I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 270 The Standard Controversy (Part 2)

Chapter 270 The "Standard" Controversy (Part 2)


"Half an hour ago."

Capital, Liu Mansion.

At the end of the time, the mansion courtyard was crowded with people standing or kneeling, hundreds of torches were burning, and the light of the fire was reflected on the back of the knife, on the red armor, and on the cold or pale faces. , dispelled the darkness, but could not dispel the cold.

When Wang Er hurried all the way from the outside into the main hall, and whispered a few words in Wei Xianzhi's ear, Liu Zhongchun had already guessed the result of his desperate fight.

"I see."

A boulder fell to the ground in his heart, and Wei Xianzhi looked up again after a while, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

There is surprise, there is anger, there is relief, and there is a trace of compassion.

He opened his mouth slowly, confirming Liu Zhongchun's guess.

"Master Liu, all of your subordinates are dead."



The forehead and the corners of the eyes were undulating, and there were spots of gray between the temples, and even the back became slightly hunched at this moment.

Liu Zhongchun sighed softly, and nodded in a self-deprecating way.

"Master Wei, I guessed it."


Wei Xianzhi's expression remained unchanged, and he slowly raised his right hand.

"Master Liu, then you should have guessed what will happen to the Liu family."

"The Fate of the Liu Family"

Liu Zhongchun gave a wry smile, watched Wei Xianzhi raise his palm higher and higher, and then...


Like an old beggar begging along the street, and like a mountain falling down suddenly.

Liu Zhongchun bent his knees a little bit, and slowly knelt down at Wei Xianzhi's feet amidst countless astonished eyes.

As the head of the Liu family, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials dressed in purple.

In this life, Liu Zhongchun has only kneeled down to his parents, the ancestors of the Liu family, and Ning Yongnian.

And now he actually knelt before his former rival.

This kneeling undoubtedly lost the Liu family's face, and also lost all his own dignity.

"Master! How can you do this!!"

"When we die, we die! I am not afraid of death!!"

"The Liu family can't afford to lose this man!"


"You are confused!!!"


Wails and shouts flooded in from outside the door, but Liu Zhongchun didn't move at all, just pressed his forehead to the ground tremblingly, and slowly propped himself up after crawling for a few breaths.

"Master Wei, this old man knows that he must die, and he also knows that no member of the Liu family can live according to the law."

"However, if these people are really dead, the Liu family will truly be left behind."

"I don't ask you to bypass them, I just ask the Liu family to leave a trace of incense."

Trembling, Liu Zhongchun stretched out his fingers to a swaddling baby in a woman's arms, and the baby was crying hoarsely.

"Master Wei, this son was born less than two months ago."

"He will never remember what happened today, and he will not be named Liu in the future."

"Just, let him live."


Hundreds of people from the Liu family, but they only seek a way out for a baby.

This may be the only situation Liu Zhongchun can think of that Wei Xianzhi may agree to.


The right hand hanging in the air suddenly fell, and hundreds of long knives behind him tore through the air.


The uniform movements turned into uniform voices.

Amidst the desolate jingle, the Imperial Guard's specially made Yanling Saber cut across the skin, flesh, and bones, instantly beheading hundreds of heads of men, women and children to the ground.



The baby's lonely cry resounded through the night sky, a heart-piercing fear.

The swaddling baby embroidered with the word "Ping An" fell from the woman's arms into a pool of blood, and a Imperial Guard hovered over it with a knife raised, while looking up at Wei Xianzhi.

Human hearts are always made of flesh.

Perhaps this imperial guard had killed countless people, but when he faced such the weakest and most innocent life, he still couldn't bear it.

"My lord, this."


Wei Xianzhi replied without emotion, and at the same time drew his knife and looked at Liu Zhongchun who was crying at his feet.

"Master Liu, cut the weeds and get rid of the roots."

"I'm sorry."


A cold light flashed across Liu Zhongchun's neck, and the imperial guard behind him also gritted his teeth and stabbed the Yanling Saber hard.




The loud crying stopped abruptly, and there was no movement in the huge Liu Mansion since then, only the fierce sound of the torches burning wafted in my ears.

In the fifteenth year of Tianji, on the third day of April, early summer, a branch of the Liu family in Daning died in the capital.

Looking into Qingming, the Milky Way falls into MSI.

If he had known about today, no matter whether it was Liu Yuanshan or Liu Zhongchun, they would never have provoked the Wei family.

It's a pity that there is no such thing as "knowing the beginning" in this world.

The same is true of Yunlian at that time.

The torrential rain was like a curtain, and countless long water-colored threads were dragged from the sky to the earth.



When two palm prints, one gold and one white mixed with infinite power, shot towards her, Yun Lian knew that it was impossible for her to live.

In this short moment, she had no time to resist or say anything.

She didn't even know why these two people who had never met before wanted to kill herself.

I don't know if the thunder that I triggered at the cost of my life killed the murderer who killed my husband.


Even if Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu didn't do anything, Yun Lian would die when the heavy rain stopped.

If he knew about this, Wei Changtian might regret that he wasted 500 system points in vain.

But now he probably won't have the chance to "remorse".



With two loud noises, one in front and one in the back, two palm prints pierced Yun Lian's chest fiercely, and the blood splashed everywhere disappeared in the pouring rain like surging waves.

【Ding! 】

[Detected that the host killed Heavenly Dao's son "Yunlian"]

[The host has plundered all its luck, reward system points 1500]

[It is detected that the host is not related to "Heavenly Dao" in this world, and cannot enjoy the luck bonus. Now the luck of "Yingyu" is distributed in the form of special magical powers]

[Congratulations to the host, who has mastered the special supernatural power "Combination"]

[Combination: special supernatural power, which can induce rain, snow, thunder, and wind, and its effect depends on the user's Realm. It cannot be purchased, it can only be obtained through designated methods]


A series of system prompts sounded in his head, which meant that Yun Lian was indeed dead.

The red fish with wings floated in the night sky, and swam into Wei Changtian's Dantian with its long tail, occupying a territory with Yunyan and Yellow Dragon, who were clearly one size smaller than it.

And at this moment, Wei Changtian finally knew the direction of Yunlian's Heavenly Dao luck blessing.

The way of disaster is similar to my previous guess.

She froze for a while, then shook her head and walked to the side of Yunlian who had changed back to her original body.

A blue-red fish.

Seeing such a big fish in the dense forest of Jiuding Mountain is actually a bit funny.

But Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu didn't smile, they just looked in the direction the fish eyes were looking at.

Under the raised boulder was a half-decomposed skeleton. Although it was raining heavily, it was hardly touched by the rain.

There is no doubt that this must be Wu Tianqing.


Looking up at the night sky, Wei Changtian suddenly said:

"Why don't we just bury the two of them together."


Qin Zhengqiu nodded and sighed softly: "Oh, no wonder Wu Tianqing said that sentence back then."


Wei Changtian turned his head in confusion and asked, "What are you talking about?"


Qin Zhengqiu seemed to be lost in memory, and it took him a while to explain silently:

"Chang Tian, ​​Wu Tianqing in white was a character that everyone knew, but he suddenly disappeared from Rivers and Lakes fifty years ago."

"People don't know why, they only know that he once left a letter to his friend, and there is a sentence in the letter that should be about the reason."

Qin Zhengqiu said a word with emotion.

And Wei Changtian had actually heard these words from Yang Liushi.

"Wu Tianqing said that someone wants to know what it's like to love and hate in this world, so he's going to make that person perfect."

"Thinking about it now, this person should be Yunlian."


Fish cannot grow without water.

Wei Changtian originally thought that Wu Tianqing and Yun Lian were in a "compassionate" relationship, but he didn't expect that it was actually "water and fish".

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Love, hatred, hatred, Yunlian really knows what it's like now.


Another bolt of purple lightning strikes the distant mountain peak, and the lightning flashes away in an instant.

There are thousands of hatreds in the past and present, should separation and reunion be joys and sorrows?


The love stories of common things in the world of mortals are always long and long, and short and short.

Growing up to the vicissitudes of life, Yin & Yang have endless stories in the afterlife.

It is so short that it seems that it can be finished in just this thunderclap.

(end of this chapter)

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