I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 218 Situation Analysis

Chapter 218 Situation Analysis

After sending away the 30 undercover agents from the same boat club, Wei Changtian was busy with the "post-disaster reconstruction" work in Shuzhou for another ten days.

After all, a large number of officials "accidentally died" before, and a large number of wealthy businessmen "run away with money" will inevitably affect the normal social order. It really made him experience what is called "with great power comes great responsibility".

"My lord, these days, all the ministries in Shuzhou City have basically dared not show their heads."

In the study, Chen Bo leaned against the chair with half of his buttocks, and asked very respectfully: "Do you want to continue?"

"No need, the fine work can never be finished. Now this level is enough, and you only need to pay more attention in the future."

Wei Changtian nodded, then turned to Liang Zhen and asked, "Uncle Liang, how is the situation in Jizhou?"

"The battle is imminent."

Liang Zhen just said four words concisely, and everyone in the room sighed after hearing the words.

Is it finally here?

Half a month ago, the imperial guards came out from the capital and went straight to Jizhou, but in the end they stationed in the neighboring Bingzhou, as if they wanted to force the Xu family to surrender by overwhelming the city.

But the Xu family obviously didn't have this plan. Not only did they firmly control Jizhou, but they didn't even know when they took away the prince who was far away in Liangzhou—Prince Jian.

It was clear that he was going to use the prince's name to confront Ning Yongnian head-on.

Of course Ning Yongnian couldn't bear this, and immediately ordered the five prefectures around Jizhou to assemble their troops and prepare to fight the Xu family together with the imperial guards, and even came to supervise the battle in person.

So, is it finally time to start fighting now?

"Long days."

Liang Zhen pondered for a moment, then asked: "Now that the imperial court has gathered troops from the five prefectures together with the imperial guards to attack Jizhou, no matter how well prepared the Xu family is, it will be difficult for them to hold on for too long."

"We still don't break up with the Xu family, isn't it too dangerous?"

Liang Zhen's question expressed what many people were thinking.

Now in the thirty-six prefectures of Daning, except for the two prefectures of Ji and Shu, no matter what they do secretly, at least on the surface, the rest of the prefectures have made many actions to suppress the Xu family.

Only Shuzhou was unmoved. Although they kept saying "support the imperial court", the properties of the Xu family on the street were still open for business, and even the Xu family who had fled from nearby state capitals did not refuse to come.

Right now, Ning Yongnian really has no time to deal with such an act of obedience and inconsistency, but he will definitely settle the score after the fall after he settles the Xu family.

Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with this idea.

But it can only be said that it is not far enough.

"Uncle Liang, do you think the Xu family is so vulnerable?"

Wei Changtian knew that if he didn't explain a little bit, the suspicion might continue to spread, so after thinking for a while, he said slowly:

"If you want the God of Wealth to enter the house, first ask the Xu family if it's allowed."

"Although the jokes in the market are exaggerated, they will not be too far apart."

"The Xu family may not be as powerful as Liu and Wu as Wei, but the amount of money they can dispatch is definitely a huge number."

"But what's the use of having money?"

Liang Zhen frowned and asked, "How can one state have as many troops as five states?"

Wei Changtian smiled and asked back: "Haha, Uncle Liang, what do you think is a war?"

"Of course it's the strategy of the general and the strength of the soldiers!" Liang Zhen replied without hesitation.

"That's true, but in my opinion"

Wei Changtian smiled: "Money is what you fight in wars."


Everyone was taken aback, except Chu Xianping who was sitting in the corner nodded slightly.

"Yes, it's money."

Wei Changtian continued on this side: "Since it is a war, at least one side must have tens of thousands of people."

"With so many people, how much food and grass do you need to eat a day? How much military pay? How many weapons are consumed?"

"The court is rich right now, but what about the state capitals?"

"Can they still be richer than the Xu family?"

"Besides, over the years, the Xu family must have accumulated countless rare treasures besides silver."

"With these treasures, it's not difficult to hire a few experts from the green forest, right?"

"Not to mention too much, as long as the Xu family can have three or four more second rank masters, will the situation be different?"


Now that Liang Zhen understood Wei Changtian's meaning, he couldn't help asking: "Changtian, then according to your wishes. Can the Xu family still succeed?"

"It is impossible to succeed with a high probability."

Wei Changtian shook his head in "self-denial": "After all, the strength of a family cannot compete with a country. If the Xu family has no backup, failure will only happen sooner or later."

Liang Zhen was puzzled: "Then why didn't we break up with them earlier?"

"Uncle Liang, whoever wins or loses between the Xu family and the imperial court has nothing to do with us? Our opponent is only the Liu family."

Wei Changtian took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "As long as it's beneficial to this matter, there's nothing we can't do."

"As for settling accounts after the fall. Hehe, if there is a day, the emperor can find any reason."


As soon as these words came out, both Chu Xianping and Chen Bo instantly understood what Wei Changtian, or what the Wei family wanted to do.

Only Liang Zhen still looked puzzled, obviously not wanting to understand the meaning of these words.

Good guy, this uncle own is really a standard warrior head, only suitable for fighting

Wei Changtian shook his head and turned his gaze to Chu Xianping.

The latter immediately leaned over to explain the mystery to Liang Zhen in a low voice, while Wei Changtian stretched himself, opened the door and walked out of the study.

For safety reasons, his office is no longer at home, but directly moved to the state office.

Although it is indeed much easier to deal with things, the downside is that you can't just look up and see Yingying Yanyan laughing and busy in the small courtyard.


Now I am a person who has to do big things, how can I still be addicted to women all day long like before!

But then again, it's been a long time since I had a good workout with Yang Liushi and Yuan'er.


"Zhang San!"

"Young master, I am here."

"Prepare the car! Go home!"


Just do what you say, Wei Changtian can indeed be called vigorous and resolute in terms of "movement".

He walked towards the gate of the state government office, and at the same time looked up at the sky that was almost dusk.

Thousands of miles of depression, yellow clouds at sunset.

Although he and Wei Xianzhi kept writing letters now, the situation in the capital was changing rapidly, and he was always worried from time to time, fearing that the next letter he received would be the last letter of his cheap father.

But with Wei Zhaohai around, there shouldn't be any major problems.

By the way, since Mother-Child jade has real-time communication function, should I invent a set of "Chinese code" or something like that, so that I can save the time of sending letters back and forth in the future, and truly realize instant communication.

After thinking wildly in my heart for a long time, I slowly looked away from the sky.

But at this moment, an old eunuch standing in front made Wei Changtian stop instantly.


Li Huaizhong?

(end of this chapter)

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