I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

122 Chapter 122 One Man Guards The Gate

122 Chapter 122 One man guards the gate

Looking up and looking around, the yellow clothes are heavy, the autumn wind is rustling, and the fallen trees are rustling.

"I'm with you!"

When Wei Changtian yelled these words outside the car, the eyes of the three women in the car suddenly widened, and an inexplicable complex emotion welled up in their hearts.

"Big, big sister, Mr. Wei, he"

Ning Yuzhu bit her lip, her voice trembling.

In contrast, Ning Yuke was calmer. While protecting the unconscious Ning Qingyu, she tried to look out through the gap in the car door.

The gap is very small, and there seems to be only a section of red rope shaking in the wind.

Several guards belonged to the palace, so it is understandable to fight to the death to protect the lord.

Ke Wei Changtian

Of course the three girls understood that these assassins were coming for them and their father.

Although they didn't know how likely Wei Changtian would succeed if he escaped alone, it must be easier to survive than staying here

All of a sudden, a very similar thought popped into the minds of the three of them.

If I don't die this time, I will

"Clang clang clang clang!"

The sound of the clash of swords and swords came into the car, and it was obvious that fighting had already started outside.

The three women huddled together, their eyes filled with fear and worry, as well as deep emotion.

But what they didn't know was that the reason why Wei Changtian stayed was not because of some "hot blooded desire to be a hero" impulse, but a choice made after rational analysis.

There was chaos outside the sedan chair.


Raising the saber and swinging away the long sword in front of him, Wei Changtian turned his hand and chopped off an assassin's arm. Before he could catch his breath, he subconsciously turned sideways to avoid a saber attack from another direction.


The cold blade slashed on the sedan chair behind him, and the broken wood flew up, revealing the inner lock fairy stone.

The assassin couldn't help being stunned when he realized that he hadn't split the sedan chair. Wei Changtian also seized the opportunity to strike again. The next second, a head flew into the air, and there was still a deep sense of incomprehension in his wide-eyed eyes. .

Blood poured down like rain, staining the faces of several people around.

But at this moment, no one was bothered to wipe their faces. Wei Changtian had already turned his head to deal with others, and the assassin's headless corpse was kicked away by his accomplice before it could fall down, and he swung a knife to fill the empty space.


After killing one person, Wei Changtian's pressure has not weakened in the slightest, but the current situation is already the best he expected.

When the group of assassins appeared just now, his first thought was to run for his life, but he immediately denied this thought.

The reason is simple, because it is easier to survive if you stay.

No matter which faction these assassins came from, since they dared to assassinate a prince, the mastermind behind the scenes would never allow any witnesses to escape.

Therefore, if he breaks out alone, he will definitely fall into the siege, even if he is wearing inner armor, it is estimated that there will be more or less bad luck.

And if you don't go.

The carriage made by Suoxianshi can block attacks from three directions, but only in the direction of the door, there are guards from the palace to share some pressure for him, which can minimize the fighting surface.

In this way, no matter how many assassins there are, there are only three or four who can really attack Own, and he still has the power to fight.

The current facts prove that Wei Changtian's thinking is indeed correct.

Although a group of assassins had already surrounded the carriage, most of them could only worry on the periphery.

They never expected that the carriage was so hard that any attack on the inner stone would have no effect at all.

If the carriage cannot be resolved, the situation will continue to be deadlocked, which will undoubtedly be very unfavorable to them.

However, at this moment, an assassin's eyes lit up, and he suddenly shouted:

"It's the lockstone! Don't use Internal Energy!!"


Wei Changtian, who was in the middle of a fierce battle, couldn't help but feel his heart sink when he heard these words.

Depend on! Which idiot is so smart?

What about the halo of reducing wisdom? ?

Oh, I almost forgot that I'm not the protagonist, so it's fine.

He cursed secretly, and the assassins besieging the carriage immediately achieved results after changing their attack methods.

Although it is still impossible to cut through the Immortal Locking Stone immediately, each cut can already leave a trail of traces. Coupled with the large number of people, it is estimated that it will not take long to "break the car and enter".

Wei Changtian naturally didn't want to see this scene happen, but he was in danger now, so he didn't have the time to rescue him.

"Clang! Clang, clang!"

In just a few breaths, countless knives fell on the carriage.

Wei Changtian happened to kick an assassin away at this moment, so he took advantage of the short gap and quickly turned his head to take a look.

Although several palace guards were still holding on, they were all at the end of their strength, obviously unable to do more.

as for the carriage

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he watched as several assassins inserted their long knives into the gap, and then suddenly turned them up.


Amidst the earth-shattering muffled sound, the entire Immortal Locking Stone on the back of the car was lifted off just like that!

Damn it!

What kind of bean curd dregs project is this! !

Wei Changtian's mood fell to the bottom in an instant, and then he felt his chest sinking in the next second. It turned out that someone took advantage of his dazed time and slashed him up.


The clothes shattered and opened a big hole, but the long knife was blocked by the inner armor that had already saved his life, so Wei Changtian was just thrown backwards by the impact at this moment.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Several assassins immediately followed him like a shadow, presumably preparing to suppress him from getting up.

But it came to nothing.

I saw that the figure flying upside down in mid-air did not fall to the ground as expected, but suddenly a kite turned over in the air very unreasonably, and the figure rose instead of falling, and it went directly over the rear containment like this The few people falling towards the back of the sedan chair!

Swinging steps are small and perfect - Fengyao!

In the sedan chair.

When the entire fairy lock stone was pried open, Ning Yuke and the three women felt that they had no chance of surviving.

A masked assassin had half stepped into the sedan chair, and the long knife in his hand reflected a faint cold light.


Ning Yuzhu and Ning Yuling crawled backwards in great horror, but the car is so big, how far can they go if they retreat.

The two soon shivered and curled up in a corner of the carriage, their wide eyes filled with tears.

They are really afraid of death, and they really don't want to die.

Unlike the second daughter, although Ning Yuke was equally terrified at the moment, she did not hide. Instead, she tremblingly opened her arms and stood in front of the two Little Sisters.

She stared at the assassin in front of her, without blinking her eyes, until a gust of wind blew off the already loose veil.

People are dying, of course Ning Yuke doesn't care about such trivial matters.

However, the assassin on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, and immediately raised his knife and said with a sneer:

"Hahahaha, it turns out that the dignified Princess Rou'an is such an ugly monster!"

"You look more suitable to be a ghost, don't worry, I'll send you to hell right away!"


In the next second, the knife flashed and the head fell to the ground.

just dead

A head rolled to Ning Yuke's feet, and the headless corpse fell to the ground with a "plop".

Ning Yuke was stunned for a second, then slowly raised her head and looked in front of her.

In sight, there was a figure covered in blood, and countless assassins in yellow clothes swooping towards us with knives.

(end of this chapter)

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