I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 146 Wei Changtian's Choice

Chapter 146 Wei Changtian's Choice

Something happened to the palace.

Hearing these words, Wei Changtian's eyes froze for a moment, and he glanced at Ning Yuke who was bewildered from the corner of his eye, and then slowly stood up from the bluestone.

"Princess, I have some urgent matters to arrange, please wait a moment."

"Well, you don't need to worry about me, sir." Ning Yuke nodded slightly.


Wei Changtian arched his cupped hands with a smile, and the expression on his face gradually became gloomy after walking some distance away from Zhang San:

"What happened? They found that Ning Yuke was missing?"


Zhang San replied in a low voice: "My lord, the brothers who monitored the palace just reported that they saw dozens of men in black sneaking into the palace with their own eyes. As soon as they noticed this, they immediately sent people to Yanyun Mountain. Half an hour has passed."

"The man in black? Entered the palace?"

Wei Changtian's tone froze, and his pupils shrank suddenly: "What else? Bring the spies here!"


Zhang Sanyi waved his hand, and the thin man who was waiting at the side immediately stepped forward, and quickly described the affairs of the palace in detail.

The man in black, with a knife, has extraordinary skills. After entering the palace, there is no movement

While Wei Changtian was listening, his brain was running fast.

Judging from the spies' description, there are only two possibilities for the origin of this group of people.

One is from Ning Qingyu, and the other is from Ning Yongnian.

Wei Changtian feels that the former is more likely.

After all, the "Joint Investigation Team" is still in Shuzhou City, and the case of assassinating the prince is still under investigation. Ning Yongnian probably won't do it again at this juncture.

But that's not certain.

In case it's an assassin

Wei Changtian was too lazy to meddle in other people's business. If those people were really the killers sent by Ning Yongnian, he would never go to save Ning Qingyu after scoring twice.

But what about Ning Yuke?

Send her back, send the sheep to the tiger's mouth?

Keep her and protect her well?

Or just ignore her and let her fend for herself?

"Take Ning Yuke and prepare the car to go back to the city."

After a while, Wei Changtian made up his mind.


Zhang San nodded, and then confirmed: "My lord, shall we go back home, or?"

"Go to Prince Shun's Mansion first."

"My lord, what happened?"

After a stick of incense, the black carriage drove away from the foot of Yanyun Mountain, and flew along the official road all the way to Shuzhou City.

Ning Yuke looked at Wei Changtian who didn't say a word, and said softly with some worry: "I see that your face doesn't look very good."

"Thank you princess for your concern."

Wei Changtian shook his head: "It's nothing serious, I was just thinking about something."


Seeing that Wei Changtian didn't want to say anything, Ning Yuke didn't ask anymore, but turned her head slightly to look at the night outside the car window.

I don't know why, but since just now, there has always been an inexplicable panic and anxiety in her heart.

Dark clouds covered the moon, and her heartbeat became more and more rapid.


At the south gate of Shuzhou City, several city guards waved and stopped Wei Changtian's carriage, preparing for a routine inspection when entering the city.

Zhang San turned over and got out of the car, and put his hands into his chest while walking towards the soldiers.

He always has the badges of the Xuanjing Division and the Qingpao Army on his body, as long as any one is shown, he can basically pass through the entire Shuzhou City unimpeded.

But this time what he took out was not a token, but a few ingots of silver.

"Military masters, my master fell asleep in the car, can you accommodate me so that you don't wake him up?"


Several soldiers glanced left and right, then took the money with a smile, and slipped it into their sleeves quietly.

"There are many people in the middle of the night, which is understandable."

"It seems that you don't look like a villain, then we won't investigate, you go in quickly."

"Thank you, Mr. Jun, for your accommodation!"

Zhang San expressed his thanks with cupped hands, and the black carriage also entered the city smoothly, and drove towards the palace at a leisurely pace.

It was already Yin time, and it would be dawn in about two hours.

Although there is no curfew in Daning, few people will wander the streets at three or four o'clock in the middle of the night.

The streets were empty, the doors and windows of the houses were closed, and occasionally a few beggars and drunkards lay down on the side of the road and fell asleep.

All in all, tonight seems to be no different from usual.

Am I thinking too much?

Looking at the scene in the night through the curtain of the car, Wei Changtian breathed a sigh of relief.

It has been more than an hour since the group of men in black entered the palace. If they were really assassins, the whole city must be in chaos by now, how could it be so quiet.


so best.

"Princess, I will park the carriage near the palace later, and ask Zhang San to take you in."

Withdrawing his gaze, Wei Changtian said softly to Ning Yuke who was frowning and wondering what to think: "Please don't tell others what happened tonight."


Ning Yuke came back to her senses when she heard the words, and hurriedly nodded her head to assure: "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely not tell anyone about it."

"That's good."

Wei Changtian hesitated for a moment, then reached out and took something out of his sleeve pocket.

"Princess, please take this back as well."

"this is."

Ning Yuke looked intently through the candle lamp in the sedan chair, and then The next moment trembled all over.

A sachet with a gold pattern on a white background, with the word "Ping An" embroidered on it.

"Mr. Wei"

There was a smile on his face, but there was a bit of pleading in his tone.

"You, don't you like the style of this sachet?"

"Yes, or I will embroider another one for you"

"No need."

Wei Changtian shook his head slightly, and put the sachet by Ning Yuke's hand.

He originally wanted to say something more, but in the end it only became one sentence.

"Princess, take care."


The sound of "da da da" horseshoes became slower and slower, and then stopped.

Ning Yuke bit her lips tightly, clutching the sachet she had sewn stitch by stitch, her eyes full of painful struggle.

"My lord, we've arrived at the palace."

Zhang San's voice came from outside the car, Wei Changtian glanced at Ning Yuke, and asked through the car curtain:

"Is there any difference?"

"Everything is business as usual."


Wei Changtian turned around and said calmly, "Princess, you should go."


A gust of night wind blew mistyly into the sedan chair, and with the whining sound that came with the wind, the black hair next to Ning Yuke's ears shook slightly.

Ning Yuke didn't refuse, but gave Wei Changtian a deep look at the end.

Maybe it was because she also knew that she would probably not be able to see Wei Changtian again after tonight, so she wanted to keep this man's appearance firmly in her heart.

"Young master, you have to take care too."

A few westerly winds come at night, hurriedly changing the world.

Ning Yuke suddenly turned her head away, resisting the tears that were about to flow from the corners of her eyes, and bent down to get out of the car.

However, at this moment.


A big hand suddenly grabbed her arm from behind without any warning, and immediately pulled her back into the car with force.


Ning Yuke subconsciously screamed, wanting to turn her head to look at Wei Changtian.

But before she could turn her head around, a low growl burst into her ears.

"Zhang San, go!!"

(end of this chapter)

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