I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 261: The Extraordinary Feature Of The Moon Raising Sword

Chapter 261: The Extraordinary Feature of the Moon Raising Sword

At the end of the day, a ray of golden light pierced the dark clouds that rolled all night, and the endless thunder finally took a breather.

Leaving aside the token of the Imperial Guard in his hand, Wei Xianzhi, who has not slept all night, is planning to wipe out the Liu family.

Wei Changtian, who is far away in Shuzhou, also did not sleep tonight.

Pushing open the door, I walked along the mountain road for about a stick of incense. I only met a few Tianluo Sect disciples who got up early along the way.

"I have seen my brother."

"Young Master Wei."


Different but very respectful greetings sounded from the side of the road from time to time, and Wei Changtian smiled and nodded in response.

He participated in the "Grand Ceremony" almost two months ago, and has officially become the Holy Son of Tianluo Sect.

The whole process was very smooth, and there was no such thing as "someone finds faults, and then he shows himself in front of others and shocks the audience" in the online articles.

It seems that everyone is very convinced that he is the new son.

Of course, some people may not be sincerely convinced, but they just didn't speak out due to Qin Zhengqiu's pressure.

But no matter what, since the grand ceremony was successfully completed, the result cannot be changed.

And this also means that if Qin Zhengqiu suddenly dies for some reason, he will take over the position of Head Teacher and directly become the leader of the world's number one demon sect.


A gust of morning wind skimmed over the top of Jiuding Mountain, flapping the corners of the clothes and hunting.

He stopped on the edge of a cliff, raised his eyes and looked forward.

The surrounding peak of the opposite mountain was partially covered by a layer of dark clouds, which cut off the peak body, leaving only half of the peak and the distant and near peaks floating in the sea of ​​clouds, like several islands in the sea.

When the fog is broken, the sun will pass, and the remaining clouds will still make thunder.


The thunder that stopped for a while began to roar in the distance again.

Wei Changtian just stood there watching for a long while, until Chaoyang tried his best to tear through the haze and completely jumped out of the sky, then turned and walked back along the way he came from.

Behind him, a corner of Shuzhou City, which was covered by mountains, was exposed. Because the distance was too far, only the criss-crossing gray roofs could be vaguely seen.

Just like the city built by the player in the sandbox game of the previous life.

No matter how huge Nobita is, it is just a plaything of "God" in a higher plane after all.

Last night, the last question Wei Changtian wanted to ask Chu Xianping was actually——

"Brother Chu, if I tell you that there are not only first rank masters in this world, but also"

"Where are the real gods?"

A quarter of an hour later, Wei Changtian had already walked back to the gate of Tianluo Sect, and found Qin Zhengqiu who was meditating in a quiet room.

"Grandpa, are you practicing?"

"Hahaha, don't practice anymore, don't practice anymore."

Qin Zhengqiu opened his eyes and smiled brightly: "Changtian, I heard that there is already a fight in Yuanzhou?"


Wei Changtian sat cross-legged on the futon beside him: "The beating started yesterday morning."

"Well, if you want to come to this battle, you will have to fight for at least a year and a half."

Qin Zhengqiu was obviously not very interested in the war in Yuanzhou. After nodding his head, he stopped mentioning it and asked with a smile, "By the way, have you started practicing that Sword Technique?"

"Moon Picking Sword?"

Wei Changtian was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.


He was telling the truth.

Ever since he returned to Shuzhou, he had forgotten about the Yueyue Sword, and never thought about practicing it at all.

After all, this Sword Technique is unreliable no matter how you look at it.

Wei Changtian knew that he was not the "protagonist" with great luck like Xiao Feng, and he had already decided in his heart that the "Moon-Picking Sword" in his hand was not the same thing as the fairy-level Martial Skill "Picking-Moon Sword" in the system.

But now Qin Zhengqiu seems to have some new ideas.

"Chang Tian, ​​I have nothing to do these few days to practice the Sword Technique, and I just practiced it to the top level yesterday."

According to the degree of mastery, Martial Skill can be divided into four Realms—Dengtang, Pure Green, Small Perfection, and Great Perfection.

Under normal circumstances, a warrior with ordinary savvy can reach the Ascension Stage after practicing an ordinary Martial Skill for about half a year, enter the Pure Youth Stage in three to five years, and reach the Little Perfection after at least ten years.

As for the Dzogchen, it cannot be achieved by practicing alone, and requires a certain opportunity.

Of course, this is just the general case.

For example, some talented people, or third-rank masters like Qin Zhengqiu, must practice faster.

But no matter how fast it is, it is difficult to practice a Martial Skill to the top in just a few days.

So this can only mean one thing.

That is, "Moon Picking Sword" is indeed too simple.

"Grandpa, what then?"

Wei Changtian asked without interest: "Is there anything special about it?"


Unexpectedly, Qin Zhengqiu gave a very positive answer without hesitation.

"This Sword Technique is really different!"


Hearing this, Wei Changtian suddenly regained his energy, and hurriedly asked, "What's the difference?"


Qin Zhengqiu looked around, and finally picked up a half-burned incense stick from the incense burner next to him, and immediately waved it from top to bottom.


The blue smoke drew a semicircular trajectory in the air, and a little red light flickered.

Wei Changtian knew that Qin Zhengqiu was actually demonstrating the extraordinary features of the Moon-Picking Sword, but after observing for a long time, he didn't notice anything unusual.

Qin Zhengqiu seemed to see his doubts, so he got up and walked to the door of the quiet room, and pointed to an invisible crack on the wooden door.

"Chang Tian, ​​have you ever seen anything?"


Wei Changtian took two steps closer, although he saw the thin crack, he didn't care about it in his heart.

With this little lethality, I'm afraid it's not even one-tenth of the Guichen Knife.

"Grandpa, so what?"

"Hahaha, come out with me and watch."

Qin Zhengqiu laughed twice, pushed the door out quite mysteriously, walked all the way through the small courtyard outside the quiet room, and brought Wei Changtian to stop in front of the courtyard wall made of bluestones.

But this time before he could point it out again, Wei Changtian saw the same very small but real crack.


Eyes widened suddenly, Wei Changtian asked in disbelief: "Is this also left behind by that trick just now?"


Qin Zhengqiu nodded with a half-smile, and then continued to walk out of the courtyard door, walked a dozen more steps in the straight direction of the gap, and finally stopped in front of a Shiraishi.

The same gap suddenly appeared, more than a few inches into the stone.


It is tens of feet away from the quiet room to here, and there is a door and a wall in the middle.

So, just now, Qin Zhengqiu's casual wave... actually pierced through two obstacles in a row, and then cut a crack several inches deep on the boulder? !


Wei Changtian took a deep breath: "How much strength did you use just now?"

"Less than 10%."

Qin Zhengqiu shook his head, and said with a somewhat complicated expression: "But the power of this move has nothing to do with the amount of force I use, but a 'momentum' in it."


Wei Changtian was taken aback.

The biggest difference between the upper third rank and the middle third rank is to grasp the "potential".

If Qin Zhengqiu had added "Position" just now, then it's not surprising that this move is so powerful.

But since the latter looks like this now

"Grandpa, what do you mean you didn't use 'power' just now?"


Qin Zhengqiu nodded solemnly, and after pondering for a moment, he slowly said:

"This 'momentum' comes from this Sword Technique, not from me."

(end of this chapter)

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