I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 144 Ning Yuke's Choice

Chapter 144 Ning Yuke's Choice

"Princess, after entering the cave, you will encounter five forked roads, the leftmost one is for life, and the rest are for death."

"Go straight along the Shengsheng path and you will enter an ancient Immortal Cave. Don't worry about anything else. There is an Eight Trigrams array on the innermost side. There are eight gates of Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui on it. , there is a long sword stuck above each door."

"Eight-handled long swords lead to four lives and four deaths. If you pull out the right sword, you will get a treasure. If you pull out the wrong sword, it will trigger a mechanism. Thousands of arrows will pierce the heart."

"Among them, Gan, Li, and Xun are the gates of death, and there is one hexagram of the gate of death. The young master didn't say anything."

The night is as dark as ink, and the mountains and forests are silent, only the rustling of leaves and Zhang San's calm statement.

Ning Yuke glanced at the pitch-black hole, which seemed to be able to swallow everything, and confirmed softly:

"That is to say, in the Kun, Zhen, Kan, Gen, and Dui five hexagrams, four lives and one death, as long as I don't choose the only dead door?"


Zhang San nodded: "If the princess chooses the right one, you should be able to see what the young master wants in the world, and then you can just take it out."

"Okay, I see."

Ning Yuke smiled, took Ye Mingzhu from Zhang San, tied a long rope around her waist, and walked to the entrance of the cave.

Ye Mingzhu's purpose is to illuminate, but the rope is not tied to save her, but to wait for her body to be pulled out after she dies in the hole.

The pale moonlight fell on everyone through the gaps in the leaves. Compared with the somewhat nervous Masons, Ning Yuke's face showed no sign of shrinking back.

Before she came, she was mentally prepared to never return, so she was not afraid at the moment, but she was slightly regretful about one thing——

Mr. Wei really didn't come.

Shaking his head slightly, he walked slowly into the cave entrance.

Ye Mingzhu's light became weaker and weaker, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

And not long after she entered, Wei Changtian slowly appeared from the darkness in the forest with a calm expression.

"Young master."

Zhang San leaned over and reported in a low voice: "The people in the palace haven't noticed yet, and our people are also very careful along the way, so there shouldn't be any problems."


Wei Changtian calmly ordered: "Send a few more fast-footed people to keep an eye on the movement of the palace. Once they find out that Ning Yuke is missing, they will definitely take action and notify me immediately."


Zhang San nodded to arrange the matter, while Wei Changtian looked at the slightly shaking rope protruding from the hole, and sighed softly in his heart.

If possible, he still didn't want Ning Yuke to die in the cave.

But perseveringly, I really didn't remember which hexagrams in the last Eight Trigrams formation were Shengmen.

According to the description in the original book, it was wrong for Xiao Feng to draw four swords in the Eight Trigrams formation, but he managed to survive the various traps by relying on Transcendent's "strength", and finally won the "Wan Ren Yin" and "Wan Ren Yin". Star scabbard".

Ning Yuke undoubtedly does not have the ability to survive after triggering the mechanism, so she must choose the life gate.

But although Wei Changtian has read the original work several times, it is really hard to remember such details.

Just eliminating the three wrong answers of "Qian, Li, and Xun", he had already racked his brains, but he couldn't remember which hexagram the remaining dead door was.

Alas, it only depends on Ning Yuke's luck

in the hole.

This cave is much bigger than Ning Yuke imagined.

Although the entrance of the cave is only half the height of a person, it is instantly much wider after entering it, and the feet under the feet are not gravel and mud, but tightly knit stone steps.

However, the steps are full of bones left by various animals after death, which looks quite scary.

Is this the ancient Immortal Cave? Why do so many animals die here?

What exactly does Mr. Wei want?

It would be a lie to say that she was not afraid, Ning Yuke could only distract Own's attention by thinking wildly, and at the same time quickened her pace and continued to walk deep along the stone steps.

The road is getting wider and there are fewer and fewer bones around it.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, she finally stopped for the first time, and Ye Mingzhu illuminated the five forked roads in front of her.

The five roads are almost identical except that they lead in different directions. Ning Yuke remembered what Zhang San said, so she stepped forward to take the only "survival road" on the far left.

But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a line of small characters engraved on the stone slab at the bottom of her feet.

"Heaven and earth combine to create everything, and Yin & Yang change together."

this word

Ning Yuke froze for a moment, subconsciously began to think about the meaning.

She had a half-comprehension, and felt that what she said seemed to make sense, but it didn't make sense.

After a long while, Ning Yuke hesitated a little, and then walked to the second road.

Sure enough, a sentence was also engraved on the ground——

"When the world changes, things change, and when things change, prepare for change."

The third way also has——

"All things are one with me."

Article 4——

"When the eyes are open, the flowers are bright; when the eyes are closed, the flowers are silent."

The last one——

"Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky."

There are a total of five paths, and a total of five sentences with different meanings.

If Ning Yuke had to choose by herself, she would have chosen the last one, which is from "The Analects of Confucius", which represents the objective idealism point of view, "Life and death are fate, wealth and honor depend on heaven."

But if it were Wei Changtian, even if he didn't know the answer in advance, there is a high probability that he would take the leftmost "survival path" without hesitation.

The reason is simple, because this sentence is closest to the value of "objective materialism" established by him through modern education.

"Da da da"

The slight sound of footsteps sounded again, Ning Yuke didn't make a claim out of her own will, but went back to the leftmost fork and walked up.

There is no abnormality, indicating that this road is indeed the only way of life.

There was no sound, and the stone walls were as smooth as a mirror.

Holding Ye Mingzhu, she continued walking along the path for about a stick of incense. When Ning Yuke stopped for the second time, a huge stone cave with a length and width of several tens of feet suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. .

The stone cave is shaped like a covered bowl, and the whole body of the stone walls and ground are blue-gray, smooth and shiny, without any trace of dust, it looks a bit like jade.

And in the middle of the stone cave is the Eight Trigrams array that Zhang San said.

Qiankun shakes Sunda, Kanli Gendui.

There is a wooden sword inserted in the eight hexagram positions, and the appearance and shape are exactly the same. It can be said that there is no difference except for the different positions.

There are still five sentences to remind the fork in the road just now, but now...

Ning Yuke took a deep breath and put Ye Mingzhu on the ground, walked around the Eight Trigrams formation, remembering what Zhang San said.

Qian, Li, and Xun are the gates of death, and the other five gates have four births and one death.

Kun, Zhen, Kan, Gen, and Dui represent Earth, Thunder, Water, Mountain, and Ze in Eight Trigrams

Four lives and one death.

In other words, even if you choose randomly, there is only a 20% probability of choosing the dead door.

Ning Yuke didn't think for too long, or it seemed like she didn't think at all.

She just circled around, and then stood on the seat representing the "mountain", immediately stretched out her hand to hold the hilt of the sword, and pulled it out forcefully.

"Crunch. Wow!!!"

The sound of the mechanism running suddenly rang loudly, resounding through the cave in an instant.

(end of this chapter)

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