I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 246 Old Zhangtou's Education Level

Chapter 246 Old Zhangtou's Education Level


This is the first item rating Wei Changtian has seen in the system.

Previously, all props in the system had only six notes.

Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Yellow, Special, One-off.

So when did this "immortal" level come out?

Opening the system mall, I looked at all kinds of props for a long time, but I didn't see any fairy-level props.

Combined with the expression "there is no description yet, and the purchase authorization has not been opened yet", Wei Changtian suddenly came up with an idea.

Could it be that fairy-level props can only be retrieved by name and not displayed in the product list?

So does this mean that this prop has exceeded a certain "category"?

But how did the old man get this "beyond version" Sword Technique?

Staring at the sword manual, Wei Changtian pondered for a long time, and finally could only come up with two guesses.

First, this sword manual is indeed called "Tiaoyue", but due to its age, the handle of the word "Tiao" and the lower part of the word "Yue" on the cover have been worn away, and it looks like "Tiaoyue". Zhaori" only.

Second, this sword manual is called "Zhaori" at all, or even though it is called "Tiaoyue", it is not the same thing as the Sword Technique in the system at all.

If it's the former, then you've made a lot of money.

And if it's the latter, then it's nothing but joy.

Taking a deep breath, Wei Changtian hurriedly continued flipping through the sword manual, trying to find the answer from it.

An hour later.

The carriage was still galloping on the official road between the mountains and fields, with the bright moon hanging high above.

Entering the hall, breaking the tide.

Pure Qingjing, Kai Yun.

Little Perfection, Reaching for the Stars.

Dzogchen, Luoyue

Seeing the second half of the sword manual, Wei Changtian basically got a good news and a bad news.

The good news is that this Sword Technique should really be called "Moon Picking".

The bad news is that this "Moon Picking Sword" doesn't look like a Martial Skill that can surpass the Heavenly Rank.

Because it's just too easy.

Compared with the obscurity of "Returning to Dust Knife", every move of "Tiaoyue Sword" is very ordinary, even a bit basic Sword Technique.

Wei Changtian doesn't believe in the nonsense that "the road is as simple as it is".

No matter how proficient the physics knowledge in junior high school is, it is impossible to build an atomic bomb. This is almost the same reason.

"Wow, wow"

The speed of turning pages couldn't help but speed up a few times, and his expression gradually became impatient.

But in line with the "good habit" of starting and ending, Wei Changtian still saw the last page of the sword manual.

Then he froze suddenly.

"this f*ck"

I have to say that Lao Zhangtou can always bring himself some "surprises".

Who would have thought that there would be a letter on the last page of this sword manual!

More importantly, what was written on the envelope turned out to be——

Tu'er kiss? ?

There are too many strokes in the word "脸", so you can't write it, right? ? ?

With an extremely bad premonition, Wei Changtian slowly tore open the envelope, shaking out a piece of letter paper full of crooked characters.

"Tu'er, it's been too long since ten has not been mentioned. If there is an O, you can just pretend that nothing happened."


? ? ?

Can anyone tell me what this is written about?

Wei Changtian suddenly felt as if he had returned to the beginning of the 21st century when Martian literature was prevalent. He read it several times in a daze, and finally understood this sentence.

Disciple, I have been a teacher for too long and haven't written a pen. If there is a typo, you can just pretend that nothing happened.

Nothing happened?

I will bear with typos, what do you mean by circling?

Good guy, won't the whole "seventy-eight characters omitted here" come out later?

Resisting the speechlessness in his heart, Wei Changtian continued to read bit by bit, and his expression became more and more exciting.

The old Zhangtou's letter is concise and to the point. Firstly, he stated that he had confiscated the five hundred taels of "private money" that Wei Changtian secretly left to Agou, and then he blew the Yueyue Sword Manual, encouraging Wei Changtian to practice diligently. , striving to reach his height as soon as possible, and finally reprimanded Wei Changtian for "leaving without saying goodbye" with great dissatisfaction.

At the very end, the old Zhangtou even lifted the jade plaque engraved with "Kuilong".

Of course, it was still a string of "Martian texts", and it took Wei Changtian a long time to understand the meaning.

"Disciple, I suddenly remembered that the jade plaque I gave you will become hot and shiny every few years, and occasionally some small characters will appear."

"However, in recent years, my teacher has been throwing it in the box. I don't know if it will still be like this now."

"This card is really extraordinary, it's really cheap for you kid."


After flipping through the letter paper and confirming that there was nothing missing, Wei Changtian finally heaved a sigh of relief, no longer in the mood to complain.

Taking out the jade tablet, he looked at it and pondered the meaning of the last few words of old Zhangtou.

It seems that this is Kuilong's communication token, and it is more advanced than Mother-Child jade, and it can send "text messages" directly!

Talking about science in the cultivation world is stupid, so Wei Changtian didn't worry about how such a function was realized, but was thinking about how to activate the communication ability of this jade tablet.

He had tried the Mother-Child jade method before, but it didn't work.

So there must be something more complicated to use

Touching the ghost-faced dragon carved on the front with his fingers, Wei Changtian suddenly remembered the remnant soul in the Xuantian Sword.

That thing obviously knows most, if not all, the secrets of Kuilong's organization.

Yes indeed!

So just get it out and ask no!

Because he killed Wu Tianqing and others in Yanyun Mountain, Wei Changtian was worried about retaliation, so he has always been very curious about Kuilong.

And now that he has obtained this jade medal, it is time to figure it out.

As for the lifespan needed to summon the remnant soul.

Hehe, Xiao Feng doesn't want to harm others, so he uses his own lifespan.

But I was not a good person in the first place, so I just found someone to "pay" for me. Is there anything wrong with that?

Done! Go back to Shuzhou and take care of this first!

He happily put the sword manual and jade plaque into his arms, Wei Changtian was in a good mood at this time.

He opened the curtain and looked out.

The moon is sparse, and the faint moonlight shines down, covering the mountains, plains, and carriages.

However, when the silver light traveled thousands of miles to Yanyun Mountain outside the city of Shuzhou, it was completely covered by thick dark clouds.


"Ohh Ohh ohh"

"Master, Mr. Xiang, why didn't you wait for me?"



In the dense forest on the mountainside of Yanyun, a woman knelt and hugged a corpse that had rotted to the point that its bones were exposed, crying bitterly.

In front of her was a huge hole several feet deep, surrounded by large pieces of loess.

Obviously, this corpse was dug out from the soil alive by the woman

Such a scene is undoubtedly very terrifying, and it will be even more terrifying if it is combined with the night sky with dark clouds rolling overhead.


"Sir, don't you like to eat fish?"

"That fish you didn't get to eat! I brought it to you!"

"I promise you to eat, you eat!"

"You eat!!"

Suddenly, the woman took out a wrinkled dried fish out of nowhere, and then sent it to the mouth of the skeleton with the meat hanging like crazy, until the skeleton "eat" all the dried fish before saying with a satisfied smile :

"Hehehe, my lord."

"You ate, you ate."

(end of this chapter)

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