I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 70 The bad guys will at least pretend to be nice to you

Qiong Ying didn't even know how she got back to the house.

She was holding a chicken leg with teeth marks in her hand, and her eyes were as red as the chemical reagents in the No. 3 processing department.

She didn't understand why she collapsed all of a sudden. That man was obviously the culprit.

It wasn't until the man's voice sounded that she returned to reality in a daze.

"Holy shit, what a big rat."

Qiong Ying came back to her senses and saw Sean lifting a huge but skinny mutated mouse.

He crushed the mouse, which was bigger than a cat, to death, threw it outside with a disgusted expression, and began to clean his hands with gel.

Noticing Qiong Ying's gaze, Sean said with disdain: "This rat is hiding in your house. It's so crowded that it has nothing to eat. It's better to die early and be born early to avoid suffering."

Her eyes turned red again. She sniffed hard and said in a muffled voice, "There's no need to ridicule me. I'm not weak enough to commit suicide... and I don't need your sympathy."

Sean didn't take it seriously. He walked to the small bed and got busy, and said:

"The chicken legs will get cold if you don't eat them."

Only then did Qiong Ying notice that she was holding a chicken drumstick in her hand.

I wanted to throw the chicken legs to the ground, but I couldn't do it.

She could only say coldly: "Stop your pretense, you make me feel sick."

Sean didn't care: "As long as the chicken drumsticks are not disgusting."

Qiong Ying choked, and her teeth clenched together unconsciously: "It's all because of you that I'm like this now. Why do you think I should happily accept your sympathy? Sean, you are arrogant and despicable."

Sean didn't even raise his head. He pressed the device in his hand and said casually: "I thought you had noticed it a long time ago - you really don't want to eat that chicken leg? I went to the Wild Mother to steal it myself, and Xiaoni I don’t know what’s wrong with it, but I like to raise chickens… but the taste is really good.”

"What is your purpose?!" Qiong Ying emphasized her tone.

Sean still didn't look back: "Then what worries do you have now?"

Qiong Ying paused, biting her lip tightly, her voice filled with sadness: "It's all because of you...but I'm still a part of the [Academy]!"

"If nothing happens, please leave here. I want to rest."

With that said, she stood up and went to open the door.

After finishing his work, Sean turned around. He sat down at the short table and asked curiously: "You really don't want to eat?"

"You!" Qiong Ying was extremely angry. How could there be such a shameless person?

However, the aroma of chicken drumsticks wafted into her nose, seducing her empty stomach.

The body was honest, and the girl's stomach rumbled.

Her face was white and red at the same time, and her eyes couldn't help but turn red again.

A huge sense of shame came over her, and she finally threw the chicken drumstick in her hand hard.

"Are you satisfied with my ugly appearance?" She said with red eyes and a cry, "Can your favorite farce come to an end? Now I finally have no value, can you let me go? "

Sean clapped his hands as if he suddenly understood. He took out a chicken drumstick from nowhere, then opened his mouth and picked off the chicken skin.

Chewing vaguely, he handed over the bare chicken leg: "I almost forgot, patients can't eat anything too greasy - eh?"

He took the chicken legs back, nibbled off all the fat on the corners, and then handed them over with a smile: "Now it's ready."

Qiong Ying's chest was heaving rapidly. She laughed bitterly with tears in her eyes, wiped it hard and then took the chicken leg.

"Okay, then you have enough fun."

She bit down viciously and stared at Sean, as if she was chewing him alive.

Qiong Ying, who had no intention of feeling the taste, was suddenly stunned.

After swallowing a few mouthfuls, the biting feeling on her back was rapidly weakening.

Only then did Sean smile with satisfaction: "I've got something~"

Anti-rejection agent, and the best one at that.

Qiongying stared at the chicken legs, tears falling again.

She sat down silently and weakly, and after a moment she sobbed: "What on earth do you want..."

"I want you to finish it," Sean said.

Qiong Ying took a deep breath, and this time, she ate the entire chicken leg silently and quickly.

The biting feeling in my back has almost disappeared and my stomach is getting fuller.

She raised her head, her eyes dimmed: "Are you satisfied? I have no value now, and [the academy] will no longer accept me. It is no longer a good deal for you."

Sean laid his upper body on the table, held his cheek with one hand, and looked at the other person from close range.

"I think it's quite valuable, for example -" he laughed, "at first I just wanted to know your name, but now I want to know how you are called."

He was not aware of his explicit obscenity, but instead stared at the girl who was biting her lips.

"Besides, I've always wanted you to be a spy - you see, I want you, so I treat you well. It's a simple truth, isn't it?"

Qiong Ying sneered: "But it's all because of you that I'm where I am today."

Sean shrugged: "But you are a kidnapper."

Qiong Ying's face turned pale instantly.

Sean continued: "You and I are hostile to each other. I wasn't even the one who made the first move. The [college] wanted to touch me, so I retaliated. Isn't this a simple truth?"

He walked around the table, squatted on the ground and looked at the girl with her head buried.

"There's another question I'm curious about - why is it that the person standing here is not someone from [the academy], not your teacher, but me?"

Qiong Ying's hands on her knees were tightly squeezed together.

Sean said calmly: "Profitable... I stand here for granted. But you can't accept me, but you can accept frame-up and abandonment, because, trust? Do you trust [the academy] and your teachers?"

The girl's body was shaking.

Sean laughed: "Look, bad guys also know how to pretend to be nice to you."

Qiong Ying fell completely silent. Her heart was full of mixed feelings, and the various thoughts and emotions colliding back and forth gave her a headache.

Until Sean said something: "Take off your clothes."

She raised her head stiffly, only to see Sean standing next to a simple operating table, with faint smoke blowing out from below, disinfecting the surrounding area.

He wore gloves and raised his eyebrows proudly: "The disposable operating table is a new invention of my little brother named Endeli."

As he spoke, he opened the box next to him and took out a complex and precise piece of machinery.

The machine twisted like a living centipede, and Qiong Ying subconsciously felt pain in her back.

Steinway Type III...

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the Steinway III was several sections too short.

Noticing Qiong Ying's gaze, Sean grinned: "I touched it when I hugged you that day. Your Steinway III should be a special short model, right? Normally, people who have simple coverage implants will have some swelling on their waist. Little bump."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Butts will also lose elasticity."

Qiong Ying's face turned red again. She lowered her head and asked feebly after a moment: "Why do you care about this..."

Sean looked surprised: "I told you that I want you, so isn't this a matter of course?"


Sean interrupted her: "Okay, take off your clothes and come up, I will implant it for you."

"I do not want……"

"What's there to worry about?" Sean patted the operating table with a smile. "Anyway, don't you think you're worthless? It's useless to use my Steinway III for the [college] that you love and are loyal to." Just make your final contribution."

"Or are you worried that I'm going to harm you? Ha, you probably don't care about this anymore, right?"

You must pursue reading, you must pursue reading! Readers, please save my life!

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