Chapter 103 Four Letters

According to the original plot, Xiao Feng should not have come to Shuzhou so early. He should be conspiring with the Liu family to deal with the Wei family at this moment, and the map will not be changed until next spring.

Of course, now that Liu Yuanshan was dead, Xiao Feng naturally cut off the Liu family's support.

Wei Changtian didn't know whether Xiao Feng chose to come to Shuzhou early because of the letter from own, or because of the butterfly effect of the plot change.

He didn't really bother to think about it.

Because it doesn't make sense.

From successfully marrying Lu Jingyao to killing Liu Yuanshan, he has changed too many plots.

The fluttering wings of a butterfly finally turned into a storm. Everyone's fate has changed more or less, and even took another path...and will develop into a completely different follow-up.

In this case, the timeline of the original plot is no longer helpful to me, and Gold Finger of the "prophet" has gradually become a "knower".

Knowing the secrets of many important people is Wei Changtian's biggest reliance besides the system.

As for questions such as "what will Xiao Feng do in the future", it is already difficult for me to predict.


Sighing, stepping on the wooden stool, he stepped into the big wooden barrel.

The water temperature was just right, and Yuan'er was sitting on her knees and splashing water on herself with a wooden ladle.

While taking a bath, Wei Changtian began to think about Xiao Feng's problems after he arrived in Shuzhou.

The fact that he was dispatched to Shuzhou is known all over the world, and it is impossible to hide it.

Therefore, the situation of "the enemy is dark and we are clear" will not change.

In fact, Wei Changtian understood one thing a long time ago, that is, it is almost impossible to kill Xiao Feng by means of "wanted arrest" and "offering a reward".

After all, the son of destiny, unless he encounters a 100% certain death situation, he will definitely be able to escape.

When I was in the capital, I set up bureaus twice. It can be said that I have done everything I can, but in the end I still let Xiao Feng escape twice.

But now without the help of the Wei family, it would be even more difficult for him to take the initiative to find such an opportunity.

I'm afraid it can only be a "defensive counterattack".

Ensure your own safety first, then develop your power as soon as possible and wait for Xiao Feng to take action, and finally complete the counter-kill.

To be honest, it was a bit risky, but Wei Changtian did not regret bringing Xiao Feng to Shuzhou in advance.

After all, I can still fight him with the system and Gold Finger of the "Knower".

And if he was allowed to deal with the Wei family in the capital, he might not be allowed to wait three years when he went back by himself, the whole Wei family would have been ruined long ago.

Take one step at a time.

After making a general plan for the future, Wei Changtian relaxed a bit, but his expression suddenly changed at the next moment.

"Cough! Yuan'er, I can wash that place myself..."


Yuan'er raised her head in confusion and asked, "What's wrong, young master? Did I hurt you?"


Wei Changtian was dumbfounded for a while, and turned to look at Yuan'er.

She didn't wear much at first, but now the thin skirt on her body was wet in several places, showing a beautiful scene.

hiss! !

I can bear it, but my brother can't bear it!


Accompanied by Yuan'er's exclamation, a large splash of water swayed from the barrel.



"Madam personally learned..."

An hour later, the "playing in the water" activity ended, and Wei Changtian had already dressed and sat at the table to write a reply to Lu Jingyao.

But he stopped writing just after writing the first four characters.

Lu Jingyao's identity is a concubine. From the etiquette point of view, she can't write the word "my wife", let alone "my concubine". She should use "madam" to refer to a wider range of titles.

But it always feels awkward.

Wei Changtian, whose level of ancient Chinese is worrying, hesitated for a long time, and finally stopped worrying about this kind of thing, and continued to write:

"The letter has been received, Yuan'er and I have been on a smooth journey since we left home, and we have arrived in Shuzhou City safely, so I am relieved..."

"I understand what you wrote in your letter, don't worry, that person will definitely not bother you anymore, just be at ease..."

"I hope you can teach my sister more in your free time, take care of the housework, and let Li Yang take care of the bookstore, so you don't have to worry too much..."


Thinking hard about Meditation, and scratching his head to scrape together more than a hundred words, Wei Changtian finally put down his pen with a sense of relief. He didn't even bother to check it. He just stuffed the letter into an envelope and put it in an envelope. After a while, he began to write the second letter with a grim face. .

This is for Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen.

"My parents, my lords..."


With the experience of the first letter, he wrote much faster this time, and wrote... two hundred words in half an hour.

The general meaning is basically the same, that is to say some nonsense like "I'm here, I'm fine, and Uncle Liang treats me very well, you don't have to worry about it, just write to me if you have anything to do".

It's really hard work, and one day if I take power, I will vigorously promote Mandarin all over the country!

After writing two letters in a row, Wei Changtian cursed secretly, picked up the third piece of letter paper, and began to give Wang Er instructions.

But this time he used the vernacular directly.

The specific content is just two words-"vital person".

Although Liang Zhen would definitely send someone to protect him secretly, and Wei Xianzhi probably had already arranged staff for Xuan Jing Division's sub-helm in Shuzhou, but considering what he was going to do in the future, these people were obviously not enough.

It just so happens that the group of Freemasons have nothing to do, so it's better to let Wang Er choose some reliable ones to come and help.

"...This matter must be done as soon as possible, and be careful to keep them hidden when they come!"

"You can make up your own mind or discuss with Li Yang about the Freemasonry. If you encounter a serious situation, you can also send a letter to me..."


After finishing writing in one go, the night outside the window was already deep.

Putting the third letter aside alone, and preparing to find Liang Zhen to send it through the military channel tomorrow, Wei Changtian finally took a deep breath and began to write the last letter, which was also a letter to Xu Qingwan.

"Qing Wan..."

He just picked up the pen and wrote two words and then stopped. After thinking for a while, he kneaded the letter paper into a ball, took a new one and wrote it again.


Well, this one seems a little more intimate.

Wei Changtian nodded in satisfaction, and wanted to continue writing, but the tip of the pen didn't come down for a long time.

What should I write about myself?

I'm fine, don't you miss me?

You want to wait for me? Wait for me to go back and marry you in three years?

Days without me to take care of myself?

These words seem to be said, but there is no need to say them.

The night was dark and the stars were still.

Wei Changtian thought for a long time, and even Yuan'er, who was waiting beside her, fell asleep with her chin propped up.

Xu Qingwan may be the first woman to receive this kind of treatment after his time travel.

This may be because compared to Lu Jingyao and Yang Liushi, Wei Changtian always felt that his feelings for Comrade Xiao Xu were purer.

Conversely, Xu Qingwan's feelings for own may also be the purest one among the three girls...

Suddenly, Wei Changtian also threw aside the letter paper with the word "Wan'er" written on it in front of him, spread out a new one, and slowly wrote down a poem.

The slender clouds play tricks, the flying stars spread hatred, and the silver man is darkened far and wide.

Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless in the world.

Tenderness is like water, good times are like dreams, and I endure the magpie bridge to return.

If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening...

After hesitating for a moment, he took out a few banknotes and put them in an envelope together with the poem.

Love and money.


(end of this chapter)

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