Chapter 224 Second Prince

Including Li Kan, there are a total of seventeen "neutral" court officials, and there will be more in the future.

This is the real purpose of Wei Changtian's establishment of the same boat club.

A lot of secrets that even Ning Yongnian and Wei Xianzhi didn't know were spread to the ears of the officials of the "participants" through the mouths of the two or five youngsters of the same boat club, in order to coerce and lure the latter to accept the puppet pill, and merged into a wave of fear. Political power used by oneself.

The late stage of the book "Martial Dao's Great Peak" has written a lot of content about court disputes. This time he has brought out most of the "family properties" he can remember, and he is bound to complete it in the shortest time The establishment of the basic framework of the fellowship.


Ninety-five Supreme, brilliant royal pole, the dragon chair is still empty.

Before Ning Yongnian showed up, the whispers in the Golden Luan Hall continued.

Beads of sweat oozed from Li Kan's back, but his expression remained unchanged. His eyes swept over the fourteen people behind him, and his mind kept flashing names and positions.

Imperial Academy, Guozijian, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Six Ministries, Generals in Beijing.

The backgrounds of the fourteen people are varied, but they are undoubtedly persons with real power in their respective organizations.

Li Kan didn't know why these people were recruited by Wei Changtian, and then he convinced Medicine Pill to become a member of the same boat club.

But if the man in the punishment department hadn't lied to himself, they would undoubtedly have no way out right now, just like him, and could only live and die with Wei Changtian, share the ups and downs.

His eyes froze for a few breaths, and he turned his head calmly.

Glancing again at the Taichang Si Qing who was standing in the same row as him in the same aisle, Li Kan finally focused his gaze on the back of the person in front left.

Those who can stand in the first row above the court hall are basically the senior officials of the first rank or from the first rank, such as the cabinet scholars, the ministers of various ministries, and the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Except for the two young men in the center who were dressed in python-embroidered gold robes with smoked mink sleeves.

And what Li Kan was looking at at this time was the one at the top of the left column among the two.

The second prince, Ning Wenyu.


Looking at the nine four-clawed red pythons churning in the waves on the golden robe, Li Kan's mood was extremely complicated.

But at this moment, the noise in the Great Hall suddenly stopped.

Everyone shut up instantly, and when Ning Yongnian walked out from behind the screen, he sat firmly on the dragon chair, and then knelt down on his knees, shouting in unison.

"Long live the emperor! Long live! Long live!"


"Everyone loves you in peace."

Ning Yongnian couldn't see any joy or anger on his expression, and he continued after everyone stood up:

"I don't discuss the rest of the matter today, only discuss the matter of great service."

"Now that the Xu family is in chaos, Dafeng has taken the opportunity to add insult to injury."

"To fight or not to fight this battle, let's talk about it."

The next day, Shuzhou Prefecture Government.

After a long discussion yesterday, Ning Yongnian has already made a decision on how to deal with Dafeng's provocation.

And this result was passed to Wei Changtian this afternoon.

Put down the chaos in Jizhou as soon as possible, and at the same time try to mediate the disputes between Liu and Wei, and then gather the strength of the whole country to prepare for a possible war.

After all, it is still the world of comprehension, and if there is a disagreement, it will be done.

Wei Changtian muttered something in his heart, and handed the secret letter in his hand to Chu Xianping, while he got up and opened the wooden window, taking two deep breaths of fresh air.

Dafeng's sudden horizontal kick was both unexpected and reasonable.

As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Now that Daning is in such a mess, the old opponent will definitely not let go of this opportunity, and it is reasonable to choose this time to attack.

Even if the two countries really make this national war into a protracted war, it is not impossible for Dali, which is adjacent to Shuzhou, to join in the fun again.

"Brother Chu, what do you think of this matter?"

Seeing Chu Xianping put down the secret letter, Wei Changtian turned his head and asked, "Do you really think you can fight?"


Unexpectedly, Chu Xianping gave a very positive answer: "And it will be soon."

Will fight, will fight soon.

Wei Changtian was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Why?"

"Da Ning and Da Feng are in the same situation, so the latter will never let go of such a great opportunity."

Chu Xianping calmly analyzed: "Since we want to fight, we must take advantage of the unrest in Jizhou. I even suspect that the Xu family has long been in collusion with Dafeng."

The Xu family colluded with Dafeng?

Wei Changtian looked consciously at the map hanging on the wall, and seemed to understand what Chu Xianping meant after a moment of silence.

From the geographical point of view, although Jizhou does not belong to the border state, it is close to Yuanzhou and Xizhou, which are in dispute with Dafeng in the west.

And if Dafeng wants to fight, he will definitely attack from this direction.

So if the original and western prefectures can't defend at that time, then the front line will be suppressed to Jizhou occupied by the Xu family.

Now that the Xu family has rebelled, it is impossible to attack Dafeng for any "national righteousness", and the city gate will definitely be opened to welcome the "righteous teacher".

And in this way, Jizhou will penetrate deeply into the hinterland of Daning like a dagger

Good guy!

No wonder the Xu family didn't make any resistance in the capital after the incident, and ran back to Jizhou immediately to defend it!

Emotional escape is here!

Surprised, Wei Changtian turned his attention to Chu Xianping who had guessed this level all at once.

He was just about to speak a few words of praise, but the latter frowned at this moment and said:

"But there's one thing I can't figure out."

"The disadvantage of the current situation should not be clear to the emperor. Even if he is confused for a while, it is impossible for so many people in the court to be confused along with him."

"At this time, it is obvious that we should try our best to delay, even if we have to make compromises and abandon the two states of Yuan and Xi, we should not go to war with Dafeng."

"But why are you still fighting?"


Why fight?

Chu Xianping may not understand this question, but Wei Changtian's heart is like a bright mirror.

Ning Yongnian just wanted to take care of the Xu family together with Dafeng!

Where does this confidence come from, you ask?

Hehe, the thirteenth son of Heavenly Dao, luck Yellow Dragon Obviously, the thirty-first emperor of Daning is gone!

But there is one thing to say, if Wei Changtian is allowed to make a judgment, he really thinks that Ning Yongnian will win.

After all, what the luck Yellow Dragon blesses is "kingdom", which means that in this Realm, unless there is too much difference in strength, Ning Yongnian should have no opponents.

And as for what he needs to do in this battle.

"Hey, brother Chu, since the fight is already going on, it doesn't make much sense to think about the reason."

Wei Chang Heavenly Stems coughed, and directly threw the problem to Chu Xianping: "What do you think we should do next?"


Chu Xianping nodded when he heard the words, and stopped thinking about "why Ning Yongnian fought this battle", but followed Wei Changtian's question for a while.


A gust of wind blew in from the window, blowing the secret letter on the table to the ground.

Chu Xianping paused, leaned over to pick up the secret letter, and when he looked up again, he already had the answer.

"My son."

"You, or Master Wei, have to go to Jizhou as soon as possible."

(end of this chapter)

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