his ears, Her Royal Highness the Princess... The other party knew Her Royal Highness?

He even did it to the superior princess...

So he can control the Red River Gem?

Cook's breathing became rapid: "Who are you? And who gave you the method to control the Red River Gem?!"

"That thing is called the Red River Gem? It's a very interesting gadget." Sean smiled.

If the gem originated from Cook's ability, then Sean's deceitful heart would have to pay a considerable price for it to work - but the gem is completely a foreign object, and it even coincides with Sean's ability. .

Pollution, energy, overdraft... deceiving this type of dead thing is one of the things Sean is best at.

Of course, after all, the level of the Red River Gem is not low, and Sean still has to pay a certain price.

Luckily, he's got something now...

In the face of Cook's horrified eyes, Sean shook his hand and waved, and then said a few obscure words.

Prayer? Cook's eyes widened.

He saw a red mist emerging from the bodies of everyone in the Red River Team, and then it fell into Sean's hands.

After silently sensing it, Sean suddenly beamed.

He used his deceitful heart twice today, and the consequences would have caused him pain for a period of time, but now, they can all be offset!

This is Sean's reward.

The half of the lighthouse pointer integrated into his body. Although the principle was unclear, it brought something brand new to Sean.

His deceitful heart changed.

Sean can originally use the Heart of Deception six times a day, and can choose one of them to increase the effect of deception, and the cost will increase exponentially - in this case, Sean will often choose to postpone the cost to avoid it exploding during the battle. .

The Heart of Deception is a conceptual power, and its effect is far superior to ordinary powers, but it often puts Sean in a lot of pain afterwards.

However, after the lighthouse pointers merged inexplicably, Sean discovered that the number of his frauds had increased to four.

The other two times became a fixed type of branch ability - Lure.

Just like the literal meaning, he can now induce the potential pollution and madness in the opponent's body, and he himself can also exercise a certain degree of mental control.

Moreover, unlike when the Heart of Deception deceives a large number of life forms, as long as the lure is activated, all enemies within the range will be affected, but the price Sean pays will not increase as the number of people increases.

More importantly, regardless of whether the opponent is crimson or not, Sean can induce deep pollution, and that kind of pollution is different from the crazy beast...it is the same as the pollution in the Survivor Mountain.

If the enemies who are induced to produce pollution do not have enough ability to suppress the pollution, they will end up like the Red River Team.

Moreover, the other party's various negative emotions will increase the pollution, such as fear, panic, etc.

After the fusion, Sean directly entered the middle level of the king level. In fact, he felt that it would not take long to reach the upper level of the king level - or, if he wanted to, he could do it now.

Baiting also gives Sean another ability - sacrifice.

With enough death and fear, Sean can offset the cost of Deceptive Heart's activation.

Even if Sean wants, he can point the object of sacrifice at himself to gain huge power.

However, Sean felt that there was a pit in that power...

After all the costs of today were offset, Sean discovered that there was still a part of the power gained from the sacrifice.

He set his sights on Cook.

"You, what are you going to do?!" Cook couldn't help but panic.

Sean squatted down with a smile: "Tell me why you are here."

Cook's throat twitched, and then he shouted loudly: "Swear to the gods you worship, spare my life, otherwise, you might as well kill me directly!"

I have good eyesight and saw that I used my ritual ability... It's just...

Sean pretended to hesitate, and finally recited the oath devoutly.

Cook finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that those who worshiped the gods and even received ritual responses would never break their oaths. Otherwise, he would receive the wrath of the gods just as he received the ritual responses.


After saying this, Sean nodded thoughtfully.

He shook his head: "The Hongchao clan is really in trouble, and you are quite new. You can just arrest people and go back to study, but you also need to breed them..."

Cook's eyes flickered several times: "That girl...if the genes are successfully fused, the next generation may have dual abilities and additional talents from the Rainbow Nest clan!"

Sean sneered: "So you are still planning to marry her home before other nobles?"

Cook immediately lowered his head. Suddenly, he smelled a strange smell between his nose.

This is……

He looked up in horror and saw the red mist in the opponent's hand getting into his body!

"You! You broke your oath!" Cook's eyes were splitting.

"It's okay. My god is myself. I thought about it and decided not to blame myself." Sean waved his hand lazily: "What's the hurry? I don't dare to try it myself. I have to have a test subject, right? Otherwise, I'll let him Why did Luo Xi save your life? Don't worry, I'm just trying out my newly learned ritual. Look, you are too stingy. Please cooperate and be good."


Half of the words were stuck in his throat, and Cook, whose limbs had been severed, started to squirm.

Octopus-like tentacles emerged from his wounds, and fish scales sprouted from the skin on his body.

"Uh...ah...ah..." He let out an inhuman roar, and a meat rod shaped like an angler fish emerged from his forehead, with his own brain hanging on the top.

The cortex of the brain emitted strange fluorescence, and Cook's tentacles waved wildly.

Cook let out a final terrible roar and then swelled violently.

"Poof!" he exploded.

Sean stepped back continuously, and then slapped his nose in disgust.

"Fortunately, I haven't tried it... Even if it doesn't blow up, this look is not suitable for a handsome guy like me. How will I seduce girls in the future?"

He turned his head to look at the weak Luo Xi and winked at him: "Is that true?"

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