Chapter 236

Although it was only a short sentence, Wei Changtian and Chu Xianping were stunned for a long time by the amount of information.

Internal Energy pointed and erased the small words on the table. Chu Xianping frowned, as if he was thinking about the authenticity of this news.

And Wei Changtian was thinking about the same question at this time.

First of all, since it is information from the same boat society, the person who sent the message must have served the Puppet Pill, so there will definitely be no intentional spread of false information.

Unless, someone is playing tricks on purpose

This kind of trick to seduce Xi Zuo to show up is not uncommon, Xuan Jingsi is very good at playing this trick.

But since it is a game, you must first have an object of suspicion.

I haven't issued any instructions to the fellowship association so far, and it should be reasonable that no one will expose it.

And since the fellowship has not been exposed, there is one last possibility——

In the court hall, or by Ning Yongnian's side, there are other masters.

If we combine the interests associated with this piece of information.

There is no doubt that it is the Xu family's secret work.

Of course, this is all just speculation.

It is also possible that there is no so-called "bureau" at all, it is just that someone in a high position in the same boat club got this "top secret" from a certain channel


Needles can be heard in the room, a small pile of fine sawdust is scattered on the table, and there is a faint woody fragrance lingering at the tip of the nose.

Wei Changtian pondered for a moment, then asked Chu Xianping, "Brother Chu, what do you think about this matter?"

"should be true"

Chu Xianping frowned and nodded, holding the piece of Mother-Child jade in his hand: "I just don't know if there are other schemes involved."

"Well, that's what I thought."

Wei Changtian swung his sleeves and swept all the sawdust to the ground, sat down and took a sip of tea.

"Send an order to the fellow shipmates, let them keep an eye on other people who also know about this matter, and see if something will happen to these people."

"Okay, I'll do it later."

Chu Xianping responded, and his expression gradually became relaxed: "But no matter what, this is a good thing for us."

“It is indeed a good thing”

Wei Changtian smiled.

"I'm worried that I don't have enough chips, so this will be delivered to my door."

Choushi, Pingchangfang, Yaolou, the capital.

Since the Xu family rebelled, the business of the brothels in Pingchangfang has not been as easy as before.

Actually is not because of how "concerned about the country and the people" these fireworks women and clients are, they care about the important affairs of their family and country and have no intention of enjoying themselves.

The main reason for the decline in performance is due to the overnight stay.

From Zishi to Maoshi, no one is allowed to walk outside except for sudden illness and death.

Therefore, the guests of the brothel either have to leave before midnight, or they have to spend the night in the brothel.

And many men don't have such "family status" as Wei Changtian, and usually go to brothels in secret, let alone stay out at night.

Therefore, it is normal for the passenger flow to drop sharply.


"Hey! Mr. Xiang, you haven't come for some time!"

In the hall decorated with colored silk, the bustard in gorgeous clothes greeted a middle-aged man who just walked in with a smile on his face.

Now the time of Zi has passed, and strictly speaking the man has broken the law.

However, with this lord's official position, no one would dare to say anything.

"Sit down first, drink some wine to warm up!"

"I'm going to let Qin'er get ready!"

"You guys! Serve Master Xiang!"

After finally waiting for a benefactor, the madam will naturally not let it go.

She stretched out her hand to invite a few girls to drink with the man, but she smiled and turned around and left quickly, probably to find the man's "old friend".

"Master Xiang~ I've recently practiced the Kung Fu of turning the phoenix upside down~ My lord, do you want to try it~"

"That's right, Mr. Xiang~ Sister Qin'er has just received a guest, so you can bypass her~"

"Our sisters are no worse than Sister Qin'er~"

"Myolie just learned a new song by Chunjianghuayueye yesterday, would you like to listen to it?"


Yingying and Yanyan surrounded the surroundings, and the girls were all trying their best to "pry the corner of the wall".

If Wei Changtian were here at this moment, he would probably sigh, "This industry is also involuntary", and then enjoy the experience.

However, the middle-aged man obviously didn't have such a mood. While dealing with the group of women with a forced smile, he kept casting his eyes in the direction where the old bustard left.

It wasn't until the latter showed up again and walked over that he finally secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Master Xiang, Miss Qin'er has already tidied up."

The old bustard smiled and said, "Would you like to go there now, or play with other girls for a while?"

"Take me there."

The man casually dropped a bag of silver, pushed away several charming women who were nestled in his arms, and stood up slowly.

"Okay, my lord, this way please."

The old bustard nodded and walked in front, and the man followed behind, all the way to the door of an embroidery room on the second floor.

"Master Xiang, then I will go down first, if you have anything to call me." The old bustard lowered her head.


The man nodded, not noticing the fine beads of sweat on the old bustard's forehead, he stretched out his hand to open the door and walked in.

The embroidery room is very large, divided into two rooms inside and outside.

Going around a screen and entering the inner room, there is hot tea on the table, but strangely, there is no one around.

For a moment, the man felt bad, and immediately turned around and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, an old eunuch in a purple robe appeared out of nowhere and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Li, Eunuch Li"

"Hehe, Mr. Xiang, didn't you just have a discussion with the emperor?"

Li Huaizhong narrowed his eyes, and took a step closer with a cold expression: "Why did you come to Yaolou?"


The man panicked for a while, but soon calmed down.

He snorted coldly, and shouted sternly: "Hmph! Eunuch Li, do I need to inform you in advance if I come to visit a brothel?!"

"Of course it doesn't have to be."

Li Huaizhong arched his cupped hands lightly: "Our family is just following the emperor's order to take Mr. Xiang back to the palace."

"Go back to the palace?"

The man's body trembled slightly, but his expression remained intact: "What are you going back to the palace for?"

"Master Xiang, our family doesn't know about this."

Li Huaizhong looked up, and there seemed to be some sarcasm in his eyes: "Perhaps the adults know better?"


The cold night wind blew in from the window, and the charming laughter outside the house did not know when it had stopped.


Several candle lamps in the room were suddenly extinguished, and immediately the two Daoist figures disappeared in place, staggering back and forth several times in the blink of an eye.


"Bang bang bang!"



It seemed that everything that happened just now was an illusion, and after a few breaths, the room returned to silence.

Only the man in the third rank was no match for Li Huaizhong, who had recovered from his illness at all. After three moves, the latter twisted his arms and stomped on his feet.

"Master Xiang, you are stupid"

Looking down at the man curled up on the ground in cold sweat, Li Huaizhong laughed softly:

"Don't even think about how the Xu family can beat the emperor."

(end of this chapter)

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