I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 132 The Plot Advances

Chapter 132 The plot advances

It is a technology for subordinates to drink with their leaders, and it can be divided into several types according to different people.

Wooden type: A typical white man in the workplace, generally engaged in technology work, often patronizing to eat at the table, rarely offering toast to the leader, and at most following behind for a drink when the group is toasting.

No oil and salt: most of them are old people in the company, and they often refuse to drink with excuses such as driving, taking medicine, allergies, and preparing for pregnancy. Instead of wine", but still "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains with tigers".

Service type: I don't drink much by myself, but I have good eyesight. If the leader is out of wine, he will pour it, if the leader is too drunk, he will help him, and if the leader cannot drive, he will call for a substitute driver. Most of them are secretary assistants.

Sensible type: well versed in human relationships and sophistication, never let the leader stand in the cold, wish to toast ten times for a meal, say auspicious words every time without repeating the same, and end with "I did it, you can do whatever you want" ending.

Anti-customer-oriented type: When you first enter the table, you don’t show any signs of leakage, but after a few glasses of wine, you start to "make the sky thin". What's more, you can talk about it better than the leader. The classic mantra is - "I will give you a glass".

There is no difference between good and bad performance on the wine table, but it can reflect a person's character.

It's just that Chu Xianping doesn't belong to the above categories. If I have to say it, he should be regarded as a "stable type".

It was dark outside the window, and the tavern was brightly lit.

Diners shuttled back and forth, and the Zuixiao Tower was already bustling with activity, but Wei Changtian's table was rather deserted.

The two had already drank a lot of wine and talked a lot, but they were basically in the state of Wei Changtian asking and Chu Xianping answering, and the sense of distance between superiors and subordinates was still obvious.

It can't go on like this!

Wei Changtian took a bite of the dish, ready to break through from a different angle.

"Brother Chu, just now I heard from the shop waiter that there is a new brothel nearby, and it seems to be pretty good."

"Why don't we go shopping together after dinner?"


Chu Xianping was taken aback for a moment, shook his head and smiled wryly, "Young Master Wei, I won't go."

"Huh? Why, Brother Chu, is there anything else to do later?"

"That's not true."

At this time, Chu Xianping definitely couldn't say "I never go to the brothel" to slap the leader's face. After hesitating for a moment, he replied in a low voice: "I already have a sweetheart."

Waiting for this topic!

Wei Changtian was overjoyed in his heart, but there was an expression of sudden realization on his face.

"Haha, that's how it is! I was the one who was abrupt."

"When will brother Chu get married? Remember to let me know when the time comes, and I'll go drink your wedding wine!"


Hearing Wei Changtian's familiar words, Chu Xianping was a little surprised at first, but soon felt a sense of disappointment in his heart, and finally sighed softly.

If it was normal, he would definitely not express his emotions so clearly.

But after drinking alcohol today, his vigilance will inevitably drop.

"Huh? Brother Chu, why are you sighing?" Wei Changtian asked knowingly.


Chu Xianping was still confused.

He really wanted to confide the distress in his heart, but he felt that he hadn't gotten to know Wei Changtian well enough for that.

However, Wei Changtian was not prepared to let go of such a good opportunity to "heart-to-heart", and simply took the initiative to attack.

"Brother Chu, you are probably sighing because of that woman."


Chu Xianping didn't say a word, he acquiesced in this guess.

"Oh, since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by the beauty pass!"

Wei Changtian pretended to drink a glass of wine by himself, and said with a sincere expression: "Brother Chu, what is the specific difficulty?"

"If you can trust me, tell me. I might be able to help you."


Wei Changtian has already talked about this point, if Chu Xianping refuses to say it, then he "can't trust the leader".

He also took a sip of wine, and finally said slowly:

"Young Master Wei, it's actually not a big deal, it's just that my sweetheart is going to marry someone else."


Wei Changtian's expression instantly became extremely surprised.

Unlike before, this time he didn't pretend, but was really surprised.

According to the original book, Chu Xianping's sweetheart will indeed be spotted by a wealthy businessman, and he will be forced to take him as a concubine.

And it is precisely because of this that Xiao Feng was given the opportunity to take Chu Xianping to snatch the marriage.

There is nothing wrong with the plot, but this plot should only happen after the Chinese New Year!

Why is it early?

Could it be because Xiao Feng came to Shuzhou earlier?

This is the first time that Wei Changtian encountered a situation where the plot in the book happened ahead of time, so he inevitably thought about it for a while.

Seeing his reaction like this, Chu Xianping thought that what he said was too shocking, so he hurriedly explained:

"My lord, I don't actually have an engagement with that woman, or it's just my unrequited love. You don't have to worry about it."


Good guy, he really is the king of dog licking.

Wei Changtian paused for a moment, then calmed down and asked softly, "Brother Chu, so that means that girl didn't mean anything to you?"

"It's actually intentional"

"Why did she marry someone else if she wanted to?"

"She, she doesn't want to, but I can't decide this matter by myself."

"Huh? Listen to Brother Chu."

Wei Changtian "reasoned": "Is she attracted by those powerful figures?"

Chu Xianping nodded with difficulty: "Yes"


Wei Changtian said in his heart that he didn't run away this time, it really was because the plot was advanced.

His face was serious, and he suddenly said sharply: "Brother Chu! I don't think you are the kind of person who is timid and timid. Since the two of you are in love, why are you willing to give up the cupped hands of your sweetheart?!"


Chu Xianping was taken aback by the sudden accusation, then shook his head and smiled wryly: "My lord, who is willing to do this, but I am humble and have little power, what can I do?"

"Don't forget, you are also a member of the Xuanjing Division!"

Wei Changtian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Who is the other party?"


At this time, Chu Xianping had roughly guessed what Wei Changtian was going to do. He was a little hesitant, but also vaguely looking forward to it.

"It's the Guo family who are in the cloth business."

"The Guo family? I've never heard of it."

Wei Changtian pouted arrogantly, then stared at Chu Xianping seriously and said, "Brother Chu, although we two have only known each other not long ago, since I know about this matter, I won't sit idly by!"

"What should be yours will eventually be yours, you just put your heart in your stomach!"


Although he was mentally prepared, when Chu Xianping really heard that Wei Changtian was going to settle the matter for him, he couldn't help but feel a wave of turmoil in his heart.

Excited and touched, puzzled and puzzled.

"Young Master Wei, you, why are you willing to help me?"

Why help you?

This somehow stopped Wei Changtian from asking.

Only now did he realize that he was too eager to get closer to Chu Xianping just now, and he did too little foreshadowing.

But it's not a big problem, as long as the reasons are good enough.

As for what reason is the most convincing, it is naturally empathy.

"Oh, brother Chu, since that's the case, I won't hide it from you."

Gently put down the wine glass, Wei Changtian turned his head to look out the window, his eyes began to become melancholy.

He seemed to be caught in a sad memory, and muttered in his mouth: "Actually, I saw myself in you."

"Young master, you mean."

"That's right, once I also had a beloved woman, but it was taken away by others."

Wei Changtian recalled "painfully": "I was too cowardly at that time, and watched her become someone else's bride"

"Forget it, it's all over, drink!"

Suppressing the non-existent tears, Wei Changtian poured himself a glass of wine, and immediately drank it down with his neck raised.

He showed off his acting skills crazily, and Chu Xianping was indeed deceived. Not only did the doubts in his heart disappear, but he even "figured out" many things in an instant.

No wonder the Xuanjing Division has been rumoring that Mr. Wei is a womanizer who spends his days looking for flowers and asking willows.

It turned out that it was because I was hurt by love, that's why I'm so careless now!

(end of this chapter)

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