After eating.

Bai Shuiqiu and Hyuga Asuka went down the mountain with their schoolbags.

At this time, the car of the Jindai family was already waiting here.

Keiko Kamidai, who was wearing the uniform of Narita High School, waved his hand and looked over to the two of them with a grin: "Akichan, Asuka-classmate, this way!"

"Student Keiko is early."


After greeting each other, the three girls got into the car from the doors on both sides of the car one by one. Uncle Yamaguchi started the car and drove in the direction of Narita High School. About ten minutes later, the campus of Narita High School appeared in the sight of several people.


Ryoko took the lead to get out of the car and opened the doors on both sides. Bai Shuiqiu and Keiko Kandaji jumped out of the car one by one, put their schoolbags on their backs, and walked to the front campus.

After a long absence, the appearance of this school has not changed.

Familiar scenes, familiar characters, as if the time has been set back two months ago.

"It's Xiaoqiu, Huizi, and Asuka, good morning."


Several students who were slightly familiar with their appearance passed by. Visually, they were all students from Class B of the first year or the next class. Bai Shuiqiu and Keiko Kandaro greeted each other in turn, and Hyuga Asuka who followed also waved and politely Smiled.

Just as a group of three people walked through the playground, a few strange-looking students approached, and the girl who was walking in the front beckoned to Bai Shuiqiu:

"Hello, are you a classmate of Baishui in Class B of the first year?"

"I am, what's wrong..."

After receiving Bai Shuiqiu's personal acknowledgment, the girl's expression became a little excited: "That's great, could you please sign me here?"


Similar scenes and conversations occurred no less than three or four times on the way Bai Shuiqiu walked to the teaching building, during which several students wanted to take photos with her.

Even above the teaching building and in the pavilion next to the playground, there are a few sneaky figures who seem to be taking pictures of her from a distance with a mobile phone. When Bai Shuiqiu turned to look over, he hurriedly stuffed the phone into his pocket. Here, make birds and beasts scattered.

Mime private 654

After waiting for the three people to enter the teaching building.

These gazes from all directions gradually dissipated.


It is not so much spreading, but rather because it is blocked by a wall, so it can't be seen intuitively.

However, with Bai Shuiqiu’s ear power, some whispering sounds can still be heard clearly, coming from all directions around, and words such as "Miko", "Tianmu Mountain", and "IH Contest" appear from time to time in the words. Obviously They are all discussing topics related to her.

"Qiujiang, what's the matter?"

Keiko Kashiro turned her head and looked over strangely.

"It's nothing... Wait a minute, I'll be ready right away."

Bai Shuiqiu came back to his senses, smiled slightly at Keiko Kamishiro and Asuka Hyuga, then changed into small white shoes for indoor use, stuffed the original sneakers into the shoe cabinet, and turned upstairs with the two girls all the way In the classroom where Class B of the year is located.

Speaking of...

Regardless of whether there is subjective self-consciousness in this area, Bai Shuiqiu can indeed be regarded as a figure in Narita High School.

Narita High School has a history of nearly 30 years since its establishment. It cannot be said that there are no such people who can get a place in high school sports events at the level of IH, but there are not many people who have won the honor of national championship. It is even more of a handful. The last time such a student appeared was probably five or six years ago.

Of course……

If only relying on this, it is not enough to make other students rush in such a rush.

The main reason is that Bai Shui Qiu's face is online, and she also bears the identity of a real witch.

A student who satisfies these characteristics at the same time, even if it goes on for decades, she will probably be the only one.

In fact, even after arriving in the classroom of Class B for a year, people still came over to talk to Bai Shuiqiu from time to time. In the end, these guys stopped temporarily because the class bell rang.

At the beginning of the new semester, there are still many miscellaneous things.

Hold class meetings, announce class schedules, collect homework, distribute books...

On the first day of school, he spent almost all of these trivial things. Bai Shuiqiu was a little boring at leisure, and simply used the scattered time between the beginning and the end of class to continue his spiritual practice. Although it was impossible to conduct actual combat exercises because there was no partner for training at this time, the several cultivation methods that Jiufeng Shion taught her before can all be practiced by herself anytime, anywhere.

In practice, time flies quickly.

At three or four in the afternoon, after school was over, the girls returned to Tianmu Mountain by car. Bai Shuiqiu ran to the back mountain to continue practicing breathing, while Keiko Kandaro and Asuka Hyuga changed into the costumes of part-time witches and began to entertain them. The guests who came to pray for blessings.

The next two days were still spent peacefully.

It is worth mentioning that in Bai Shuiqiu's shoe cabinet, love letters began to appear again.


The reason for saying "again" is because Bai Shuiqiu also received this kind of thing during the first semester of last semester, but because she has not made any response and has been acting for a long time. It's low-key, so most people who hand in love letters are eager to retreat. And now...

Probably because of the IH competition during the summer vacation and the exposure of the maiden's identity, these guys have begun to reappear again.

In response to this, Bai Shuiqiu just twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, took these love letters out of the shoe cabinet, walked a few steps aside in his arms, and threw them into the wastebasket.

"Hmm... Are these all love letters stuffed in by others? There are at least a dozen thick, right?"

During this process, Keiko Kashiro and Asuka Hyuga stood nearby, watching her behavior silently. The former pursed his lower lip and said half-jokingly: "The envelopes look pretty beautiful. It seems that the school There are a lot more people who like Qiujiang than before..."

As for Hyuga Asuka, he glanced into the wastebasket a little nervously, and asked in a low voice, "Just throw it away, don't you need to open it?"

"No need."

Bai Shuiqiu shook his head.

Last semester, she was really out of curiosity and read several love letters.

However, as she expected, high school boys of this age generally don't have much vocabulary, especially in public schools such as Narita High School that do not have too strict academic requirements. Some students are even more educated than junior high students in private schools. Not as good, the handwriting is also ugly.

Of course, there are also one or two people who are slightly more culturally literate, who will write a few lines of scarlet sentences in the love letter, or quote the poetry of ancient literati.

The former is okay. Anyway, Bai Shuiqiu doesn't understand this kind of work. He only knows that it is a very popular literary genre in the ancient East, but she hasn't read a few articles at all. Even if there are copying errors, she can't see it.

But for the latter...

Bai Shuiqiu has actually seen one. The writer quoted a verse from the Chinese poet Bai Juyi, but there was a typo, which made her want to review it with a red pen, and then return it to the sender to let him Correct the typo and hand it in...

"Probably because of the boredom of these guys at home during the summer vacation, and now they are finally back to school, wanting to find something to kill their energy... As long as you ignore them, it should stop after a while."

Bai Shuiqiu said this, turned his head to look at Keiko Kandaji and Asuka Hyuga, and smiled: "Let’s go to the classroom first. It seems that a new book will be released today."

From asking for autographs on the first day of the new semester, to group photos and love letters afterwards...

These things did not cause too many waves in Bai Shuiqiu's heart. After all, she has seen big winds and waves now. When she was in Kyoto before, she even participated in a few press conferences. It's just a few small scenes, and I can't get any tricks when I think about it.

If it's just a simple love letter, there is no need to take it too seriously, just ignore it.

And if these guys had the courage to confess in front of her, then she would naturally refuse it altogether.

This episode did not stay in Bai Shuiqiu's heart for long, and was quickly forgotten by her.

Until after school in the afternoon.

Bai Shuiqiu packed his schoolbags, talked to Keiko Kandaji, and then went to the Kyudo Club.

After a summer vacation, the environment in the Kyudo Department dojo has not changed much, but because no one has been here for a long time, a lot of dust has fallen on the floor and the bow frame. Several members, including Ogata, were cleaning up. When they saw Bai Shuiqiu, they waved their hands and greeted them one after another.

"School girl Baishui, long time no see."

"I haven't seen you in some days, the seniors are polite."

Strictly speaking, the time between Shirazuaki and them is not long. At least Ogata and others have participated in the IH competition held in Kyoto as a team member or support team before, and it has only been more than a month. During the Rain God Festival half a month ago, Kurimi Sanae, Ogata and others also visited Tenme Shrine together, and took the opportunity to gather together for a meal.

Therefore, these words are more polite.

"By the way, didn't Sanae-senpai come here today?"

Bai Shuiqiu glanced around.

The people who clean here are basically the backbone of the Kyudo Club, as well as a few first-year members who have just joined the club this year, but Kurimi Sanae, who is only the minister, is missing. Faced with her question, Ogata smiled:

"Maybe it is to review the homework in the class. After all, it is the last semester of high school. The Minister's time is very precious now."

This is the truth.

Unlike Huaxia, Dongying's "College Entrance Examination", or "General Entrance Examination", is usually conducted in two in January.

The first time was the "Central Examination", which was roughly equivalent to the China National College Entrance Examination. It was a unified proposition for the entire Dongying. The second time was an "Academic Examination" hosted by each university itself. Only after passing both examinations can the exam be accepted. Favorite university.

——By the way, in addition to the "general entrance examination", there is also a very common way of admission is "recommended admission", which is roughly equivalent to Huaxia's recommended students, and a letter of recommendation is issued by the principal or the chairman of the school board , Directly push enrollment to the counterpart school.

Almost 90% of the candidates in Dongying entered the university through these two methods.

Although the latter method is less labor-saving, it has slightly fewer options than the former.

Kurimi Sanae's goal is to be a top-notch school such as Tohoku University and Hitotsubashi. She had already told Bai Shuiqiu in small talks, so Bai Shuiqiu knew clearly.

In order to achieve this goal, from the first semester of the third year of high school, or even earlier, you must start to review your homework, and at the same time, you must also participate in the training of the tutorial class after class. It is now in September, and there are only a hundred days before the exam in January next year. It is when we need to go all out and race against time, unnecessary things are naturally pushed.

Anyway, there is Ogata, the deputy minister, who is in charge of looking after the club, plus the instructor of Shiramine Shion who is idle, and nothing can happen.

It is estimated that in a few months, Kurimi Sanae may step down as minister and hand over this responsibility to Ogata.

"makes sense……"

Bai Shuiqiu said softly, instead of continuing to follow the topic, he looked around, rolled up his own sleeves, took a piece of rag, soaked it in the basin, wrung it out, and moved forward. Step forward to help.

Five or six people together, it took an hour to finally clean up the entire dojo.

Later, Ogata arranged for Shirasuiqiu and another second-year member to check the bows and the bows on the bow frame in turn.

Since it is an inspection, a test shot is naturally needed.

Because it was not a formal competition, Bai Shuiqiu did not follow the eighth period of shooting. He took out the bows on the bow stand and took out the bows one by one, and took the bow and set the arrows at a target on the opposite side of the open-air archery range. Start with a target on the left and go to the right one by one.

After every two or three arrows shot, Bai Shuiqiu put the He bow back on the shelf, then took a step back and took out the second bow.

In less than two minutes, a dozen and bows on the two rows of bow racks had all been used up by Bai Shuiqiu.

By this time, there were nearly thirty arrows on the target opposite the archery range.

Each arrow hits the bullseye, and there are several targets on it, and even three or four arrows are stuck at the same time. They are gathered together like blooming flowers, and the distance between each other is not even more than two millimeters. And the other member who tried the bow with Bai Shuiqiu is still maintaining the "remnant" state of the first arrow.


A question mark slowly appeared on that member's face, and for a while, he didn't know if the second arrow in his hand would continue to test fire.

And another freshman who had not been to the Kyoto IH competition in person, opened his mouth in surprise:

"Okay, amazing! Is this the strength of Bai Shui Schoolgirl as a national champion..."

This series of dormitories seems very simple.

Of course, for Bai Shuiqiu, it is actually very simple. In the case of personally shooting more than a dozen sneaky objects, this kind of continuous rapid shooting with one arrow in two or three seconds is like eating and drinking to her. Water is as easy as it is, not challenging at all...

But for other members, it's different.

First of all, shooting thirty arrows within two minutes is beyond the capabilities of more than half of the club.

And in the case of basically not moving, to ensure that thirty arrows hit the bullseye, it is even more impossible for ordinary people to do it.

In addition, the distance between these targets is still different. There are 30 meters and 50 meters, and the farthest ones are basically at the two hypotenuse vertices of a triangle with Bai Shuiqiu’s station. At a distance of no more than seventy meters, even Ogata, who has the best arm strength among boys, can only guarantee a hit rate of about 50%.

In other words...

Probably only Jiufeng Shion who is a consultant can do this in the entire kyudo club. In addition, even the current minister, Kurimi Sanae, can hardly do it.

"Ahem, it's actually nothing. As long as you practice long enough, it won't take long to reach a level like mine."

Bai Shuiqiu gave a light cough, and said a little sly.

But when Ogata heard this, they looked at each other:

"It won't take... how long?"

For the mediocre self, if you really practice hard every day, it should be possible to reach this level when you are in your 60s and 70s... This kind of thought has sprung up in the hearts of several people. .

Bai Shuiqiu did not have the ability to read minds, and naturally did not know what Ogata and others thought. After confirming that most of the bow frame and the bow had no quality problems, she lifted her foot through the shooting field and walked to In front of the row of targets, one by one the arrows that were shot out were pulled out.

The rapid fire is cool for a while.

It was troublesome to clean up afterwards.

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