I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 326 You are the Queen of the Moon?

Lance gritted his teeth and ran for his life.

He met and talked with the tree people, and when he sent them away, he unexpectedly encountered the white cocoon.

Coincidentally, there was a pure weakling in the other team. Panda was best at changing the trend of the energy lines on the prosthesis to control the other party.

And they learned that the white cocoon was actually Princess Baiye.

Lance was overjoyed. If he could catch the princess, it would be a great achievement - he knew that the princess was now qualified to compete for the throne.

Even more fortunately, the tree people were right next to him, and he didn't need to do it himself.

Mu Waili was powerful and was a real deep red middle level, but he was stupid. It was just right for him to do it, and then he could use a little trick to take Princess Baiye away.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to succeed, an accident happened.

A guy with terrifying strength appeared out of nowhere, and Mu Waili screamed and cried inexplicably at the air, as if his mind was completely confused.

What was even more surprising was that the other party actually discovered him.

Lance thought that he was a Crimson who had been promoted for many years, and with the help of Panda, who was also Crimson, he should have some power to resist. However, the other party was so elusive that he had never seen the other party until now. The people fighting with him were all a group of weird things.

After killing one of them, he realized that he was just fighting with the illusion that was materialized. What was worse was that after killing one, there was another one. He didn't break free from the illusion at all.

As a last resort, he could only use the ritual given to him by the one who barely broke free, and then ran away for his life.

"We must rush back and report the situation immediately. The other party is related to Princess Baiye. The news of my meeting with the tree man will definitely be sent back to the imperial capital. It will be bad then..."

Lance's face was ashen, and he once again increased his speed.

The material for his promotion to Crimson was a Crimson middle-level eagle-type crazy beast given to him by the one who gave him, which gave him a speed that ordinary Crimson could not catch up with.

As long as he returned to the garrison, using the advantage of numbers and the garrison's defensive measures, the other party could not do anything to him.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart, and Major General Lance's eyes widened suddenly, and the wings on his back vibrated wildly.

However, the expected attack did not come.

"What's going on..."

Before he finished speaking, severe pain came out from all parts of his body, and all kinds of crazy and desperate consciousness came like a tide.

He could not control his body, fell from mid-air, and fell hard to the ground.

Proliferation... His own proliferation was attacked!

The sense of crisis just now came from proliferation...

Lance vomited blood and looked up at the sky in horror. His proliferation should be flying in the evil dome. How could the other party find this?

However, there was no spare thoughts for him to think more. Proliferation was severely damaged and he was directly implicated. If he did not quickly calm down the restless madness, he would completely lose his mind.

It's a pity that the person who took action would not give him any chance.

"Your proliferation flies quite fast. It took me a while to catch up. However, you two flew in exactly the same direction."

Laughter rang out, and Lance opened his eyes with difficulty. A black shadow fell in front of him, and his eagle-shaped proliferation was held in the other party's hand like a chicken.

Not caring about the pollution, the wings and neck of the proliferation were directly broken.


He spat out a mouthful of blood and said in disbelief: "Who are you... How could you know what my proliferation is..."

His information had been tampered with long ago, and his resume, detailed information, proliferation, and other things should only be smoke bombs.

Hearing the other party's question, Sean rolled his eyes.

The pollution smell of the proliferation was so strong, and the other party could grow wings on his back. How could Sean not think that the other party's proliferation was a flying crazy beast? Since he didn't find it in the garrison, it means that he brought it out. At this time, the other party's proliferation must be hidden in the evil dome.

He threw the proliferation on the ground casually, and the implicated Major General Lance vomited blood again.


Sean didn't give Major General Lance a chance to speak. He hooked his finger, and the other's eyes became confused in an instant.

Sure enough, after the proliferation was severely damaged, his spirit was polluted, and his inner defense line was about to break.

"The price of this fraud is... within 24 hours, you can only tell the truth..." Sean pursed his lips and shook his head somewhat unwillingly.

It was still deep red after all. If you want the other party to tell the truth, you still have to pay a big price.

Major General Lance has completely quieted down. He knelt on the ground in confusion, his eyes lost.

"Who is the person behind you?" Sean asked directly.

Somewhat surprisingly, Major General Lance did not speak at the first time. His lips moved a few times, and his face was full of pain and struggle.

So loyal?

It's just that the heart of fraud has been formed, and Lance still failed to successfully resist his subconscious.

After struggling for a while, he finally said, "Your Highness, the Crown Prince, Bai Zhan."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly. No wonder he felt that the Crown Prince was very strange that day...

It was speculated that the person who cooperated with the I Church and colluded with the Tree People should be the Fourth Prince Bai Si. Unexpectedly, it was the most unlikely Bai Zhan.

Sean continued to ask: "Did you perform this ritual from the Ego Church?"

Lance shook his head: "It was given to me by the Great Prince."

Sure enough... However, it seems that Lance has not had direct contact with the Ego Church, which is good news.

"What is the purpose of Bai Zhan's collusion with the Tree People?"

Lance continued to shake his head: "I don't know, I just acted according to the will of His Royal Highness the Great Prince."

"What did he ask you to do?"

"Guard the Raya Volcano, and don't report the abnormalities of the Raya Volcano to the imperial capital. After the first batch of tree people arrive, provide them with convenience and let them absorb the energy of the Raya Volcano."

Tsk, no wonder, when the first two groups of tree people who had absorbed energy and evolved appeared at the border of the empire, no one noticed it, so suddenly.

Sean thought for a while and asked again: "That tree people team was divided into two teams?"


"What was the purpose of the tree people who went to the Black Pigeon Prison?"

"I don't know the details, I only know that the leading tree people said that they were going to liberate a person."

Liberate a person? Sean recalled the sound from the gate when he was on the fourth floor from the bottom. At that time, the tree man attacked the Black Pigeon Prison.

Are the tree man's compatriots imprisoned in the third floor from the bottom?

Remembering this, Sean looked in another direction.

From time to time, there was a huge noise there, as if some giant monster was fighting.

Panda was there.

And Panda seemed to be controlled by some kind of power. He was very confused and was always trapped in his fox magic.

Iron Panda did advance to Crimson, but at present, this situation seems to be caused by the advancement to Crimson.

"How did Panda get here?" Sean asked.

Lance was a little confused: "Who is Panda?"

"The Iron Panda."

Lance suddenly realized: "Iron Bear? I picked it up. There seems to be a shelter nearby. About three months ago, there seemed to be a problem there. I found the Iron Bear during a patrol. His mental state was very bad and he was stupid most of the time."

Lance was a little proud: "He basically doesn't talk, but occasionally he would say, 'Can you take me to find Enderly?' I lied to him and said I would take him to find the one called Enderly, so he stayed with me."

"He is very strong, even if his brain Although he is extremely stupid, he is a top mechanic. He can even control other people's prostheses, which seems to be his ability after he was promoted to Crimson. Anyway, no one wants him, so it's good for him to work for me. I just need to ask for more disassembly suits and other things in each supply. "

"Iron Bear is very good at assembly. He can help me control many weak people... and I found that Red River Gem can be used as his energy source to provide him with powerful combat power."

It turns out that the extra supplies are for Panda, but... Sean frowned slightly, something is wrong.

Lance will definitely report Panda's news to Bai Zhan, after all, he is a Crimson-level strongman.

However, when I talked with Bai Zhan that day, I learned that the other party knew that the Survivor Mountain was dead, which means that there is someone I know around Bai Zhan, and that person was present when the Survivor Mountain was in the past.

Sean thought it would be Kan 14 or someone around Kan 14, so Panda would have no reason to stay with Lance.

He still asked: "Do you know Kan Fourteen? Or, a round-faced girl named Liu Ke"

"I don't know any of them." Lance shook his head.

Who is the person next to Bai Zhan...

"What did Bai Zhan ask you to do specifically?"

Lance trembled and said with some fear: "His Royal Highness the First Prince didn't say much. He just asked me to keep in touch with the nearby tree people and conceal the abnormal situation of the Raya Volcano from the empire. He would occasionally send secret reports, and I would give them to the tree people. Only tree people know how to open that kind of secret report."

Sean nodded slightly, and then threw Lance's proliferation on the other party.

He hooked his fingers again, and his voice became bewitching and confusing: "When you wake up, you will forget everything you said to me. You remember everything before, but you desperately escaped from the hands of a mysterious strong man. Panda was killed directly to save you... and the only information you know is that the mysterious strong man once chanted a name."

Sean's mouth corners slightly raised: "Did you hear the mysterious strong man say'Is it the ego? Lord Gao Yi will be unhappy. It seems that I have to go to them...'"

Lance's eyes were dull, and he nodded slowly and heavily: "I remember..."

Then, he hugged his proliferation and fainted directly.

Sean's mouth corners raised a little arc. When the ego sect realizes Pazuzu's death, they will definitely go to the imperial capital to investigate.

I can't beat you now, so let you find some trouble yourself.

The ego sect that can understand special proliferation must know the existence of the potential seducer Gao Yi. As for what will happen next, Sean doesn't know.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. It would be best if I could go to the Gray Sea first, and then anger a certain existence in the Gray Sea, and then beat the human head into a dog head.

After throwing Lance near the guard post, Sean returned to Panda's side.

Panda was still fighting with the illusion in the fox magic. He was exhausted to the extreme, but the madness on his face did not decrease at all.

"Tsk, his mind is all confused, and he's still thinking about looking for Endeli... Is he going to ask me for help..." Sean shook his head.

Judging from the situation, the special proliferation that he asked Kan Fourteen to take away seems to have really gone wrong.

Looking at the crazy panda, Sean whispered: "Panda, Fourteen asked me to come to you."

The originally infinitely crazy steel panda was struck by lightning, and he turned his head blankly to look at the source of the voice: "Panda... Da..."

The illusion rushed forward and pierced Panda's energy core.

He trembled violently, and then his eyes gradually lost their luster.

After removing the fox magic, Sean sighed: "Zhu Zhu is not here, how can I move such a big one..."

And on the original battlefield, with a roar full of anger and grief, Mu Waili broke free from the illusion.

There were many scars on his body, and the eyes of a wooden sculpture turned into a tree hole.

Mu Waili panted heavily, his one eye full of hatred: "How dare you let the thorns and acorns become like this... I will kill you, I must kill you!"

He frantically looked for Sean's traces, but he couldn't find it.

Mu Waili cast his eyes on the white cocoon pupa that was still in place.

Rage surged, he shouted, and the punch that had distorted the space before went straight to the cocoon pupa.

However, his punch seemed to hit cotton.

The white cocoon pupa turned into countless light spots, and the thin evil dome above his head opened completely at some point.

A bright moon hung quietly in the sky, casting soft light on the earth.

In Mu Waili's shocked eyes, a woman stepped on the light and slowly walked out of the light spot.

She was surrounded by moonlight, and the soft and calm light set off her soft body, as if she was a goddess walking out of the moon palace.

Even her pride seemed to be brought down from the moon. The woman just looked at Mu Waili quietly, indifferently as if she was looking at a dead tree.

"Princess of the Empire..." Mu Waili's voice was full of hatred.

Bai Ye raised her hand calmly: "Tree man from a foreign land, I allow you to salute me."

"Salute?" Mu Waili laughed in anger, "You and that beast must be in the same group! Come down!"

The branch that can travel through space flashed above Bai Ye's head again.

However, Bai Ye just waved his hand, and the moonlight became substantial, which wrapped the branch in it and trapped it directly in mid-air.

The moonlight turned scarlet in an instant, like a tide that wrapped Mu Waili in it.

"This is given to you." Bai Ye's eyes were filled with cold moonlight, as if looking down on all living things.

At this moment, suddenly, she turned her head and looked to the side, and Sean appeared there without knowing when.

Bai Ye's expression remained unchanged. She looked at Sean indifferently: "This time, I owe you a favor. What kind of gift do you want?"

Sean looked at her strangely: "Gift?"

Bai Ye raised her chin slightly, like a real moon queen: "Of course, this palace..."


Her words were interrupted by a loud and crisp sound.

Bai Ye, who had just looked down on everyone, covered her butt in shame and anger: "You!"

Sean slapped her again without any hesitation, causing the soft flesh to tremble.

"Are you still with me? Lady Moon Queen." He laughed wildly.

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