I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 316 Transaction

"The war is tight, and not many people care about Bai You anymore. It's time for you to go back to the palace."

On the top floor of the Lan family's building, Lan Youshan was talking to Lam K'er.

Lam K'er didn't say anything, just nodded: "I know, father."

"Yeah." Lan Youshan took a sip of tea and looked at his daughter again.

He has been in the officialdom of the empire for a lifetime, and the one in front of him is his own daughter. If it comes to understanding, no one knows Lam K'er better than him.

Lan Youshan knew very well that his daughter didn't like the life in the palace since she entered the palace, but he raised her well, and his daughter was sensible, so it was not a big problem.

In the past, he could see the sorrow and loss hidden in Lam K'er, but compared with the survival of the Lan family, this was just a small matter, and he would not comfort her.

It was a bit strange when he saw her today. Although her demeanor looked almost the same as usual, Lam K'er's face was much rosier, and her brows were not as furrowed as before.

Something is wrong...

Lan Youshan has met countless people, and he vaguely feels that his daughter has encountered something.

Or even met someone... After all, his daughter has no feelings for His Majesty at all, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a widow. If you put yourself in her shoes, it is not surprising to have a few male favorites because she has a rare opportunity to live outside the palace for a long time.

Although the maids placed beside her did not send back any news, Lan Youshan, who was worried, was still ready to test it.

After all, this is not a trivial matter. If His Majesty knew about it...

Lan Youshan sighed, looked at Lan Ke'er with an apologetic look, and said with some self-blame: "Ke'er, I know that you have been paying for the Lan family all the time... It's rare to have a few days of relaxing days outside the palace, and you are asked to go back again. This is unfair to you."

While speaking, Lan Youshan looked at Lan Ke'er's expression without showing any expression.

She seemed indifferent, but the slight swing of her sleeves had betrayed her movements under the table.

She was clenching her fists, indicating that she was still dissatisfied.

Lan Youshan was not angry, but relieved. Fortunately, his daughter did not betray His Majesty.

According to his understanding of his daughter, if she really had a male lover, she would not be affected at this time - she has acting skills, but not enough, so being affected is the best choice.

"My daughter knows that as a member of the Lan family, this is what I should do." Lan Keer smiled reluctantly.

Lan Youshan was completely relieved. After saying a few words of comfort, he put down the teacup: "Go back as soon as possible. Since the incident of Bai You, we have no source of information in the palace. We have to rely on you."

My role is still these... Lan Keer sighed in her heart. Her position in her father's heart has never changed.

It's just that she doesn't care now... After not caring, many things become simple. For example, with her father's suspicion, he will probably test me a few times.

Lan Keer knows that her father knows her very well, but what no one knows is that she also knows her father very well.

After all, she once admired her father very much. After all, her father helped her record the first song.

However, things have changed.

After getting in a good mood, Lan Keer kept her expression unchanged and asked softly, "How is the matter of you going to find Grand Duke Yuantie going?"

At this point, Lan Youshan pressed his temple with a headache: "We can talk, but the second prince is afraid of trouble."

"Why do you say that?"

Lan Youshan sighed: "On the day when the marshal issued the logging order, he asked the Security Bureau to deliberately delay, led by Grand Duke Yuantie's personal guards, and he led his troops to advance from behind, wanting to destroy the enemy army near Ilia City... I received news yesterday, so many , and the other three political regions sent people to intercept and surround them, but an elite unit still escaped, and now there is no trace of them. "

Lam Ker was surprised and said: "Then, this elite enemy army went deep into the hinterland, wouldn't the empire have to allocate several times or even ten times the troops to restrict the other side?"

Lan Youshan frowned: "That's it... He disobeyed the marshal's orders in secret, and as a result, he didn't make any contributions. I heard that even His Majesty knew about this and might go to him to reprimand him."

"What about us?" Lam Ker tried.

Lan Youshan waved his hand: "The eldest prince is powerful, so we still have to join forces with the second prince. Although we will be scolded, it is not like Bai You after all. Anyway, the second prince and Grand Duke Yuantie have always been unpopular, so it doesn't matter. However, he is afraid that he will vomit something."

The chairman's eyes flashed with a gleam of light: "The little girl Bai Ye ate the thing from the Security Bureau. It seems that it was the intention of His Royal Highness the Prince... We can't snatch it, but we can use the name of fighting for other things that Bai Wen vomited to let Bai Si eat it. Grand Duke Yuantie and Bai Wen will not refuse."

He looked at his daughter: "So, you have to go back to the palace to see which way the wind is blowing. If His Majesty is angry, we may be able to swallow more."

Lan Ke'er nodded silently, indicating that she understood.

After finishing the business, Lan Youshan stood up and led Lan Ke'er out.

"Bring some gifts when you return to the palace and send them to the palace prime minister and others, saying that you are thanking them for their care during this period of time." He ordered.

"I see. However, Mr. Covens never accepts gifts."

"It doesn't matter whether you accept it or not, you have to have an attitude. Besides, Bai You is still in Hei Ge. Although your gift-giving is against the rules, no one can blame you. As long as you can take this opportunity to observe the movements of Covance and make a judgment. Your Majesty’s idea is enough… Besides, this time is different, Covance will be tempted.”

"I see."

The father and daughter walked outside, the elevator door opened, and a group of Lan family's personal staff happened to be inside.

Seeing the two of them, the leader quickly said hello.

Lan Youshan nodded and signaled them to leave, then got into another elevator.

In the elevator, Lan Youshan casually talked about his daily routine: "The facilities on the rooftop may be broken. A lot of water leaked the night before yesterday. Alas, you are not at home, no one uses the swimming pool, and no one goes to the rooftop to play. It is quite deserted." ”

Lan Ke'er lowered her head and said softly: "My daughter is already at this age, and she has no interest in fun things."

She said this, but when she thought of everything that happened between herself and Sean on the rooftop that night, her heart trembled.

Why don't you find an opportunity to ask Sean to come directly to the swimming pool at home...

Lan Keer, who had been completely liberated, thought excitedly.

Outside the palace, the speeding team stopped. The second prince, who was tired of traveling, got off the car and ran quickly towards the palace.

In the team, the extremely cool Qiziya raised her middle finger at the back of the second prince. Of course, no one dared to look at her.

"You have no ability, and you have to do it like this to earn some pity. Tsk, it's boring." Qizia glanced around in boredom, and finally set her sights on Moza.

Although the end of this operation was very bad, Moza, who found the opponent's location and killed the enemy heroically, still received a lot of attention, including Qizia.

However, Qizia's emphasis may be different from that of the second prince.

"Hey, Moza, come to my place tonight." She said in a commanding tone.

Moza, who was leaning aside silently, just raised his head slightly: "I'm not interested. Besides, the second prince probably won't like you taking me to have fun after you gave me the middle finger."

Qizia made a sound: "I helped him for the sake of Grand Duke Yuan Tie. If he has the guts to ask me to get out of the team, I can give him a high look."

As she said that, she walked up to Moza and pressed her powerful body against Moza without hesitation: "You are very interesting. Although you haven't reached Crimson yet, it's only a matter of time. And after you advance, you will definitely be better than Moza." Bai Wenqiang. Don't you think about it? As long as it makes me happy, I will help you advance."

Moza still didn't raise his head: "I'm not interested. I just need to work hard for His Highness. I will get what I want sooner or later."

"Tsk, are you impotent?"

"Whatever you think."

Moza straightened up calmly: "Please inform Your Highness that I have gone back to training."

After that, he left the place without any hesitation.

When Moza walked away, Qizia, who had been arrogant just now, narrowed her eyes slightly, and her subordinates wearing kite iron armor approached.

"Sir, do you want to follow him?"

Qizia curled her lips: "I couldn't follow him. He suddenly disappeared in Ilia City to look for traces of those tree people. Didn't he follow him?"


Qizia rubbed his shoulders: "We can relax the surveillance for a while. Go back and report to the Grand Duke. Moza is quite sincere. Tsk, you can consider a promotion. He is indeed very capable."


The Imperial Palace located on the mountain peak is steep and huge, and most of the palace complex here is built on the mountainside. It is said that the skeleton of a special mutant species was specially used when building it, so the overall building is extremely strong.

Going up, you will reach the highest point of the mountain, the deepest part of the palace, and the highest place in the entire empire.

I heard that there is an observation deck there. Through a special telescope, the owner of the observation deck can see the entire territory of the empire.

Of course, there is only one master, the famous Bai Emperor IV.

I heard that he once publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with this name - because he was the first person to expand the territory of the empire, and he didn't like the title of Fourth, so no one would call him that.

It is said that he once gave himself a title, but for some unknown reason, he no longer allowed anyone to mention it after a few years.

Therefore, everyone in the empire now respectfully calls you Your Majesty, and there is no special title.

In front of the emperor's palace, which looked like a temple, the second prince Bai Wen, who looked embarrassed, was kneeling on the stone road.

Because of His Majesty's request, in addition to a few servants and imperial guards, there are only members of the inner chamber headed by Palace Prime Minister Covens. The huge courtyard was empty, and the towering and majestic palace stood in front, giving people a great sense of oppression.

After kneeling for a long time, Bai Wen heard the sound of footsteps.

Is it finally here... Bai Wen lowered his head even more, making his expression look more embarrassed and annoyed.

Palace Prime Minister Covens walked over quickly and said softly: "Your Highness, the Second Prince, Your Majesty would like to ask you, why don't you go to see His Highness first?"

Bai Wen stiffened, not expecting his father to ask this question.

After thinking again and again, he still said in panic: "Bai Wen has failed to live up to the expectations of his father and uncle, so he doesn't dare to go."

Covance asked again: "Your Majesty said, why did you come to him?"

Bai Wen braced himself and continued to answer: "I hope my father will punish me..."

At the same time, a faint sigh came from the palace, and Bai Wen quickly knocked his head on the stone slab.

"Father, Bai Wen made a mistake, please punish me!"

Covance glanced back and finally saluted Bai Wen: "Your Majesty is going to rest. This old slave has to deal with some matters. Your Highness, if you are tired of kneeling, go to His Highness the Prince to receive your punishment. That's Qian Qian. Remember, don’t disturb His Majesty.”

After saying that, Covance walked towards the outside of the courtyard. The empire's database and government affairs were in the office below. His Majesty had not been involved in government affairs for a long time, and most matters were handled by the chamberlains he led.

Bai Wen's expression froze. He had helped in the office for a while before, so he knew very well that when Covance left the palace, his father really took a rest.

Then...do you still want to kneel? Or should I go to the emperor to admit my mistake...

Covance really didn't care about the second prince anymore. He rode the lifting platform and arrived at the office after a while.

The top priority now is the invasion of foreign enemies, but that is mainly the responsibility of the military, and the only real talkers are His Majesty and His Royal Highness the Prince. For Covance, his job during this period has been a lot easier.

Walking around the corridor, Covance sensed something, looked up and saw Concubine Lan.

"I've seen Concubine Lan." He immediately lowered his head and saluted.

Lan Keer quickly told him not to be polite: "You're welcome, Mr. Covance has worked hard during this time."

"This is all the old slave's business, what are you doing?"

Lan Keer glanced at the surroundings and quickly stuffed a card into Covance's sleeve: "I went out of the palace to relax, and now I'm back. I wanted to say hello to Your Majesty."

Covance took a step back and gently pushed the card away: "Your Majesty has read the report before you returned to the palace. However, your Majesty has been resting for a long time recently, and he also knows your thoughts. Your Majesty said that the affairs of the harem are I still have to worry about it."

Because of the incident involving the third prince, Concubine Lan left the palace to avoid suspicion. Now that the matter is over, it is normal for her to come back.

Covance also knew that the other party was just here for a formality. After all, she and His Majesty had not seen each other for several years.

Lan Keer would give gifts every time he came over, not only to him, but also to other chamberlains. Covance acquiesces to others accepting gifts. His Majesty has not cared about political affairs for many years, and their group of servants have no purpose of making money. Therefore, Covance will not stop others from making some money. After all, he has been serving His Majesty who is ill. It's not easy.

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Lan Keer asked about the second prince again.

Covance chose something he could say and told the other party, and then prepared to say goodbye and leave.

However, Lan Keer stopped him and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Covance, I want to check some information. Is there anything you can do for me?"

As she said that, she stuffed the card back again, and the card became a little thicker.

Two sheets.

Without waiting for Covance to refuse, Lan Keer said again: "The enemies in the north are harassing the border. Although the empire is not afraid, it is still troublesome... After the loss of the leading army last time, the military department has to recruit troops again, but this time it is not possible. Few people have the opportunity to be knighted."

She lowered her voice again: "I heard that the logistics force will also expand its recruitment..."

Covance's eyes flickered slightly.

Needless to say, the safety factor of the logistics force is very high. As long as they stay there until the end of the war, officers and above will have a high probability of being knighted.

And since the other party said so...presumably, they know about my son outside the palace...

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