I'm A Villain, So It's Reasonable To Blackmail The Heroine, Right?

Chapter 94: Chu Tian Is A Fencing Master? (Seeking Subscription)

the next day.

Jiangbei City Four Seasons Hotel, in a certain room.

"Jobs, what about the transfer of assets?"

Chu Tian's face was pale and listless, and he looked at Jobs who was not far away with an air of indifference and asked.

"There is still no progress, and the officials of Jiuzhou Kingdom are keeping a close eye on us."

Jobs shook his head and said solemnly.

During this period of time, he tried to use various methods to transfer Chutian's overseas assets back to the mainland, but each time ended in failure.

As long as he makes a slight move, he will be immediately noticed by the Kyushu State officials.

This made Jobs very confused, and he didn't understand why this group of people would stare at them so closely.

Could it be that the traitors from the Dragon King Palace provided some important information to the officials of the Kyushu Kingdom?

Fortunately, before they returned to Kyushu, they didn't tell the high-level officials of Dragon King Hall to return to Jiangbei City this time. Otherwise, they would have been arrested by Kyushu officials.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.....

"Forget it, you can accompany me to the hospital first.

Chu Tian coughed twice, his tone very weak.

Ever since he fell asleep without covering the quilt and caught the wind and cold two nights ago, Chu Tian's body has been worse than before.

Although he can still mobilize the internal force of his whole body now, his body is too weak.

Every time after mobilizing his inner strength, he had the illusion of being severely dehydrated.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Jobs finally noticed Chutian's abnormality, and he asked in a daze.

He has been with Chutian for two and a half years, and he has never seen Chutian so weak.

"I don't know, it became like this after catching a cold a few days ago."

"You can accompany me to the hospital now."

Chu Tian shook his head with a blank look on his face.

He didn't know what was wrong with him. After he caught the wind and cold a few days ago, he became like this ghost.

To say that the most confused person had to be Chu Tian himself.

When did his physical fitness become so fragile?

Even if he had just returned to the Nine Provinces and was not acclimatized, it wouldn't be like this, would it?

"Let's go to the hospital quickly."

Jobs said anxiously, for some reason, he always felt that Chutian was about to burp at any time.

After the two left the hotel, they stopped a taxi on the side of the road and headed straight for the nearby hospital.

Jiangbei First People's Hospital.

Jobs and Chutian came here. After a series of examinations, the doctor did not find any cause of disease on 73B Chuwei.

"When did you have this symptom?"

In a certain doctor's office, a doctor in a white coat pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Chu Tian and asked, a wise light flashed in his eyes.

"It became like this after catching a cold a few days ago."

"Is it accompanied by loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea and other symptoms.

the doctor asked next.

"That's right."

Chu Tian nodded, seeing the doctor's appearance, a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

"Then have you had any high-risk behavior recently?"

The doctor asked with a solemn face, as if he had found the cause of Chutian.

Chu Tian shook his head first, then nodded again.

That day he drank too much and did some high-risk behaviors with the Xiao Li he met at the bar...

"Go for an HIV test, it might be AIDS."

The doctor glanced at Chu Tian sympathetically and said.

Based on the symptoms Chutian had and his own experience, he could preliminarily determine that Chutian was suffering from AIDS.


"You mean I have AIDS!"

Chu Tian looked at the doctor in front of him in a bewildered expression, and he froze in place, unable to accept this fact in his heart.

"These are just my preliminary judgments. Whether you have HIV or not can only be known after you have been checked."

"It must be because of my misjudgment, and maybe some other diseases."

The doctor reassured.

Chu Tian was pulled away from the doctor's office by Jobs and came to the professional AIDS checkpoint.

After finishing the AIDS test, the medical staff informed them to come back tomorrow to get the results.

Jobs left the hospital with Chu Tian who was stunned the whole time.

"Boss, take a closer look, maybe it's just a doctor's wrong judgment."

"Before the result comes out, don't scare yourself."

On the way back, Jobs couldn't help but feel relieved when he looked at Chu Tian who had a look of lovelessness.

"hope so…………"

Hearing this, Chu Tian immediately closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

The next day, morning.

Jobs brought Chutian to Jiangbei No. 1 People's Hospital again.

At this time yesterday's inspection results have come out.

In the halls of the Centers for Disease Control.

Looking at the notice in his hand that the result of the report was positive, Chu Tian only felt that his world had collapsed for a moment.

His expression was dull, his eyes were empty, and he couldn't accept the reality in front of him for a long time.

(badf) AIDS!

A virus that terrified the whole world!

Surprisingly, he was given by Chutian today?

This caused Chu Tian's heart to collapse extremely, and tears began to roll in his eyes.

As far as the current level of medical technology is concerned, there is no possibility of AIDS being cured at all.

If you get this disease, just take medicine and wait to die...

How long he can live depends on Chu Tian's own good fortune...

Having AIDS means that he will no longer be a normal person from now on.

Chu Tian couldn't figure it out, why did this terrible virus find him?

Is this the so-called reincarnation of karma, unhappiness of retribution?

In these years, in order to climb up to the high-level position of the Dragon King Hall as soon as possible, he did not know how many innocent people he killed with his own hands.

Could this be God's punishment for me...

For a moment, Chu Tian felt a little dazed.

He turned out to be a person who didn't believe in fate, he insisted on the idea that man can conquer nature, and he never compromised like fate.

But now, the present report appeared on him, which made him have to start respecting fate.

He believed that the reason why he met Xiaoli in the bar that night was also due to fate, and he also did not take safety measures by mistake.

"You are Chutian?"

At this time, a nurse walked up to Chu Tian and asked calmly.

"Yes, I am Chutian."

Chu Tian raised his head to look at the other party and nodded, his eyes were bloodshot and his voice was extremely hoarse.

"Take this list and go to the doctor who diagnosed you to prescribe medicine."

"From now on, you must take medicine on time every day, keep exercising, don't stay up late, and eat three meals on time, this will help your condition improve."

"Our hospital will keep your information confidential and will not disclose it to anyone."

"the most important is.……………"

The little nurse paused, then looked at Chu Tian and continued.

"From now on, you must not do anything that violates public order, and don't do those things without taking security measures, otherwise you will violate the laws of the Kyushu Kingdom."

"That's all for now, cherish it."

After finishing speaking, the nurse handed the list to Chu Tian and left directly.

Although he felt some sympathy for Chu Tian in his heart, he still hated him more.

She thought that Chu Tian was also the kind of gay guy who liked fencing, after all, the incidence rate of this kind of disease was higher.

"Boss, let's go to the doctor and prescribe medicine."

"The nurse also said that it is still possible to recover by taking the medicine on time."

After the little nurse left, Jobs comforted Chu Tian.

Although he also knew that it was impossible for this disease to get any better, but since the matter had already happened, there was nothing anyone could do about it.

He was afraid that Chutian would have some suicidal thoughts, and that kind of result was not what he wanted to see.

"Is it really possible to recover?"

Chu Tian stared at Jobs with bloodshot eyes.

"It's possible, take their word for it."

Against his conscience, Jobs nodded vigorously.

He was lying to Chu Tian, ​​and he was also lying to himself.

After all, AIDS is a recognized problem in the world, even more difficult than cancer.

There is no possibility of any cure.....

Chu Tian didn't say anything else, took the list given by the little nurse, and slowly left the CDC with the support of Jobs.

In fact, AIDS is not terrible, what is terrible is that AIDS will destroy the human immune system.

Chu Tian is suffering from this disease now, any cold may kill him at any time.

Jobs took Chutian back to the office of the doctor who diagnosed him before.

Chu Tian handed the list to the other party with an expression on his face.

The doctor took a rough glance and knew that his judgment was completely accurate.

With the current society becoming more and more open, the incidence of AIDS is also increasing year by year, especially among the young and the elderly.

Now those college students in Kyushu are the largest group of AIDS patients.

And judging from Chutian's age, he is not too old, maybe he is a college student.

But these belong to the patient's privacy, and he naturally has no right to ask.

In recent years, he has diagnosed AIDS patients with 800 if not 1,000, so when he met Chutian yesterday, he basically concluded Chutian's situation based on the other person's symptoms.

"Go to the nurse at the front desk and get these medicines together."

"Remember this medicine for AIDS, take it every day."

"As our technological level develops faster and faster, there may be a special solution to AIDS in the future, and you don't have to be too depressed.

The doctor said comfortingly that he didn't tell Chutian that the disease could be cured like that nurse.

Just let Chutian adjust his mentality and work hard to live until the day when AIDS can really be cured.


Chu Tian nodded and left the doctor's office directly.

When I came to the front desk, I found the nurse on duty. After collecting all the medicines, I left Jiangbei No. 1 People's Hospital directly.

Since then, there has been one more sad person in the world......

"Boss, let's go straight back to the hotel now, aren't we..."

Jobs and Chu Tian came out of the hospital and came to the road outside the hospital.

Looking at Chu Tian who was expressionless the whole time, he asked a little bit unbearably.

He felt that the current Chutian might need some relaxation to relieve his mental pressure.

Anyone who has this disease will suffer slowly, even Chu Tian, ​​a master of martial arts, is no exception.

Although he has internal strength, it doesn't mean that his body is invulnerable to all poisons.

"Take me to Linglong's company, I want to meet her..."

Chu Tian looked back at Jobs, sighed and said.

Although he still can't accept the matter in front of him in his heart, he is not as depressed as before.

"Okay, boss."

Jobs responded, and directly stopped a car on the side of the road. After getting in the car, the two headed directly towards Xiao Linglong's construction company.

In the past, Tiantian told him about Lian Linglong more than once.

So Jobs naturally knew where Xiao Linglong's company was.

Xiao Linglong's construction company, inside the president's office.

Xiao Linglong leaned on the chair, staring blankly at the ceiling above her head in a daze.

Ever since she was kissed by that bastard Jiang Che yesterday, Xiao Linglong always had a strange feeling in her heart.

And her mother gave her an ultimatum, telling her to stay with Jiang Che no matter what.

So Xiao Linglong would always think of Jiang Che inadvertently from time to time.

"Obviously looking for so handsome, but the person is so bad!"

Thinking of Jiang Che's unbeaten face, Xiao Linglong unconsciously clenched her fist.

If Jiang Che pursued her in an upright way, Xiao Linglong felt that she would fall completely in a short time, after all, Jiang Che's beauty was at stake.

But this guy wants to use such a despicable method!

So Xiao Linglong didn't have much affection for Jiang Che in her heart.

"President, someone who claims to be Chutian wants to see you."

While Xiao Linglong was thinking wildly, a person dressed as a secretary knocked on the door, and walked in directly after getting Xiao Linglong's permission.

"not see!"

Xiao Linglong said impatiently, she is very irritable now, she is on the verge of going berserk at any time, and she doesn't want to see anyone.

"Wait, who are you talking about, Chu Tian?"

But soon, Xiao Linglong stopped the secretary again, frowning, and asked with some doubts.

For some reason, she always felt that the name Chutian was familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

"That's right, a young man named Chutian and a white-skinned foreigner said they wanted to see you.

"Let them wait in the reception hall on the first floor, I'll be there in a while."

Xiao Linglong calmed down the complicated mood in her heart, and said lightly.

After trying hard to think about it in her mind, Xiao Linglong finally remembered who this Chutian was.

When she was young, she had a playmate named Chu Tian.

However, when she was sixteen years old, something unexpected happened to the Chu family, and Chu Tian disappeared immediately.

She hadn't heard from her for so many years, and she had long forgotten about this person, so she didn't think of this person immediately.

"Okay, President."

The secretary responded, and left Xiao Linglong's office directly, and came to the lobby on the first floor of the company.

"Mr. Chu, our president asked you to wait in the reception room for a while, she will come right away."

The secretary smiled sweetly, and directly led Chu Tian and Jobs to the reception room in the lobby on the first floor.

After asking someone to make a pot of tea for Chu Tian and the two, they left directly.

She still has a lot of things to do, but she doesn't have any extra time to chat with Chu Tian here.

Chutian and Jobs didn't have to wait long, and Xiao Linglong's figure soon appeared at the door of the reception hall.

Attracted by the "click" sound of the high heels hitting the ground, Chu Tian also turned his head and looked in the direction of the door.

Then he saw that figure that he missed day and night, Xiao Linglong appeared at the door in a professional attire.

Seeing Xiao Linglong's arrival, Chu Tian looked a little excited.

"Are you Chutian?"

Xiao Linglong came up to the two of them, frowned and looked at Chu Tian with some doubts and asked.

Obviously, the Chutian in front of her was somewhat different from the Chutian in her impression.

In her impression, Chu Tian didn't look sick.

"Yes, I am Chutian."

"I didn't expect you, Linglong, to recognize me..."

A gratified smile leaked from Chu Tian's face, and Xiao Linglong was unexpected that he could directly recognize him.

After all, so many years have passed, he thought that Linglong had already forgotten about herself.

Although Xiao Linglong was a little displeased with Chutian's address to her, she didn't show it right away.

After all, he was an old friend from the past, so I still have to give him some face.

"You are..."

Seeing Chutian's pale face, sluggish and sluggish, Linglong asked with a strange expression.

No matter how you look at it, Chu Tian looks like he is not long in the world. Could it be that this guy has some terminal illness that cannot be cured?

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