"Student Su Qingxing, my surname is Xie, and I have a single name with the word "Dream". You can call me Teacher Xie in the future." Su Qingxing's new head teacher walked him forward and briefly introduced himself, "Class 2 and 4 of Senior High School. My kids are so nice and friendly, I'm sure you'll get used to your new class soon!"

"Thank you, Teacher Xie." Su Qingxing was holding a pile of high school textbooks that he couldn't even read the cover, and deeply felt the weight of high school students, "Summer vacation is coming soon, and I may transfer schools again next semester. So it is estimated that there is no way to integrate into everyone too much.”

"So that's how it is!" Teacher Xie didn't know what to think, patted Su Qingxing on the shoulder with some sympathy and said, "Student Su Qingxing, no matter what your current living situation is, no matter which school you go to in the future, you Remember that studying and the college entrance examination are a very important turning point in life, and you must persevere no matter what!"

"Thank you teacher, I will definitely..."

Su Qingxing was about to respond politely, but the teacher Xie, who was accustomed to teaching students, suddenly changed the topic and said with a smile: "But anyway, the most important thing is health and happiness. Even if you reach the top of your life, you will not feel happy.”

"Sorry, did you say something very strange?" Teacher Xie smiled a little embarrassedly, "Actually, I just escaped from death not long ago, the kind of person who was faced with a desperate situation of life and death, but miraculously survived in the end. already."

"Since then, I have felt that every day is like a gift from God. I should be happy, healthy, and spend it easily."

Teacher Xie's smile was very beautiful, but Su Qingxing did not respond with a smile this time, but looked at the teacher Li who was meeting him for the first time very seriously.

This time, Su Qingxing came to the human world on a business trip, in order to find those souls who could not enter the underworld and eventually returned to their own bodies to come back to life.

And what Teacher Xie said just now made Su Qingxing feel that this female teacher might be one of his tasks this time.

"Thank you, teacher, may I ask..."

"We're here." Before Su Qingxing could continue to ask, Teacher Xie had already pushed open the door of Class Two and Four, and said aloud to the students in the classroom, "Everyone, welcome the new classmates!"

The students in the classroom were all studying by themselves. After hearing Teacher Xie's voice, warm applause immediately rang out. All eyes were on Su Qingxing. When the students saw clearly the appearance of the transfer students, the applause that was originally great became thunderous, mixed with the heated discussions of the students.

"What a cute girl!"

"Hey, this is obviously a boy, right?"

"You girls really only see handsome guys, so excited to see a good looking guy."

"Isn't it in the eyes of you boys? It's rude to say that the transfer student is a boy, but it's a girl!"

"Of course we recognize him as a boy, isn't that complimenting the new classmates for being good-looking?"

"Cough cough." Teacher Xie coughed twice, and then the classroom became quiet. "The new student is called Su Qingxing, and he is definitely a boy!"

After Mr. Xie wrote Su Qingxing's name on the blackboard, he said to Su Qingxing who walked in with a stack of books, "Student Su Qingxing, do you need to introduce yourself?"

"Everyone..." Su Qingxing, who was still holding a stack of books, was about to introduce himself, but suddenly he smelled a barbecue in the classroom.

"What's the matter, Su Qingxing?"

"No, it's nothing." Su Qingxing took the opportunity to look around again and found that most of the students in the classroom were looking at him with smiles on their faces. The whole class felt really friendly.

But in the first position in the row by the window in the classroom, there was a thin looking boy staring at Su Qingxing with a pale face.

The young man's mouth moved slightly, as if he was saying to Su Qingxing—



"I'm Su Qingxing who just transferred here today. Please give me more advice in the future."

"Very simple introduction, Su Qingxing is sitting by the window... The third one is good." Teacher Xie looked at Qingxing's height and waved to the tall girl in the last row by the window, "Promise, You step back one, and by the way, move the empty table in the back to the front."

"Okay." The tall girl gave a half-joking salute, and then half of the students in that row retreated collectively, vacating the third position for Su Qingxing.

When those students stood up and moved the desks and chairs, Su Qingxing had to admit that he had no advantage in his height...

burnt scent……

Su Qingxing, who was sitting among the students, felt that the smell of barbecue and even burning around him had not disappeared, but rather had a more and more obvious trend.

Could it be emanating from the teacher Xie on the podium?

But why didn't he notice when he was in the corridor just now?

Su Qingxing has read many ancient books, so he has some understanding of various situations of resurrection from the dead.

This time, the resurrection of the dead caused by the dàng of the underworld may be the worst of all similar situations. Because those people are already dead anyway, even if the outer shell is restored to its most lustrous state due to the impact of the soul, they are already dead.

It's just a group of dead souls with nowhere to go, trapped in their corpse in desperation.


The corpse will temporarily return to a living state due to the relationship between the dead and the resurrection, but... if it lasts for a long time, the corpse will return to its original state, or even worse.

Assuming that the burning smell really came from Teacher Xie on the podium, then it is very likely that she died because of something related to the fire, and then came back to life.

"Okay, the teacher still has some things to do. You can continue your self-study. The seniors of the third year have completed the task of the college entrance examination. You have to work harder!" Teacher Xie said, encouraging the students in the class. Pushed the door and walked out.

"it is good!"

"Okay!" The students in the class responded unevenly, and in the end, it was all right to gān.

Su Qingxing sat in his seat, flipping through the pile of books in front of him in a very complicated mood. Except for liberal arts books, Su Qingxing really doesn't even understand the cover.

What is physics?

What is chemistry?

Creature...is it a special creature illustrated book? Similar to dragons and ghost phoenixes?

What's even more strange is that Teacher Xie has already left the classroom. However, the burning smell that existed in Su Qingxing's nose did not dissipate for a long time, and lingered in this classroom all the time.

"Xiao Ke, why are you so pale?" The boy in the first seat in the row next to Su Qingxing suddenly started talking to someone next to him, and that person was the thin teenager who used his lips to tell Su Qingxing to leave quickly. .

"No, nothing, I'm just a little uncomfortable." The boy called "Xiao Ke" lowered his head, "It's nothing."

"You have to pay attention to your body." The boy looked concerned again and said, "Since the last incident, we have only known that a healthy body is the most important thing. Do you have a deep understanding of it?"

"Don't be kidding, the last social practice only allowed one person not to go. Unlike us, he has never experienced such a miraculous thing at all. How can he have a deep understanding?" Another person is applying foundation to his face. The girl said without looking back, "He's different from us."

"Yeah, yes, a reporter came to interview me after school yesterday!" Another boy also started to talk, "I'm really worried that some elementary school girls will fall in love with me after I'm on camera, should I refuse or agree? It's really annoying to be handsome!"

"A narcissist." The girl who put on makeup glanced at the other party with contempt, and then returned her gaze to the vanity mirror in her hand, "It's strange, why is my skin so dark recently?"

"Because you're getting older, eldest sister!"

"Screw you!"

There was a seat between Su Qingxing and Xu Xu, so I couldn't see Xu Xu's expression clearly. But even so, Su Qingxing could still feel that the thin figure was shaking, as if there was something around him that scared him.

"Promise, why is your brother so weak?" The girl who made up turned her head and shouted to the tall girl at the back, "Did you watch the movie secretly?"

The tall girl named Xu Nuo was lying on the table and sleeping. After hearing the voice, she raised her head dazedly and said, "It's none of my business, Ying Jiaojiao, if you care so much, come and be my brother and sister."

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