Therefore, even Nansaki himself probably doesn't know much about the situation of his ancestors.

It's easier to understand that Nansaki and Rain Girl are not opponents of Baimu Ghost.

Although Shirazu Nansaki was able to successfully subdue Rain Maiden at that time, Rain Maiden at that time was only a very young "juvenile" monster. Although she was a condensed body of evil thoughts, her starting point was higher than that of ordinary monsters. But the strength is limited.

It is estimated that the most is to match the star bear Douji, and even Ibaraki has a high probability of being unable to beat, not to mention the Baimugui who can match the Shuten Douji.

——In fact, even if it is the current Rain Maiden or the old youkai, against the Hundred-eyed Demon who has cultivated the "Hundred Eyes" in the heyday, the outcome is probably only five or five.


But Bai Shuiqiu knew something that maybe even Rain Girl didn't know—

The "Spiritual Deer Bow", "Nei's Pearl", and even "Contract Technique" in her hands are all treasures and techniques from "Yamaka Shrine".


What if the "Yamanaka Shrine" mentioned by the system was the one next to Lake Biwa back then?

In that case, the quest rewards that I got should not appear out of thin air, but those magical tools that were controlled by the White Water Clan back then but lost in the process of several destructions and migrations.

Then, after the destruction of the "First Generation Shirasu Shrine" in the deep mountains of Lake Biwa, these things were collected by the "Rain Master God" worshipped by their own family, and they were repaired one by one with mana, and they were sent to her in the form of system rewards until their own generation. ?

Logically it makes sense.

Since even Jiufeng Shion can place some items in his feathers, then the Rain Master God as a "god" must have similar magical abilities.

As for not having to meet with the main body, the reason may be that the current state of "Rain Master" is too weak, unable to return to the world from where he lives, and can only send some items here...

Thinking of the fact that 70 years ago, Baishui Sana had been blessed by the appearance of the "Rain Master", Bai Shuiqiu vaguely felt that this possibility is not only possible, but also very large.

Inwardly, she wished the possibility was real.

Because that at least shows that the "Rain Master" still exists, and the situation facing Narita City has become more and more serious. I don't know how many people want to take advantage of the calm water. If the **** of his own shrine can Returning, even if she doesn't take action in person, just standing behind the scenes to give some pointers or two will give her a lot of confidence.

Next, Bai Shuiqiu asked the two shikigami a few more questions.

After confirming that Rain Girl didn't know the current situation of "Umushi God", she could only sigh, and then walked to Ibaraki Doji herself, spread out the palm of her right hand, pressed it on the guy's forehead, and at the same time slightly. He closed his eyes, stretched out his spiritual sense, and plunged into the latter's sea of ​​consciousness, trying his best to capture the information in it.

Broken images flew past Bai Shuiqiu's mind...

There is a picture of a samurai with Onikiri fighting on Suzaku Avenue in Kyoto under the darkness of night...

There is a picture of the remnants of the star bear boy and the others, escaping from the hands of Yuan Laiguang and his party...

There are also pictures of practitioners who designed an ambush for human beings, transformed them into the latter after ambush, and then lurked in human society...

This kind of thing happened more than once. Long before the Hojo family in this era, Ibaraki Doji had hunted and killed several practitioners of the Kansai cultivator family, and he had been seen through it once or twice.

But because of Ibaraki Doji's first-class strength and super-class escape ability, he can escape smoothly every time.

Finally, after the Thunder Valley incident a few days ago, I came to Chiba Prefecture alone...

The huge amount of information, even after being "compressed" and simplified, still makes Bai Shuiqiu a little unbearable, and it feels like watching a movie for days and nights in a row.

After standing with his eyes closed for a while, he slowly digested the information.

The result detected by Bai Shuiqiu himself is similar to what Jiufeng Ziyuan said.

As for the memory before her death, it also made her confirm that Ibaraki Doji came alone, and did not collude with Onika Ayaka and others, which made her somewhat relieved. At least you don't have to worry too much about those guys making a fuss with Ibaraki-doji's body.

Of course……

In addition to these things, Bai Shuiqiu also paid special attention to Ibaraki Doji's memory of cultivation.

This thing is rare among the ghosts. Although it has the powerful physique that all ghosts and monsters have, it is very good at magic. One-handed "Rashomon" can even resist the strange fire of the old monsters, and the transformation spell is even more It is the spiritual sense and many detection instruments that can deceive many practitioners.

When we met in Amita Ward before, even the "fox radar" of Futan couldn't see through Ibaraki Doji's true body.

Therefore, during this exploration, Bai Shuiqiu also consciously dug out some information in this area, and got a few bits and pieces from it.

Spiritual power and demon power have similar properties. In theory, it is not impossible for Bai Shuiqiu to learn some of the spells used by Ibaraki Doji.

However, it is certain that the difficulty of copying is slightly larger, and it can only be used as a reference for the time being.

By the time all this information was read, more than half an hour had passed.


It is time to extract the remaining use value of Ibaraki Doji.

"By the way, other than ghost horns, is there any other material on this thing that can be used to make magical instruments?"

"This is..."

Jiufeng Ziyuan and Yu Nu were both silent for a while, and the former said, "The symbol of the ghost clan monsters is the pair of ghost horns, and this part also condenses most of their demon power, but really speaking, their hearts are also very strong. useful.

Because this thing is the source of the powerful vitality of the ghost clan, even after the ghost clan itself dies, it can maintain its activity for a long time, and continue to produce fresh blood, so that the ghost clan's corpse will not rot for a long time.

During this period, if the corpse of the ghost family is eaten by other monsters or beasts, then this life force will flow into the body of the eater through the blood, creating a new ghost family.

In addition, there are very few precedents where ghosts were "killed" for several days and then revived.

If it was the Star Bear Boys and the like, it is unlikely that such a thing would happen.

But Ibaraki Doji's words... This guy has left too many backhands for himself, and he cannot rule out the possibility of mastering some kind of suspended animation. In order to cut off the possibility of its resuscitation, it is best to dig out the heart and cut off the head. "

This is true.

Ibaraki-doji was able to live in the world for thousands of years even when the entire country was destroyed. I am afraid that not only the escape skills are full, but the survival skills should not be much worse.

If Rain Girl didn't bring its body back that day, but handed it over to the countermeasure team, there might be some unexpected changes.

Therefore, the question now becomes what to do after Ibaraki Doji's heart is dug out.

Hmm, maybe it's better to feed the red mist?

After all, this thing can be regarded as a great supplement. It can supplement the red mist. If the latter can obtain the same vitality as the ghost clan, it will be even more unexpected...

"Actually this thing might have a use."

Jiufeng Ziyuan seemed to have thought of something, and hesitated for a while before adding: "It can be used to cure Keiko's heart disease... But the price of doing that is that she is likely to be invaded by the ghost clan's breath. dyeing, and thus becoming an existence similar to a monster. Generally speaking, there are advantages and disadvantages.

I know you probably don't want to accept this outcome, but if there is no other way to cure Keiko's hidden illness, maybe you can consider it as a last resort. "

The last proposal, circling in Bai Shuiqiu's heart, was rejected by her shaking her head.

She didn't have a good impression of the ghost clan.

If the price of becoming a ghost is to exchange for a healthy body... that would be too much of a loss.

Even if Keiko Kashiro wanted to, Bai Shuiqiu didn't want her to take this kind of treatment. Unless there is really no other choice.


"For the sake of insurance, let's reserve a hand first."

Bai Shuiqiu struggled several times before he finally made up his mind. First, he asked the old monster to cut open the chest of Ibaraki Doji, and took out the heart that was still beating at a weak rate. I found a glass container, cut a small piece of flesh from the heart, put a tube of heart blood to soak it, and sealed it into the scroll.

After that, the red mist was summoned.

At this time, Red Mist was already eager to try Ibaraki Doji's body.

After getting permission from Bai Shuiqiu, this thing turned into a cloud of red mist, wrapped up Ibaraki Doji's heart, crushed it with demon power, and slowly swallowed it.

With the swallowing action of the red mist, the aura of this shikigami began to change significantly.

Under the onlookers of Bai Shuiqiu, Rain Girl, the old monster, and Fengli, I saw the breath of the red mist expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon spread to the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of square meters, covering the huge forest. shrouded in. It wasn't until Bai Shuiqiu reminded him that this expansion began to converge.

——This is not the creek in the back mountain, but the woods behind the shrine.

Although under normal circumstances, no one will come here except Shirai Shuiqiu, but in case Chiyo and others, or even the guests who come to visit the shrine, will inevitably have to explain the trouble.

However, convergence is convergence.

Although the coverage of the red fog was limited to more than 100 square meters centered on this forest, the color and density of those red particles continued to deepen.

It looked like a cloud of mist from the very beginning.

It soon became like thick blood, quietly circulating in the air, bright red dripping.

Bai Shuiqiu and the others who were in this environment could clearly smell a strong **** smell.

At the same time as the changes on the surface were going on, the intensity of the red fog's demonic energy was also rising at an extremely fast speed. The Rain Girl opened up a transparent water film in time to cover the large forest, forming a An invisible layer of isolation contained the appearance and breath of the red mist, so that the people at the shrine were not disturbed.

After a full seven or eight minutes, the aura of the violently rising red mist gradually stabilized.

By this time, the demonic energy of this thing seemed to be comparable to Ibaraki Doji.


It should be said that he is stronger than the Ibaraki Doji who fought against Shirasuaki a few nights ago, and slightly weaker than the one who had a complete hand in the Rashomon when he had not fought against Shirasuaki and Shufeng Shion. ghost".

Moreover, the current aura of the red fog has surpassed the complete body that appeared in the "inner world". If he had not stopped it just now, but had allowed it to continue to expand, Bai Shuiqiu estimated that the red fog had already It can cover the entire Tenmu Shrine and even a large forest nearby.

In the process of the red mist's demonic power rising, a red human figure slowly emerged in this thick blood-like red, the outline changed from fuzzy to clear, and finally became lifelike.

Chapter 743 Red Mist Advanced (two in one)

This red human figure looks a bit like Ibaraki Doji in outline.

But the head is much smaller, only about one meter six or so, the whole body is shrouded in sturdy armor, the face is also covered with a layer of armor, and the dress is similar to the military generals in ancient times.

Only two long horns that symbolize the identity of the ghosts are born on the head. Although the length is slightly shorter than that of the Ibaraki Doji before his death, the breath contained in them is no different from the real ghosts, and it can almost be confused with the real ones.

Of course……

If you feel it carefully, you can still see a little difference.

After all, Hong Wu is now Bai Shuiqiu's shikigami, and his body contains the imprint of the shikigami contract. Therefore, compared with wild ghosts, his aura is two points more gentle and violent, but he still has sheer danger.

"Tsk tsk, it's kind of interesting."

Jiufeng Ziyuan rubbed his chin and watched this scene, tsk tsk amazement.

Bai Shuiqiu also clicked his tongue secretly.

Among the three, only Rain Girl remained silent and watched with cold eyes.

After turning around the new version of the red mist for a few times, Jiufeng Ziyuan suddenly stretched out his hand, and his fingers passed through the thin layer of mist without hesitation, and touched the mask of the red mist:

"Sure enough, it can be opened. It seems to be what I expected. This guy is clearly a big figure..."

The corner of Bai Shuiqiu's mouth twitched slightly, complaining a little about Jiufeng Ziyuan's miraculous metaphor.

I don't know how powerful a person is to be able to use an evil thing like Hongwu to make a figure...

But seriously, a mud monster like black mud might be more suitable for making a figure, if that thing wasn't so filthy...

Hong Wu also seemed a little unhappy, but dared not speak out.

After all, its former complete body was smashed by Jiufeng Ziyuan with a knife. Even if it has now "recovered" to a more powerful form than the complete body, the psychological shadow is still there.

In addition, Bai Shuiqiu didn't say anything to stop it, so it could only stand there motionless and let Jiufeng Ziyuan do something to him.


As the visor was lifted, a red face similar to Bai Shuiqiu appeared in the sight of several people.


No wonder the human figure formed by the red mist is only 1.6 meters in height. Ganqing is basically imitating his own appearance, and then put a layer of Ibaraki Doji's skin on the outside...

But that's not much to say.

After all, the current appearance is more pleasing to the eye than the original Ibaraki Doji, and the current change of the red mist is not actually a real "transformation", but a large number of mist particles condensed into a human-like appearance That's it, it can be adjusted at any time as required, so don't worry too much about it.

"This is also considered...reborn, right?"

Bai Shuiqiu's eyes flickered.

The change that is taking place in the red mist is not entirely the effect of that heart.

Rather, it is the result of long-term accumulation.

Long before he met Ibaraki Doji again, Bai Shuiqiu had taken Hongwu to remove more than ten "yin-rich spots", and most of the 30 evil spirits she had retreated from her treatment had fallen into Hongwu's stomach. , become the nutrients for the growth of the latter.

And wasn't until this heart of Ibaraki Doji that the intensity of Hong Mist's demon power completely changed.

In a sense, it can be regarded as quantitative change caused qualitative change.

If we talk about the previous Red Mist, it is only a relatively powerful existence among the "intermediate monsters", which is more than the other, but not enough.

Then, the current Red Mist has officially advanced and entered the ranks of "high-level monsters". Although it is not as good as Rain Maiden and Jiufeng Shion, it is already on the same level as these two. If I fight the old monster again...

Let’s not talk about how many times I can play, at least I won’t be smashed by the latter’s full force…

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