"Sean, I don't know the specific situation, but I don't recommend that you expose yourself now..." Ai Youqian said this sincerely.

Sean waved his hand, indicating that he knew what he was doing.

"There are still twelve minutes left, remember it." Ai Youqian reminded again.

"Don't worry, Boss Ai."

Under Ai Youqian's gaze, Sean penetrated the invisible wall and walked up the spiral staircase.

It can be seen that he was not blocked, but when he reached the top, he paused slightly.

After groping for a moment, Ai Youqian saw Sean walking in sideways.

His bloodline was not pure enough, so he still encountered certain obstacles, but the treasure house still recognized his royal status?

Ai Youqian was even more shocked now.

After hearing what the congressman said, he also inquired about the relevant information privately. After all, he was a wasteland businessman traveling all over the world. If he had the chance to meet the fifth prince, His Majesty the Emperor would definitely reward him.

It is precisely because of this that Ai Youqian knew that the concubine who gave birth to the fifth prince and now lives in the palace had an ordinary background.

In His Majesty the Emperor's harem, all the concubines have a good background and are basically from famous noble bloodlines. On the one hand, it is necessary for marriage, and on the other hand, it is for better genetic combination.

Only that concubine, despite being the most powerful woman in the country, had no special abilities... I heard that when she gave birth to the fifth prince, she was criticized by the widowed empress dowager who was still alive, saying that she had polluted the noble blood of the royal family.

Then there is a big possibility that the blood of the fifth prince she gave birth to by His Majesty the Emperor is not pure enough...

Hiss, the probability that Sean is the fifth prince seems to be higher...

Even if he is not the fifth prince, he must be of royal blood...the illegitimate son left behind by His Majesty the Emperor when he conquered the world? The prince has no life and no heirs. Could it be said...

Ever since Ai Youqian and Sean stood together to deal with Rhodes, he knew that he had been tied to this chariot and would never have the chance to get off.

But now it seems that this tank is not only of excellent quality, but the manufacturer is also very knowledgeable...

"Hiss..." Ai Youqian suddenly took a breath of air and remembered something.

Your Highness Princess... No wonder Bai Ye would cooperate with Sean, no wonder Bai Ye would suddenly find Paradise City...

Is the eldest princess perhaps aware of something? But why didn’t Her Royal Highness tell Sean? It seems that Sean didn’t expect it...

Is it possible that Her Highness the Princess wants to intervene in the battle for inheritance, and wants to use Sean as a pawn to secretly lay more chips?

Or does she want to support Sean to rise to power and become a royal sister who holds power behind the scenes?

No, Bai Ye is younger than Xiao En...she wants to support her brother to rise to power?

Then should I completely side with Sean, or should I side with Bai Ye... If the brother and sister have recognized each other and are deliberately testing me this time, wouldn't I be smart...

The largest businessman in the empire was deep in thought, but Sean didn't know that he had thought so much, and he had already reached the second floor of the treasure house.

"I'll go...the empire is so damn rich..."

As soon as he came up, Sean couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The second floor is smaller than the first floor as a whole, but while the first floor occupies a huge area, the second floor also has a considerable area.

At the same time, the collections displayed here are obviously even rarer.

High-precision prosthetics that represent the most advanced technology of the empire, precious potions with detailed instructions on how to use them, special props collected by the empire over the years...

Sean directly saw a dozen bottles of the blood of the crimson mad beast, placed so casually in the storage facility.

Different from the first floor, there are no redemption buttons for the collections on the second floor. It seems that people who are qualified to enter here can take away certain things here without paying a price.

Of course, it would be unrealistic to take it directly. Sean guessed that even if the prince entered here, he would have to say what he wanted in advance instead of just coming in and getting it as soon as he thought of it.

Sean has actually tried using his deceitful heart. If he wants to deceive the treasure house and take something away quietly, the price he has to pay is unimaginable, and he is not qualified to bear it now.

The empire's treasury is likely to be an all-in-one active item, and the level is very high...at least the Crimson Peak.

While memorizing the layout of the second floor, the location of the collection, etc., Sean searched for his goal.

What he was looking for was simple, a piece of paper.

This piece of paper is called Chapter 2 of Crying. It looks very ordinary and is a yellowish leather paper the size of A4 paper.

The second chapter of Crying has only one effect, recording.

The user can use this piece of paper to record a power, and must describe all the details of the power in detail to be successful, and the user will cry uncontrollably while recording. It is said that this is because the nature of recording is a kind of robbery. The recorded vetoer temporarily loses his power, and this grief must be borne by the user.

After the recording is completed, the power can be used once. After use, the second chapter of Crying will become blank again, and the person being recorded will also have the power again.

It seems to be very useful, but it can only be used on one person once in a lifetime, and it will not be effective if used again. Moreover, if the person being recorded dies in the middle, the second chapter of crying will also be invalid.

All in all, it has many limitations and cannot be used quickly in actual combat.

However, this is only the use that the empire has researched.

In the later stages of the game's release, when the protagonist comes to the Imperial City, he will have the opportunity to obtain the second chapter of Crying. After completing a series of tasks, he can use Crying Chapter 2 as his second ability.

Although the power of permanently branding the recorded person is reduced in power and control, its limitations are greatly reduced, and there is even a chance to be used in actual combat.

Sean still remembers a sentence from this mission that said this.

"Not bad ability... reminds me of that unlucky guy Sean from Paradise City. The crying chapter 2 is a perfect match for him."

Now, here comes Sean.

There is also a restriction on the second chapter of Crying. If you want to integrate Crying Chapter 2 into yourself, you can only use it at the King level.

This ability is widely praised in the later stages of the game. If Sean, who is more suitable, can obtain it, the effect will be needless to say.

It's a pity that Sean didn't see the crying second chapter after going around for the second time.

"Damn, there are so many good things. The second chapter of crying can only be regarded as useless to others. Why are you still hiding it so deeply? I'm sorry."

After looking at the time, Sean quickened his pace and set his sights on the third floor.

As soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs, Sean saw what he had been looking for through the gap in the spiral staircase.

Just at the entrance to the third floor, there is a piece of yellowed paper mounted in a wooden photo frame, with a blank space on it.

Crying Chapter 2!

Sean's eyes lit up and he was about to go up.

However, after taking only a few steps, he was blocked by a wall of air.

Unlike the narrow end of the spiral staircase on the second floor, he groped around and couldn't find a gap to pass through.

"The fact that I can walk into the third floor proves that I don't need the qualification issued by the emperor, but I can't pass the spiral staircase... Is it because of the purity of my bloodline? But I shouldn't have anything to do with the royal family... Or is it true? It has something to do with it, but my blood is not pure enough?”

Sean tried several times but it still didn't work. In desperation, he could only take one last look and walked down to the second floor.

There was no time. Ai Youqian's qualifications only allowed him to stay for thirty minutes.

"Did you find anything?" Ai Youqian's eyes looked a little strange, even a little expectant.

Sean shook his head: "Even if I go up and take a look, I'm not qualified to take things away directly."

Ai Youqian whispered: "I have heard that if those princes and princesses want to take away things from the treasure house, they need to report to His Majesty the Emperor in advance. As long as they agree, they can come in and take it away on their own without paying. The money does not need to be processed, as it seems that the treasure house will not react to people of royal blood taking things away.”

Sean narrowed his eyes: "Is the treasure house related to the royal bloodline?"

Ai Youqian nodded: "There is a high probability, but even if people of royal blood can take it away by themselves, they have to report it. Someone from the palace will come to check it every night. I heard that the eldest prince had taken things secretly before, but that night He was discovered and punished severely by His Majesty. I guess they have their quota. "

As if he was worried that Sean would take the things directly, Ai Youqian added: "The connection between His Majesty the Emperor and the treasure house is difficult for ordinary people to guess. If we act boldly today, we will definitely be traced. It is better to go back and make plans." ?”

He is not stupid, he has already guessed that there is a high probability that there is something that Sean needs urgently in the treasure house.

As for Sean's unruly character, Ai Youqian felt that if he could be so honest, he probably didn't find what he was looking for, but if he did...

If you steal like this, you will definitely be caught...

Ai Youqian could only persuade Sean not to be impulsive, overtly or covertly.

Of course, in his opinion, the best way is to confirm the identity of the fifth prince.

When the time comes, the father and son who have not seen each other for many years will reunite. If you want a few things from your biological father, don't you just ask?

Although the imperial family has a weak family relationship, I can still give one-tenth of my assets to make my stupid son a disaster. You, the majestic master of the empire, give one-thousandth of your things to your son who you have not seen for a long time. This is also It's not a difficult thing, right?


Ai Youqian said in a low voice: "Your Highness the Princess is most likely qualified to enter a higher level, why not..."

What's wrong with my sister getting something for her brother? This is normal.

Sean chuckled and didn't answer.

You can ask Bai Ye for help, but you must not use the identity of the fifth prince.

If Bai Ye knew that Sean was the imperial brother he had never met... it would be great fun.

Sean was sure that he had nothing to do with the fifth prince, but why he could enter the second level of the treasure house was indeed a question.

However, Sean doesn't mind being recognized as the fifth prince...

You can be the fifth prince...

After walking out of the treasure house, the guard greeted the two and smiled: "Boss Ai, did you find something good after staying for so long this time?"

"Hahaha, just kidding. Buy some interesting gadgets and study them yourself. When you get older, you like to tinker with things." Ai Youqian was still shocked one second, but he was laughing as usual the next second.

The things he exchanged before were already placed beside him, and Ai Youqian went over and paid the money quickly.

He looked around and stuffed a small bag into the gap in the guard's armor.

After whispering instructions, Ai Youqian walked back to Sean. After the two got into the car, he smiled and said, "The things will be secretly sent to you later."

"Boss Ai, you're welcome," Sean said without any politeness. He accepted the order and then joked with a smile, "Boss Ai is very cautious in his actions. These guys are very well guarded."

Ai Youqian waved his hand: "Xiaoqian, just let him pretend that he didn't see us today. It would be best if we can keep it a secret. It's okay if we can't keep it a secret. The excuse I used was that I really found a big leak, and I was afraid that people would be jealous if they knew about it. If someone is interested in the future, The pursuit is just to find me, no one will notice you."

"Double insurance, you are worthy of being Boss Ai." Sean gave a thumbs up. I have to say that it is really worry-free to work with a smart person like Ai Youqian.

When he got off the bus, Sean took out a seal and handed it to Ai Youqian: "Boss Ai, I still have to worry about the goods in Paradise City. You should get more profits by going back and forth."

Ai Youqian's eyes lit up slightly. He accepted it calmly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Xiaon. Doing business is based on honesty. Besides, we have been cooperating with each other for so long, so the share is not that important." Well, the main thing is that this business is comfortable and long-lasting.”

"That's natural. See you next time."

"Haha, Mr. Sean, walk slowly."

The two smiled tacitly and parted at the intersection.

Back in the big villa in the imperial capital, Ai Youqian called for his trusted old subordinates to give instructions. The latter looked surprised: "Isn't it always ridiculous in Paradise City? This time, more channels have been opened to us, and actually Divided the profits again?”

Ai Youqian nodded: "This is a long-term partner. Don't worry if you keep an eye on me."

"Okay, boss, I'll go in person."

"Well, by the way, one-third of the extra profits will be used for management, so that the brothers who transport the goods will be more strict with their mouths, and as little information about Paradise City will be revealed to the Imperial Capital as possible, and the remaining one-third will be used Enter the public account, and send the last third privately to [Golden Ghost].”

"Hey, I got it, boss."

After doing all this, Ai Youqian happened to see his son Ai Huaqian walking into the door. His face was flushed, and he had obviously just come back from drinking.

He didn't know how he got angry, so he went up and kicked Ai Hua without saying a word, sending the latter flying to the ground.

Ai Huagan covered his butt and said aggrievedly: "Dad, I haven't been running around or talking nonsense recently. I just drank some wine."

"There's no wine at home?" Ai Youqian glared, "Where's the gift for Sean that I asked you to prepare last time?"

"Well, haven't we already prepared it a long time ago? You still think I spend too much money..."

"Be more prepared. By the way, buy some things for women, do you hear me?" Ai Youqian said in a deep voice.

Ai Huagan muttered a few words in a low voice. Although he was drunk, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Dad, is that right?"

Ai Youqian didn't answer, but just asked: "What do you say when I go out to buy something?"

Ai Huagan thought for a while and said tentatively: "I'm going to build a new collection room at home. I stole some valuable things from you and sold them to replace them. In addition, I also fell in love with a little girl? For example, the daughter of a noble from out of town. ? As long as the number is large enough, there will be more places to operate. ”

Ai Youqian then nodded with satisfaction: "I'm finally smarter. Okay, go steal something from my study, and do the same for your collection room."

"Hey, okay!"

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