I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 107 The Last Birthday

Chapter 107 The Last Birthday

After dinner, Yang Liushi went back to practice piano and study.

A fox has artistic pursuits, but it can only be said that the world is full of wonders.

As for Liang Qin who didn't know about Yang Liu's poem "good intentions", the servant said that she had returned to Liang's mansion, so she was probably very angry.

Wei Changtian didn't go to comfort his childhood sweetheart's interest, he also went back to his room after arranging the training tasks for Ah Chun, ready to sort out the things he had to do in the near future.

Candle lamps were lit in the spacious back room, and there were many items from his room in the Wei Mansion placed here and there.

It is estimated that Yuan'er specially brought them from the capital in order to allow herself to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible.

But no matter how familiar the environment is, it's not that noisy courtyard.


Are you now a house owner?

Wei Changtian smiled self-deprecatingly, and said to himself that what he dreamed of in his previous life is now so easily available.

In his previous life, he was born into a not-so-rich family. His parents had worked hard for most of their lives, and their wages had never been able to catch up with the housing prices. It was really impossible for his son who was working in a big city to get together the down payment for a house.

But Wei Changtian's girlfriend at that time pressed her hard, and in the end the old couple decided to sell the house they lived in together. Even if they rented a house, they had to buy it for their son first.

Wei Changtian didn't hesitate at all after learning about this, and asked his girlfriend the question that he had asked countless times for the last time——

Is it impossible to get married without a house?

The girlfriend replied: It's not negotiable, and a gift of 200,000 yuan is required.

Wei Changtian nodded: Break up.

The girlfriend who had been dating for more than two years fell in love with a local colleague within a month... This is another story, so I won't mention it anymore.

Before time-traveling, he failed to get an own house, and after time-traveling, Wei Changtian also lived in Wei Mansion, and did not "stand on his own".

But now everything is different.

Not only is the sect "independent", it also means that in the future... at least during the three years of being assigned, there will be no Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen to cover for him.

Although he is still standing under the shade of the big tree of the Wei family, most people in Shuzhou City at the foot of Yuanli Tianzi probably only know that he is the Wei Changtian who "killed the prime minister", but they don't know who he is. Wei Changtian, the "only son of the Wei family", is gone.

Everything depends on yourself.

Stretching, Wei Changtian just wanted to ask Zhang San to talk about something serious.

But when the words came to his lips, he suddenly froze for a moment.

What's the number today?

October 15th of the lunar calendar?

Depend on!

own birthday!

Not the former owner, but own birthday....

If I hadn't time-traveled, I guess I should have been eating birthday cake with some buddies during this time.

Hmm... maybe with a new girlfriend.

The parents must have sent a WeChat message early in the morning, and the content was nothing more than something like "My son is one year old again, Mom and Dad will always love you".

Then one person will transfer a birthday red envelope of 200 yuan to himself.

Alas, I have obviously graduated for several years...

By the way... do you want to do something to commemorate this special day today?

Definitely no cake, but it should be fine to get a hair cake or a big Steamed bun.

There are candles, too.


A scene of the underworld of "three white candles stuck in a big Steamed bun" suddenly appeared in his mind, and he immediately rejected this idea.

Really can't, sing yourself a birthday song?

It must be too sad...

never mind! Pull it down!

Have a fucking birthday!

Wei Changtian finally abandoned these messy thoughts, took a deep breath and shouted out the door:

"Zhang San!"


"Young master."

When Zhang San came in, Wei Changtian had already returned to normal.

He thought for a moment, and said slowly:

"There are a few things you need to do, but we don't have any manpower yet, so you can make a note for now. Someone from the Freemasonry will come from the capital later, and you can make arrangements at that time."

"The villain understands."

Zhang San nodded, and then heard Wei Changtian say one by one:

"First, I want to know the daily whereabouts of Chu Xianping whom I met in the Xuanjing Division today. Where he went, who he met, and what he did, as long as he doesn't find out, the more detailed the better."

"Secondly, I plan to dig a few darkrooms in this house, as well as a tunnel leading to the outside. You should find someone to see how to design it."

"Third, we need to find out the situation of all the residents around us, especially the widowed mother and son next to me."

"Fourth, prepare some generous gifts for me. I'm going to Tianluo Sect in a few days, um...by the way, I'll also inquire about the situation of Tianluo Sect. It's fine."



Zhang San kept in mind the principle of "nothing is too small" that Wei Changtian said before, and he didn't immediately agree, but after thinking for a while, he said:

"Young master, the first and third things can't be done by me alone, but the second and fourth things are fine."

"Okay, then you can do these two things first, and the rest will be discussed when the man arrives."

"Yes, son."

Zhang San bowed to accept the order: "Do you have any orders?"

"Not anymore... Wait a minute, there is one more thing."

Wei Changtian smiled and said, "Go and get the altar wine."


After a stick of incense.

No cake, no birthday song, no friends or family.

Wei Changtian just leaned against the open window, sipping wine all by himself.

Although it is winter, Shuzhou does not freeze at the coldest time of the year, so today's night is not too cold, and the gentle evening breeze is just right.

This window is facing the front yard of the house, and Yang Liushi's room is diagonally opposite, and the sound of a piano can be faintly heard from it.

Yuan'er, who seemed to have nothing to do, was sitting under the eaves in a daze, singing a ditty casually to the sound of the piano.

The two are not very clear, but one east and one west correspond to each other.

When the sound of the piano is high, the singing is low.

When the singing is far away, the piano is near.

But no matter the sound of the piano or the singing, there is a strong sense of homesickness in it.

Sister, it's okay for Yuan'er to be homesick, but why does Yang Liushi play this kind of music?

No, even though it is a fox, it still has relatives in its hometown.

Or is it more appropriate to say "pro-demon"?

Unknowingly, Wei Changtian's thinking has become a little confused, as if he was drunk.

In fact, it is very difficult for a cultivator after entering the product to get drunk.

But sometimes being drunk or not is not just about how much alcohol you drink.

If wine does not get drunk, everyone gets drunk, that's what it means.

A cup is used up alone, and the pot is poured.

One cup after another, I don't know how long I have been drinking like this, and there is an extra Yang Liushi beside me.

She didn't ask any questions, just silently accompanied Wei Changtian and drank for a long time, until the latter pointed to the full moon hanging in the night sky drunkenly.

"Do you know what's on it?"

"How would the servants know?"

Yang Liushi dragged her chin with a small hand, looked at Yuanyue and then at Wei Changtian, and waited for a long time for the answer.


"But isn't it said in the book that there are fairies on the moon?"

"There's a fart fairy, a liar."

Wei Changtian fell into Yang Liushi's arms with a "plop", and asked in a daze, "Do you know why the moon waxes and wanes?"

Yang Liushi gently hugged Wei Changtian, and asked softly, "Why?"


Wei Changtian buried his face in the softness, his voice muffled.

"Forget it, you still don't understand."


Yang Liushi was stunned for a moment, but soon smiled.

"My lord, are you missing the capital?"

"Old, daddy is thinking about the earth..."

"Earth, Earth?"


This time, Yang Liushi waited for a long time but did not wait for the next sentence. When she listened carefully, she realized that Wei Changtian had fallen asleep.

She was afraid that Wei Changtian would catch a cold, so she didn't know whether to laugh or cry and wanted to close the wooden window.

But at this moment, a sentence came from his arms intermittently.

"But, I hope that people will last forever, and share the joys and joys of thousands of miles..."


Yang Liushi was stunned for a moment, her gaze stayed on the full moon for a long, long time.

"My lord, every year from now on, I will drink with you..."

"Don't drink..."

Wei Changtian muttered in his sleep:

"I'm only drunk this once..."

(end of this chapter)

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