I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 59 Who do you think you are?

Telephone Box Plaza welcomes guests again.

However, what is different from the last time is that this time it is the [Academy] who comes to question the crime.

Not standing behind the scenes, but for the first time the conflict between the two top forces was put on the table.

The dean did not show up for the time being, but all the elite members of the academic groups of the [college] were dispatched, and the deputy dean Wei Conggu stood at the front with a gloomy expression.

Elite teams equipped with [Academy]'s most powerful implant system, the Steinway Type III, stood on both sides. As a force that believes in the perfect coexistence of veto and weakness, this group of elites are not only equipped with super modules, but can also be activated on the modules. Use powers in situations where.

Outside of this, a dense army of uniformed troops stood at the rear - starting from the sixth grade, students are eligible to be truly admitted into the [Academy], and no one who can put on a uniform and stand here is mediocre.

The only thing that was a bit disharmonious was that these people all had more or less injuries on their bodies.

This is the ‘medal’ left at the shelter last night.

Their fighting power is far beyond the comparison of the lookalikes from the Supervisory Bureau. With their cold and terrifying aura, they seem to be sending the [Golden Ghost] back to hell.

Naturally, the other forces also sent people to observe secretly. They could confirm with just one glance that the [Academy] was going to take serious action.

This behemoth was injured last night, and today it is coming to [Golden Ghost] to bite off a piece of flesh.

This made people watching the show look forward to it. The real soul of [Golden Ghost], the terrifying Jin Kui, should finally show up, right?

As for Sean? Not many people care anymore.

He is just a representative. Whether or not to hand over Sean is just a signal.

himself? A pure veto with no ability to fight has no qualifications to change the situation in this situation. What's the use of being cruel? No one will care about you after the fight.

Everyone is waiting quietly, waiting for how the faint king on the ground will respond.

At one end of the phone booth square, the sound of a lift rang.

A huge crowd of people poured out from inside.

After seeing the leader, the people in the dark looked disappointed.

It’s still the same Sean…

[Golden Ghost] Five tribes, Chiling, Yinshan, Huangmu, Chaosui and Knee Shovel, they followed Xiao En with different expressions.

Then, Sean’s opening remarks made people’s blood pressure soar,

"Dear elites of [Academy]—" Sean greeted enthusiastically, as if the thousands of people standing in front of him were all relatives from his hometown.

He made a welcoming gesture and said enthusiastically: "Thank you for your support. Considering everyone's enthusiasm, I announce-"

He waved his hand cruelly, showing a reluctant expression: "Today, all transactions in the Telephone Booth Square are 20% off! Only 20% off!"

The child's play-like hard selling made the tense air fall into an eerie silence.

Sean looked at everyone in confusion, and then clapped his hands in realization.

Moza walked out holding a piece of paper. He pushed up his glasses and looked seriously.

"Brother, we really can't do it at a 20% discount. We really can't do business at this price -" he read the sentence without emotion, and after a pause, he looked closer, "Oh, brothers are all in trouble. The people in the logistics department are going crazy.”

Moza's calm voice floated above the crowd, and combined with his serious expression, a strange sense of humor arose spontaneously.

At this time, Vice Dean Wei Conggu's face had turned red.

"Shut up!" His eyes turned cold, "You regard Paradise City as your theater, right?! What do you think you are doing?! We are here to discuss business with you, huh?"

Sean slowly turned his head, his eyes suddenly becoming dangerous.

"Then what the hell do you think you are doing?!" Sean grabbed the paper in Moza's hand and threw it at Wei Conggu's face, "If you don't do business, why don't you bring someone here to pretend to be a grandson to me?!"

"You damn old thing, I've given you a damn face, haven't I?"

Without even looking at the furious Wei Conggu, Sean's cold eyes swept across all the people in the [Academy], and he roared angrily:

"Who the hell allowed you to stand here!"

One person stood in front of a thousand people, and the terrifying momentum he erupted actually silenced the air for a moment.

The people in the dark looked at each other.

"When this person…teared off his face…didn't he look at the situation…"

Wei Conggu took two big breaths and laughed angrily: "Okay, okay!"

His mechanical right arm vibrated outward, and a surge of electricity surged out.

Immediately, Wei Conggu pressed with his left hand, and Sean standing in front of him suddenly felt a huge pressure!

To outsiders, nothing seemed to happen, but Sean seemed to have thousands of kilograms of air on his back. His veins instantly swelled, and his legs made a terrible sound.

Gravity control, this is Wei's ancient ability!

The moment he made a move, dense red dots covered his whole body.

Ke Wei just snorted coldly and continued to apply pressure with one hand.

Of course, he would not be so reckless as to kill Sean directly, but it would be enough to make him kneel down in front of everyone.

The others also discovered his purpose, which was to severely shatter the arrogance and madness of Sean.

But soon, everyone realized something was wrong.

Sean hunched over, big beads of sweat dripping onto the ground, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

However, this person with special powers was clearly not a fighting type, and he actually withstood Wei Conggu's gravitational pressure!

Wei Conggu also noticed this. His eyes turned cold and he pressed his left hand down a little more.

However, Sean not only did not bend his knees, but even gradually straightened up.

His eyes were red and he had a crazy smile on his face.

"Leave me alone -" He actually waved his hand towards [Golden Ghost] first.

After spitting out the blood foam in his mouth, Sean looked at Wei Conggu who was in disbelief and grinned.

"Who do you think you are, dare to make me kneel down?"

Wei Conggu's temples twitched, and then he put away his powers.

At most, take action once... The people over at [Golden Ghost] are already starting to make a move.

Regarding this matter, [College] must first take advantage of the obvious reasons.

However, before he could speak, a young man behind him who was covered in mechanical skeletons took the lead and cursed angrily.

"You're just a rat in the gutter, you should have the most basic respect for my father!"

The speaker is Wei Conggu's son.

Wei Conggu's expression paused. He didn't know why his son suddenly became impulsive, but it wouldn't be a big deal if he cursed a few times...

No one noticed that a cold smile flashed across Sean's eyes.

He immediately yelled back: "What is the barking of a loser with half his body missing?"

Wei Wuxin's eyes widened. Due to the supernatural accident, he lost all his body from the chest down, and was finally transformed by a prosthetic body to survive.

What he hated most was when other people mentioned it.

Uncontrollable anger surged up, and without receiving any orders, he took a step forward and headed straight for Sean!

There will be more tonight, please read more

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