I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 289 Set off and advance to Crimson

The night was getting dark, but after a burst of chaotic sounds, a light came on somewhere in the palace.

The maids stood up in a hurry, lit incense, played soothing pure music, and brewed potions...

"Master... drink it quickly."

A maid handed the potion to the lady wearing silk pajamas on the bed.

The lady, whose hands were trembling slightly, poured down half the cup, drank the remaining potion quickly, and rested for a while before she finally recovered.

The woman is Lan Keer.

Seeing her pale face, the maid worriedly said: "Master, please don't ask the palace doctor to come and take a look. You haven't had a good night's sleep in several days."

Lan Keer held her forehead and waved her hand tiredly: "Let me be alone for a while."


The maids exited the bedroom one after another, leaving only the rising light blue smoke and the melodious and peaceful music in the room.

The brewed potion was a bit bitter, and Lan Keer pursed her lips and took a long time to suppress all the bitterness.

She had been frightened for several days since what happened in the imperial treasury a few days ago.

After escaping from Sean's clutches, the first thing she did was to put the secret seal in its original position. Fortunately, His Majesty did not notice it.

Unfortunately, this matter has become a lever for her to be held in the hands of others.

That huge feeling of fear and suffocation is something Lan Keer can't forget to this day.

Moreover, after she felt relieved for a long time after returning to the palace, she realized that the more terrifying thing was for Sean to let her back.

Putting your hope in that scary man?

Just recalling what Sean said, Lan Ke'er felt a chill running down her back.

He even said to pretend that nothing had happened, which was exactly what Lan Ke'er was looking forward to, but she was awakened by a nightmare that night.

In the dream, Xiao En met with His Majesty and reported everything she had done.

His Majesty was furious.

She was deprived of all her titles and thrown into prison. Her father and her two sons were all implicated... With the help of thoughtful people, terrible news even came from the prison.

Lan Youshan was sent to the gallows, the third and fourth princes were deposed and sent to the unattended Poison City...

And all this is because of her greed.

Waking up from her dream, she couldn't help but tremble, but she couldn't calm down.

Lan Keer even wondered if Sean had done something secretly to her.

However, after detailed inspection, she showed no abnormality except for being a little haggard.

It's the great fear at work...

As long as Sean holds that secret, she can't sleep peacefully one day.

Apart from her and Sean, the only ones who knew all this were the wet nurse who took care of her.

However, she didn't know what was at play, so she only told her nanny about it. As for the humiliating behaviors she had suffered, she found it difficult to talk about it.


Lan Keer leaned on the bed and sighed deeply.

There was a knock on the door, and Lan Keer used her strength to scold: "Didn't you tell me to leave me alone?!"

A familiar voice sounded: "Master, it's me."

It's a wet nurse.

"……come in."

The old man walked in and closed the door, sat beside Concubine Lan's bed and gently grabbed her hand.

There was distress and blame in his cloudy eyes: "If this continues, you will collapse."

Lan Keer showed a miserable smile and said in a harsh voice: "Auntie, you are my family, and I can only talk to you... These days, whenever I fall asleep, I dream of many terrible scenes. In the end, without exception... my family was implicated by me, Baiyou and Baisi were also implicated by me... I... was afraid..."

The nanny gently took Lan Ke'er into her arms and patted her back gently like she did when she was a child: "It's just a dream, it's just a dream..."

Lan Ke'er's eyes were red, and there was regret in her voice: "I live in this harem, and everyone respects me and fears me, but I also know that I am not the kind of person who has the ability to scheming. You are here." Help me...I often think that as long as I don't make big mistakes, I can always provide you and the children with some protection...It's just, just..."

Maybe it was because there was no one around, and there was only the wet nurse who had watched her grow up, so Lan Keer still had the bearing of a harem master.

She regretted it endlessly: "I don't know what happened. It's like engine oil got into the mechanical heads of those weak people... As soon as that kid Bai Si knelt on the ground, my heart was completely messed up."

The wet nurse sighed: "Originally, he wanted to use other things to compensate the Fourth Prince, but he didn't know where the news came from... But, Master, His Highness the Fourth Prince didn't ask you to do such a bold thing, why did you do it yourself? I'm so excited..."

Lan Ke'er said aggrievedly: "Auntie, you left the palace, and there was no one around me to discuss it. After thinking about it, I happened to know about His Majesty's private seal some time ago..."

The wet nurse continued to sigh: "It's all my fault... It's just, Master, including the previous ones, it's only three shares. You think it's a good thing to keep a bowl of water flat, but how can you do that kind of thing... You can ask the old master for help... From now on, if one of the two princes ascends to that position, you will be the queen mother. Are you afraid that you will not be able to repay the family? "

"I, I didn't think much about it at the time, I just felt sorry for Bai Si..."

"Alas, this matter has passed--" A trace of seriousness flashed in the old nanny's eyes, "Whether His Majesty knows or not, but he didn't mention it, it's the same as if it never happened, you have to remember it."

At this point, Elisa Lam was a little relieved: "Your Majesty should not have found out."

The nanny frowned: "In fact, if he found out, it would be easier to say, which means that His Majesty thought of your kindness and bypassed you... If he really didn't find out, it means that he..."

The two sighed together.

The nanny continued, "If we really don't find out, and someone reports it, we really can't handle it..."

Lam Lam trembled uncontrollably, "But Sean knows everything..."

"You can't sleep well because of him..." The nanny paused for a moment, then a chill rose in her eyes, "If it really doesn't work..."

Lam Lam climbed up from her arms and said in shock, "You mean..."

The old nanny nodded, her tone solemn, "He is a time bomb... Although His Royal Highness is scary, don't forget Sean's identity..."

Lam Lam was stunned, "Adopted son..."

"That's right..." Old The nanny lowered her eyes, "Whenever someone with royal blood is killed, the murderer will be marked... But he is an adopted son, how can there be noble blood flowing in his veins?"

"Instead of you being frightened every day and being threatened by him afterwards... it is better..." The old nanny made a beheading gesture, "As long as we do it cleanly, His Royal Highness will not be able to find out about us. After all, will Sean tell His Royal Highness about this kind of thing? His Royal Highness must know nothing about the conflict between you and Sean, otherwise, His Majesty would have summoned you long ago."

This analysis makes sense. Elisa Lam touched her chest and took a deep breath nervously.

She was a little moved.

Elisa Lam hesitated and said, "But he is the new prince after all..." The old nanny lowered her eyes and said, "There is no one who cannot be killed... Moreover, who will be the biggest threat to the prince's new adopted son in the eyes of others?" "Naturally, it is the eldest prince who is close to the prince and has connections with the military. After all, the military is the prince's power. With a new adopted son, who knows whether the prince will transfer the power to him..." Elisa Lam paused as she spoke, and her breathing became uncontrollably rapid. The old nanny said softly, "The eldest prince is powerful, we don't need to deliberately frame him, we just need to do it cleanly... Afterwards, many people will suspect the eldest prince... In this way, we can eliminate your troubles and pave the way for the two princes." Elisa Lam's eyes flickered. ... "Brother, are you going to the Poison City again?" Moza asked. Sean nodded: "Of course I have to go. The records in the data are so clear. Although the crimson crazy beast hidden in the poison city is only a lower level, it is very suitable for me. I just absorbed the second chapter of crying and directly merged its blood." Sean clenched his fist and took a breath of satisfaction: "In this way, I am also crimson." Moza touched the black stick that he had just got not long ago, and pushed his glasses with his other hand: "You have the handle of Lan Fei in your hand. She is affected by your ability. She can't find out the problem, but she can't live a good life. If this goes on, she will definitely want to kill you. Didn't you expect it? Leaving the city at this time, isn't it giving them a chance?" Sean smiled casually: "Lan Ke'er doesn't have that heart or ability. She can be in charge of the harem. One is good luck, and the other is that the people around her are powerful enough." He He opened the curtains and looked at the bright sunshine outside: "She is the only one. It's easy for me to hold her in my hands, but she can't be alone... So, let's weed the imperial concubine."

Moza didn't object, but wondered: "Even if the weeding is over, the one who can be pushed out to take the blame is Lan Youshan. Without Lan Youshan, wouldn't the value of Lan Fei drop a lot at once?"

Sean smiled mysteriously: "Even without Lan Youshan, Lan Fei's value is not low... And who said that Lan Youshan should take the blame?"

As the two brothers were talking, Xiao Ci, who seemed to be doing homework, raised her head and rolled up the things in her hand: "Brother, there is still no reaction."

"No reaction, forget it, it will be useful later, I have a hunch." Sean touched Xiao Ci's head.

The scroll in her hand, which looked like a cloth, shook slightly.

This is what Xiao Ci took out from the fourth floor. She took the thing she felt the most according to what Sean said.

After the scroll was unfolded, it looked like a soft plastic cloth. It had different colors from all angles. However, after studying it for a few days, I still didn't figure out what it was used for.

But just like Xiao Ci, when he saw this thing for the first time, Sean was sure that it would be of great use in the future.

Now, no hurry.

His mission is to advance to Crimson.


The imperial team was very powerful. After walking out of the imperial capital for 300 kilometers, the two leading aircraft stopped.

Sean, who walked out of the aircraft, bowed in a fake manner: "Father, have a safe journey."

Bai Youming moved his neck: "It's fake, I'm not used to it... Be careful, there is an order from the palace, asking me to lead people to wipe out a polluted tribe, tsk."

He touched his bald chin: "I guess someone wants you dead."

Sean smiled: "There are always many people who want me dead."

Bai Youming laughed: "Yes, since you are confident, I won't say anything more."

He showed a mysterious smile: "Afterwards, if you die, I will seek justice for you. If you are not dead, I will also seek justice for you."

"I understand."

"Well, let's go. By the way, you should be careful when going to Poison City. The poisonous gas in it has not been studied until now. The military secret map I gave you only has two-thirds of the detailed records. Even if I , If you don’t wear anti-virus equipment, you can only live for two or three years at most.”

Sean rolled his eyes, why did this sound like he was showing off?

Poison City is a dilapidated city near the imperial capital, about 500 kilometers away. It used to be a city-state, but unknown what happened later, the entire city was filled with terrible poisonous gas.

Except for some mutants and crazy beasts, there are basically no living creatures inside, and everything in Poison City has its own negative effects.

Therefore, although many precious items were left inside, the risk of entry was always high, and it was often used as a place of exile.

Ordinary people would not survive a day in it, and even the crimson lower layer could only survive in it for half a month at most, because the toxins would erode additively.

Bai Youming said how many years he could live. Isn't this just pretentious...

After saying goodbye to Bai Youming and Zora, Sean led the people in a different direction and headed straight to Poison City.

Half a day later, a well-equipped team arrived.

The leader wore a mask and said in an old voice: "Sean is indeed going to Poison City..."

It was the old nanny.

The man in black next to her laughed hoarsely: "His Royal Highness... this is the first time you have taken on such a big job."

"Let's go, remember, your hands and feet must be clean -" the old nanny's eyes were calm and solemn, "kill all Sean and the people around him."

"Hey, don't worry. His Royal Highness the Prince and the Red Angel Zora are not here. No one can save the life of this little king-level peak... It's really not possible, ha."

"This place is not easy to develop." A voice came from under the respirator mask, and Sean shook his head regretfully.

After resting outside the city for a night, he had already led people into the Poison City.

This place looks very much like the metropolis in my memory, but, visible to the naked eye, the air is a strange light green color, and the occasionally strange plants that can be seen are even more ugly.

"Crack——" a breaking sound sounded.

Sean lowered his head and found that he had just stepped on a green bone.

The tattered clothes next to the bones could vaguely identify the identity of the other person in front of him - he seemed to be an exiled nobleman.

"Sorry, buddy." Sean swept the bone foam with his toe.

In order to resist toxins, they all wear thick protective clothing and their vision is quite average.

"Your Highness, the remains of the deceased are most likely to accumulate toxins. Even if you are wearing protective clothing, it is best not to touch them." Ake said.

The deputy captain of Unit 0 and Sean got along very well. To be precise, both of them were fearless masters. After drinking a few drinks, they started peeing in a pot.

Sean went to Bai Youming to ask for someone who was familiar with the terrain of Poison City, and Ake volunteered.

A guide from the Crimson Lower Level who is extremely powerful in combat? fragrant!

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